; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt -S -instcombine %s -o - | FileCheck %s ; All the "useless" instructions should be removed and we shouldn't crash. target datalayout = "p:16:16" %i64_t = type i64 @a = external global i16 @b = external global i16* define void @f() { ; CHECK-LABEL: @f( ; CHECK-NEXT: bb0: ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = alloca [2 x i32], align 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12_SUB:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [2 x i32], [2 x i32]* [[TMP12]], i16 0, i16 0 ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 undef, label [[BB1:%.*]], label [[BB2:%.*]] ; CHECK: bb1: ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = ptrtoint [2 x i32]* [[TMP12]] to i16 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i16 [[TMP8]], i16* @a, align 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable ; CHECK: bb2: ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load i16*, i16** @b, align 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i16 0, i16* [[TMP9]], align 2 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP12_SUB]], align 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP10]], -1 ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP11]], i32* [[TMP12_SUB]], align 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void ; bb0: %tmp1 = alloca %i64_t %tmp2 = bitcast %i64_t* %tmp1 to i32* %useless3 = bitcast %i64_t* %tmp1 to i16* %useless4 = getelementptr inbounds i16, i16* %useless3, i16 undef %useless5 = bitcast i16* %useless4 to i32* br i1 undef, label %bb1, label %bb2 bb1: ; preds = %bb0 %useless6 = insertvalue [1 x i32*] undef, i32* %tmp2, 0 %useless7 = insertvalue [1 x i32*] %useless6, i32* null, 0 %tmp8 = ptrtoint i32* %tmp2 to i16 store i16 %tmp8, i16* @a unreachable bb2: ; preds = %bb0 %tmp9 = load i16*, i16** @b store i16 0, i16* %tmp9 %tmp10 = load i32, i32* %tmp2 %tmp11 = sub i32 %tmp10, 1 store i32 %tmp11, i32* %tmp2 ret void }