FROM arm64v8/golang:1.8.1-alpine # Based on Tom Denham work # MAINTAINER Song Zhu # Install su-exec for use in the (so processes run as the right user) # Install bash for the entry script (and because it's generally useful) # Install curl to download glide # Install git for fetching Go dependencies # Install ssh for fetching Go dependencies # Install mercurial for fetching go dependencies # Install wget for fetching glibc # Install make for building things # Install util-linux for column command (used for output formatting). RUN apk add --no-cache su-exec \ bash \ curl \ git \ make \ mercurial \ openssh \ util-linux \ wget # Disable ssh host key checking RUN echo 'Host *' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config \ && echo ' StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config # Install glibc RUN wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/ \ && wget \ && apk add glibc-2.23-r3.apk # Disable cgo so that binaries we build will be fully static ENV CGO_ENABLED=0 # Apply patches to Go runtime and recompile # See for defails of vfork patch # Recompile the standard library with cgo disabled. # This prevents the standard library from being marked stale, # causing full rebuilds every time. RUN go install -v std # Install glide RUN go get ENV GLIDE_HOME /home/user/.glide # Install ginkgo CLI tool for running tests RUN go get # Install linting tools RUN go get -u \ && ln -s $(which gometalinter.v1) /usr/local/bin/gometalinter \ && gometalinter --install # Install license checking tool RUN go get # Install tool to merge coverage reports RUN go get # Install patched version of goveralls (upstream is bugged if not used from Travis) RUN wget \ && chmod +x goveralls \ && mv goveralls /usr/bin/ # Ensure that everything under the GOPATH is writable by everyone RUN chmod -R 777 $GOPATH COPY /usr/local/bin/ ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]