- job: name: lkft-notify-developer project-type: freestyle defaults: global properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read everyone-flat: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 parameters: - string: name: BUILD_URL description: 'Developer build API URL; i.e. https://qa-reports.linaro.org/api/builds/9367/' - string: name: EMAIL_DESTINATION description: 'Email address to notify, instead of default behavior' - bool: name: DRY_RUN description: 'Do not notify; just run and echo the report to the console' default: False disabled: false node: master concurrent: false display-name: 'LKFT Notify Developer' scm: - git: url: https://github.com/Linaro/lkft-tools.git refspec: +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* name: origin branches: - refs/heads/master skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false clean: before: true wrappers: - timeout: timeout: 60 - timestamps builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -ex python ./bin/lkft_notify_developer.py ${BUILD_URL} if [ -n "${EMAIL_DESTINATION}" ]; then # Override email.to if EMAIL_DESTINATION is set. echo ${EMAIL_DESTINATION} > email.to fi # Append default email addresses echo -n ",dan.rue@linaro.org,daniel.diaz@linaro.org" >> email.to publishers: - email-ext: # Send custom email generated in jenkins job recipients: ${FILE,path="email.to"} subject: ${FILE,path="email.subject"} content-type: text body: | ${FILE,path="email.body"} presend-script: "if (${DRY_RUN} == true){logger.println(\"DRY_RUN is set; skipping email notification\"); cancel = true}" success: true failure: false - email: recipients: 'dan.rue@linaro.org daniel.diaz@linaro.org'