- If you just want to build the supporting utils for the pm-qa tests, invoke:


- In order to run the tests, invoke as root:

	make check

- If you want the test suite to continue when one error has been found, do:

	make -k check

- If you want to run a subset of the tests, do:

	make -C cpufreq check

- If you want to install the pm-qa suite somewhere (default prefix is
  /opt/pm-qa), invoke:

	make install DESTDIR=<destination_directory>

Test Specifications
The test specifications can be found at:


If you believe that you have encountered a bug, please file a bug report on
Linaro Bugzilla at https://bugs.linaro.org. Once you log in, click on
"New" --> "Power Management" --> "PM-QA" as the component. Then fill
in the form.

Helpful tips for filing a bug report:
    1. Provide logs, be verbose as possible
    2. Outline steps to reproduce the bug
    3. Describe the environment you are running PM-QA on (e.g. Android,
        OpenEmbedded, Ubuntu, etc.)
    4. What hardware you're using

Please submit questions and comments to the linaro-dev mailing list at
linaro-dev@lists.linaro.org with "PM-QA" as part of the subject.

If you wish to submit patches to improve PM-QA, please send them to
the linaro-dev mailing list at linaro-dev@lists.linaro.org with
"PATCH PM-QA" as the subject prefix.

All scripts in PM-QA must be POSIX-compliant and cannot use any
bashisms. At a minimum, they must run in Android and Ubuntu
environment and have text files that include their descriptions.

Additional notes on new tests
PM-QA can be extended with more functional tests by following a few
simple rules.

a. Add the test (usually a shell script) and its associated
description (in a .txt file with the same name) in the appropriate
b. Change the Android.mk makefile in the subdirectory as appropriate.
You will need to change the 'test_num' variable at a minimum. If
you're using other source files (say .c), add that to the makefile as
c. Create a draft specification for your test that can be added to the
wiki page[1]
d. Make sure your shell scripts do not use bash-specific constructs.
Run them with the #!/bin/sh as the interpreter directive instead of
e. PM-QA can be found in the external opensource modules in the
external path of android sources hosted at Linaro. It is synced with
the latest version of PM-QA everytime a new release is made.
Android.mk makefiles are used to build the test suite - there is one in
each sub-directory.

[1] https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/PowerManagement/Resources/TestSuite/PmQaSpecification