path: root/final/runtime/src/include/40/omp_lib.h.var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'final/runtime/src/include/40/omp_lib.h.var')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/runtime/src/include/40/omp_lib.h.var b/final/runtime/src/include/40/omp_lib.h.var
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c461a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/runtime/src/include/40/omp_lib.h.var
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+! include/40/omp_lib.h.var
+!// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
+!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+!*** Some of the directives for the following routine extend past column 72,
+!*** so process this file in 132-column mode.
+!DIR$ fixedformlinesize:132
+ integer, parameter :: omp_integer_kind = 4
+ integer, parameter :: omp_logical_kind = 4
+ integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
+ integer, parameter :: omp_lock_kind = int_ptr_kind()
+ integer, parameter :: omp_nest_lock_kind = int_ptr_kind()
+ integer, parameter :: omp_sched_kind = omp_integer_kind
+ integer, parameter :: omp_proc_bind_kind = omp_integer_kind
+ integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind = int_ptr_kind()
+ integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind = int_ptr_kind()
+ integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = int_ptr_kind()
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), parameter :: openmp_version = @LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH@
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), parameter :: kmp_version_major = @LIBOMP_VERSION_MAJOR@
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), parameter :: kmp_version_minor = @LIBOMP_VERSION_MINOR@
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), parameter :: kmp_version_build = @LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD@
+ character(*) kmp_build_date
+ parameter( kmp_build_date = '@LIBOMP_BUILD_DATE@' )
+ integer(kind=omp_sched_kind), parameter :: omp_sched_static = 1
+ integer(kind=omp_sched_kind), parameter :: omp_sched_dynamic = 2
+ integer(kind=omp_sched_kind), parameter :: omp_sched_guided = 3
+ integer(kind=omp_sched_kind), parameter :: omp_sched_auto = 4
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind), parameter :: omp_proc_bind_false = 0
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind), parameter :: omp_proc_bind_true = 1
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind), parameter :: omp_proc_bind_master = 2
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind), parameter :: omp_proc_bind_close = 3
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind), parameter :: omp_proc_bind_spread = 4
+ interface
+! ***
+! *** omp_* entry points
+! ***
+ subroutine omp_set_num_threads(num_threads) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: num_threads
+ end subroutine omp_set_num_threads
+ subroutine omp_set_dynamic(dynamic_threads) bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind), value :: dynamic_threads
+ end subroutine omp_set_dynamic
+ subroutine omp_set_nested(nested) bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind), value :: nested
+ end subroutine omp_set_nested
+ function omp_get_num_threads() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_num_threads
+ end function omp_get_num_threads
+ function omp_get_max_threads() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_max_threads
+ end function omp_get_max_threads
+ function omp_get_thread_num() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_thread_num
+ end function omp_get_thread_num
+ function omp_get_num_procs() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_num_procs
+ end function omp_get_num_procs
+ function omp_in_parallel() bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_in_parallel
+ end function omp_in_parallel
+ function omp_in_final() bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_in_final
+ end function omp_in_final
+ function omp_get_dynamic() bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_get_dynamic
+ end function omp_get_dynamic
+ function omp_get_nested() bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_get_nested
+ end function omp_get_nested
+ function omp_get_thread_limit() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_thread_limit
+ end function omp_get_thread_limit
+ subroutine omp_set_max_active_levels(max_levels) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: max_levels
+ end subroutine omp_set_max_active_levels
+ function omp_get_max_active_levels() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_max_active_levels
+ end function omp_get_max_active_levels
+ function omp_get_level() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_level
+ end function omp_get_level
+ function omp_get_active_level() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_active_level
+ end function omp_get_active_level
+ function omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(level) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_ancestor_thread_num
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: level
+ end function omp_get_ancestor_thread_num
+ function omp_get_team_size(level) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_team_size
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: level
+ end function omp_get_team_size
+ subroutine omp_set_schedule(kind, chunk_size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_sched_kind), value :: kind
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: chunk_size
+ end subroutine omp_set_schedule
+ subroutine omp_get_schedule(kind, chunk_size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_sched_kind) kind
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) chunk_size
+ end subroutine omp_get_schedule
+ function omp_get_proc_bind() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_proc_bind_kind) omp_get_proc_bind
+ end function omp_get_proc_bind
+ function omp_get_wtime() bind(c)
+ double precision omp_get_wtime
+ end function omp_get_wtime
+ function omp_get_wtick() bind(c)
+ double precision omp_get_wtick
+ end function omp_get_wtick
+ function omp_get_default_device() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_default_device
+ end function omp_get_default_device
+ subroutine omp_set_default_device(device_num) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: device_num
+ end subroutine omp_set_default_device
+ function omp_get_num_devices() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_num_devices
+ end function omp_get_num_devices
+ function omp_get_num_teams() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_num_teams
+ end function omp_get_num_teams
+ function omp_get_team_num() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_get_team_num
+ end function omp_get_team_num
+ function omp_is_initial_device() bind(c)
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_is_initial_device
+ end function omp_is_initial_device
+ subroutine omp_init_lock(svar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_init_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_lock_kind) svar
+ end subroutine omp_init_lock
+ subroutine omp_destroy_lock(svar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_destroy_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_lock_kind) svar
+ end subroutine omp_destroy_lock
+ subroutine omp_set_lock(svar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_set_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_lock_kind) svar
+ end subroutine omp_set_lock
+ subroutine omp_unset_lock(svar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_unset_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_lock_kind) svar
+ end subroutine omp_unset_lock
+ function omp_test_lock(svar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_test_lock
+ import
+ logical (kind=omp_logical_kind) omp_test_lock
+ integer (kind=omp_lock_kind) svar
+ end function omp_test_lock
+ subroutine omp_init_nest_lock(nvar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_init_nest_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_nest_lock_kind) nvar
+ end subroutine omp_init_nest_lock
+ subroutine omp_destroy_nest_lock(nvar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_destroy_nest_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_nest_lock_kind) nvar
+ end subroutine omp_destroy_nest_lock
+ subroutine omp_set_nest_lock(nvar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_set_nest_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_nest_lock_kind) nvar
+ end subroutine omp_set_nest_lock
+ subroutine omp_unset_nest_lock(nvar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_unset_nest_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_nest_lock_kind) nvar
+ end subroutine omp_unset_nest_lock
+ function omp_test_nest_lock(nvar) bind(c)
+!DIR$ attributes known_intrinsic :: omp_test_nest_lock
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) omp_test_nest_lock
+ integer (kind=omp_nest_lock_kind) nvar
+ end function omp_test_nest_lock
+! ***
+! *** kmp_* entry points
+! ***
+ subroutine kmp_set_stacksize(size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: size
+ end subroutine kmp_set_stacksize
+ subroutine kmp_set_stacksize_s(size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: size
+ end subroutine kmp_set_stacksize_s
+ subroutine kmp_set_blocktime(msec) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: msec
+ end subroutine kmp_set_blocktime
+ subroutine kmp_set_library_serial() bind(c)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_library_serial
+ subroutine kmp_set_library_turnaround() bind(c)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_library_turnaround
+ subroutine kmp_set_library_throughput() bind(c)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_library_throughput
+ subroutine kmp_set_library(libnum) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: libnum
+ end subroutine kmp_set_library
+ subroutine kmp_set_defaults(string) bind(c)
+ character string(*)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_defaults
+ function kmp_get_stacksize() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_stacksize
+ end function kmp_get_stacksize
+ function kmp_get_stacksize_s() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
+ end function kmp_get_stacksize_s
+ function kmp_get_blocktime() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_blocktime
+ end function kmp_get_blocktime
+ function kmp_get_library() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_library
+ end function kmp_get_library
+ function kmp_set_affinity(mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_set_affinity
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end function kmp_set_affinity
+ function kmp_get_affinity(mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_affinity
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end function kmp_get_affinity
+ function kmp_get_affinity_max_proc() bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
+ end function kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
+ subroutine kmp_create_affinity_mask(mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end subroutine kmp_create_affinity_mask
+ subroutine kmp_destroy_affinity_mask(mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end subroutine kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
+ function kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc(proc, mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: proc
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end function kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
+ function kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc(proc, mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: proc
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end function kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
+ function kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc(proc, mask) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind) kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
+ integer (kind=omp_integer_kind), value :: proc
+ integer (kind=kmp_affinity_mask_kind) mask
+ end function kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
+ function kmp_malloc(size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: size
+ end function kmp_malloc
+ function kmp_aligned_malloc(size, alignment) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_aligned_malloc
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: size
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: alignment
+ end function kmp_aligned_malloc
+ function kmp_calloc(nelem, elsize) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: nelem
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: elsize
+ end function kmp_calloc
+ function kmp_realloc(ptr, size) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind), value :: ptr
+ integer (kind=kmp_size_t_kind), value :: size
+ end function kmp_realloc
+ subroutine kmp_free(ptr) bind(c)
+ import
+ integer (kind=kmp_pointer_kind), value :: ptr
+ end subroutine kmp_free
+ subroutine kmp_set_warnings_on() bind(c)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_warnings_on
+ subroutine kmp_set_warnings_off() bind(c)
+ end subroutine kmp_set_warnings_off
+ end interface
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_num_threads
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_dynamic
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_nested
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_num_threads
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_max_threads
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_thread_num
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_num_procs
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_in_parallel
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_dynamic
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_nested
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_thread_limit
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_max_active_levels
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_max_active_levels
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_level
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_active_level
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_ancestor_thread_num
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_team_size
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_schedule
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_schedule
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_proc_bind
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_wtime
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_wtick
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_default_device
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_default_device
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_is_initial_device
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_num_devices
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_num_teams
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_get_team_num
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_init_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_destroy_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_unset_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_test_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_init_nest_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_destroy_nest_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_set_nest_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_unset_nest_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: omp_test_nest_lock
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_stacksize
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_stacksize_s
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_blocktime
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_library_serial
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_library_turnaround
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_library_throughput
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_library
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_defaults
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_stacksize
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_stacksize_s
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_blocktime
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_library
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_affinity
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_affinity
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_create_affinity_mask
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_aligned_malloc
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_warnings_on
+!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES OFFLOAD:MIC :: kmp_set_warnings_off
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_num_threads )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_dynamic )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_nested )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_num_threads )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_max_threads )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_thread_num )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_num_procs )
+!$omp declare target(omp_in_parallel )
+!$omp declare target(omp_in_final )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_dynamic )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_nested )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_thread_limit )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_max_active_levels )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_max_active_levels )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_level )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_active_level )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_ancestor_thread_num )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_team_size )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_schedule )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_schedule )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_proc_bind )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_wtime )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_wtick )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_default_device )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_default_device )
+!$omp declare target(omp_is_initial_device )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_num_devices )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_num_teams )
+!$omp declare target(omp_get_team_num )
+!$omp declare target(omp_init_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_destroy_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_unset_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_test_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_init_nest_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_destroy_nest_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_set_nest_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_unset_nest_lock )
+!$omp declare target(omp_test_nest_lock )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_stacksize )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_stacksize_s )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_blocktime )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_library_serial )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_library_turnaround )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_library_throughput )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_library )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_defaults )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_stacksize )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_stacksize_s )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_blocktime )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_library )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_affinity )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_affinity )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_affinity_max_proc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_create_affinity_mask )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_destroy_affinity_mask )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_malloc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_aligned_malloc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_calloc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_realloc )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_free )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_warnings_on )
+!$omp declare target(kmp_set_warnings_off )