path: root/init.d
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-01-25little improvements for debian init.d scriptMarcin Kuzminski
2012-06-19added example supervisord config to init scriptsMarcin Kuzminski
2012-03-08added arch example init.dMarcin Kuzminski
2011-12-28Add Celery upstart file and fix post-stop for rhodecode upstartMatt Zuba
2011-12-21Debian/Ubuntu upstart scriptMatt Zuba
2011-10-17Merge with upstreamLiad Shani
2011-10-11Added header for redhat init.d scriptMarcin Kuzminski
2011-10-11added a RedHat-based init.d startup scriptLes Peabody
2011-04-16simplified example init.d scriptMarcin Kuzminski
2011-03-17added changes made in production branch back into betaMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-06removed egg info, update files for distutils buildMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-06more renames for rhode code !!Marcin Kuzminski
2010-10-06renamed hg_app to rhodecodeMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23created folder for init.d scriptsMarcin Kuzminski