Building and installing a Linux kernel ====================================== A suitable Linux kernel image for use with the virtualizer can be built as follows (GCC toolchain used for these steps is: CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09 v4.5.1) $ tar -jxf arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512.tar.bz2 $ cd arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512/bootwrapper $ make clean $ pushd /tmp $ git clone git:// arm-blm $ cd arm-blm $ yes | make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- vexpress_blm_defconfig $ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j4 $ popd $ cp $OLDPWD/arch/arm/boot/Image payload/kernel The virtualizer can now be built as usual by invoking: $ make clean && make .. in the top bootwrapper directory. This will result in a file called img.axf located at arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512/bootwrapper/img.axf. To launch the ARM FastModel with the virtualizer, first modify arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512/bootwrapper/big-little-MP.mxscript as usual to fill in paths to the model binary and the img.axf files. The mxscript file is adequately commented to assist with this. In case of an MP1 model, we would use the big-little-MP1.mxscript file and we would specify the path to the model in a manner similar to: string model = "/home/working_dir/RTSM_VE_Cortex-A15x1-A7x1"; Similarly, in case of an MP4 model, we would use the big-little-MP4.mxscript and we would specify the path to the model in a manner similar to: string model = "/home/working_dir/models/RTSM_VE_Cortex-A15x4-A7x4"; The path to the img.axf file is specified using the app directive as follows: string app = "arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512/bootwrapper/img.axf"; The model can then be launched using: modeldebugger -s arm-virtualizer-v2_4-170512/bootwrapper/big-little-MP.mxscript Where 'x' is the 1 or 4 respectively in the case of an MP1 model run or an MP4 model run. This will result in the Linux kernel console messages appearing the ARM FastModel UART emulation window.