path: root/lkft
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-16lkft: output the fingerprint info only when definedYongqin Liu
2021-06-14lkft: drop the api call for openstack nodeYongqin Liu
2021-06-10lkft: set the db845c android jobs to use lcg devices explicitlyYongqin Liu
2021-06-08lkft: record the gsi fingerprint in the job definitionYongqin Liu
2021-06-02submit_for_testing-v2.sh: fix the fingerprint not gotten correctly problemYongqin Liu
2021-06-01lkft: add prefix for the cts/vts version when necessaryYongqin Liu
2021-06-01lkft: update to set the build vendor fingerprint informationYongqin Liu
2021-06-01lkft: fix the cts/vts version generating problemYongqin Liu
2021-06-01lkft: add the tag specification support for docker templatesYongqin Liu
2021-06-01lkft: publish the fingerprint for the cts/vts build as wellYongqin Liu
2021-05-27lkft: update x15 jobs to use the hdmi-dongle tagYongqin Liu
2021-05-23lkft: fix the pinned-manifest.xml was not copied to workspace problemYongqin Liu
2021-05-20lkft: rename the pinned manifest file with a fixed nameYongqin Liu
2021-04-20build-aosp-member.sh: public the md5sum informationYongqin Liu
2021-04-19build-aosp.sh: update for manifest not removed problemYongqin Liu
2021-03-31lkft: add new boottime job templatesYongqin Liu
2021-03-29ruamel: pin install versionRiku Voipio
2021-03-25lkft: build-aosp-member.sh: fix android-vts.zip not copied problemYongqin Liu
2021-03-25lkft: build-aosp-member.sh: fix the files not copied problemYongqin Liu
2021-03-24lkft: remove the hard-reset option for the hikey960 deviceYongqin Liu
2021-03-24lkft: update to support more buildsYongqin Liu
2021-03-17lkft: add job templates for cts-lkft without bionic and libcore modulesYongqin Liu
2021-03-15lkft: add cts-presubmit templates for different abisYongqin Liu
2021-03-15lkft: submit changes to openstack node as wellYongqin Liu
2021-03-02submit_for_testing-v2.sh: update db845c ptable fileYongqin Liu
2021-02-24submit_for_testing-v2.sh: fixed some syntax error pointed by shellcheckYongqin Liu
2021-02-24lkft-member-build: fix the lava job priority not set problemYongqin Liu
2021-02-23lkft: update db845c jobs to use new gpt filesYongqin Liu
2021-02-18lkft: update to support flash db845c gpt_both0.binYongqin Liu
2021-02-18lkft: add support for deployment of vendor_boot.img for db845c buildsYongqin Liu
2021-02-14lkft: add support to specify lava job priority with build configYongqin Liu
2021-02-10build-aosp.sh: release the vendor_boot.img and vendor_boot-debug.img as wellYongqin Liu
2021-02-04lkft: remove the call for android.ctt.linaro.orgYongqin Liu
2021-02-02lkft: copy build_fingerprint.txt for aosp buildYongqin Liu
2021-01-29submit_for_testing-v2.sh: support hikey960 to use new prm_table.imgYongqin Liu
2021-01-13submit_for_testing-v2.sh: fix problem on PUB_DEST and renaming lava job groupYongqin Liu
2021-01-12lkft: update code for the member build supportYongqin Liu
2021-01-12lkft: update to use the copied build config fileYongqin Liu
2021-01-12build-aosp-member.sh: update the publish path to use PUB_DEST_TARGETYongqin Liu
2021-01-11lkft: more code for the support on member buildsYongqin Liu
2021-01-09lkft: support to specify the lava job group in build config fileYongqin Liu
2021-01-08lkft build-aosp-member.sh: fix the problem that files were deletedYongqin Liu
2021-01-07kft: initial commit for docker templatesYongqin Liu
2021-01-07lkft: add support for build non public lkft jobsYongqin Liu
2021-01-06lkft: build-aosp-member.sh: fix the problem that -m and -b option not passedYongqin Liu
2021-01-06lkft: build-aosp-member.sh: fix directory not created errorYongqin Liu
2021-01-06lkft: add support for build non public jobsYongqin Liu
2020-12-28lkft dragonboard-845c: update to use xz format imagesYongqin Liu
2020-12-28lkft: move submit_for_testing-v2.sh to the upper levelYongqin Liu
2020-12-24lkft: add CtsDeqpTestCases v7a and v8a templatesYongqin Liu