device_type: rzn1d job_name: SE ${MACHINE} prod-image (u-boot,ubi) ${MANIFEST_BRANCH}-${KERNEL_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL} ${BUILD_NUMBER} timeouts: job: minutes: 100 action: minutes: 70 connection: minutes: 20 priority: medium visibility: public actions: #################### # Deploy QSPI images #################### - deploy: namespace: dfu-firmware to: tmpfs images: sf_fsbl: image_arg: --alt sf_fsbl --download {sf_fsbl} url: ${FSBL_URL} sf_trustedfw0: image_arg: --alt sf_trustedfw0 --download {sf_trustedfw0} url: ${OPTEE_ITB_URL} sf_trustedfw1: image_arg: --alt sf_trustedfw1 --download {sf_trustedfw1} url: ${OPTEE_ITB_URL} sf_uboot0: image_arg: --alt sf_uboot0 --download {sf_uboot0} url: ${UBOOT_ITB_URL} sf_uboot1: image_arg: --alt sf_uboot1 --download {sf_uboot1} url: ${UBOOT_ITB_URL} - command: namespace: dfu-firmware name: set_boot_to_nand - boot: namespace: dfu-firmware method: dfu timeout: minutes: 10 - command: namespace: test name: set_boot_to_qspi ########################## # Configure ethernet ports ########################## - command: namespace: test name: j17_off - command: namespace: test name: j21_on - command: namespace: test name: j22_off - command: namespace: test name: j23_off - command: namespace: test name: j24_off ############### # u-boot ############### - deploy: namespace: test-uboot timeout: minutes: 15 to: tftp kernel: # This is a known kernel image used for CRC checks only url: type: zimage - boot: namespace: test-uboot connection-namespace: dfu-firmware timeout: minutes: 20 method: bootloader bootloader: u-boot commands: [] prompts: ["=>"] # Run some U-Boot tests - test: namespace: test-uboot timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: uboot-tests prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: - command: echo "u-boot echo test" name: echo successes: - message: "u-boot echo test" - command: version name: version successes: - message: "U-Boot" - command: help test name: help successes: - message: "test - minimal test like /bin/sh" # saveenv and printenv - command: setenv test_var test123 - command: printenv name: setenv-and-printenv successes: - message: "test_var=test123" - name: memory-test prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: # memory test # base - print or set address offset - command: base name: print-default-base-address-offset successes: - message: "Base Address: 0x" - command: base 80000000 name: set-address-offset-0x80000000 successes: - message: "Base Address: 0x80000000" - command: base name: check-address-offset-0x80000000 successes: - message: "Base Address: 0x80000000" # crc32 - checksum calculation - command: mw.b 00000000 aa 400 - command: crc32 -v 80000000 400 3c6f327d - command: echo return code $$? name: compute-CRC32-checksum successes: - message: "return code 0" # mw - memory write # md - memory display - command: mw 100000 aabbccdd 10 - command: md 100000 10 name: mw-md-100000 successes: - message: "aabbccdd" # md - memory display # cp - memory copy - command: cp 100000 200000 10 - command: md 200000 10 name: cp-md-200000 successes: - message: "aabbccdd" # cmp - memory compare - command: cmp 100000 200000 10 name: cmp-100000-200000-10 successes: - message: "Total of 16 word\\(s\\) were the same" - name: dhcp-cmds prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: # dhcp - command: setenv autoload no ; dhcp ; dhcp name: dhcp successes: - message: "DHCP client bound to address" - name: ping-cmds prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: # ping - command: ping {SERVER_IP} name: ping successes: - message: "is alive" - name: tftp-cmds prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: # TFTP - command: setenv serverip {SERVER_IP} ; tftp {KERNEL_ADDR} {KERNEL} name: tftp successes: - message: "Bytes transferred = 6752784" - command: crc32 -v {KERNEL_ADDR} 670a10 ca050911 - command: echo return code $$? successes: - message: "return code 0" - name: nand-commands prompts: ["=> ", "/ # "] script: # nand - command: nand info name: nand-info successes: - message: nand0, sector size 128 KiB ############### # prod-image.ubi ############### - deploy: namespace: test-ubi to: tmpfs images: n_fs1: image_arg: --alt n_fs1 --download {n_fs1} url: ${UBI_IMAGE_URL} - command: namespace: test-ubi name: set_boot_to_nand - boot: namespace: test-ubi method: dfu timeout: minutes: 10 - command: namespace: test-ubi name: set_boot_to_qspi - boot: namespace: test-ubi connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 20 method: u-boot commands: - run linux_bestla auto_login: login_prompt: "login:" username: root password_prompt: "Password:" password: "P@ssword-1" login_commands: - "P@ssword-1" - "azertAZERT12345" - "azertAZERT12345" - "azertAZERT12345" prompts: - "Current password: " - "New password: " - "Retype new password: " - "root@rzn1d400-bestla:" - test: namespace: test-ubi connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 60 interactive: - name: basic-cmds-ubi prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla"] script: - command: uname -a - command: cat /proc/device-tree/model ; echo "" - command: ps aux --sort -rss - command: cat /proc/meminfo - command: cat /proc/cpuinfo - command: free -h - command: sysctl -a | grep vm.min_free_kbytes - command: mount - command: systemctl --no-pager status systemd-resolved - command: systemctl --no-pager restart systemd-resolved - command: systemctl --no-pager status systemd-resolved - command: ifconfig -a - command: ping -c 3 - command: which docker - command: systemctl --no-pager status docker - command: sleep 100 - command: systemctl --no-pager status docker - command: ifconfig -a - command: docker run hello-world # - command: docker run -it ubuntu uname -a ################## # Reboot/Poweroff Tests ################## - test: namespace: test-reboot connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: reboot-cmds-1 prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla", "=> "] script: - command: reboot ; sleep 10 # Trigger 2nd boot - boot: namespace: test-reboot connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 10 method: u-boot commands: - run linux_bestla auto_login: login_prompt: "login:" username: root password_prompt: "Password:" password: azertAZERT12345 prompts: - "root@snarc-soca9:" - "root@rzn1d400-bestla:" - test: namespace: test-reboot connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: check-1st-reboot prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla"] script: - command: echo "We came back from a reboot" # Reboot the board a 2nd time - test: namespace: test-reboot-2 connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: reboot-cmds-2 prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla", "=> "] script: - command: reboot ; sleep 10 # Trigger a new boot - boot: namespace: test-reboot-2 connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 10 method: u-boot commands: - run linux_bestla auto_login: login_prompt: "login:" username: root password_prompt: "Password:" password: "azertAZERT12345" prompts: - "root@snarc-soca9:" - "root@rzn1d400-bestla:" - test: namespace: test-reboot-2 connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: check-2nd-reboot prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla", "=> "] script: - command: echo "We came back from the 2nd reboot" # Test poweroff - test: namespace: test-poweroff connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: poweroff-cmds prompts: ["root@snarc-soca9", "root@rzn1d400-bestla", "=> "] script: - command: poweroff ; sleep 10 # Check we are in u-boot after poweroff - test: namespace: test-poweroff connection-namespace: test-ubi timeout: minutes: 5 interactive: - name: check-poweroff prompts: ["=> "] script: - command: version successes: - message: "U-Boot" metadata: machine: ${MACHINE} manifest branch: ${MANIFEST_BRANCH}-${KERNEL_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL} manifest commit: ${MANIFEST_COMMIT} build url: ${BUILD_URL} build location: ${PUBLISH_SERVER}${PUB_DEST} notify: recipients: - to: method: email email: criteria: status: incomplete verbosity: verbose