AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-10-03version bumpv0.8.5Marcin Kuzminski
2010-10-02extended user logs to create/delete/fork repositories for auditingMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-02made action logger more global, to be used in other places to log other actions.Marcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01some fixups in cache, added fallback and cache invalidation when key not foun...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01fixed test for new version 100% test are okMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01updated tests for new version 6char password etc...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01template updates, added icon to repo name showing private/publicMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01added info about forked repository in few placesMarcin Kuzminski
2010-10-01Implemented server side forksMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-30updated whoosh deps,Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-30updated branches/tags tags in changesetsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-30fixes #36, removed username, name, lastname, minimal length restrictions,Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-30added tags/branches icons in changelog and moved them to right to save some s...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-29added search in specific repositoryMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-29a lot of fixes in templates,Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Readme updateMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28cleaned tagsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Added tag v0.8.4 for changeset eda96fb85ba7Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28dohh !! fixed EmptyCHangeset for new vcsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28clean up hgtagsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Removed tag v0.6.8Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Removed tag v0.6.0Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Removed tag v0.2.0Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Removed tag v0.1.0Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28Added tag v0.8.4 for changeset 2fa16ec5822dMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28version bumpv0.8.4Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28refactoring for new vcs implementationMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28removed .lower() from permission checking of cached repos list since repos ca...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28fixed lockdecrator to return executed function dataMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28fixes to pidlock, to not raise unneded execptionsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-28fixes #35 hg-app does not respect SCRIPT_NAMEMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-27drastic speed improvment in feed generation (was using old method)Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-27fixed lock decorator bug which didn't release the lock after func execution a...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-25little gui change for file sourceMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-25removed pidlock from whoosh and added it as locked_task decoratorMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-24Added user action mapper to map push to changeset.Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23simplified task locking, and fixed some bugs for keyworded argumentsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23created folder for init.d scriptsMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23Added tag v0.8.3 for changeset ca41d544dbdfMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23Merge with 6aa7db1c083a1384ebff5c2bb3c943a035bb310d - celery branchv0.8.3Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23version bump, small readme updateMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-23Implemented locking for task, to prevent for running the same tasks,Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-22added mimetypes to annotateMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-22added mimetypes to filesMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-22some code fixes templates+helpers new rfc date without tz, added timerproxy f...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-22implemented basic autoupdating statistics fetched from databaseMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-21timeproxy logging memory leak fix.Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-21Added some more tests, rewrite testing schema, to autogenerate fresh db, new ...Marcin Kuzminski
2010-09-20fixed validation of user email in user creation, and editing on admin panelMarcin Kuzminski
2010-09-20fixed bug when new repo had no last commiter,Marcin Kuzminski