- job: name: lt-qcom-clo-linux project-type: matrix defaults: global properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read - job-workspace linaro-qualcomm-ci: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 artifact-num-to-keep: 1 parameters: - string: name: KERNEL_REPO_URL default: 'https://staging-git.codelinaro.org/linaro/landing-teams/qualcomm/kernel.git' - string: name: KERNEL_CONFIGS_arm64 default: 'defconfig distro.config' - string: name: KERNEL_CONFIGS_arm default: 'multi_v7_defconfig distro.config' - string: name: KERNEL_BUILD_TARGET default: 'deb-pkg' - string: name: KERNEL_DESCRIBE - string: name: KERNEL_VERSION - string: name: KERNEL_BRANCH - string: name: KERNEL_FLAVOR default: 'linux' - string: name: KERNEL_DEBIAN default: '' - string: name: TARGET_REPO default: 'linaro-overlay-sid' - string: name: KDEB_CHANGELOG_DIST default: 'sid' - string: name: UPDATE_DEFCONFIG default: 'True' - string: name: PUBLISH_SERVER default: 'https://staging-artifacts.codelinaro.org/artifactory/codelinaro-qualcomm/' - string: name: CLO_MIGRATION default: 'true' description: 'Temporal variable which condition CLO code. This variable and conditions should be removed at some point' axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: ARCH values: - arm - arm64 - axis: type: slave name: label values: - docker-buster-amd64 execution-strategy: sequential: false disabled: true node: master display-name: '[CLO] Qualcomm LT Dragonboard Linux kernel build' scm: - git: url: ${KERNEL_REPO_URL} refspec: +refs/heads/${KERNEL_BRANCH}:refs/remotes/origin/${KERNEL_BRANCH} name: origin branches: - refs/heads/${KERNEL_BRANCH} basedir: linux skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false wrappers: - timestamps - build-name: name: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}-${GIT_REVISION,length=8}' - credentials-binding: - text: credential-id: LT_QCOM_CLO_API_KEY variable: LT_QCOM_CLO_API_KEY builders: - shell: !include-raw: lt-qcom-linux/builders-deps.sh - shell: !include-raw: lt-qcom/install-gcc-toolchain.sh - inject: properties-file: gcc_toolchain_env - shell: !include-raw: lt-qcom-linux/builders.sh - inject: properties-file: kernel_parameters - shell: !include-raw: lt-qcom-linux/builders_linaro_ci.sh - inject: properties-file: pub_dest_parameters - shell: !include-raw: lt-qcom/publishers.sh - trigger-builds: - project: 'lt-qcom-clo-linux-test-${KERNEL_FLAVOR}' property-file: test_params block: true - project: 'lt-qcom-clo-build-package' property-file: params block: true publishers: - email-ext: recipients: 'leonardo.sandoval@linaro.org nicolas.dechesne@linaro.org' failure: true still-failing: true matrix-trigger: only-parent