path: root/final/runtime/src/kmp_i18n.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'final/runtime/src/kmp_i18n.cpp')
1 files changed, 872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/runtime/src/kmp_i18n.cpp b/final/runtime/src/kmp_i18n.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95daac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/runtime/src/kmp_i18n.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+ * kmp_i18n.cpp
+ */
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+#include "kmp_i18n.h"
+#include "kmp.h"
+#include "kmp_debug.h"
+#include "kmp_io.h" // __kmp_printf.
+#include "kmp_lock.h"
+#include "kmp_os.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "kmp_environment.h"
+#include "kmp_i18n_default.inc"
+#include "kmp_str.h"
+#undef KMP_I18N_OK
+#define get_section(id) ((id) >> 16)
+#define get_number(id) ((id)&0xFFFF)
+kmp_msg_t __kmp_msg_null = {kmp_mt_dummy, 0, NULL, 0};
+static char const *no_message_available = "(No message available)";
+static void __kmp_msg(kmp_msg_severity_t severity, kmp_msg_t message,
+ va_list ap);
+enum kmp_i18n_cat_status {
+ KMP_I18N_CLOSED, // Not yet opened or closed.
+ KMP_I18N_OPENED, // Opened successfully, ready to use.
+ KMP_I18N_ABSENT // Opening failed, message catalog should not be used.
+}; // enum kmp_i18n_cat_status
+typedef enum kmp_i18n_cat_status kmp_i18n_cat_status_t;
+static volatile kmp_i18n_cat_status_t status = KMP_I18N_CLOSED;
+/* Message catalog is opened at first usage, so we have to synchronize opening
+ to avoid race and multiple openings.
+ Closing does not require synchronization, because catalog is closed very late
+ at library shutting down, when no other threads are alive. */
+static void __kmp_i18n_do_catopen();
+static kmp_bootstrap_lock_t lock = KMP_BOOTSTRAP_LOCK_INITIALIZER(lock);
+// `lock' variable may be placed into __kmp_i18n_catopen function because it is
+// used only by that function. But we afraid a (buggy) compiler may treat it
+// wrongly. So we put it outside of function just in case.
+void __kmp_i18n_catopen() {
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_CLOSED) {
+ __kmp_acquire_bootstrap_lock(&lock);
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_CLOSED) {
+ __kmp_i18n_do_catopen();
+ }
+ __kmp_release_bootstrap_lock(&lock);
+ }
+} // func __kmp_i18n_catopen
+/* Linux* OS and OS X* part */
+#define KMP_I18N_OK
+#include <nl_types.h>
+#define KMP_I18N_NULLCAT ((nl_catd)(-1))
+static nl_catd cat = KMP_I18N_NULLCAT; // !!! Shall it be volatile?
+static char const *name =
+ (KMP_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 ? "libguide.cat" : "libomp.cat");
+/* Useful links:
+void __kmp_i18n_do_catopen() {
+ int english = 0;
+ char *lang = __kmp_env_get("LANG");
+ // TODO: What about LC_ALL or LC_MESSAGES?
+ english = lang == NULL || // In all these cases English language is used.
+ strcmp(lang, "") == 0 || strcmp(lang, " ") == 0 ||
+ // Workaround for Fortran RTL bug DPD200137873 "Fortran runtime
+ // resets LANG env var to space if it is not set".
+ strcmp(lang, "C") == 0 || strcmp(lang, "POSIX") == 0;
+ if (!english) { // English language is not yet detected, let us continue.
+ // Format of LANG is: [language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]]
+ // Strip all parts except language.
+ char *tail = NULL;
+ __kmp_str_split(lang, '@', &lang, &tail);
+ __kmp_str_split(lang, '.', &lang, &tail);
+ __kmp_str_split(lang, '_', &lang, &tail);
+ english = (strcmp(lang, "en") == 0);
+ }
+ // Do not try to open English catalog because internal messages are
+ // exact copy of messages in English catalog.
+ if (english) {
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT; // mark catalog as absent so it will not
+ // be re-opened.
+ return;
+ }
+ cat = catopen(name, 0);
+ // TODO: Why do we pass 0 in flags?
+ status = (cat == KMP_I18N_NULLCAT ? KMP_I18N_ABSENT : KMP_I18N_OPENED);
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_ABSENT) {
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) {
+ // AC: only issue warning in case explicitly asked to
+ int error = errno; // Save errno immediately.
+ char *nlspath = __kmp_env_get("NLSPATH");
+ char *lang = __kmp_env_get("LANG");
+ // Infinite recursion will not occur -- status is KMP_I18N_ABSENT now, so
+ // __kmp_i18n_catgets() will not try to open catalog, but will return
+ // default message.
+ kmp_msg_t err_code = KMP_ERR(error);
+ __kmp_msg(kmp_ms_warning, KMP_MSG(CantOpenMessageCatalog, name), err_code,
+ KMP_HNT(CheckEnvVar, "NLSPATH", nlspath),
+ KMP_HNT(CheckEnvVar, "LANG", lang), __kmp_msg_null);
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings == kmp_warnings_off) {
+ __kmp_str_free(&err_code.str);
+ }
+ KMP_INFORM(WillUseDefaultMessages);
+ }
+ } else { // status == KMP_I18N_OPENED
+ int section = get_section(kmp_i18n_prp_Version);
+ int number = get_number(kmp_i18n_prp_Version);
+ char const *expected = __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].str[number];
+ // Expected version of the catalog.
+ kmp_str_buf_t version; // Actual version of the catalog.
+ __kmp_str_buf_init(&version);
+ __kmp_str_buf_print(&version, "%s", catgets(cat, section, number, NULL));
+ // String returned by catgets is invalid after closing catalog, so copy it.
+ if (strcmp(version.str, expected) != 0) {
+ __kmp_i18n_catclose(); // Close bad catalog.
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT; // And mark it as absent.
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) {
+ // AC: only issue warning in case explicitly asked to
+ // And now print a warning using default messages.
+ char const *name = "NLSPATH";
+ char const *nlspath = __kmp_env_get(name);
+ __kmp_msg(kmp_ms_warning,
+ KMP_MSG(WrongMessageCatalog, name, version.str, expected),
+ KMP_HNT(CheckEnvVar, name, nlspath), __kmp_msg_null);
+ KMP_INFORM(WillUseDefaultMessages);
+ KMP_INTERNAL_FREE(CCAST(char *, nlspath));
+ } // __kmp_generate_warnings
+ }
+ __kmp_str_buf_free(&version);
+ }
+} // func __kmp_i18n_do_catopen
+void __kmp_i18n_catclose() {
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_OPENED) {
+ catclose(cat);
+ cat = KMP_I18N_NULLCAT;
+ }
+ status = KMP_I18N_CLOSED;
+} // func __kmp_i18n_catclose
+char const *__kmp_i18n_catgets(kmp_i18n_id_t id) {
+ int section = get_section(id);
+ int number = get_number(id);
+ char const *message = NULL;
+ if (1 <= section && section <= __kmp_i18n_default_table.size) {
+ if (1 <= number && number <= __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].size) {
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_CLOSED) {
+ __kmp_i18n_catopen();
+ }
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_OPENED) {
+ message = catgets(cat, section, number,
+ __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].str[number]);
+ }
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ message = __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].str[number];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ message = no_message_available;
+ }
+ return message;
+} // func __kmp_i18n_catgets
+#endif // KMP_OS_UNIX
+/* Windows* OS part. */
+#define KMP_I18N_OK
+#include "kmp_environment.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+static HMODULE cat = KMP_I18N_NULLCAT; // !!! Shall it be volatile?
+static char const *name =
+ (KMP_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 ? "libguide40ui.dll" : "libompui.dll");
+static kmp_i18n_table_t table = {0, NULL};
+// Messages formatted by FormatMessage() should be freed, but catgets()
+// interface assumes user will not free messages. So we cache all the retrieved
+// messages in the table, which are freed at catclose().
+static UINT const default_code_page = CP_OEMCP;
+static UINT code_page = default_code_page;
+static char const *___catgets(kmp_i18n_id_t id);
+static UINT get_code_page();
+static void kmp_i18n_table_free(kmp_i18n_table_t *table);
+static UINT get_code_page() {
+ UINT cp = default_code_page;
+ char const *value = __kmp_env_get("KMP_CODEPAGE");
+ if (value != NULL) {
+ if (_stricmp(value, "ANSI") == 0) {
+ cp = CP_ACP;
+ } else if (_stricmp(value, "OEM") == 0) {
+ cp = CP_OEMCP;
+ } else if (_stricmp(value, "UTF-8") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "UTF8") == 0) {
+ cp = CP_UTF8;
+ } else if (_stricmp(value, "UTF-7") == 0 || _stricmp(value, "UTF7") == 0) {
+ cp = CP_UTF7;
+ } else {
+ // !!! TODO: Issue a warning?
+ }
+ }
+ KMP_INTERNAL_FREE((void *)value);
+ return cp;
+} // func get_code_page
+static void kmp_i18n_table_free(kmp_i18n_table_t *table) {
+ int s;
+ int m;
+ for (s = 0; s < table->size; ++s) {
+ for (m = 0; m < table->sect[s].size; ++m) {
+ // Free message.
+ KMP_INTERNAL_FREE((void *)table->sect[s].str[m]);
+ table->sect[s].str[m] = NULL;
+ }
+ table->sect[s].size = 0;
+ // Free section itself.
+ KMP_INTERNAL_FREE((void *)table->sect[s].str);
+ table->sect[s].str = NULL;
+ }
+ table->size = 0;
+ KMP_INTERNAL_FREE((void *)table->sect);
+ table->sect = NULL;
+} // kmp_i18n_table_free
+void __kmp_i18n_do_catopen() {
+ LCID locale_id = GetThreadLocale();
+ WORD lang_id = LANGIDFROMLCID(locale_id);
+ WORD primary_lang_id = PRIMARYLANGID(lang_id);
+ kmp_str_buf_t path;
+ __kmp_str_buf_init(&path);
+ // Do not try to open English catalog because internal messages are exact copy
+ // of messages in English catalog.
+ if (primary_lang_id == LANG_ENGLISH) {
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT; // mark catalog as absent so it will not
+ // be re-opened.
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // Construct resource DLL name.
+ /* Simple LoadLibrary( name ) is not suitable due to security issue (see
+ http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/2269637.mspx). We have
+ to specify full path to the message catalog. */
+ {
+ // Get handle of our DLL first.
+ HMODULE handle;
+ BOOL brc = GetModuleHandleEx(
+ reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(&__kmp_i18n_do_catopen), &handle);
+ if (!brc) { // Error occurred.
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT; // mark catalog as absent so it will not be
+ // re-opened.
+ goto end;
+ // TODO: Enable multiple messages (KMP_MSG) to be passed to __kmp_msg; and
+ // print a proper warning.
+ }
+ // Now get path to the our DLL.
+ for (;;) {
+ DWORD drc = GetModuleFileName(handle, path.str, path.size);
+ if (drc == 0) { // Error occurred.
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (drc < path.size) {
+ path.used = drc;
+ break;
+ }
+ __kmp_str_buf_reserve(&path, path.size * 2);
+ }
+ // Now construct the name of message catalog.
+ kmp_str_fname fname;
+ __kmp_str_fname_init(&fname, path.str);
+ __kmp_str_buf_clear(&path);
+ __kmp_str_buf_print(&path, "%s%lu/%s", fname.dir,
+ (unsigned long)(locale_id), name);
+ __kmp_str_fname_free(&fname);
+ }
+ // For security reasons, use LoadLibraryEx() and load message catalog as a
+ // data file.
+ cat = LoadLibraryEx(path.str, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
+ status = (cat == KMP_I18N_NULLCAT ? KMP_I18N_ABSENT : KMP_I18N_OPENED);
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_ABSENT) {
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) {
+ // AC: only issue warning in case explicitly asked to
+ DWORD error = GetLastError();
+ // Infinite recursion will not occur -- status is KMP_I18N_ABSENT now, so
+ // __kmp_i18n_catgets() will not try to open catalog but will return
+ // default message.
+ /* If message catalog for another architecture found (e.g. OpenMP RTL for
+ IA-32 architecture opens libompui.dll for Intel(R) 64) Windows* OS
+ returns error 193 (ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT). However, FormatMessage fails
+ to return a message for this error, so user will see:
+ OMP: Warning #2: Cannot open message catalog "1041\libompui.dll":
+ OMP: System error #193: (No system error message available)
+ OMP: Info #3: Default messages will be used.
+ Issue hint in this case so cause of trouble is more understandable. */
+ kmp_msg_t err_code = KMP_SYSERRCODE(error);
+ __kmp_msg(kmp_ms_warning, KMP_MSG(CantOpenMessageCatalog, path.str),
+ err_code, (error == ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT
+ ? KMP_HNT(BadExeFormat, path.str, KMP_ARCH_STR)
+ : __kmp_msg_null),
+ __kmp_msg_null);
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings == kmp_warnings_off) {
+ __kmp_str_free(&err_code.str);
+ }
+ KMP_INFORM(WillUseDefaultMessages);
+ }
+ } else { // status == KMP_I18N_OPENED
+ int section = get_section(kmp_i18n_prp_Version);
+ int number = get_number(kmp_i18n_prp_Version);
+ char const *expected = __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].str[number];
+ kmp_str_buf_t version; // Actual version of the catalog.
+ __kmp_str_buf_init(&version);
+ __kmp_str_buf_print(&version, "%s", ___catgets(kmp_i18n_prp_Version));
+ // String returned by catgets is invalid after closing catalog, so copy it.
+ if (strcmp(version.str, expected) != 0) {
+ // Close bad catalog.
+ __kmp_i18n_catclose();
+ status = KMP_I18N_ABSENT; // And mark it as absent.
+ if (__kmp_generate_warnings > kmp_warnings_low) {
+ // And now print a warning using default messages.
+ __kmp_msg(kmp_ms_warning,
+ KMP_MSG(WrongMessageCatalog, path.str, version.str, expected),
+ __kmp_msg_null);
+ KMP_INFORM(WillUseDefaultMessages);
+ } // __kmp_generate_warnings
+ }
+ __kmp_str_buf_free(&version);
+ }
+ code_page = get_code_page();
+ __kmp_str_buf_free(&path);
+ return;
+} // func __kmp_i18n_do_catopen
+void __kmp_i18n_catclose() {
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_OPENED) {
+ kmp_i18n_table_free(&table);
+ FreeLibrary(cat);
+ cat = KMP_I18N_NULLCAT;
+ }
+ code_page = default_code_page;
+ status = KMP_I18N_CLOSED;
+} // func __kmp_i18n_catclose
+/* We use FormatMessage() to get strings from catalog, get system error
+ messages, etc. FormatMessage() tends to return Windows* OS-style
+ end-of-lines, "\r\n". When string is printed, printf() also replaces all the
+ occurrences of "\n" with "\r\n" (again!), so sequences like "\r\r\r\n"
+ appear in output. It is not too good.
+ Additional mess comes from message catalog: Our catalog source en_US.mc file
+ (generated by message-converter.pl) contains only "\n" characters, but
+ en_US_msg_1033.bin file (produced by mc.exe) may contain "\r\n" or just "\n".
+ This mess goes from en_US_msg_1033.bin file to message catalog,
+ libompui.dll. For example, message
+ Error
+ (there is "\n" at the end) is compiled by mc.exe to "Error\r\n", while
+ OMP: Error %1!d!: %2!s!\n
+ (there is "\n" at the end as well) is compiled to "OMP: Error %1!d!:
+ %2!s!\r\n\n".
+ Thus, stripping all "\r" normalizes string and returns it to canonical form,
+ so printf() will produce correct end-of-line sequences.
+ ___strip_crs() serves for this purpose: it removes all the occurrences of
+ "\r" in-place and returns new length of string. */
+static int ___strip_crs(char *str) {
+ int in = 0; // Input character index.
+ int out = 0; // Output character index.
+ for (;;) {
+ if (str[in] != '\r') {
+ str[out] = str[in];
+ ++out;
+ }
+ if (str[in] == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ ++in;
+ }
+ return out - 1;
+} // func __strip_crs
+static char const *___catgets(kmp_i18n_id_t id) {
+ char *result = NULL;
+ PVOID addr = NULL;
+ wchar_t *wmsg = NULL;
+ DWORD wlen = 0;
+ char *msg = NULL;
+ int len = 0;
+ int rc;
+ wlen = // wlen does *not* include terminating null.
+ cat, id,
+ 0, // LangId
+ (LPWSTR)&addr,
+ 0, // Size in elements, not in bytes.
+ NULL);
+ if (wlen <= 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ wmsg = (wchar_t *)addr; // Warning: wmsg may be not nul-terminated!
+ // Calculate length of multibyte message.
+ // Since wlen does not include terminating null, len does not include it also.
+ len = WideCharToMultiByte(code_page,
+ 0, // Flags.
+ wmsg, wlen, // Wide buffer and size.
+ NULL, 0, // Buffer and size.
+ NULL, NULL // Default char and used default char.
+ );
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ // Allocate memory.
+ msg = (char *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(len + 1);
+ // Convert wide message to multibyte one.
+ rc = WideCharToMultiByte(code_page,
+ 0, // Flags.
+ wmsg, wlen, // Wide buffer and size.
+ msg, len, // Buffer and size.
+ NULL, NULL // Default char and used default char.
+ );
+ if (rc <= 0 || rc > len) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(rc == len);
+ len = rc;
+ msg[len] = 0; // Put terminating null to the end.
+ // Stripping all "\r" before stripping last end-of-line simplifies the task.
+ len = ___strip_crs(msg);
+ // Every message in catalog is terminated with "\n". Strip it.
+ if (len >= 1 && msg[len - 1] == '\n') {
+ --len;
+ msg[len] = 0;
+ }
+ // Everything looks ok.
+ result = msg;
+ msg = NULL;
+ if (msg != NULL) {
+ }
+ if (wmsg != NULL) {
+ LocalFree(wmsg);
+ }
+ return result;
+} // ___catgets
+char const *__kmp_i18n_catgets(kmp_i18n_id_t id) {
+ int section = get_section(id);
+ int number = get_number(id);
+ char const *message = NULL;
+ if (1 <= section && section <= __kmp_i18n_default_table.size) {
+ if (1 <= number && number <= __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].size) {
+ if (status == KMP_I18N_CLOSED) {
+ __kmp_i18n_catopen();
+ }
+ if (cat != KMP_I18N_NULLCAT) {
+ if (table.size == 0) {
+ table.sect = (kmp_i18n_section_t *)KMP_INTERNAL_CALLOC(
+ (__kmp_i18n_default_table.size + 2), sizeof(kmp_i18n_section_t));
+ table.size = __kmp_i18n_default_table.size;
+ }
+ if (table.sect[section].size == 0) {
+ table.sect[section].str = (const char **)KMP_INTERNAL_CALLOC(
+ __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].size + 2,
+ sizeof(char const *));
+ table.sect[section].size =
+ __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].size;
+ }
+ if (table.sect[section].str[number] == NULL) {
+ table.sect[section].str[number] = ___catgets(id);
+ }
+ message = table.sect[section].str[number];
+ }
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ // Catalog is not opened or message is not found, return default
+ // message.
+ message = __kmp_i18n_default_table.sect[section].str[number];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ message = no_message_available;
+ }
+ return message;
+} // func __kmp_i18n_catgets
+#endif // KMP_OS_WINDOWS
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef KMP_I18N_OK
+#error I18n support is not implemented for this OS.
+#endif // KMP_I18N_OK
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void __kmp_i18n_dump_catalog(kmp_str_buf_t *buffer) {
+ struct kmp_i18n_id_range_t {
+ kmp_i18n_id_t first;
+ kmp_i18n_id_t last;
+ }; // struct kmp_i18n_id_range_t
+ static struct kmp_i18n_id_range_t ranges[] = {
+ {kmp_i18n_prp_first, kmp_i18n_prp_last},
+ {kmp_i18n_str_first, kmp_i18n_str_last},
+ {kmp_i18n_fmt_first, kmp_i18n_fmt_last},
+ {kmp_i18n_msg_first, kmp_i18n_msg_last},
+ {kmp_i18n_hnt_first, kmp_i18n_hnt_last}}; // ranges
+ int num_of_ranges = sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(struct kmp_i18n_id_range_t);
+ int range;
+ kmp_i18n_id_t id;
+ for (range = 0; range < num_of_ranges; ++range) {
+ __kmp_str_buf_print(buffer, "*** Set #%d ***\n", range + 1);
+ for (id = (kmp_i18n_id_t)(ranges[range].first + 1); id < ranges[range].last;
+ id = (kmp_i18n_id_t)(id + 1)) {
+ __kmp_str_buf_print(buffer, "%d: <<%s>>\n", id, __kmp_i18n_catgets(id));
+ }
+ }
+ __kmp_printf("%s", buffer->str);
+} // __kmp_i18n_dump_catalog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+kmp_msg_t __kmp_msg_format(unsigned id_arg, ...) {
+ kmp_msg_t msg;
+ va_list args;
+ kmp_str_buf_t buffer;
+ __kmp_str_buf_init(&buffer);
+ va_start(args, id_arg);
+ // We use unsigned for the ID argument and explicitly cast it here to the
+ // right enumerator because variadic functions are not compatible with
+ // default promotions.
+ kmp_i18n_id_t id = (kmp_i18n_id_t)id_arg;
+ // On Linux* OS and OS X*, printf() family functions process parameter
+ // numbers, for example: "%2$s %1$s".
+ __kmp_str_buf_vprint(&buffer, __kmp_i18n_catgets(id), args);
+ // On Winodws, printf() family functions does not recognize GNU style
+ // parameter numbers, so we have to use FormatMessage() instead. It recognizes
+ // parameter numbers, e. g.: "%2!s! "%1!s!".
+ {
+ LPTSTR str = NULL;
+ int len;
+ __kmp_i18n_catgets(id), 0, 0, (LPTSTR)(&str), 0, &args);
+ len = ___strip_crs(str);
+ __kmp_str_buf_cat(&buffer, str, len);
+ LocalFree(str);
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+ __kmp_str_buf_detach(&buffer);
+ msg.type = (kmp_msg_type_t)(id >> 16);
+ msg.num = id & 0xFFFF;
+ msg.str = buffer.str;
+ msg.len = buffer.used;
+ return msg;
+} // __kmp_msg_format
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static char *sys_error(int err) {
+ char *message = NULL;
+ LPVOID buffer = NULL;
+ int len;
+ DWORD rc;
+ rc = FormatMessage(
+ (LPTSTR)&buffer, 0, NULL);
+ if (rc > 0) {
+ // Message formatted. Copy it (so we can free it later with normal free().
+ message = __kmp_str_format("%s", (char *)buffer);
+ len = ___strip_crs(message); // Delete carriage returns if any.
+ // Strip trailing newlines.
+ while (len > 0 && message[len - 1] == '\n') {
+ --len;
+ }
+ message[len] = 0;
+ } else {
+ // FormatMessage() failed to format system error message. GetLastError()
+ // would give us error code, which we would convert to message... this it
+ // dangerous recursion, which cannot clarify original error, so we will not
+ // even start it.
+ }
+ if (buffer != NULL) {
+ LocalFree(buffer);
+ }
+#else // Non-Windows* OS: Linux* OS or OS X*
+/* There are 2 incompatible versions of strerror_r:
+ char * strerror_r( int, char *, size_t ); // GNU version
+ int strerror_r( int, char *, size_t ); // XSI version
+#if (defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)) || \
+ (defined(__BIONIC__) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE) && \
+ // GNU version of strerror_r.
+ char buffer[2048];
+ char *const err_msg = strerror_r(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ // Do not eliminate this assignment to temporary variable, otherwise compiler
+ // would not issue warning if strerror_r() returns `int' instead of expected
+ // `char *'.
+ message = __kmp_str_format("%s", err_msg);
+#else // OS X*, FreeBSD* etc.
+ // XSI version of strerror_r.
+ int size = 2048;
+ char *buffer = (char *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(size);
+ int rc;
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ KMP_FATAL(MemoryAllocFailed);
+ }
+ rc = strerror_r(err, buffer, size);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ rc = errno; // XSI version sets errno.
+ }
+ while (rc == ERANGE) { // ERANGE means the buffer is too small.
+ size *= 2;
+ buffer = (char *)KMP_INTERNAL_MALLOC(size);
+ if (buffer == NULL) {
+ KMP_FATAL(MemoryAllocFailed);
+ }
+ rc = strerror_r(err, buffer, size);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ rc = errno; // XSI version sets errno.
+ }
+ }
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ message = buffer;
+ } else { // Buffer is unused. Free it.
+ }
+#endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS */
+ if (message == NULL) {
+ // TODO: I18n this message.
+ message = __kmp_str_format("%s", "(No system error message available)");
+ }
+ return message;
+} // sys_error
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+kmp_msg_t __kmp_msg_error_code(int code) {
+ kmp_msg_t msg;
+ msg.type = kmp_mt_syserr;
+ msg.num = code;
+ msg.str = sys_error(code);
+ msg.len = KMP_STRLEN(msg.str);
+ return msg;
+} // __kmp_msg_error_code
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+kmp_msg_t __kmp_msg_error_mesg(char const *mesg) {
+ kmp_msg_t msg;
+ msg.type = kmp_mt_syserr;
+ msg.num = 0;
+ msg.str = __kmp_str_format("%s", mesg);
+ msg.len = KMP_STRLEN(msg.str);
+ return msg;
+} // __kmp_msg_error_mesg
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void __kmp_msg(kmp_msg_severity_t severity, kmp_msg_t message, va_list args) {
+ kmp_i18n_id_t format; // format identifier
+ kmp_msg_t fmsg; // formatted message
+ kmp_str_buf_t buffer;
+ if (severity != kmp_ms_fatal && __kmp_generate_warnings == kmp_warnings_off)
+ return; // no reason to form a string in order to not print it
+ __kmp_str_buf_init(&buffer);
+ // Format the primary message.
+ switch (severity) {
+ case kmp_ms_inform: {
+ format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Info;
+ } break;
+ case kmp_ms_warning: {
+ format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Warning;
+ } break;
+ case kmp_ms_fatal: {
+ format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Fatal;
+ } break;
+ default: { KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0); }
+ }
+ fmsg = __kmp_msg_format(format, message.num, message.str);
+ __kmp_str_free(&message.str);
+ __kmp_str_buf_cat(&buffer, fmsg.str, fmsg.len);
+ __kmp_str_free(&fmsg.str);
+ // Format other messages.
+ for (;;) {
+ message = va_arg(args, kmp_msg_t);
+ if (message.type == kmp_mt_dummy && message.str == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (message.type) {
+ case kmp_mt_hint: {
+ format = kmp_i18n_fmt_Hint;
+ // we cannot skip %1$ and only use %2$ to print the message without the
+ // number
+ fmsg = __kmp_msg_format(format, message.str);
+ } break;
+ case kmp_mt_syserr: {
+ format = kmp_i18n_fmt_SysErr;
+ fmsg = __kmp_msg_format(format, message.num, message.str);
+ } break;
+ default: { KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0); }
+ }
+ __kmp_str_free(&message.str);
+ __kmp_str_buf_cat(&buffer, fmsg.str, fmsg.len);
+ __kmp_str_free(&fmsg.str);
+ }
+ // Print formatted messages.
+ // This lock prevents multiple fatal errors on the same problem.
+ // __kmp_acquire_bootstrap_lock( & lock ); // GEH - This lock causing tests
+ // to hang on OS X*.
+ __kmp_printf("%s", buffer.str);
+ __kmp_str_buf_free(&buffer);
+ // __kmp_release_bootstrap_lock( & lock ); // GEH - this lock causing tests
+ // to hang on OS X*.
+} // __kmp_msg
+void __kmp_msg(kmp_msg_severity_t severity, kmp_msg_t message, ...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, message);
+ __kmp_msg(severity, message, args);
+ va_end(args);
+void __kmp_fatal(kmp_msg_t message, ...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, message);
+ __kmp_msg(kmp_ms_fatal, message, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ // Delay to give message a chance to appear before reaping
+ __kmp_thread_sleep(500);
+ __kmp_abort_process();
+} // __kmp_fatal
+// end of file //