This set of scripts deploys a working Openstack 3rd-party CI environment
on a set of nodes in an HP Moonshot.  The moonshot must have a mixed set
of amd64 and arm64 nodes.

I am using m300 (Scott 1, 8-core Atom) and m400 (McDivitt, 8-core APM X-Gene),
as well as a small set of the original Borman (4-core Atom) cartridges.

Step 1 - Deploy and Openstack Cloud:

  Run each of the scripts (in numeric order) in ./cloud-depoy/.  Wait
  between each step to allow Juju time to finish.  Run 'juju debug-log'
  to watch for activity if necessary.

Step 2 - Deploy Openstack CI Components:

  Run each of the scripts (in numeric order) in ./ci-deploy/.