diff options
authorClark Laughlin <>2015-05-12 16:25:00 -0400
committerClark Laughlin <>2015-05-12 16:25:00 -0400
commit0faf39e8931cf25522f0a43474712fd548b38096 (patch)
parent252faca08324656b3946988a1e1cd37cedc67da6 (diff)
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/tempest-pull/ b/tempest-pull/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa74c50..0000000
--- a/tempest-pull/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-import gc
-import os
-import string
-from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
-from lava import LAVADashboard
-from bundle import BundleStore
-from bundle import Bundle
-# this is the URL of the LAVA instance to retrieve from
-# this is the URL of the Neo4J instance
-NEO4J_ENDPOINT = "http://neo4j:linaro@localhost:7474/db/data/"
-# this is the name of the bundle stream to retrieve from
-BUNDLE_STREAM_NAME = "/public/team/openstack/tempest-ci/"
-# this is the root location where the raw bundle JSON will be downloaded
-# and stored. Each bundle will be stored as a single .txt file inside
-# a directory named with the bundle UUID. Any bundle that already has a
-# directory present will be skipped on subsequent runs.
-BUNDLES_ROOT = os.environ["LAVA_PULL_BUNDLEROOT"] #"/srv/tempest/bundles/"
-# this is the root location where the bundle's extracted log data and
-# other files will be written
-LOGS_ROOT = os.environ["LAVA_PULL_LOGROOT"] #"/srv/tempest/logs/"
-# these are the important files that are to be brought to the top-level of
-# the output directory
- 'devstack' : [
- { 'src' : "stdout.log", 'new-name' : "stdout-devstack.log" }
- ],
- 'tempest-summary' : [
- { 'src' : "tempest-summary.txt" }
- ],
- 'tempest-run' : [
- { 'src' : "*.log.gz" },
- { 'src' : "*.txt.gz" },
- { 'src' : "apache2/*" },
- { 'src' : "libvirt/*" },
- { 'src' : "all-tests.txt" },
- { 'src' : "results.subunit" },
- { 'src' : "" },
- { 'src' : "stdout.log", 'new-name' : "stdout-tempest.log" },
- { 'src' : "tempest_conf.txt" }
- ]
-class Neo4JDatabase(object):
- def __init__(self, endpoint):
- self.endpoint = endpoint
- def store_bundle(self, bundle):
- if not isinstance(bundle, Bundle):
- raise Exception("argument is not a Bundle")
- graph = Graph(self.endpoint)
- print "creating graph for bundle"
- # find (or create) the OS version + distro node
- os_version = bundle.metadata["lava_job_attributes"]["os-version"]
- os_distro = bundle.metadata["lava_job_attributes"]["os-distro"]
- os_name = "%s/%s" % (os_distro, os_version)
- OS_node = graph.find_one("OS", "name", os_name)
- if not OS_node:
- OS_node = Node("OS", name=os_name, distro=os_distro, version=os_version)
- graph.create(OS_node)
- # find (or create) the devstack branch node
- devstack_branch = bundle.metadata["lava_job_attributes"]["devstack-branch"]
- Branch_node = graph.find_one("Devstack", "name", devstack_branch)
- if not Branch_node:
- Branch_node = Node("Devstack", name=devstack_branch)
- graph.create(Branch_node)
- # create the main tempest run node and associate with the OS and Branch
- TempestRun_node = Node("TempestRun", \
- date = bundle.metadata["date_uploaded"], \
- lava_job = bundle.metadata["lava_job_id"], \
- sha1 = bundle.metadata["bundle_sha1"])
- if bundle.all_tests:
-["all_tests"] = len(bundle.all_tests)
- if bundle.tests_run:
-["tests_run"] = len(bundle.tests_run)
- if bundle.failing_tests:
-["failing_tests"] = len(bundle.failing_tests)
- if bundle.skipped_tests:
-["skipped_tests"] = len(bundle.skipped_tests)
- if bundle.passing_tests:
-["passing_tests"] = len(bundle.passing_tests)
- OS_relationship = Relationship(TempestRun_node, "ON", OS_node)
- Branch_relationship = Relationship(TempestRun_node, "USING", Branch_node)
- graph.create(TempestRun_node, OS_relationship, Branch_relationship)
- # create all of the tests and relate them back to the tempest node
- for test_set in [bundle.failing_tests, bundle.passing_tests, bundle.skipped_tests]:
- if test_set:
- print "adding tests"
- for test in test_set:
- Test_node = Node("Test", test["status"], \
- name=test["test"], \
- status=test["status"], \
- start_time=test["start_time"], \
- stop_time=test["stop_time"], \
- test_class=test["class"])
- Test_relationship = Relationship(TempestRun_node, \
- "HAS_TEST", Test_node, status=test["status"])
- graph.create(Test_node, Test_relationship)
-def main():
- lava.connect()
- store = BundleStore(BUNDLES_ROOT)
- store_sha1_list = store.bundle_list()
- bundle_sha1_list, bundle_list = lava.server_bundle_list()
- for entry in bundle_list:
- sha1 = entry["content_sha1"]
- if sha1 in store_sha1_list:
- print "[%s] skipping, already processed" % sha1
- continue
- print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- print "downloading new entry:"
- print entry
- bundle = lava.retrieve_bundle(entry)
- print "[%s]:" % sha1
- metadata = bundle.expand(WHITELIST, LOGS_ROOT)
- database = Neo4JDatabase(NEO4J_ENDPOINT)
- database.store_bundle(bundle)
- store.write_bundle_receipt(bundle)
- del bundle
- gc.collect()
diff --git a/tempest-pull/ b/tempest-pull/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7edff4..0000000
--- a/tempest-pull/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-import couchdb
-import csv
-import argparse
-import subprocess
-import string
-import os
-import StringIO
-import re
-from uuid import uuid4
-import datetime
-COUCHDB_USERNAME = 'data_upload'
-# clean up a test id
-def clean_test_id(test_id):
- if '[' in test_id:
- test_id = test_id[:test_id.index('[')]
- return re.sub('[^-0-9A-Za-z_.]', '-', test_id)
-# extract a "class name" from a test id
-def get_class_name(test_id, class_depth):
- clean_name = clean_test_id(test_id)
- words = clean_name.split(".")
- return ".".join(words[1:class_depth])
-# convert subunit2csv data to json
-def csv_to_json(input_csv):
- f = StringIO.StringIO(input_csv)
- reader = csv.DictReader(f)
- result = []
- for row in reader:
- test_id = row["test"]
- # clean up the test name (get rid of the [uuid]) part
- row["test"] = clean_test_id(test_id)
- # add an entry for the class
- row["class"] = get_class_name(test_id, 3)
- result.append(row)
- return result
-def get_tests_run(subunit_stream):
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat", subunit_stream], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit2csv", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1.stdout.close()
- output = p2.communicate()[0]
- return csv_to_json(output)
-def get_failing_tests(subunit_stream):
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat", subunit_stream], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit-filter", "--only-genuine-failures", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p3 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit2csv", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1.stdout.close()
- p2.stdout.close()
- output = p3.communicate()[0]
- return csv_to_json(output)
-def get_failing_tests_xml(subunit_stream):
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat", subunit_stream], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit-filter", "--only-genuine-failures", "--passthrough"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p3 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit2junitxml"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1.stdout.close()
- p2.stdout.close()
- output = p3.communicate()[0]
- return output
-def get_passing_tests(subunit_stream):
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat", subunit_stream], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit-filter", "--no-skip", "--no-failure", "--success", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p3 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit2csv", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1.stdout.close()
- p2.stdout.close()
- output = p3.communicate()[0]
- return csv_to_json(output)
-def get_skipped_tests(subunit_stream):
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(["cat", subunit_stream], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit-filter", "--no-error", "--no-failure", "--no-success", "--no-xfail", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p3 = subprocess.Popen(["subunit2csv", "--no-passthrough"], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1.stdout.close()
- p2.stdout.close()
- output = p3.communicate()[0]
- return csv_to_json(output)
-def get_all_tests(all_tests):
- with open(all_tests) as f:
- return [clean_test_id(line.rstrip('\n')) for line in f]
-def create_base_document(metadata):
- doc = dict()
- # test data that needs to come from the bundle stream
- doc['os_distro'] = 'ubuntu'
- doc['os_version'] = 'trusty'
- doc['devstack_branch'] = 'master'
- doc['lava_job_id'] = '624'
- doc['networking'] = 'nova-network'
- doc['lava_bundle_stream'] = ''
- doc['date'] ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
- # create a document id, and create the base set of tags for searching
- doc['_id'] = uuid4().hex
- doc['tags'] = [ doc['os_distro'], doc['os_version'], doc['devstack_branch'], doc['networking'] ]
- return doc
-def create_test_run_document(metadata, log_files, all_tests, tests_run, skipped_tests, failing_tests, passing_tests):
- doc = create_base_document(metadata)
- doc['$type'] = 'test-run'
- summary_stats = dict()
- summary_stats['total_tests'] = len(all_tests)
- summary_stats['tests_run'] = len(tests_run)
- summary_stats['skipped_tests'] = len(skipped_tests)
- summary_stats['passing_tests'] = len(passing_tests)
- summary_stats['failing_tests'] = len(failing_tests)
- doc['summary'] = summary_stats
- doc['discovered_tests'] = all_tests
- server = couchdb.Server()
- server.resource.credentials = (COUCHDB_USERNAME, COUCHDB_PASSWORD)
- doc_id, rev_id = server['tempest_results'].save(doc)
- print "test run summary document created [%s, %s]" % (doc_id, rev_id)
- return doc_id
-def create_test_document_helper(server, metadata, summary_doc_id, test):
- doc = create_base_document(metadata)
- doc['$type'] = 'test'
- doc['$test_run'] = summary_doc_id
- doc['tags'].append(test['status'])
- doc.update(test)
- doc_id, rev_id = server['tempest_results'].save(doc)
- return doc_id, rev_id
-def create_test_documents(metadata, summary_doc_id, skipped_tests, failing_tests, passing_tests):
- server = couchdb.Server()
- server.resource.credentials = (COUCHDB_USERNAME, COUCHDB_PASSWORD)
- print "creating passing test documents:"
- for t in passing_tests:
- doc_id, rev_id = create_test_document_helper(server, metadata, summary_doc_id, t)
- print ": [%s, %s]" % (doc_id, rev_id)
- print "creating failing test documents:"
- for t in failing_tests:
- doc_id, rev_id = create_test_document_helper(server, metadata, summary_doc_id, t)
- print ": [%s, %s]" % (doc_id, rev_id)
- print "creating skipped test documents:"
- for t in skipped_tests:
- doc_id, rev_id = create_test_document_helper(server, metadata, summary_doc_id, t)
- print ": [%s, %s]" % (doc_id, rev_id)
-# parse arguments, then process the data
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--stream', help='subunit result stream', required=True)
-parser.add_argument('--all_tests', help='text file containing list of all discovered tests', \
- required=True)
-args = parser.parse_args()
-print "subunit stream = %s" %
-print "discovered tests list = %s" % args.all_tests
-failing_tests = get_failing_tests(
-passing_tests = get_passing_tests(
-skipped_tests = get_skipped_tests(
-all_tests = get_all_tests(args.all_tests)
-tests_run = get_tests_run(
-doc_id = create_test_run_document(None, None, all_tests, tests_run, skipped_tests, failing_tests, passing_tests)
-create_test_documents(None, doc_id, skipped_tests, failing_tests, passing_tests)