//===- unittests/AST/NamedDeclPrinterTest.cpp --- NamedDecl printer tests -===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file contains tests for NamedDecl::printQualifiedName(). // // These tests have a coding convention: // * declaration to be printed is named 'A' unless it should have some special // name (e.g., 'operator+'); // * additional helper declarations are 'Z', 'Y', 'X' and so on. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h" #include "clang/AST/Decl.h" #include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h" #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" using namespace clang; using namespace ast_matchers; using namespace tooling; namespace { class PrintMatch : public MatchFinder::MatchCallback { SmallString<1024> Printed; unsigned NumFoundDecls; std::function Printer; public: explicit PrintMatch( std::function Printer) : NumFoundDecls(0), Printer(std::move(Printer)) {} void run(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override { const NamedDecl *ND = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs("id"); if (!ND) return; NumFoundDecls++; if (NumFoundDecls > 1) return; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Printed); Printer(Out, ND); } StringRef getPrinted() const { return Printed; } unsigned getNumFoundDecls() const { return NumFoundDecls; } }; ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedDeclMatches( StringRef Code, const std::vector &Args, const DeclarationMatcher &NodeMatch, StringRef ExpectedPrinted, StringRef FileName, std::function Print) { PrintMatch Printer(std::move(Print)); MatchFinder Finder; Finder.addMatcher(NodeMatch, &Printer); std::unique_ptr Factory = newFrontendActionFactory(&Finder); if (!runToolOnCodeWithArgs(Factory->create(), Code, Args, FileName)) return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Parsing error in \"" << Code.str() << "\""; if (Printer.getNumFoundDecls() == 0) return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Matcher didn't find any named declarations"; if (Printer.getNumFoundDecls() > 1) return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Matcher should match only one named declaration " "(found " << Printer.getNumFoundDecls() << ")"; if (Printer.getPrinted() != ExpectedPrinted) return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Expected \"" << ExpectedPrinted.str() << "\", " "got \"" << Printer.getPrinted().str() << "\""; return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedNamedDeclMatches(StringRef Code, const std::vector &Args, bool SuppressUnwrittenScope, const DeclarationMatcher &NodeMatch, StringRef ExpectedPrinted, StringRef FileName) { return PrintedDeclMatches(Code, Args, NodeMatch, ExpectedPrinted, FileName, [=](llvm::raw_ostream &Out, const NamedDecl *ND) { auto Policy = ND->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy(); Policy.SuppressUnwrittenScope = SuppressUnwrittenScope; ND->printQualifiedName(Out, Policy); }); } ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedNamedDeclCXX98Matches(StringRef Code, StringRef DeclName, StringRef ExpectedPrinted) { std::vector Args(1, "-std=c++98"); return PrintedNamedDeclMatches(Code, Args, /*SuppressUnwrittenScope*/ false, namedDecl(hasName(DeclName)).bind("id"), ExpectedPrinted, "input.cc"); } ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches(StringRef Code, StringRef DeclName, StringRef ExpectedPrinted) { std::vector Args(1, "-std=c++11"); return PrintedNamedDeclMatches(Code, Args, /*SuppressUnwrittenScope*/ true, namedDecl(hasName(DeclName)).bind("id"), ExpectedPrinted, "input.cc"); } ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedWrittenPropertyDeclObjCMatches(StringRef Code, StringRef DeclName, StringRef ExpectedPrinted) { std::vector Args{"-std=c++11", "-xobjective-c++"}; return PrintedNamedDeclMatches(Code, Args, /*SuppressUnwrittenScope*/ true, objcPropertyDecl(hasName(DeclName)).bind("id"), ExpectedPrinted, "input.m"); } ::testing::AssertionResult PrintedNestedNameSpecifierMatches(StringRef Code, StringRef DeclName, StringRef ExpectedPrinted) { std::vector Args{"-std=c++11"}; return PrintedDeclMatches(Code, Args, namedDecl(hasName(DeclName)).bind("id"), ExpectedPrinted, "input.cc", [](llvm::raw_ostream &Out, const NamedDecl *D) { D->printNestedNameSpecifier(Out); }); } } // unnamed namespace TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestNamespace1) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedNamedDeclCXX98Matches( "namespace { int A; }", "A", "(anonymous namespace)::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestNamespace2) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "inline namespace Z { namespace { int A; } }", "A", "A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestUnscopedUnnamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "enum { A };", "A", "A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestNamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "enum X { A };", "A", "A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestScopedNamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "enum class X { A };", "A", "X::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestClassWithUnscopedUnnamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "class X { enum { A }; };", "A", "X::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestClassWithUnscopedNamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "class X { enum Y { A }; };", "A", "X::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestClassWithScopedNamedEnum) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "class X { enum class Y { A }; };", "A", "X::Y::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestLinkageInNamespace) { ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenNamedDeclCXX11Matches( "namespace X { extern \"C\" { int A; } }", "A", "X::A")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestObjCClassExtension) { const char *Code = R"( @interface Obj @end @interface Obj () @property(nonatomic) int property; @end )"; ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenPropertyDeclObjCMatches( Code, "property", "Obj::property")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, TestObjCClassExtensionWithGetter) { const char *Code = R"( @interface Obj @end @interface Obj () @property(nonatomic, getter=myPropertyGetter) int property; @end )"; ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedWrittenPropertyDeclObjCMatches( Code, "property", "Obj::property")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, NestedNameSpecifierSimple) { const char *Code = R"( namespace foo { namespace bar { void func(); } } )"; ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedNestedNameSpecifierMatches(Code, "func", "foo::bar::")); } TEST(NamedDeclPrinter, NestedNameSpecifierTemplateArgs) { const char *Code = R"( template struct vector; template <> struct vector { int method(); }; )"; ASSERT_TRUE( PrintedNestedNameSpecifierMatches(Code, "method", "vector::")); }