cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.3) include(CheckSymbolExists) project(test-suite C CXX) # The test-suite is designed to be built in release mode anyway and # falls over unless -DNDEBUG is set. if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "No build type selected, defaulting to Release") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) endif() # Selecting installation directories or build types is untypical. mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # On the other hand we often want to switch compiler or cflags mark_as_advanced(CLEAR CMAKE_C_COMPILER CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER CMAKE_LINKER CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS) # The files in cmake/caches often want to pass along additional flags to select # the target architecture. Note that you should still use # CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES and CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET where possible. set(TEST_SUITE_ARCH_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags to select target architecture.") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_ARCH_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_ARCH_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_ARCH_FLAGS}") add_definitions(-DNDEBUG) option(TEST_SUITE_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS "Suppress all warnings" ON) if(${TEST_SUITE_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS}) add_definitions(-w) endif() # We want reproducible builds, so using __DATE__ and __TIME__ is bad add_definitions(-Werror=date-time) # Add path for custom modules set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" ) # Sanity check our source directory to make sure that we are not trying to # generate an in-tree build (unless on MSVC_IDE, where it is ok), and to make # sure that we don't have any stray generated files lying around in the tree # (which would end up getting picked up by header search, instead of the correct # versions). if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR AND NOT MSVC_IDE) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are not allowed. CMake would overwrite the makefiles distributed with LLVM. Please create a directory and run cmake from there, passing the path to this source directory as the last argument. This process created the file `CMakeCache.txt' and the directory `CMakeFiles'. Please delete them.") endif() # Sanity check SIZEOF_VOID_P. This is sometimes empty when compiler detection # failed, error out to avoid a mostly working but invalid setup. if(NOT CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) message(FATAL_ERROR "CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P is not defined") endif() # Remote configuration (will be set in set(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_CLIENT "ssh" CACHE STRING "Remote execution client") set(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_HOST "" CACHE STRING "Remote execution host") set(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_USER "" CACHE STRING "Remote execution user") set(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_PORT "" CACHE STRING "Remote execution port") mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_CLIENT TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_USER TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_PORT) # Run Under configuration for (will be set in set(TEST_SUITE_RUN_UNDER "" CACHE STRING " run-under (-u) parameter") # run type/benchmark size configuration (mostly for SPEC at the moment) set(TEST_SUITE_RUN_TYPE "train" CACHE STRING "Type of benchmark inputs (may be test,train or ref)") get_filename_component(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} DIRECTORY) option(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_CODE_SIZE "Measure code size of binaries" On) if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_CODE_SIZE) find_program(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_SIZE NAMES "llvm-size" HINTS ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_DIRECTORY}) mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_SIZE) if(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_SIZE STREQUAL "TEST_SUITE_LLVM_SIZE-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-size not found. Make sure it is in your path or set TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_CODE_SIZE to Off") endif() endif() # Enable profile generate mode in lit. Note that this does not automatically # add something like -fprofile-instr-generate to the compiler flags. option(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE "Enable lit profile generate mode" Off) # Set value to python style True/False if(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE) find_program(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_PROFDATA NAMES "llvm-profdata" HINTS ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_DIRECTORY}) mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_PROFDATA) if(TEST_SUITE_LLVM_PROFDATA STREQUAL "TEST_SUITE_LLVM_PROFDATA-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-profdata not found. Make sure it is in your path or set TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE to Off") endif() set(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE "True") list(APPEND CFLAGS -fprofile-instr-generate) list(APPEND CXXFLAGS -fprofile-instr-generate) list(APPEND LDFLAGS -fprofile-instr-generate) else() set(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE "False") endif() option(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_USE "Add apropriate -fprofile-instr-use to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS for each benchmark" Off) # When running the test-suite in diagnosis mode, use these flags passed by # LNT to gather data, for examples -ftime-report, or -mllvm -stats. This way # the user specified CMAKE_C_FLAGS etc. need not be changed. set(TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_C_FLAGS + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS") set(TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_LINKER_FLAGS CACHE STRING "Extra flags appended to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS") mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_FLAGS TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_LINKER_FLAGS) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${TEST_SUITE_DIAGNOSE_LINKER_FLAGS}") include(TestSuite) include(SingleMultiSource) find_package(TCL) if(NOT DEFINED TARGET_OS) message(STATUS "Check target operating system - ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") set(TARGET_OS ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED ARCH) include(DetectArchitecture) detect_architecture(ARCH) endif() if(NOT DEFINED X86CPU_ARCH AND ARCH STREQUAL "x86") include(DetectArchitecture) detect_x86_cpu_architecture(X86CPU_ARCH) endif() if(NOT DEFINED ENDIAN) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(IS_BIGENDIAN) if(IS_BIGENDIAN) set(ENDIAN "big") else() set(ENDIAN "little") endif() endif() # Disabling address space randomization makes the performance of memory/cache # intensive benchmarks more deterministic. option(TEST_SUITE_DISABLE_PIE "Disable position independent executables and ASLR" On) mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_DISABLE_PIE) if(TEST_SUITE_DISABLE_PIE) if(APPLE AND NOT ARCH STREQUAL "AArch64") list(APPEND LDFLAGS -Wl,-no_pie) endif() # TODO: Add apropriate flags to disable PIE/ASLR on linux, bsd, ... endif() if(ARCH STREQUAL "Mips") check_symbol_exists(__mips16 "" MIPS_IS_MIPS16_ENABLED) check_symbol_exists(__mips64 "" MIPS_IS_MIPS64_ENABLED) endif() find_program(TEST_SUITE_LIT NAMES "lit" "llvm-lit") set(TEST_SUITE_LIT_FLAGS "-sv" CACHE STRING "Flags used when running lit") mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_LIT TEST_SUITE_LIT_FLAGS) mark_as_advanced(TEST_SUITE_LIT) add_subdirectory(tools) # Shortcut for the path to the fpcmp executable set(FPCMP ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/fpcmp) option(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_COMPILE_TIME "Measure compile time by wrapping compiler invocations in timeit" On) if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_COMPILE_TIME) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/timeit --summary .time ${CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/timeit --summary .time ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT}") set(CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/timeit --summary .link.time ${CMAKE_C_LINK_EXECUTABLE}") set(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/timeit --summary .link.time ${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE}") endif() option(TEST_SUITE_BENCHMARKING_ONLY "Only run the benchmarking only subset" Off) option(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_STATS "Collect LLVM statistics" Off) if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_STATS) list(APPEND CFLAGS -save-stats=obj) list(APPEND CXXFLAGS -save-stats=obj) # Collect stats for LTO step too. if (${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} MATCHES ".*-flto.*" AND ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} MATCHES ".*-flto.*") list(APPEND LDFLAGS -save-stats=obj) endif() endif() # Detect and include subdirectories # This allows to: Place additional test-suites into the toplevel test-suite # directory where they will be picked up automatically. Alternatively you may # manually specify directories to include test-suites at external locations # and to leave out some of the default ones. if(NOT TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS) file(GLOB sub_cmakelists RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} */CMakeLists.txt) set(TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS "") foreach(entry ${sub_cmakelists}) get_filename_component(subdir ${entry} DIRECTORY) # Exclude tools and CTMark from default list if(NOT ${subdir} STREQUAL tools AND NOT ${subdir} STREQUAL CTMark) list(APPEND TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS ${subdir}) endif() endforeach() set(TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS "${TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS}") endif() set(TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS "${TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS}" CACHE STRING "Semicolon separated list of directories with CMakeLists.txt to include") foreach(subdir ${TEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS}) # When we add subdirs outside the toplevel source directory then we have to # make up a directory to use for the builddir. if(subdir MATCHES "^/" OR subdir MATCHES "\\.\\.") if(subdir MATCHES "/$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Subdir must not end in '/'") endif() get_filename_component(subdir_name ${subdir} NAME) else() set(subdir_name ${subdir}) endif() message(STATUS "Adding directory ${subdir}") add_subdirectory(${subdir} ${subdir_name}) endforeach() option(TEST_SUITE_RUN_BENCHMARKS "Actually run the benchmarks in lit" On) # Construct list testing modules (see litsupport/*.py for available modules) set(LIT_MODULES "") if(TEST_SUITE_RUN_BENCHMARKS) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES run) endif() if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_CODE_SIZE) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES codesize) endif() list(APPEND LIT_MODULES hash) if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_COMPILE_TIME) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES compiletime) endif() if(TEST_SUITE_RUN_UNDER) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES run_under) endif() list(APPEND LIT_MODULES timeit) if(TEST_SUITE_PROFILE_GENERATE) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES profilegen) endif() if(TEST_SUITE_REMOTE_HOST) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES remote) endif() if(TEST_SUITE_COLLECT_STATS) list(APPEND LIT_MODULES stats) endif() # Produce configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/") get_property(TEST_SUITE_TARGETS GLOBAL PROPERTY TEST_SUITE_TARGETS) add_custom_target(check COMMAND ${TEST_SUITE_LIT} ${TEST_SUITE_LIT_FLAGS} . WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} DEPENDS ${TEST_SUITE_TARGETS} USES_TERMINAL )