path: root/license_protected_downloads/api/v1.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'license_protected_downloads/api/v1.py')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/license_protected_downloads/api/v1.py b/license_protected_downloads/api/v1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc6fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/license_protected_downloads/api/v1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import os
+import random
+import shutil
+from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
+from django.http import (
+ HttpResponse,
+ HttpResponseForbidden,
+ HttpResponseServerError
+from django.conf import settings
+from license_protected_downloads.models import APIKeyStore, APILog
+from license_protected_downloads.common import safe_path_join
+def upload_target_path(path, key, public):
+ """Quick path handling function.
+ Checks that the generated path doesn't end up outside the target directory,
+ so you can't set path to start with "/" and upload to anywhere.
+ """
+ if public:
+ base_path = os.path.join(settings.SERVED_PATHS[0])
+ else:
+ base_path = os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_PATH, key)
+ return safe_path_join(base_path, path)
+def file_server_post(request, path):
+ """ Handle post requests.
+ All post requests must be accompanied by a valid key. If not, the upload
+ will be ignored.
+ Files are stored in a private directory that can not be accessed via the
+ web interface unless you have the same key.
+ """
+ if not ("key" in request.POST and
+ APIKeyStore.objects.filter(key=request.POST["key"])):
+ APILog.mark(request, 'INVALID_KEY')
+ return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid key")
+ api_key = APIKeyStore.objects.get(key=request.POST["key"])
+ if 'file' not in request.FILES or not path:
+ APILog.mark(request, 'INVALID_ARGUMENTS', api_key)
+ return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid call")
+ APILog.mark(request, 'FILE_UPLOAD', api_key)
+ path = upload_target_path(
+ path, request.POST["key"], public=api_key.public)
+ # Create directory if required
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ with open(path, "wb") as destination:
+ for chunk in request.FILES["file"].chunks():
+ destination.write(chunk)
+ return HttpResponse("OK")
+def api_request_key(request):
+ APILog.mark(request, 'REQUEST_KEY')
+ if("key" in request.GET and
+ request.GET["key"] == settings.MASTER_API_KEY and
+ settings.MASTER_API_KEY):
+ # Generate a new, random key.
+ key = "%030x" % random.randrange(256 ** 15)
+ while APIKeyStore.objects.filter(key=key):
+ key = "%030x" % random.randrange(256 ** 15)
+ # Look for a hint of sanity in the value given to public, but don't
+ # care about it too much.
+ yes = ["", "y", "yes", "true", "1"]
+ if "public" in request.GET:
+ public = request.GET["public"].lower() in yes
+ else:
+ public = False
+ api_key = APIKeyStore(key=key, public=public)
+ api_key.save()
+ return HttpResponse(key)
+ return HttpResponseForbidden()
+def api_delete_key(request):
+ APILog.mark(request, 'DELETE_KEY')
+ if "key" not in request.GET:
+ return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid key")
+ key = request.GET["key"]
+ api_key = APIKeyStore.objects.filter(key=key)
+ if not api_key:
+ return HttpResponseServerError("Invalid key")
+ # Delete key from database and all files associated with it
+ api_key.delete()
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_PATH, key))
+ return HttpResponse("OK")
+def api_push_to_server(request):
+ # TODO: Upload files from this machine to another linaro-licence-protection
+ # node.
+ """
+ Something like:
+ if request.GET["target"] in settings.REMOTE_SERVERS:
+ remote_server = settings.REMOTE_SERVERS[request.GET["target"]]
+ remote_server should contain:
+ {
+ "key": "...",
+ "url": "...",
+ }
+ now just POST files from this machine to the specified URL/KEY.
+ Possibly add some magic to POST endpoint (file_server_post) to allow
+ (some users??) uploads to a public path:
+ POST snapshots.linaro.org/path/to/file?key="key"&public=true
+ """
+ pass