diff options
authorDaniel Thompson <daniel.thompson@linaro.org>2018-06-18 16:44:39 +0100
committerDaniel Thompson <daniel.thompson@linaro.org>2018-06-18 16:44:39 +0100
commit2834623ccab65287d2c0caab2dcaca0b56f16769 (patch)
parent1d4c6c56310f11de5baaee25b826795064b8d1c9 (diff)
glance: worklog: Add templating support
Provide a templating tool to the worklog command. It works similarly to the format/summary command although using default=argparse.SUPPRESS we can provide multiple views of the data with a single command.
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/bin/glance b/bin/glance
index c300c3d..3cb090c 100755
--- a/bin/glance
+++ b/bin/glance
@@ -702,20 +702,40 @@ def do_worklog(args):
report = Report(issues)
# Sort by time order (glimpse used to sort by issue number here)
- for w in report.worklog():
- card = report.issues[w['issue']]
- if 'parent' in card:
- if card['parent'] in report.issues:
- epic = report.issues[card['parent']]
- else:
- epic = card
+ for w in report.worklog(recurse=True):
+ w['card'] = report.issues[w['issue']]
+ if 'parent' in w['card'] and card['parent'] in report.issues:
+ w['epic'] = report.issues[card['parent']]
- epic = card
- print('"{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}"'.format(
- card['key'], card['summary'], epic['key'],
- card.get_member(), card.get_component(),
- w['started'], w['timeSpentSeconds'],
- w['author']['displayName']))
+ w['epic'] = w['card']
+ ln = args.template
+ for m in re.finditer('{([^}:]+)([^}]*)}', args.template):
+ field = m.group(1)
+ fmt = m.group(2)
+ try:
+ if 'card-member' == field:
+ val = w['card'].get_member()
+ elif 'card-component' == field:
+ val = w['card'].get_component()
+ elif 'progress' == field or 'plans' == field:
+ val = '\n'
+ for bullet in w.parse()['plans' == field]:
+ val += '* {}\n'.format(bullet)
+ elif '-' in field:
+ (field, attr) = field.split('-', 1)
+ if isinstance(w[field], str):
+ val = w[field][0:int(attr)]
+ else:
+ val = w[field][attr]
+ else:
+ val = w[field]
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ ln = ln.replace(m.group(0), '{{{}}}'.format(fmt).format(val))
+ print(ln)
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@@ -800,6 +820,17 @@ def main(argv):
s = subparsers.add_parser('worklog',
help='Summarize each worklog entry')
+ s.add_argument('--csv', dest='template',
+ help="Format summary as CSV (for spreadsheet import)",
+ default=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_const',
+ const='"{card-key}","{card-summary}","{epic-key}","{card-member}","{card-component}","{started}","{timeSpentSeconds}","{author-displayName}"')
+ s.add_argument('--progress', dest='template',
+ help="Show the progress report for each worklog",
+ default=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_const',
+ const='{card-key}: {card-summary} ({author-displayName})\n{progress}')
+ s.add_argument('--template',
+ help="Format the worklog using a custom template",
+ default='{card-key}: {card-summary} ({author-displayName}, {timeSpent})')
s.add_argument('json', nargs='?')