path: root/rust/kernel/
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diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Work queues.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/workqueue.h`](../../../../include/linux/workqueue.h)
+use crate::{
+ bindings, c_str,
+ error::code::*,
+ sync::{LockClassKey, Ref, UniqueRef},
+ Opaque, Result,
+use core::{fmt, ops::Deref, ptr::NonNull};
+/// Spawns a new work item to run in the work queue.
+/// It also automatically defines a new lockdep lock class for the work item.
+macro_rules! spawn_work_item {
+ ($queue:expr, $func:expr) => {{
+ static CLASS: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ $crate::workqueue::Queue::try_spawn($queue, &CLASS, $func)
+ }};
+/// Implements the [`WorkAdapter`] trait for a type where its [`Work`] instance is a field.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::workqueue::Work;
+/// struct Example {
+/// work: Work,
+/// }
+/// kernel::impl_self_work_adapter!(Example, work, |_| {});
+/// ```
+macro_rules! impl_self_work_adapter {
+ ($work_type:ty, $field:ident, $closure:expr) => {
+ $crate::impl_work_adapter!($work_type, $work_type, $field, $closure);
+ };
+/// Implements the [`WorkAdapter`] trait for an adapter type.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::workqueue::Work;
+/// struct Example {
+/// work: Work,
+/// }
+/// struct Adapter;
+/// kernel::impl_work_adapter!(Adapter, Example, work, |_| {});
+/// ```
+macro_rules! impl_work_adapter {
+ ($adapter:ty, $work_type:ty, $field:ident, $closure:expr) => {
+ // SAFETY: We use `offset_of` to ensure that the field is within the given type, and we
+ // also check its type is `Work`.
+ unsafe impl $crate::workqueue::WorkAdapter for $adapter {
+ type Target = $work_type;
+ const FIELD_OFFSET: isize = $crate::offset_of!(Self::Target, $field);
+ fn run(w: $crate::sync::Ref<Self::Target>) {
+ let closure: fn($crate::sync::Ref<Self::Target>) = $closure;
+ closure(w);
+ return;
+ // Checks that the type of the field is actually `Work`.
+ let tmp = core::mem::MaybeUninit::<$work_type>::uninit();
+ // SAFETY: The pointer is valid and aligned, just not initialised; `addr_of`
+ // ensures that we don't actually read from it (which would be UB) nor create an
+ // intermediate reference.
+ let _x: *const $crate::workqueue::Work =
+ unsafe { core::ptr::addr_of!((*tmp.as_ptr()).$field) };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+/// Initialises a work item.
+/// It automatically defines a new lockdep lock class for the work item.
+macro_rules! init_work_item {
+ ($work_container:expr) => {{
+ static CLASS: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ $crate::workqueue::Work::init($work_container, &CLASS)
+ }};
+/// Initialises a work item with the given adapter.
+/// It automatically defines a new lockdep lock class for the work item.
+macro_rules! init_work_item_adapter {
+ ($adapter:ty, $work_container:expr) => {{
+ static CLASS: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ $crate::workqueue::Work::init_with_adapter::<$adapter>($work_container, &CLASS)
+ }};
+/// A kernel work queue.
+/// Wraps the kernel's C `struct workqueue_struct`.
+/// It allows work items to be queued to run on thread pools managed by the kernel. Several are
+/// always available, for example, the ones returned by [`system`], [`system_highpri`],
+/// [`system_long`], etc.
+/// # Examples
+/// The following example is the simplest way to launch a work item:
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::{spawn_work_item, workqueue};
+/// # fn example() -> Result {
+/// spawn_work_item!(workqueue::system(), || pr_info!("Hello from a work item\n"))?;
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// # example().unwrap()
+/// ```
+/// The following example is used to create a work item and enqueue it several times. We note that
+/// enqueuing while the work item is already queued is a no-op, so we enqueue it when it is not
+/// enqueued yet.
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::workqueue::{self, Work};
+/// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
+/// use kernel::sync::UniqueRef;
+/// struct Example {
+/// count: AtomicU32,
+/// work: Work,
+/// }
+/// kernel::impl_self_work_adapter!(Example, work, |w| {
+/// let count = w.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
+/// pr_info!("Called with count={}\n", count);
+/// // Queue again if the count is less than 10.
+/// if count < 10 {
+/// workqueue::system().enqueue(w);
+/// }
+/// });
+/// # fn example() -> Result {
+/// let e = UniqueRef::try_new(Example {
+/// count: AtomicU32::new(0),
+/// // SAFETY: `work` is initialised below.
+/// work: unsafe { Work::new() },
+/// })?;
+/// kernel::init_work_item!(&e);
+/// // Queue the first time.
+/// workqueue::system().enqueue(e.into());
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// # example().unwrap()
+/// ```
+/// The following example has two different work items in the same struct, which allows it to be
+/// queued twice.
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::workqueue::{self, Work, WorkAdapter};
+/// use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
+/// use kernel::sync::{Ref, UniqueRef};
+/// struct Example {
+/// work1: Work,
+/// work2: Work,
+/// }
+/// kernel::impl_self_work_adapter!(Example, work1, |_| pr_info!("First work\n"));
+/// struct SecondAdapter;
+/// kernel::impl_work_adapter!(SecondAdapter, Example, work2, |_| pr_info!("Second work\n"));
+/// # fn example() -> Result {
+/// let e = UniqueRef::try_new(Example {
+/// // SAFETY: `work1` is initialised below.
+/// work1: unsafe { Work::new() },
+/// // SAFETY: `work2` is initialised below.
+/// work2: unsafe { Work::new() },
+/// })?;
+/// kernel::init_work_item!(&e);
+/// kernel::init_work_item_adapter!(SecondAdapter, &e);
+/// let e = Ref::from(e);
+/// // Enqueue the two different work items.
+/// workqueue::system().enqueue(e.clone());
+/// workqueue::system().enqueue_adapter::<SecondAdapter>(e);
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// # example().unwrap()
+/// ```
+pub struct Queue(Opaque<bindings::workqueue_struct>);
+// SAFETY: Kernel workqueues are usable from any thread.
+unsafe impl Sync for Queue {}
+impl Queue {
+ /// Tries to allocate a new work queue.
+ ///
+ /// Callers should first consider using one of the existing ones (e.g. [`system`]) before
+ /// deciding to create a new one.
+ pub fn try_new(name: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Result<BoxedQueue> {
+ // SAFETY: We use a format string that requires an `fmt::Arguments` pointer as the first
+ // and only argument.
+ let ptr = unsafe {
+ bindings::alloc_workqueue(
+ c_str!("%pA").as_char_ptr(),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ &name as *const _ as *const core::ffi::c_void,
+ )
+ };
+ if ptr.is_null() {
+ return Err(ENOMEM);
+ }
+ // SAFETY: `ptr` was just allocated and checked above, so it non-null and valid. Plus, it
+ // isn't touched after the call below, so ownership is transferred.
+ Ok(unsafe { BoxedQueue::new(ptr) })
+ }
+ /// Enqueues a work item.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `true` if the work item was successfully enqueue; returns `false` if it had already
+ /// been (and continued to be) enqueued.
+ pub fn enqueue<T: WorkAdapter<Target = T>>(&self, w: Ref<T>) -> bool {
+ self.enqueue_adapter::<T>(w)
+ }
+ /// Enqueues a work item with an explicit adapter.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `true` if the work item was successfully enqueue; returns `false` if it had already
+ /// been (and continued to be) enqueued.
+ pub fn enqueue_adapter<A: WorkAdapter + ?Sized>(&self, w: Ref<A::Target>) -> bool {
+ let ptr = Ref::into_raw(w);
+ let field_ptr =
+ (ptr as *const u8).wrapping_offset(A::FIELD_OFFSET) as *mut bindings::work_struct;
+ // SAFETY: Having a shared reference to work queue guarantees that it remains valid, while
+ // the work item remains valid because we called `into_raw` and only call `from_raw` again
+ // if the object was already queued (so a previous call already guarantees it remains
+ // alive), when the work item runs, or when the work item is canceled.
+ let ret = unsafe {
+ bindings::queue_work_on(bindings::WORK_CPU_UNBOUND as _, self.0.get(), field_ptr)
+ };
+ if !ret {
+ // SAFETY: `ptr` comes from a previous call to `into_raw`. Additionally, given that
+ // `queue_work_on` returned `false`, we know that no-one is going to use the result of
+ // `into_raw`, so we must drop it here to avoid a reference leak.
+ unsafe { Ref::from_raw(ptr) };
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ /// Tries to spawn the given function or closure as a work item.
+ ///
+ /// Users are encouraged to use [`spawn_work_item`] as it automatically defines the lock class
+ /// key to be used.
+ pub fn try_spawn<T: 'static + Send + Fn()>(
+ &self,
+ key: &'static LockClassKey,
+ func: T,
+ ) -> Result {
+ let w = UniqueRef::<ClosureAdapter<T>>::try_new(ClosureAdapter {
+ // SAFETY: `work` is initialised below.
+ work: unsafe { Work::new() },
+ func,
+ })?;
+ Work::init(&w, key);
+ self.enqueue(w.into());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+struct ClosureAdapter<T: Fn() + Send> {
+ work: Work,
+ func: T,
+// SAFETY: `ClosureAdapter::work` is of type `Work`.
+unsafe impl<T: Fn() + Send> WorkAdapter for ClosureAdapter<T> {
+ type Target = Self;
+ const FIELD_OFFSET: isize = crate::offset_of!(Self, work);
+ fn run(w: Ref<Self::Target>) {
+ (w.func)();
+ }
+/// An adapter for work items.
+/// For the most usual case where a type has a [`Work`] in it and is itself the adapter, it is
+/// recommended that they use the [`impl_self_work_adapter`] or [`impl_work_adapter`] macros
+/// instead of implementing the [`WorkAdapter`] manually. The great advantage is that they don't
+/// require any unsafe blocks.
+/// # Safety
+/// Implementers must ensure that there is a [`Work`] instance `FIELD_OFFSET` bytes from the
+/// beginning of a valid `Target` type. It is normally safe to use the [`crate::offset_of`] macro
+/// for this.
+pub unsafe trait WorkAdapter {
+ /// The type that this work adapter is meant to use.
+ type Target;
+ /// The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of [`Self::Target`] to the instance of [`Work`].
+ const FIELD_OFFSET: isize;
+ /// Runs when the work item is picked up for execution after it has been enqueued to some work
+ /// queue.
+ fn run(w: Ref<Self::Target>);
+/// A work item.
+/// Wraps the kernel's C `struct work_struct`.
+/// Users must add a field of this type to a structure, then implement [`WorkAdapter`] so that it
+/// can be queued for execution in a thread pool. Examples of it being used are available in the
+/// documentation for [`Queue`].
+pub struct Work(Opaque<bindings::work_struct>);
+impl Work {
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`Work`].
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// Callers must call either [`Work::init`] or [`Work::init_with_adapter`] before the work item
+ /// can be used.
+ pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(Opaque::uninit())
+ }
+ /// Initialises the work item.
+ ///
+ /// Users should prefer the [`init_work_item`] macro because it automatically defines a new
+ /// lock class key.
+ pub fn init<T: WorkAdapter<Target = T>>(obj: &UniqueRef<T>, key: &'static LockClassKey) {
+ Self::init_with_adapter::<T>(obj, key)
+ }
+ /// Initialises the work item with the given adapter.
+ ///
+ /// Users should prefer the [`init_work_item_adapter`] macro because it automatically defines a
+ /// new lock class key.
+ pub fn init_with_adapter<A: WorkAdapter>(
+ obj: &UniqueRef<A::Target>,
+ key: &'static LockClassKey,
+ ) {
+ let ptr = &**obj as *const _ as *const u8;
+ let field_ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(A::FIELD_OFFSET) as *mut bindings::work_struct;
+ // SAFETY: `work` is valid for writes -- the `UniqueRef` instance guarantees that it has
+ // been allocated and there is only one pointer to it. Additionally, `work_func` is a valid
+ // callback for the work item.
+ unsafe {
+ bindings::__INIT_WORK_WITH_KEY(field_ptr, Some(Self::work_func::<A>), false, key.get())
+ };
+ }
+ /// Cancels the work item.
+ ///
+ /// It is ok for this to be called when the work is not queued.
+ pub fn cancel(&self) {
+ // SAFETY: The work is valid (we have a reference to it), and the function can be called
+ // whether the work is queued or not.
+ if unsafe { bindings::cancel_work_sync(self.0.get()) } {
+ // SAFETY: When the work was queued, a call to `into_raw` was made. We just canceled
+ // the work without it having the chance to run, so we need to explicitly destroy this
+ // reference (which would have happened in `work_func` if it did run).
+ unsafe { Ref::from_raw(&*self) };
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe extern "C" fn work_func<A: WorkAdapter>(work: *mut bindings::work_struct) {
+ let field_ptr = work as *const _ as *const u8;
+ let ptr = field_ptr.wrapping_offset(-A::FIELD_OFFSET) as *const A::Target;
+ // SAFETY: This callback is only ever used by the `init_with_adapter` method, so it is
+ // always the case that the work item is embedded in a `Work` (Self) struct.
+ let w = unsafe { Ref::from_raw(ptr) };
+ A::run(w);
+ }
+/// A boxed owned workqueue.
+/// # Invariants
+/// `ptr` is owned by this instance of [`BoxedQueue`], so it's always valid.
+pub struct BoxedQueue {
+ ptr: NonNull<Queue>,
+impl BoxedQueue {
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`BoxedQueue`].
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// `ptr` must be non-null and valid. Additionally, ownership must be handed over to new
+ /// instance of [`BoxedQueue`].
+ unsafe fn new(ptr: *mut bindings::workqueue_struct) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ // SAFETY: We checked above that `ptr` is non-null.
+ ptr: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr.cast()) },
+ }
+ }
+impl Deref for BoxedQueue {
+ type Target = Queue;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Queue {
+ // SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that `ptr` is always valid.
+ unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
+ }
+impl Drop for BoxedQueue {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that `ptr` is always valid.
+ unsafe { bindings::destroy_workqueue(self.ptr.as_ref().0.get()) };
+ }
+/// Returns the system work queue (`system_wq`).
+/// It is the one used by schedule\[_delayed\]_work\[_on\](). Multi-CPU multi-threaded. There are
+/// users which expect relatively short queue flush time.
+/// Callers shouldn't queue work items which can run for too long.
+pub fn system() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system high-priority work queue (`system_highpri_wq`).
+/// It is similar to the one returned by [`system`] but for work items which require higher
+/// scheduling priority.
+pub fn system_highpri() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_highpri_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_highpri_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system work queue for potentially long-running work items (`system_long_wq`).
+/// It is similar to the one returned by [`system`] but may host long running work items. Queue
+/// flushing might take relatively long.
+pub fn system_long() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_long_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_long_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system unbound work queue (`system_unbound_wq`).
+/// Workers are not bound to any specific CPU, not concurrency managed, and all queued work items
+/// are executed immediately as long as `max_active` limit is not reached and resources are
+/// available.
+pub fn system_unbound() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_unbound_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_unbound_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system freezable work queue (`system_freezable_wq`).
+/// It is equivalent to the one returned by [`system`] except that it's freezable.
+pub fn system_freezable() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_freezable_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_freezable_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system power-efficient work queue (`system_power_efficient_wq`).
+/// It is inclined towards saving power and is converted to "unbound" variants if the
+/// `workqueue.power_efficient` kernel parameter is specified; otherwise, it is similar to the one
+/// returned by [`system`].
+pub fn system_power_efficient() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_power_efficient_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_power_efficient_wq.cast() }
+/// Returns the system freezable power-efficient work queue (`system_freezable_power_efficient_wq`).
+/// It is similar to the one returned by [`system_power_efficient`] except that is freezable.
+pub fn system_freezable_power_efficient() -> &'static Queue {
+ // SAFETY: `system_freezable_power_efficient_wq` is a C global, always available.
+ unsafe { &*bindings::system_freezable_power_efficient_wq.cast() }