- scm: name: jmh scm: - hg: url: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jmh clean: true browser: hgweb browser-url: https://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jmh/ subdir: jmh - scm: name: jmh-linaro-org scm: - git: url: https://git.linaro.org/leg/openjdk/jmh-linaro-org refspec: +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # refspec: ${GERRIT_REFSPEC} name: origin branches: - refs/heads/master # - ${GERRIT_BRANCH} skip-tag: true wipe-workspace: false basedir: jmh/jmh-linaro-org choosing-strategy: gerrit - job: name: jmh-build project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: | Build jmh with jmh-linaro-org benchmarks. Builds all of jmh and runs unit tests before building jmh-linaro-org. benchmarks.jar is published with jmh-linaro-org benchmarks. properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read openjdk-members: - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: num-to-keep: 10 artifact-num-to-keep: 1 parameters: - string: name: JDK_URL default: 'http://openjdk.linaro.org/releases/jdk9-server-release-1708.tar.xz' - string: name: MAVEN_URL default: 'http://www.us.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.3.9/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz' disabled: true node: aarch64-06 display-name: 'OpenJDK - Build jmh-linaro-org' triggers: # We poll the JMH Mercurial repository, and get triggered by review.linaro.org - pollscm: # Poll once an hour. Build if JMH changes, and not just jmh-linaro-org. cron: 'H * * * *' - gerrit: trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: true exclude-trivial-rebase: true exclude-no-code-change: true - change-merged-event server-name: 'review.linaro.org' override-votes: true gerrit-build-successful-verified-value: 1 gerrit-build-failed-verified-value: -1 gerrit-build-successful-codereview-value: 1 gerrit-build-failed-codereview-value: -1 readable-message: true successful-message: 'Build Successful' failure-message: 'Build FAILED' trigger-for-unreviewed-patches: true projects: - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN' project-pattern: 'leg/openjdk/jmh-linaro-org' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**' wrappers: - timestamps scm: - jmh - jmh-linaro-org builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -exu rm -rf jdk* apache-maven-* wget --progress=dot -e dotbytes=2M ${JDK_URL} ${MAVEN_URL} tar -Jxf jdk*.tar.xz tar -zxf apache-maven-*.tar.gz cd jdk*/lib/security/ rm -f cacerts ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts cd ${WORKSPACE}/jdk* export JAVA_HOME=${PWD} cd ${WORKSPACE}/apache-maven-* export M3_HOME=${PWD} export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${M3_HOME}/bin:${PATH} which java java -version mvn -version # Only go through complete jmh build and test on periodic builds. # There is a possibility of jmh being updated when patches are pushed # to gerrit, but this should be triggered by the polling soon enough if [ "${GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE:-}" = "" ]; then cd ${WORKSPACE}/jmh mvn -B clean install else cd ${WORKSPACE}/jmh/jmh-linaro-org git fetch https://review.linaro.org/$GERRIT_PROJECT $GERRIT_REFSPEC && git checkout FETCH_HEAD fi # Builds the samples and jmh, without running unit tests. cd ${WORKSPACE}/jmh/jmh-linaro-org mvn -B clean install publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'jmh/jmh-linaro-org/target/benchmarks.jar' - email: recipients: 'stuart.monteith@linaro.org'