tree 313aa4eff07c970e3d79b676f93a6572803927a2 parent e4dac09df2aaa323ff302a14607033d138918426 author Laurent Alfonsi 1714023260 +0200 committer Laurent Alfonsi 1714035861 +0200 Add a rewrite-baseline before starting the build Advantages : - Do not wait for a successful build to rewrite the history. - Start the build with an up-to-date history. . This may imply, that we can now count on the history, and may be avoir fetching bmk history from the raw results (annex). . To fully count on the histiory we may need to remove the maximum number of build proceeds. Change-Id: I6c099e62995cb560766e12280e7cfc0d982cf90b