metadata: name: bonnie_benchmark_test format: "Lava-Test-Shell Test Definition 1.0" description: "Bonnie++ is a benchmark suite that is aimed at performing a number of simple tests of hard drive and file system performance." maintainer: - - os: - ubuntu - openembedded scope: - performance devices: - all devices install: git-repos: - url: deps: - build-essential steps: - 'cd bonnie++-1.03e' - './configure prefix=/usr ; make all install ; cd ..' params: SCRATCH_DIR: /tmp SIZE: 500 NUM_TO_STAT: 50 RAM_SIZE: 200 run: steps: - 'OPT="-u 0:0 -d $SCRATCH_DIR -s $SIZE -n $NUM_TO_STAT -r $RAM_SIZE -q"' - '/usr/sbin/bonnie++ $OPT | tee bonnie++.log' - 'log_file_size=`du -b bonnie++.log|cut -f1`' - 'lava-test-case run-bonnie++ --shell test ${log_file_size} -gt 0' - 'lava-test-case-attach run-bonnie++ bonnie++.log' - './common/scripts/ bonnie++.log'