path: root/final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp
diff options
authorHans Wennborg <hans@hanshq.net>2019-09-19 13:10:55 +0000
committerHans Wennborg <hans@hanshq.net>2019-09-19 13:10:55 +0000
commiteb3f3d3dba53c4a84a47ad34e7c80dd03fb166b1 (patch)
treef9967a40084999103f3aec7ea6fd7b3ae67bfa3e /final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp
parent45d991f974a1776dca2641bce0f1756182ce6b4d (diff)
Creating release candidate final from release_900 branchsvn-tags/RELEASE_900
git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/openmp/tags/RELEASE_900@372316 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp b/final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..badbbde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/final/runtime/src/kmp_stub.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ * kmp_stub.cpp -- stub versions of user-callable OpenMP RT functions.
+ */
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define __KMP_IMP
+#include "omp.h" // omp_* declarations, must be included before "kmp.h"
+#include "kmp.h" // KMP_DEFAULT_STKSIZE
+#include "kmp_stub.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+// Moved from omp.h
+#define omp_set_max_active_levels ompc_set_max_active_levels
+#define omp_set_schedule ompc_set_schedule
+#define omp_get_ancestor_thread_num ompc_get_ancestor_thread_num
+#define omp_get_team_size ompc_get_team_size
+#define omp_set_num_threads ompc_set_num_threads
+#define omp_set_dynamic ompc_set_dynamic
+#define omp_set_nested ompc_set_nested
+#define omp_set_affinity_format ompc_set_affinity_format
+#define omp_get_affinity_format ompc_get_affinity_format
+#define omp_display_affinity ompc_display_affinity
+#define omp_capture_affinity ompc_capture_affinity
+#define kmp_set_stacksize kmpc_set_stacksize
+#define kmp_set_stacksize_s kmpc_set_stacksize_s
+#define kmp_set_blocktime kmpc_set_blocktime
+#define kmp_set_library kmpc_set_library
+#define kmp_set_defaults kmpc_set_defaults
+#define kmp_set_disp_num_buffers kmpc_set_disp_num_buffers
+#define kmp_malloc kmpc_malloc
+#define kmp_aligned_malloc kmpc_aligned_malloc
+#define kmp_calloc kmpc_calloc
+#define kmp_realloc kmpc_realloc
+#define kmp_free kmpc_free
+static double frequency = 0.0;
+// Helper functions.
+static size_t __kmps_init() {
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ static size_t dummy = 0;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ // TODO: Analyze KMP_VERSION environment variable, print
+ // __kmp_version_copyright and __kmp_version_build_time.
+ // WARNING: Do not use "fprintf(stderr, ...)" because it will cause
+ // unresolved "__iob" symbol (see C70080). We need to extract __kmp_printf()
+ // stuff from kmp_runtime.cpp and use it.
+ // Trick with dummy variable forces linker to keep __kmp_version_copyright
+ // and __kmp_version_build_time strings in executable file (in case of
+ // static linkage). When KMP_VERSION analysis is implemented, dummy
+ // variable should be deleted, function should return void.
+ dummy = __kmp_version_copyright - __kmp_version_build_time;
+ BOOL status = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq);
+ if (status) {
+ frequency = double(freq.QuadPart);
+ }
+ initialized = 1;
+ }
+ return dummy;
+} // __kmps_init
+#define i __kmps_init();
+/* set API functions */
+void omp_set_num_threads(omp_int_t num_threads) { i; }
+void omp_set_dynamic(omp_int_t dynamic) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_dynamic(dynamic);
+void omp_set_nested(omp_int_t nested) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_nested(nested);
+void omp_set_max_active_levels(omp_int_t max_active_levels) { i; }
+void omp_set_schedule(omp_sched_t kind, omp_int_t modifier) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_schedule((kmp_sched_t)kind, modifier);
+int omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(omp_int_t level) {
+ i;
+ return (level) ? (-1) : (0);
+int omp_get_team_size(omp_int_t level) {
+ i;
+ return (level) ? (-1) : (1);
+int kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
+ i;
+ return -1;
+int kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
+ i;
+ return -1;
+int kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
+ i;
+ return -1;
+/* kmp API functions */
+void kmp_set_stacksize(omp_int_t arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_stacksize(arg);
+void kmp_set_stacksize_s(size_t arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_stacksize(arg);
+void kmp_set_blocktime(omp_int_t arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_blocktime(arg);
+void kmp_set_library(omp_int_t arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_set_library(arg);
+void kmp_set_defaults(char const *str) { i; }
+void kmp_set_disp_num_buffers(omp_int_t arg) { i; }
+/* KMP memory management functions. */
+void *kmp_malloc(size_t size) {
+ i;
+ void *res;
+ // If succesfull returns a pointer to the memory block, otherwise returns
+ // NULL.
+ // Sets errno to ENOMEM or EINVAL if memory allocation failed or parameter
+ // validation failed.
+ res = _aligned_malloc(size, 1);
+ res = malloc(size);
+ return res;
+void *kmp_aligned_malloc(size_t sz, size_t a) {
+ i;
+ int err;
+ void *res;
+ res = _aligned_malloc(sz, a);
+ if (err = posix_memalign(&res, a, sz)) {
+ errno = err; // can be EINVAL or ENOMEM
+ res = NULL;
+ }
+ return res;
+void *kmp_calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize) {
+ i;
+ void *res;
+ res = _aligned_recalloc(NULL, nelem, elsize, 1);
+ res = calloc(nelem, elsize);
+ return res;
+void *kmp_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) {
+ i;
+ void *res;
+ res = _aligned_realloc(ptr, size, 1);
+ res = realloc(ptr, size);
+ return res;
+void kmp_free(void *ptr) {
+ i;
+ _aligned_free(ptr);
+ free(ptr);
+static int __kmps_blocktime = INT_MAX;
+void __kmps_set_blocktime(int arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_blocktime = arg;
+} // __kmps_set_blocktime
+int __kmps_get_blocktime(void) {
+ i;
+ return __kmps_blocktime;
+} // __kmps_get_blocktime
+static int __kmps_dynamic = 0;
+void __kmps_set_dynamic(int arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_dynamic = arg;
+} // __kmps_set_dynamic
+int __kmps_get_dynamic(void) {
+ i;
+ return __kmps_dynamic;
+} // __kmps_get_dynamic
+static int __kmps_library = 1000;
+void __kmps_set_library(int arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_library = arg;
+} // __kmps_set_library
+int __kmps_get_library(void) {
+ i;
+ return __kmps_library;
+} // __kmps_get_library
+static int __kmps_nested = 0;
+void __kmps_set_nested(int arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_nested = arg;
+} // __kmps_set_nested
+int __kmps_get_nested(void) {
+ i;
+ return __kmps_nested;
+} // __kmps_get_nested
+static size_t __kmps_stacksize = KMP_DEFAULT_STKSIZE;
+void __kmps_set_stacksize(int arg) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_stacksize = arg;
+} // __kmps_set_stacksize
+int __kmps_get_stacksize(void) {
+ i;
+ return __kmps_stacksize;
+} // __kmps_get_stacksize
+static kmp_sched_t __kmps_sched_kind = kmp_sched_default;
+static int __kmps_sched_modifier = 0;
+void __kmps_set_schedule(kmp_sched_t kind, int modifier) {
+ i;
+ __kmps_sched_kind = kind;
+ __kmps_sched_modifier = modifier;
+} // __kmps_set_schedule
+void __kmps_get_schedule(kmp_sched_t *kind, int *modifier) {
+ i;
+ *kind = __kmps_sched_kind;
+ *modifier = __kmps_sched_modifier;
+} // __kmps_get_schedule
+kmp_proc_bind_t __kmps_get_proc_bind(void) {
+ i;
+ return 0;
+} // __kmps_get_proc_bind
+double __kmps_get_wtime(void) {
+ // Elapsed wall clock time (in second) from "sometime in the past".
+ double wtime = 0.0;
+ i;
+ if (frequency > 0.0) {
+ BOOL status = QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
+ if (status) {
+ wtime = double(now.QuadPart) / frequency;
+ }
+ }
+ // gettimeofday() returns seconds and microseconds since the Epoch.
+ struct timeval tval;
+ int rc;
+ rc = gettimeofday(&tval, NULL);
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ wtime = (double)(tval.tv_sec) + 1.0E-06 * (double)(tval.tv_usec);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Assert or abort here.
+ }
+ return wtime;
+} // __kmps_get_wtime
+double __kmps_get_wtick(void) {
+ // Number of seconds between successive clock ticks.
+ double wtick = 0.0;
+ i;
+ {
+ DWORD increment;
+ DWORD adjustment;
+ BOOL disabled;
+ BOOL rc;
+ rc = GetSystemTimeAdjustment(&adjustment, &increment, &disabled);
+ if (rc) {
+ wtick = 1.0E-07 * (double)(disabled ? increment : adjustment);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Assert or abort here.
+ wtick = 1.0E-03;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: gettimeofday() returns in microseconds, but what the precision?
+ wtick = 1.0E-06;
+ return wtick;
+} // __kmps_get_wtick
+/* OpenMP 5.0 Memory Management */
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_null_allocator = 0;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_default_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)1;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_large_cap_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)2;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_const_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)3;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_high_bw_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)4;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_low_lat_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)5;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_cgroup_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)6;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_pteam_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)7;
+omp_allocator_handle_t const omp_thread_mem_alloc =
+ (omp_allocator_handle_t const)8;
+omp_memspace_handle_t const omp_default_mem_space =
+ (omp_memspace_handle_t const)0;
+omp_memspace_handle_t const omp_large_cap_mem_space =
+ (omp_memspace_handle_t const)1;
+omp_memspace_handle_t const omp_const_mem_space =
+ (omp_memspace_handle_t const)2;
+omp_memspace_handle_t const omp_high_bw_mem_space =
+ (omp_memspace_handle_t const)3;
+omp_memspace_handle_t const omp_low_lat_mem_space =
+ (omp_memspace_handle_t const)4;
+#endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS */
+void *omp_alloc(size_t size, const omp_allocator_handle_t allocator) {
+ i;
+ return malloc(size);
+void omp_free(void *ptr, const omp_allocator_handle_t allocator) {
+ i;
+ free(ptr);
+/* OpenMP 5.0 Affinity Format */
+void omp_set_affinity_format(char const *format) { i; }
+size_t omp_get_affinity_format(char *buffer, size_t size) {
+ i;
+ return 0;
+void omp_display_affinity(char const *format) { i; }
+size_t omp_capture_affinity(char *buffer, size_t buf_size, char const *format) {
+ i;
+ return 0;
+// end of file //