diff options
authorGerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org>2014-08-08 14:16:50 +0200
committerGerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.org>2014-08-08 14:16:50 +0200
commitdbd030b1ee8059644149c560423a0a60c1bb25f8 (patch)
parent5c793f4eb2cb7ee2e66c2745a3240434e44ec223 (diff)
parent4cd4d2dd402b38dd0836e92b359a4c91d62d1011 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu-master
Conflicts: bin/parse-packages templates/config.tmpl templates/config/mirrors.tmpl
19 files changed, 6837 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index b72a708..7e38283 100644
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ case, you might have to adjust some of the steps.
one instead of lenny's version.
2) Download the code from git://git.debian.org/git/webwml/packages.git
(Something like `git clone git://git.debian.org/git/webwml/packages.git')
-3) Install the needed dependencies. A list can be found in debian/control.
+3) Install the needed dependencies. A list can be found in debian/control and
+ used with dpkg-checkbuilddeps to check for missing deps.
4) Install apache2 (apache2-mpm-worker), mod_perl (libapache2-mod-perl2) and
Apache2::Reload (libapache2-reload-perl)
5) Adjust the configuration to your needs. You should at least edit the
@@ -26,8 +27,11 @@ case, you might have to adjust some of the steps.
- ./templates/config/*
(especially if you have your own repositories)
- ./conf/apache.conf.sed.in
+ - ./conf/trusted.gpg (that can be a link to
+ /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg)
6) run `./bin/setup-site <topdir> <site>'
(e.g. `./bin/setup-site /srv/packages.debian.org packages.debian.org')
+ (<topdir> is the directory where the sources were cloned)
7) create a cache directory for the compiled templates, it needs to be writable
by apache (i.e. on default lenny by www-data). Default location is
<topdir>/cache. So
@@ -44,3 +48,10 @@ case, you might have to adjust some of the steps.
example crontab to do this. Actually preferable is to trigger the script by
archive updates, but you will know best if and how to implement that in your
+12) Local testing
+ Special variants of the apache configuration files are available to help
+ testing the setup locally.
+ - /usr/sbin/apache2 -d $PWD -f conf/apache-test.conf
+ should start a test apache server listening on port 44345
+ - /usr/sbin/apache2 -d $PWD -f conf/apache-test.conf -k stop
+ can be used to stop the test server
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index f2b50f7..e4851b8 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ General:
* filter on debtags: interface::3d interface::framebuffer interface::svga
interface::text-mode interface::web interface::x11
* filter on sections: libs, oldlibs, debug, ... Ask for input.
+- Centralize distributions configuration (too many changes on a stable release)
+ or even read it from dists/
- Verify Release files
@@ -77,3 +79,10 @@ Missing pieces from old code:
reportbug in sarge is completly broken in this regard anyway AFAICT
reportbug in etch works as long as there is the exact hit but
breaks once there is more than one hit
+On DSA request:
+ - move away from BDB and use a real database
+ perhaps using projectb directly? udd?
+ - get away from mod_perl and use fcgid or similar technology
+ - drop aggregating information available elsewhere
+ if something is missing, ask ftp-master/UDD maintainer/whoever to provide it
diff --git a/bin/parse-sources b/bin/parse-sources
index 658e2c1..1f73bcc 100755
--- a/bin/parse-sources
+++ b/bin/parse-sources
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ for my $archive (@ARCHIVES) {
print "\tseems not to exist, skipping...\n";
- open PKG, "zcat $TOPDIR/archive/$archive/$suite/$what/source/Sources.gz|";
+ open PKG, "zcat $TOPDIR/archive/$archive/$suite/$what/source/Sources.gz"
+ . " $TOPDIR/archive/$archive/$suite/updates/$what/source/Sources.gz|";
while (<PKG>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
my $data = "";
diff --git a/conf/.gitignore b/conf/.gitignore
index 135b043..d2388ec 100644
--- a/conf/.gitignore
+++ b/conf/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ apache.conf
diff --git a/conf/apache-test-vhost.conf.sed.in b/conf/apache-test-vhost.conf.sed.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0059721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/apache-test-vhost.conf.sed.in
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Need to turn on negotiation_module
+<Directory %TOPDIR%/www/>
+ Options +MultiViews +FollowSymLinks +Indexes
+ AddHandler type-map var
+ # Make sure that the srm.conf directive is commented out.
+ AddDefaultCharSet utf-8
+ AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
+ # Nice caching..
+ ExpiresActive On
+ ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"
+ ExpiresByType image/gif "modification plus 1 year"
+ ExpiresByType image/jpeg "modification plus 1 year"
+ ExpiresByType image/png "modification plus 1 year"
+ # language stuff
+ # you need to keep this in sync with lib/Packages/I18N/Locale.pm
+ # %lang2charset
+ AddLanguage en .en
+ AddLanguage en-us .en-us
+ AddLanguage en-gb .en-gb
+ AddLanguage ar .ar
+ AddLanguage bg .bg
+ AddLanguage ca .ca
+ AddLanguage cs .cs
+ AddLanguage da .da
+ AddLanguage de .de
+ AddLanguage el .el
+ AddLanguage eo .eo
+ AddLanguage es .es
+ AddLanguage fi .fi
+ AddLanguage fr .fr
+ AddLanguage hr .hr
+ AddLanguage hu .hu
+ AddLanguage id .id
+ AddLanguage it .it
+ AddLanguage ja .ja
+ AddLanguage ko .ko
+ AddLanguage lt .lt
+ AddLanguage nl .nl
+ AddLanguage no .no
+ AddLanguage nb .nb
+ AddLanguage pl .pl
+ AddLanguage pt .pt
+ AddLanguage pt-pt .pt_PT
+ AddLanguage pt-br .pt_BR
+ AddLanguage ro .ro
+ AddLanguage ru .ru
+ AddLanguage sk .sk
+ AddLanguage sl .sl
+ AddLanguage sv .sv_SE
+ AddLanguage tr .tr
+ AddLanguage uk .uk
+ AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
+ AddLanguage zh-HK .zh-hk
+ AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
+ LanguagePriority en fr de it es ja pl hr da pt pt-pt pt-br fi zh-cn zh-hk zh-tw cs sv sv-se ko no nb ru tr uk eo ar nl hu ro sk el ca en-us en-gb id lt sl bg
+ DirectoryIndex index
+ # RSS stuff
+ AddType application/rss+xml .rdf .xml
+ RemoveType .gz
+ AddEncoding x-gzip .gz
+<VirtualHost %SITE%:44345>
+ ServerAdmin webmaster@%SITE%
+ DocumentRoot %TOPDIR%/www/
+ ServerName %SITE%
+ ErrorLog %TOPDIR%/files/logs/%SITE%-error.log
+ CustomLog %TOPDIR%/files/logs/%SITE%-access.log combined
+ Alias /cgi-bin/ %TOPDIR%/cgi-bin/
+ PerlModule ModPerl::Registry
+ PerlTaintCheck On
+ PerlRequire %TOPDIR%/bin/mod_perl-startup
+ PerlSwitches -T
+ <Location /cgi-bin/>
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
+ PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
+ Options +ExecCGI
+ PerlSendHeader On
+ allow from all
+ </Location>
+ BrowserMatch reportbug is_reportbug
+ RewriteEngine on
+ RewriteLog %TOPDIR%/files/logs/%SITE-rewrite.log
+ RewriteLogLevel 0
+ RewriteMap changelog-url txt:%TOPDIR%/files/changelogs-map
+ RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl(.*)$ /search$1
+ RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl(.*)$ /search$1
+ RewriteRule ^/unstable/newpkg_([a-z]+)\.[a-z]+\.rdf /unstable/$1/newpkg?format=rss [R=permanent,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/unstable/newpkg_([a-z]+) /unstable/$1/newpkg [R=permanent,L]
+ # we never want to rewrite those URLs
+ RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/dispatcher.pl - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/changelogs/ - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/Pics/ - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/about/ - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/[^/]+\.css - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/[^/]+\.js - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico$ - [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/robots.txt$ - [L]
+# RewriteRule ^/$ http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages
+ RewriteRule ^/$ /index [L]
+ RewriteRule ^/([^/+]*)([+])([^/]*)$ "/$1%%{%}2B$3" [N]
+ RewriteRule ^/changelog:(.+)$ /changelogs/${changelog-url:$1} [R,L,NE]
+ RewriteRule ^/src:([^/]+)$ /search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=$1 [R,L,NE]
+ RewriteRule ^/file:(.+)$ /search?searchon=contents&keywords=$1 [R,L,NE]
+ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} =""
+ RewriteCond %TOPDIR%/www%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
+ RewriteCond %TOPDIR%/www%{REQUEST_FILENAME}.en.html -f [OR]
+ RewriteCond %TOPDIR%/www%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l
+ RewriteRule . - [L]
+ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$ [OR]
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/search$
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cgi-bin/search_(contents|packages)\.pl$
+ RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)$ /search?keywords=$1 [R,L,NE]
+ RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ /cgi-bin/dispatcher.pl/$1 [L,PT]
+# In case we need to disable the site again
+# ErrorDocument 404 /index.html
+# RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !^/(sbin|cgi-bin|Pics|test)/
+# RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !^/favicon.ico
+# RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !^/(stable|testing|unstable|experimental)/
+# RewriteRule . /index.html
diff --git a/conf/apache-test.conf.sed.in b/conf/apache-test.conf.sed.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29fbee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/apache-test.conf.sed.in
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/negotiation.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/perl.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/mime.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/expires.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/alias.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/authz_host.load
+include /etc/apache2/mods-available/setenvif.load
+LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
+LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %P" combined
+LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O" common
+LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
+LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
+MaxClients 4
+TypesConfig /etc/mime.types
+Listen %SITE%:44345
+ErrorLog files/logs/%SITE%-error.log
+PidFile files/logs/apache.pid
+include conf/apache-test-vhost.conf
diff --git a/conf/ttreerc.sed.in b/conf/ttreerc.sed.in
index 78504ef..7f7f1c7 100644
--- a/conf/ttreerc.sed.in
+++ b/conf/ttreerc.sed.in
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ ignore = ^#
ignore = ~$
ignore = \.sed\.in$
+# copy works only for accepted files
+accept = \.(gif|png|jpg|pdf|css|js|txt)$
copy = \.(gif|png|jpg|pdf|css|js|txt)$
accept = \.tmpl$
accept = robots.txt
diff --git a/config.sh.sed.in b/config.sh.sed.in
index 6e8fa1d..1e8c09b 100644
--- a/config.sh.sed.in
+++ b/config.sh.sed.in
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ search_url="/search"
# Architectures
-polangs="bg de fi fr hu ja nl pl ru sk sv uk zh-cn zh-tw"
+polangs="bg de fi fr hu ja nl pl ru sk sv tr uk zh-cn zh-tw"
ddtplangs="ca cs da de en eo es eu fi fr hu it ja km ko nl pl pt pt-br ru sk sv uk zh zh-cn zh-tw"
archives="us security"
sections="main multiverse restricted universe"
diff --git a/cron.d/050checkinst b/cron.d/050checkinst
deleted file mode 100755
index fb2356f..0000000
--- a/cron.d/050checkinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-. `dirname $0`/../config.sh
-# Test whether all required packages are installed and generate a mail
-# if they aren't, so that the admin is informed.
-trap "rm -f $packages $cache" INT EXIT
-cd $topdir
-dpkg-checkbuilddeps >> $packages 2>&1
-if [ -n "$cachedir" ]
- if [ ! -d "$cachedir" ]
- then
- echo "cachedir missing." >> $cache
- else
- perm=$(ls -ld "$cachedir" | perl -ne 'print "ok" if /^drwx...... \d+ www-data/ || /^d...rws... \d+ [\w-]+\/www-data/')
- if [ -z "$perm" ]
- then
- echo "cachedir has wrong permissions." >> $cache
- echo "make sure it is writable by the web server." >> $cache
- fi
- fi
-if [ -s $packages -o -s $cache ]
- (
- echo "Subject: Problem packages.debian.org on `hostname -s`"
- echo "To: ${admin_email}"
- echo
- echo "On host `hostname -f`"
- echo
- if [ -s $packages ]
- then
- echo "Missing packages:"
- echo
- cat $packages
- fi
- if [ -s $cache ]
- then
- echo "Problems with cachedir:"
- echo
- cat $cache
- fi
- ) | tee /dev/stderr | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 81302dd..9951918 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Build-Depends: git-core, rsync, dpkg-dev, procmail, gettext,
liblingua-stem-perl, libsearch-xapian-perl, wget
Package: packages
+Architecture: all
diff --git a/lib/Deb/Versions.pm b/lib/Deb/Versions.pm
index 2be1949..fb930c0 100644
--- a/lib/Deb/Versions.pm
+++ b/lib/Deb/Versions.pm
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ eval {
$AptPkg::System::_system = $AptPkg::Config::_config->system;
my $apt_ver = $AptPkg::System::_system->versioning;
+ undef(*version_cmp);
*version_cmp = sub { return $apt_ver->compare(@_) };
diff --git a/lib/Packages/DoShow.pm b/lib/Packages/DoShow.pm
index 11c8db7..eb91dcd 100644
--- a/lib/Packages/DoShow.pm
+++ b/lib/Packages/DoShow.pm
@@ -218,6 +218,9 @@ sub do_show {
build_deps( \%packages, $opts, $pkg,
'suggests', \%contents );
+ build_deps( \%packages, $opts, $pkg,
+ $page->get_dep_field('enhances'),
+ 'enhances', \%contents );
# Download package
@@ -376,9 +379,12 @@ sub moreinfo {
(my $src_basename = $source_version) =~ s,^\d+:,,; # strip epoche
$src_basename = "${source}_$src_basename";
$src_dir =~ s,pool/updates,pool,o;
+ $src_dir =~ s,^pool,,o;
- $contents->{files}{changelog}{path} = "$src_dir/$src_basename/changelog";
- $contents->{files}{copyright}{path} = "$src_dir/$src_basename/".( $is_source ? 'copyright' : "$name.copyright" );
+ $contents->{files}{changelog}{path} = "$src_dir/$src_basename"."_changelog";
+ $contents->{files}{copyright}{path} = "$src_dir/$src_basename"."_copyright";
+ # FIXME: we should restore per binary package copyright
+ # $contents->{files}{copyright}{path} = "$src_dir/$src_basename/".( $is_source ? 'copyright' : "$name.copyright" );
@@ -408,7 +414,7 @@ sub providers {
sub build_deps {
my ( $packages, $opts, $pkg, $relations, $type, $contents) = @_;
my %dep_type = ('depends' => 'dep', 'recommends' => 'rec',
- 'suggests' => 'sug', 'build-depends' => 'adep',
+ 'suggests' => 'sug', 'enhances' => 'enh', 'build-depends' => 'adep',
'build-depends-indep' => 'idep' );
my $suite = $opts->{suite}[0];
my $cat = $opts->{cat};
diff --git a/po/debtags.tr.po b/po/debtags.tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff87b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/debtags.tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,4562 @@
+# Volkan Gezer <volkangezer@gmail.com>, 2013.
+# Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>, 2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-03 01:27+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish@lists.debian.org>\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
+#. Facet: accessibility, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Accessibility Support"
+msgstr "Erişilebilirlik Desteği"
+#. Facet: accessibility, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Accessibility support provided by the package"
+msgstr "Paketin sağladığı erişilebilirlik desteği"
+#. Tag: accessibility::input, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Input Systems"
+msgstr "Girdi Sistemleri"
+#. Tag: accessibility::input, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Applies to input methods for non-latin languages as well as special input "
+msgstr ""
+"Latin olmayan dillerin yanı sıra özel giriş sistemleri için giriş "
+"yöntemlerine uygulanır."
+#. Tag: accessibility::ocr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Text Recognition (OCR)"
+msgstr "Yazı Tanıma (OCR)"
+#. Tag: accessibility::ocr, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The translation of text images into machine-editable text by means of "
+"Optical Character Recognition (OCR)."
+msgstr ""
+"Optik Karakter Tanıma (OCR) metin resimlerinin makine ile düzenlenebilir "
+"metin çevrimi."
+#. Tag: accessibility::screen-magnify, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Screen Magnification"
+msgstr "Ekran Büyütme"
+#. Tag: accessibility::screen-magnify, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Displays enlarged screen content."
+msgstr "Büyütülmüş ekran içeriğini görüntüler."
+#. Tag: accessibility::screen-reader, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Screen Reading"
+msgstr "Ekran Okuma"
+#. Tag: accessibility::screen-reader, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Converts text into speech."
+msgstr "Konuşmayı metne dönüştürür."
+#. Tag: accessibility::speech, short desc
+#. Tag: sound::speech, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Speech Synthesis"
+msgstr "Konuşma Sentezi"
+#. Tag: accessibility::speech, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The artificial production of human speech."
+msgstr "İnsan konuşmasının yapay üretimi."
+#. Tag: accessibility::speech-recognition, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Speech Recognition"
+msgstr "Konuşma Tanıma"
+#. Tag: accessibility::speech-recognition, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Converts speech into text."
+msgstr "Konuşmayı metne dönüştürür."
+#. Tag: accessibility::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: admin::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: culture::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: devel::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: field::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: game::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: hardware::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: made-of::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: interface::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: implemented-in::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: junior::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: mail::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: office::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: scope::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: role::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: security::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: sound::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: special::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: suite::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: protocol::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: use::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: web::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: network::TODO, short desc
+#. Tag: x11::TODO, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Need an extra tag"
+msgstr "Ek etiket gerektiriyor"
+#. Tag: accessibility::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: admin::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: culture::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: devel::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: field::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: game::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: hardware::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: made-of::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: interface::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: implemented-in::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: junior::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: mail::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: office::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: works-with::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: scope::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: role::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: security::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: sound::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: special::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: suite::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: protocol::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: use::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: web::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: network::TODO, long desc
+#. Tag: x11::TODO, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The package can be categorised along this facet, but the right tag for it is "
+"Mark a package with this tag to signal the vocabulary maintainers of cases "
+"where the current tag set is lacking."
+msgstr ""
+"Paket bu model boyunca kategoriye konulabilir ancak bununla ilgili geçerli "
+"etiket eksik.\n"
+"Geçerli etiket kümesinin eksik olduğu durumlarda sözcük geliştiricilerine "
+"bildirmek için bu etiketle bir paket işaretleyin."
+#. Facet: admin, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "System Administration"
+msgstr "Sistem Yönetimi"
+#. Facet: admin, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Which system administration activities the package may perform"
+msgstr "Paketin yapabileceği sistem yönetim etkinlikleri"
+#. Tag: admin::accounting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Accounting"
+msgstr "Muhasebe"
+#. Tag: admin::automation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Automation and Scheduling"
+msgstr "Otomasyon ve Zamanlama"
+#. Tag: admin::automation, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Automating the execution of software in the system."
+msgstr "Sistemdeki yazılım çalıştırılmasını otomatikleştirme."
+#. Tag: admin::backup, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Backup and Restoration"
+msgstr "Yedekleme ve Geri Yükleme"
+#. Tag: admin::benchmarking, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Benchmarking"
+msgstr "Kıyaslama"
+#. Tag: admin::boot, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "System Boot"
+msgstr "Sistem Önyükleme"
+#. Tag: admin::cluster, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Clustering"
+msgstr "Kümeleme"
+#. Tag: admin::configuring, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Configuration Tool"
+msgstr "Yapılandırma Aracı"
+#. Tag: admin::file-distribution, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "File Distribution"
+msgstr "Dosya Dağıtımı"
+#. Tag: admin::filesystem, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Filesystem Tool"
+msgstr "Dosya Sistemi Aracı"
+#. Tag: admin::filesystem, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Creation, maintenance, and use of filesystems"
+msgstr "Dosya sistemi oluşturma, bakımı ve kullanımı"
+#. Tag: admin::forensics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Forensics and Recovery"
+msgstr "Adli Bilişim ve Kurtarma"
+#. Tag: admin::forensics, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Recovering lost or damaged data. This tag will be split into admin::recovery "
+"and security::forensics."
+msgstr ""
+"Kayıp veya hasarlı veriyi kurtarma. Bu etiket admin::recovery ve security::"
+"forensics olarak ayrılacaktır."
+#. Tag: admin::hardware, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hardware Support"
+msgstr "Donanım Desteği"
+#. Tag: admin::install, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "System Installation"
+msgstr "Sistem Kurulumu"
+#. Tag: admin::issuetracker, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Issue Tracker"
+msgstr "Sorun Takipçisi"
+#. Tag: admin::kernel, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Kernel or Modules"
+msgstr "Çekirdek veya Modüller"
+#. Tag: admin::logging, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Logging"
+msgstr "Günlük Tutma"
+#. Tag: admin::login, short desc
+#. Tag: use::login, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Giriş"
+#. Tag: admin::login, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Logging into the system"
+msgstr "Sisteme giriş"
+#. Tag: admin::monitoring, short desc
+#. Tag: use::monitor, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Monitoring"
+msgstr "Gözlemleme"
+#. Tag: admin::package-management, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Package Management"
+msgstr "Paket Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: admin::power-management, short desc
+#. Tag: hardware::power, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Power Management"
+msgstr "Güç Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: admin::recovery, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Data Recovery"
+msgstr "Veri Kurtarma"
+#. Tag: admin::user-management, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "User Management"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: admin::virtualization, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Virtualization"
+msgstr "Sanallaştırma"
+#. Tag: admin::virtualization, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"This is not hardware emulation, but rather those facilities that allow to "
+"create many isolated compartments inside the same system."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu donanım öykünmesi değildir, aynı sistem içerisinde birbirinden izole "
+"bölümler oluşturmaya izin veren araçlardır."
+#. Facet: biology, short desc
+#. Tag: field::biology, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Biology"
+msgstr "Biyoloji"
+#. Facet: biology, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to the field of biology"
+msgstr "Paketin biyoloji ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: biology::emboss, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "EMBOSS"
+msgstr "EMBOSS"
+#. Tag: biology::emboss, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packages related to the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite."
+msgstr "Avrupa Moleküler Biyoloji Açık Yazılım Seti ile ilgili paketler."
+#. Tag: biology::format:aln, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Clustal/ALN"
+msgstr "Clustal/ALN"
+#. Tag: biology::format:aln, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Used in multiple alignment of biological sequences."
+msgstr "Biyolojik dizilerin birden fazla hizalamasında kullanılır."
+#. Tag: biology::format:nexus, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Nexus"
+msgstr "Bağ"
+#. Tag: biology::format:nexus, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Popular format for phylogenetic trees."
+msgstr "Filogenetik ağaçlar için yaygın biçim."
+#. Tag: biology::nuceleic-acids, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Nucleic Acids"
+msgstr "Nükleik Asitler"
+#. Tag: biology::nuceleic-acids, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Software that works with sequences of nucleic acids: DNA, RNA but also non-"
+"natural nucleic acids such as PNA or LNA."
+msgstr ""
+"Nükleik asit dizileri ile çalışan yazılımlar: DNA, RNA, fakat aynı zamanda "
+"LNA veya PNA gibi doğal olmayan nükleik asitler."
+#. Tag: biology::peptidic, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Proteins"
+msgstr "Proteinler"
+#. Tag: biology::peptidic, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Software that works with sequences of aminoacids: peptides and proteins."
+msgstr ""
+"Aminoasitlerin dizilimleri ile çalışan yazılımlar: peptidler ve proteinler."
+#. Facet: culture, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Culture"
+msgstr "Kültür"
+#. Facet: culture, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The culture for which the package provides special support"
+msgstr "Paketin özel destek sağladığı kültür"
+#. Tag: culture::afrikaans, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Afrikaans"
+msgstr "Afrika Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::arabic, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::arab, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "Arapça"
+#. Tag: culture::basque, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Basque"
+msgstr "Bask Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::bengali, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::beng, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bengali"
+msgstr "Bengalce"
+#. Tag: culture::bokmaal, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Norwegian Bokmaal"
+msgstr "Norveç Bokmaal"
+#. Tag: culture::bosnian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bosnian"
+msgstr "Boşnakça"
+#. Tag: culture::brazilian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Brazilian"
+msgstr "Brezilya"
+#. Tag: culture::british, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "British"
+msgstr "İngiliz"
+#. Tag: culture::bulgarian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bulgarian"
+msgstr "Bulgarca"
+#. Tag: culture::catalan, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Catalan"
+msgstr "Katalanca"
+#. Tag: culture::chinese, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Chinese"
+msgstr "Çince"
+#. Tag: culture::czech, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Czech"
+msgstr "Çekçe"
+#. Tag: culture::croatian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Croatian"
+msgstr "Hırvatça"
+#. Tag: culture::danish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Danish"
+msgstr "Danimarka Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::dutch, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Dutch"
+msgstr "Flamanca"
+#. Tag: culture::esperanto, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Esperanto"
+msgstr "Esperanto"
+#. Tag: culture::estonian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Estonian"
+msgstr "Estonya Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::faroese, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Faroese"
+msgstr "Faroese"
+#. Tag: culture::farsi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Farsi"
+msgstr "Farsça"
+#. Tag: culture::finnish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Finnish"
+msgstr "Fince"
+#. Tag: culture::french, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "Fransızca"
+#. Tag: culture::german, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "German"
+msgstr "Almanca"
+#. Tag: culture::greek, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::grek, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Greek"
+msgstr "Yunanca"
+#. Tag: culture::hebrew, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::hebr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hebrew"
+msgstr "İbranice"
+#. Tag: culture::hindi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hindi"
+msgstr "Hintçe"
+#. Tag: culture::hungarian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hungarian"
+msgstr "Macarca"
+#. Tag: culture::icelandic, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Icelandic"
+msgstr "İzlanda Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::irish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Irish (Gaeilge)"
+msgstr "İrlanda (Gaeilge)"
+#. Tag: culture::italian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Italian"
+msgstr "İtalyanca"
+#. Tag: culture::japanese, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::jpan, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Japanese"
+msgstr "Japonca"
+#. Tag: culture::korean, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::kore, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Korean"
+msgstr "Korece"
+#. Tag: culture::latvian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Latvian"
+msgstr "Letonca"
+#. Tag: culture::mongolian, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::mong, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mongolian"
+msgstr "Moğolca"
+#. Tag: culture::nynorsk, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk"
+msgstr "Norveççe Nynorsk"
+#. Tag: culture::norwegian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Norwegian"
+msgstr "Norveççe"
+#. Tag: culture::polish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Polish"
+msgstr "Lehçe"
+#. Tag: culture::portuguese, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Portuguese"
+msgstr "Portekizce"
+#. Tag: culture::punjabi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Punjabi"
+msgstr "Punjabi"
+#. Tag: culture::romanian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Romanian"
+msgstr "Romence"
+#. Tag: culture::russian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Russian"
+msgstr "Rusça"
+#. Tag: culture::serbian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Serbian"
+msgstr "Sırpça"
+#. Tag: culture::slovak, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Slovak"
+msgstr "Slovakça"
+#. Tag: culture::spanish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "İspanyolca"
+#. Tag: culture::swedish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Swedish"
+msgstr "İsveççe"
+#. Tag: culture::taiwanese, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Taiwanese"
+msgstr "Tayvanca"
+#. Tag: culture::tajik, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tajik"
+msgstr "Tacikçe"
+#. Tag: culture::tamil, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::taml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tamil"
+msgstr "Tamil Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::thai, short desc
+#. Tag: iso15924::thai, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Thai"
+msgstr "Tay Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::turkish, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Turkish"
+msgstr "Türkçe"
+#. Tag: culture::ukrainian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ukrainian"
+msgstr "Ukrayna Dili"
+#. Tag: culture::uzbek, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Uzbek"
+msgstr "Özbekçe"
+#. Tag: culture::welsh, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Welsh"
+msgstr "Galce"
+#. Facet: devel, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software Development"
+msgstr "Yazılım Geliştirme"
+#. Facet: devel, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to the field of software development"
+msgstr "Paketin yazılım geliştirme ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: devel::bugtracker, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bug Tracking"
+msgstr "Hata Takip"
+#. Tag: devel::buildtools, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Build Tool"
+msgstr "İnşa Aracı"
+#. Tag: devel::code-generator, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Code Generation"
+msgstr "Kod Oluşturma"
+#. Tag: devel::code-generator, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Parser, lexer and other code generators"
+msgstr "Ayrıştırıcı, sözlük analizcisi ve diğer kod oluşturucular"
+#. Tag: devel::compiler, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Compiler"
+msgstr "Derleyici"
+#. Tag: devel::debian, short desc
+#. Tag: suite::debian, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Debian"
+msgstr "Debian"
+#. Tag: devel::debian, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tools, documentation, etc. of use primarily to Debian developers."
+msgstr ""
+"Özellikle Debian geliştiricilerinin kullanımı için araçlar, belgelendirme, "
+#. Tag: devel::debugger, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Debugging"
+msgstr "Hata Ayıklama"
+#. Tag: devel::doc, short desc
+#. Tag: role::documentation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Belgelendirme"
+#. Tag: devel::docsystem, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Literate Programming"
+msgstr "Okur Programlama"
+#. Tag: devel::docsystem, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tools and auto-documenters"
+msgstr "Araçlar ve otomatik belgelendiriciler"
+#. Tag: devel::ecma-cli, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ECMA CLI"
+msgstr "ECMA CLI"
+#. Tag: devel::ecma-cli, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Tools and libraries for development with implementations of the ECMA CLI "
+"(Common Language Infrastructure), like Mono or DotGNU Portable.NET."
+msgstr ""
+"Mono veya DotGNU Portable.NET gibi ECMA CLI (Ortak Dil Altyapısı) "
+"gerçeklemeleri için geliştirme araçları ve kitaplıklar."
+#. Tag: devel::editor, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Source Editor"
+msgstr "Kaynak Düzenleyici"
+#. Tag: devel::examples, short desc
+#. Tag: role::examples, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr "Örnekler"
+#. Tag: devel::ide, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IDE"
+msgstr "IDE"
+#. Tag: devel::ide, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Integrated Development Environment"
+msgstr "Bütünleşik Geliştirme Ortamı"
+#. Tag: devel::interpreter, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Interpreter"
+msgstr "Yorumlayıcı"
+#. Tag: devel::i18n, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Internationalization"
+msgstr "Uluslararasılaştırma"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:ada, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ada Development"
+msgstr "Ada Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:c, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C Development"
+msgstr "C Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:c++, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C++ Development"
+msgstr "C++ Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:c-sharp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C# Development"
+msgstr "C# Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:fortran, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Fortran Development"
+msgstr "Fortran Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:haskell, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Haskell Development"
+msgstr "Haskell Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:java, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Java Development"
+msgstr "Java Development"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:ecmascript, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ecmascript/JavaScript Development"
+msgstr "ECMAScript/JavaScript Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:lisp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lisp Development"
+msgstr "Lisp Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:lua, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lua Development"
+msgstr "Lua Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:ml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ML Development"
+msgstr "ML Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:objc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Objective-C Development"
+msgstr "Objective-C Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:ocaml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "OCaml Development"
+msgstr "OCaml Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:octave, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNU Octave Development"
+msgstr "GNU Octave Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:pascal, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Pascal Development"
+msgstr "Pascal Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:perl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Perl Development"
+msgstr "Perl Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:posix-shell, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "POSIX shell"
+msgstr "POSIX kabuk"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:php, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PHP Development"
+msgstr "PHP Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:pike, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Pike Development"
+msgstr "Pike Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:prolog, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Prolog Development"
+msgstr "Prolog Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:python, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Python Development"
+msgstr "Python Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:r, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNU R Development"
+msgstr "GNU R Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:ruby, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ruby Development"
+msgstr "Ruby Development"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:scheme, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Scheme Development"
+msgstr "Scheme Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:sql, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SQL"
+msgstr "SQL"
+#. Tag: devel::lang:tcl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tcl Development"
+msgstr "Tcl Geliştirme"
+#. Tag: devel::library, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Kitaplıklar"
+#. Tag: devel::machinecode, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Machine Code"
+msgstr "Makine Kodu"
+#. Tag: devel::machinecode, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Assemblers and other machine-code development tools."
+msgstr "Birleştirici ve diğer makine kodu geliştirme araçları."
+#. Tag: devel::modelling, short desc
+#. Tag: science::modelling, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Modelling"
+msgstr "Modelleme"
+#. Tag: devel::modelling, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Programs and libraries that support creation of software models with "
+"modelling languages like UML or OCL."
+msgstr ""
+"UML veya OCL gibi modelleme dilleri ile yazılım modelleri oluşturma desteği "
+"program ve kitaplıkları."
+#. Tag: devel::packaging, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packaging"
+msgstr "Paketleme"
+#. Tag: devel::packaging, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tools for packaging software."
+msgstr "Yazılım paketleme için araçlar."
+#. Tag: devel::prettyprint, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Prettyprint"
+msgstr "Prettyprint"
+#. Tag: devel::prettyprint, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Code pretty-printing and indentation/reformatting."
+msgstr "Kodu güzel yazdırma, girdileme ve biçimlendirme"
+#. Tag: devel::profiler, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Profiling"
+msgstr "Profil Çıkarma"
+#. Tag: devel::profiler, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Profiling and optimization tools."
+msgstr "Profil çıkarma ve eniyileme araçları."
+#. Tag: devel::rcs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Revision Control"
+msgstr "Sürüm Denetimi"
+#. Tag: devel::rcs, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "RCS (Revision Control System) and SCM (Software Configuration Manager)"
+msgstr "RCS (Sürüm Denetim Sistemi) ve SCM (Yazılım Yapılandırma Yöneticisi)"
+#. Tag: devel::rpc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "RPC"
+msgstr "RPC"
+#. Tag: devel::rpc, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Remote Procedure Call, Network transparent programming"
+msgstr "Uzaktan Yordam Çağrısı, Ağdan bağımsız programlama"
+#. Tag: devel::runtime, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Runtime Support"
+msgstr "Çalışma Zamanı Desteği"
+#. Tag: devel::runtime, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Runtime environments of various languages and systems."
+msgstr "Çeşitli dil ve sistemlerin çalışma zamanı ortamları."
+#. Tag: devel::testing-qa, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Testing and QA"
+msgstr "Test ve Kalite Güvencesi"
+#. Tag: devel::testing-qa, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tools for software testing and quality assurance."
+msgstr "Yazılım testi ve kalite güvencesi için araçlar."
+#. Tag: devel::ui-builder, short desc
+#. Facet: interface, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "User Interface"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü"
+#. Tag: devel::ui-builder, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tools for designing user interfaces."
+msgstr "Kullanıcı arayüzü tasarımı için araçlar."
+#. Tag: devel::web, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Web"
+msgstr "Web"
+#. Tag: devel::web, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Web-centric frameworks, CGI libraries and other web-specific development "
+msgstr ""
+"Web merkezli çatılar, CGI kitaplıkları ve diğer web'e özgü geliştirme "
+#. Facet: field, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Field"
+msgstr "Alan"
+#. Facet: field, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Which branch of knowledge is the package related to"
+msgstr "Paketin bilginin hangi dalı ile ilgili olduğu"
+#. Tag: field::arts, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Arts"
+msgstr "Sanat"
+#. Tag: field::astronomy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Astronomy"
+msgstr "Astronomi"
+#. Tag: field::aviation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Aviation"
+msgstr "Havacılık"
+#. Tag: field::biology:bioinformatics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bioinformatics"
+msgstr "Biyoinformatik"
+#. Tag: field::biology:bioinformatics, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Sequence analysis software."
+msgstr "Dizi analizi yazılımı."
+#. Tag: field::biology:molecular, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Molecular Biology"
+msgstr "Moleküler Biyoloji"
+#. Tag: field::biology:molecular, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software useful to molecular cloning and related wet biology."
+msgstr ""
+"Moleküler klonlama ve ilgili ıslak biyoloji için kullanışlı yazılımlar."
+#. Tag: field::biology:structural, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Structural Biology"
+msgstr "Yapısal Biyoloji"
+#. Tag: field::biology:structural, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software useful to model tridimentional structures."
+msgstr "Üç boyutlu yapıları modellemek için yararlı yazılımlar."
+#. Tag: field::chemistry, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Chemistry"
+msgstr "Kimya"
+#. Tag: field::electronics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Electronics"
+msgstr "Elektronik"
+#. Tag: field::electronics, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Circuit editors and other electronics-related software"
+msgstr "Devre düzenleyicileri ve diğer elektronik ile ilgili yazılımlar"
+#. Tag: field::finance, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Financial"
+msgstr "Finansal"
+#. Tag: field::finance, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Accounting and financial software"
+msgstr "Muhasebe ve finansal yazılımlar"
+#. Tag: field::genealogy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Genealogy"
+msgstr "Şecere"
+#. Tag: field::geography, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Geography"
+msgstr "Coğrafya"
+#. Tag: field::geology, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Geology"
+msgstr "Jeoloji"
+#. Tag: field::linguistics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Linguistics"
+msgstr "Dilbilim"
+#. Tag: field::mathematics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "Matematik"
+#. Tag: field::medicine, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Medicine"
+msgstr "Tıp"
+#. Tag: field::medicine:imaging, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Medical Imaging"
+msgstr "Tıbbi Görüntüleme"
+#. Tag: field::meteorology, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Meteorology"
+msgstr "Meteoroloji"
+#. Tag: field::physics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Physics"
+msgstr "Fizik"
+#. Tag: field::religion, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Din"
+#. Tag: field::statistics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "İstatistikler"
+#. Facet: game, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Games and Amusement"
+msgstr "Oyunlar ve Eğlence"
+#. Facet: game, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Kind of games provided by the package"
+msgstr "Paket tarafından sağlanan oyun türleri"
+#. Tag: game::adventure, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Adventure"
+msgstr "Macera"
+#. Tag: game::arcade, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Action and Arcade"
+msgstr "Aksiyon ve Atari"
+#. Tag: game::board, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Board"
+msgstr "Masa"
+#. Tag: game::board:chess, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Chess"
+msgstr "Satranç"
+#. Tag: game::card, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Card"
+msgstr "Kart"
+#. Tag: game::demos, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Demo"
+msgstr "Deneme"
+#. Tag: game::fps, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "First Person Shooter"
+msgstr "Birinci Şahıs Atış"
+#. Tag: game::mud, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Multiplayer RPG"
+msgstr "Çok Oyunculu RPG (Rol Yapma)"
+#. Tag: game::mud, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MUDs, MOOs, and other multiplayer RPGs"
+msgstr "MUD, MOO'lar ve diğer çok oyunculu RPG'ler"
+#. Tag: game::platform, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Platform"
+msgstr "Platform"
+#. Tag: game::puzzle, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Puzzle"
+msgstr "Bulmaca"
+#. Tag: game::rpg, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Role-playing"
+msgstr "Rol yapma"
+#. Tag: game::rpg:rogue, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Rogue-like RPG"
+msgstr "Rogue benzeri RPG"
+#. Tag: game::rpg:rogue, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Games like Nethack, Angband etc."
+msgstr "Nethack, Angband vb. benzeri oyunlar"
+#. Tag: game::simulation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Simulation"
+msgstr "Benzetim"
+#. Tag: game::sport, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Sport Games"
+msgstr "Spor Oyunları"
+#. Tag: game::sport:racing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Racing"
+msgstr "Yarış"
+#. Tag: game::strategy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Strategy"
+msgstr "Strateji"
+#. Tag: game::tetris, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tetris-like"
+msgstr "Tetris benzeri"
+#. Tag: game::toys, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Toy or Gimmick"
+msgstr "Oyuncak veya Marifet"
+#. Tag: game::typing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Typing Tutor"
+msgstr "Yazım Öğretmeni"
+#. Facet: hardware, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hardware Enablement"
+msgstr "Donanım Etkinleştirme"
+#. Facet: hardware, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to hardware enablement "
+msgstr "Paketin donanım etkinleştirme ilgisi "
+#. Tag: hardware::camera, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Digital Camera"
+msgstr "Dijital Kamera"
+#. Tag: hardware::detection, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hardware Detection"
+msgstr "Donanım Algılama"
+#. Tag: hardware::embedded, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Embedded"
+msgstr "Gömülü"
+#. Tag: hardware::emulation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Emulation"
+msgstr "Öykünme"
+#. Tag: hardware::gps, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GPS"
+msgstr "GPS"
+#. Tag: hardware::gps, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Global Positioning System"
+msgstr "Genel Konumlandırma Sistemi"
+#. Tag: hardware::input, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Input Devices"
+msgstr "Girdi Aygıtları"
+#. Tag: hardware::input:joystick, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Joystick"
+msgstr "Oyun Çubuğu"
+#. Tag: hardware::input:keyboard, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Keyboard"
+msgstr "Klavye"
+#. Tag: hardware::input:mouse, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mouse"
+msgstr "Fare"
+#. Tag: hardware::joystick, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Joystick (legacy)"
+msgstr "Joystick (eski)"
+#. Tag: hardware::hamradio, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ham Radio"
+msgstr "Amatör Radyo"
+#. Tag: hardware::laptop, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Laptop"
+msgstr "Dizüstü"
+#. Tag: hardware::modem, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#. Tag: hardware::modem:dsl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "xDSL Modem"
+msgstr "xDSL Modem"
+#. Tag: hardware::opengl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Requires video hardware acceleration"
+msgstr "video donanımı hızlandırması gerektiren"
+#. Tag: hardware::power:ups, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "UPS"
+msgstr "Güç Kaynağı"
+#. Tag: hardware::power:ups, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Uninterruptible Power Supply"
+msgstr "Kesintisiz Güç Kaynağı"
+#. Tag: hardware::power:acpi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ACPI Power Management"
+msgstr "ACPI Güç Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: hardware::power:apm, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "APM Power Management"
+msgstr "APM Güç Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: hardware::printer, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Printer"
+msgstr "Yazıcı"
+#. Tag: hardware::scanner, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Image-scanning Hardware"
+msgstr "Resim Tarama Donanımı"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Depolama"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage:cd, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "CD"
+msgstr "CD"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage:cd, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Compact Disc"
+msgstr "Compact Disc"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage:dvd, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DVD"
+msgstr "DVD"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage:dvd, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Digital Versatile Disc"
+msgstr "(DVD) Sayısal Çokyönlü Disk"
+#. Tag: hardware::storage:floppy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Floppy Disk"
+msgstr "Disket Sürücü"
+#. Tag: hardware::usb, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "USB"
+msgstr "USB"
+#. Tag: hardware::usb, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Universal Serial Bus"
+msgstr "Evrensel Seri Veri Yolu"
+#. Tag: hardware::video, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Graphics and Video"
+msgstr "Grafik ve Video"
+#. Facet: made-of, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Made Of"
+msgstr "Yapıldığı"
+#. Facet: made-of, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The languages or data formats used to make the package"
+msgstr "Paketi yapmakta kullanılan dil veya veri biçimleri"
+#. Tag: made-of::audio, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with::audio, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Audio"
+msgstr "Ses"
+#. Tag: made-of::dictionary, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Dictionary"
+msgstr "Sözlük"
+#. Tag: made-of::font, short desc
+#. Tag: x11::font, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Yazı Tipi"
+#. Tag: made-of::html, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::html, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "HTML, Hypertext Markup Language"
+msgstr "HTML, Hipermetin İşaretleme Dili"
+#. Tag: made-of::icons, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Icons"
+msgstr "Simgeler"
+#. Tag: made-of::info, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::info, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Documentation in Info Format"
+msgstr "Info Biçiminde Belgelendirme"
+#. Tag: made-of::man, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Manuals in Nroff Format"
+msgstr "Nroff Biçiminde Kılavuzlar"
+#. Tag: made-of::pdf, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::pdf, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PDF Documents"
+msgstr "PDF Belgeleri"
+#. Tag: made-of::postscript, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::postscript, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PostScript"
+msgstr "PostScript"
+#. Tag: made-of::sgml, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::sgml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language"
+msgstr "SGML, Standart Genelleştirilmiş İşaretleme Dili"
+#. Tag: made-of::svg, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::svg, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics"
+msgstr "SVG, Ölçeklenebilir Vektör Grafikleri"
+#. Tag: made-of::tex, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TeX, LaTeX and DVI"
+msgstr "TeX, LaTeX ve DVI"
+#. Tag: made-of::vrml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "VRML, Virtual Reality Markup Language"
+msgstr "VRML, Sanal Gerçeklik İşaretleme Dili"
+#. Tag: made-of::xml, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with-format::xml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XML"
+msgstr "XML"
+#. Facet: interface, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "What kind of user interface the package provides"
+msgstr "Paketin sağladığı kullanıcı arayüz türü"
+#. Tag: interface::3d, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Three-Dimensional"
+msgstr "Üç Boyutlu"
+#. Tag: interface::commandline, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Command Line"
+msgstr "Komut Satırı"
+#. Tag: interface::daemon, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Daemon"
+msgstr "Artalan Süreci"
+#. Tag: interface::daemon, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Runs in background, only a control interface is provided, usually on "
+msgstr ""
+"Arka planda çalışır, yalnızca denetim için bir arayüz sağlanır, bu arayüz "
+"genelde komut satırında çalışır."
+#. Tag: interface::framebuffer, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Framebuffer"
+msgstr "Framebuffer"
+#. Tag: interface::shell, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Command Shell"
+msgstr "Komut Kabuğu"
+#. Tag: interface::svga, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Console SVGA"
+msgstr "Konsol SVGA"
+#. Tag: interface::text-mode, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Text-based Interactive"
+msgstr "Metin Tabanlı Etkileşimli"
+#. Tag: interface::web, short desc
+#. Facet: web, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "World Wide Web"
+msgstr "Dünya Çapında Ağ"
+#. Tag: interface::x11, short desc
+#. Facet: x11, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "X Window System"
+msgstr "X Pencere Sistemi"
+#. Facet: implemented-in, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Implemented in"
+msgstr "Geliştirildiği dil"
+#. Facet: implemented-in, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "What language the software is implemented in"
+msgstr "Yazılımın geliştirildiği dil"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::ada, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ada"
+msgstr "Ada"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::c, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C"
+msgstr "C"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::c++, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C++"
+msgstr "C++"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::c-sharp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "C#"
+msgstr "C#"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::fortran, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Fortran"
+msgstr "Fortran"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::haskell, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Haskell"
+msgstr "Haskell"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::java, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Java"
+msgstr "Java"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::ecmascript, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ecmascript/Javascript"
+msgstr "ECMAScript/Javascript"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::lisp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lisp"
+msgstr "Lisp"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::lua, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lua"
+msgstr "Lua"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::ml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ML"
+msgstr "ML"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::objc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Objective C"
+msgstr "Objective C"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::ocaml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "OCaml"
+msgstr "OCaml"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::perl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Perl"
+msgstr "Perl"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::php, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PHP"
+msgstr "PHP"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::pike, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Pike"
+msgstr "Pike"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::python, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Python"
+msgstr "Python"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::r, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNU R"
+msgstr "GNU R"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::ruby, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ruby"
+msgstr "Ruby"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::scheme, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Scheme"
+msgstr "Scheme"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::shell, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "sh, bash, ksh, tcsh and other shells"
+msgstr "sh, bash, ksh, tcsh ve diğer kabuklar"
+#. Tag: implemented-in::tcl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tcl, Tool Command Language"
+msgstr "Tcl, Araç Komut Dili"
+#. Facet: junior, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Junior Applications"
+msgstr "Gençlere Yönelik"
+#. Facet: junior, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Applications recommended for younger users"
+msgstr "Daha genç kullanıcılar için önerilen uygulamalar"
+#. Tag: junior::arcade, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Arcade Games"
+msgstr "Atari Oyunları"
+#. Tag: junior::games-gl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "3D Games"
+msgstr "3B Oyunlar"
+#. Tag: junior::meta, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Metapackages"
+msgstr "Meta Paketler"
+#. Facet: mail, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Electronic Mail"
+msgstr "Elektronik Posta"
+#. Facet: mail, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to eletronic mail transmission "
+msgstr "Paketin elektronik posta aktarımına nasıl bağlı olduğu"
+#. Tag: mail::filters, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr "Filtreler"
+#. Tag: mail::imap, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IMAP Protocol"
+msgstr "IMAP Protokolü"
+#. Tag: mail::list, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mailing Lists"
+msgstr "Posta Listeleri"
+#. Tag: mail::notification, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Notification"
+msgstr "Bildirim"
+#. Tag: mail::notification, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software that notifies users about status of mailbox."
+msgstr "Posta kutusunun durumu hakkında kullanıcıları bilgilendiren yazılım."
+#. Tag: mail::pop, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "POP3 Protocol"
+msgstr "POP3 Protokolü"
+#. Tag: mail::smtp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SMTP Protocol"
+msgstr "SMTP Protokolü"
+#. Tag: mail::delivery-agent, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mail Delivery Agent"
+msgstr "Posta Teslim Aracı"
+#. Tag: mail::delivery-agent, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software that delivers mail to users' mailboxes."
+msgstr "Kullanıcıların posta kutularına posta teslim eden yazılımlar."
+#. Tag: mail::transport-agent, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mail Transport Agent"
+msgstr "Posta Aktarım Aracı"
+#. Tag: mail::transport-agent, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Software that routes and transmits mail accross the system and the network."
+msgstr "Sistem ve ağ genelinde postaları yönlendirip aktaran yazılımlar."
+#. Tag: mail::user-agent, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mail User Agent"
+msgstr "Posta Kullanıcı Aracı"
+#. Tag: mail::user-agent, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software that allows users to access e-mail."
+msgstr "Kullanıcılara e-posta erişimi sağlayan yazılımlar."
+#. Facet: office, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Office and business"
+msgstr "Ofis ve İş"
+#. Facet: office, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Applications related to office and business activities"
+msgstr "Ofis ve iş faaliyetleri ile ilgili uygulamalar"
+#. Tag: office::finance, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Finance"
+msgstr "Finans"
+#. Tag: office::groupware, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Groupware"
+msgstr "Grup Çalışması"
+#. Tag: office::presentation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Presentation"
+msgstr "Sunum"
+#. Tag: office::project-management, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Project Management"
+msgstr "Proje Yönetimi"
+#. Tag: office::spreadsheet, short desc
+#. Tag: works-with::spreadsheet, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Spreadsheet"
+msgstr "Hesap Tablosu"
+#. Facet: works-with, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Works with"
+msgstr "Şununla çalışır"
+#. Facet: works-with, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"What kind of data (or even processes, or people) the package can work with"
+msgstr ""
+"Paketin birlikte çalışabileceği veri (veya hatta süreç, veya kişi) türü"
+#. Tag: works-with::3dmodel, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "3D Model"
+msgstr "3B Model"
+#. Tag: works-with::archive, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Arşiv"
+#. Tag: works-with::biological-sequence, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Biological Sequence"
+msgstr "Biyolojik Dizi"
+#. Tag: works-with::bugs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bugs or Issues"
+msgstr "Hata veya Sorunlar"
+#. Tag: works-with::db, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Databases"
+msgstr "Veritabanları"
+#. Tag: works-with::dictionary, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Dictionaries"
+msgstr "Sözlükler"
+#. Tag: works-with::dtp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Desktop Publishing (DTP)"
+msgstr "Masaüstü Yayıncılığı (DTP)"
+#. Tag: works-with::fax, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Faxes"
+msgstr "Fakslar"
+#. Tag: works-with::file, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Dosyalar"
+#. Tag: works-with::font, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Yazı Tipleri"
+#. Tag: works-with::graphs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Trees and Graphs"
+msgstr "Ağaçlar ve Grafikler"
+#. Tag: works-with::im, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Instant Messages"
+msgstr "Anlık İletiler"
+#. Tag: works-with::im, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The package can connect to some IM network (or networks)."
+msgstr "Paket bazı IM ağı (veya ağlarına) bağlanabilir."
+#. Tag: works-with::logfile, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "System Logs"
+msgstr "Sistem Günlükleri"
+#. Tag: works-with::mail, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-posta"
+#. Tag: works-with::music-notation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Music Notation"
+msgstr "Müzik Gösterimi"
+#. Tag: works-with::network-traffic, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Network Traffic"
+msgstr "Ağ Trafiği"
+#. Tag: works-with::network-traffic, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Routers, shapers, sniffers, firewalls and other tools that work with a "
+"stream of network packets."
+msgstr ""
+"Yönlendiriciler, şekillendiriciler, izleyiciler, güvenlik duvarları ve ağ "
+"paketleri ile çalışan diğer araçlar."
+#. Tag: works-with::people, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "People"
+msgstr "İnsanlar"
+#. Tag: works-with::pim, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Personal Information"
+msgstr "Kişisel Bilgi"
+#. Tag: works-with::image, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Resim"
+#. Tag: works-with::image:raster, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Raster Image"
+msgstr "Hücresel Görüntü"
+#. Tag: works-with::image:raster, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Images made of dots, such as photos and scans"
+msgstr "Fotoğraf veya taramalar gibi noktalardan yapılmış resimler"
+#. Tag: works-with::image:vector, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Vector Image"
+msgstr "Vektör Görüntüsü"
+#. Tag: works-with::image:vector, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Images made of lines, such as graphs or most clipart"
+msgstr "Grafik veya küçük resimler gibi çizgilerden yapılmış resimler"
+#. Tag: works-with::software:package, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packaged Software"
+msgstr "Paketlenmiş Yazılımlar"
+#. Tag: works-with::software:running, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Running Programs"
+msgstr "Çalışan Programlar"
+#. Tag: works-with::software:source, short desc
+#. Tag: role::source, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Source Code"
+msgstr "Kaynak Kod"
+#. Tag: works-with::text, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Metin"
+#. Tag: works-with::unicode, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Unicode"
+msgstr "Unicode"
+#. Tag: works-with::unicode, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Please do not tag programs with simple unicode support, doing so would make "
+"this tag useless. Ultimately all applications should have unicode support."
+msgstr ""
+"Lütfen basit Unicode desteğine sahip programları etiketlemeyin. Bunu yapmak "
+"bu etiketi işe yaramaz kılacaktır. İleride tüm uygulamalarda Unicode desteği "
+#. Tag: works-with::vcs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Version control system"
+msgstr "Sürüm denetim sistemi"
+#. Tag: works-with::video, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Video and Animation"
+msgstr "Video ve Animasyon"
+#. Facet: works-with-format, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Supports Format"
+msgstr "Desteklenen Biçimler"
+#. Facet: works-with-format, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Which data formats are supported by the package"
+msgstr "Paket tarafından desteklenen veri biçimleri"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::bib, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "BibTeX"
+msgstr "BibTeX"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::bib, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "BibTeX list of references"
+msgstr "BibTeX referans listesi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::djvu, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DjVu"
+msgstr "DjVu"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::djvu, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"File format to store scanned documents.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djvu"
+msgstr ""
+"Taranmış belgeleri saklamak için dosya biçimi.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djvu"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::docbook, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DocBook"
+msgstr "DocBook"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::dvi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TeX DVI"
+msgstr "TeX DVI"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::dvi, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"DeVice Independent page description file, usually generated by TeX or LaTeX."
+msgstr ""
+"Genellikle TeX veya LaTeX tarafından oluşturulan aygıttan bağımsız sayfa "
+"betimleme dosyası."
+#. Tag: works-with-format::gif, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GIF, Graphics Interchange Format"
+msgstr "GIF, Görsel Değiştokuş Biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::xml:gpx, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GPX, GPS eXchange Format"
+msgstr "GPX, GPS eXchange Biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::iso9660, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ISO 9660 CD Filesystem"
+msgstr "ISO 9660 CD Dosya Sistemi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::jpg, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "JPEG, Joint Photographic Experts Group"
+msgstr "JPEG, Birleşik Fotoğraf Uzmanları Grubu"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::json, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "JSON"
+msgstr "JSON"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::json, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "JavaScript Object Notation"
+msgstr "JavaScript Nesne Gösterimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::ldif, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "LDIF"
+msgstr "LDIF"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::ldif, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lightweight Directory Interchange Format"
+msgstr "Hafif Dizin Değiştokuş Biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::man, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Manpages"
+msgstr "Man sayfaları"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::mp3, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MP3 Audio"
+msgstr "MP3 Sesi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::mpc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Musepack Audio"
+msgstr "Musepack Sesi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::odf, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ODF, Open Document Format"
+msgstr "ODF, Açık Belge Biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::oggtheora, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ogg Theora Video"
+msgstr "Ogg Theora Video"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::oggvorbis, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ogg Vorbis Audio"
+msgstr "Ogg Vorbis Sesi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::plaintext, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Plain Text"
+msgstr "Düz Metin"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::png, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PNG, Portable Network Graphics"
+msgstr "PNG, Taşınabilir Ağ Grafikleri"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::swf, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SWF, ShockWave Flash"
+msgstr "SWF, ShockWave Flash"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::tar, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tar Archives"
+msgstr "Tar Arşivleri"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::tex, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TeX and LaTeX"
+msgstr "TeX ve LaTeX"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::tiff, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TIFF, Tagged Image File Format"
+msgstr "TIFF, Etiketli Görüntü Dosyası Biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::vrml, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "VRML 3D Model"
+msgstr "VRML 3B Modeli"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::vrml, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Virtual Reality Markup Language"
+msgstr "Sanal Gerçeklik İşaretleme Dili"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::wav, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MS RIFF Audio"
+msgstr "MS RIFF Sesi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::wav, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Wave uncompressed audio format"
+msgstr "Sıkıştırılmamış dalga ses biçimi"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::xml:rss, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "RSS Rich Site Summary"
+msgstr "RSS Zengin Site Özeti"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::xml:rss, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XML dialect used to describe resources and websites."
+msgstr "Kaynak ve web sitelerini açıklamak için kullanılan XML lehçesi."
+#. Tag: works-with-format::xml:xslt, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XSL Transformations (XSLT)"
+msgstr "XSL Dönüşümleri (XSLT)"
+#. Tag: works-with-format::zip, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Zip Archives"
+msgstr "Zip Arşivleri"
+#. Facet: scope, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Scope"
+msgstr "Kapsam"
+#. Facet: scope, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Characterization by scale of coverage "
+msgstr "Kapsama ölçeği karakterizasyonu "
+#. Tag: scope::utility, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Yardımcı Araç"
+#. Tag: scope::utility, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"A narrow-scoped program for particular use case or few use cases. It only "
+"does something 10-20% of users in the field will need. Often has "
+"functionality missing from related applications."
+msgstr ""
+"Birkaç özel kullanım durumuna uygun dar kapsamlı program. Bu programlar, "
+"gereken alanda kullanıcıların yalnızca %10-20'si kadarı için yarar "
+"sağlayacaktır. Genellikle ilgili uygulamalardan daha az işlevselliğe "
+#. Tag: scope::application, short desc
+#. Tag: web::application, short desc
+#. Tag: x11::application, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Application"
+msgstr "Uygulama"
+#. Tag: scope::application, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Broad-scoped program for general use. It probably has functionality for "
+"80-90% of use cases. The pieces that remain are usually to be found as "
+msgstr ""
+"Genel kullanıma uygun geniş kapsamlı program. Muhtemelen kullanım "
+"durumlarının %80-90 kadarını kapsayan işlevselliğe sahiptirler. Geri kalan "
+"parçaları genellikle yardımcı araçlarda bulunabilir."
+#. Tag: scope::suite, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Suite"
+msgstr "Takım"
+#. Tag: scope::suite, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Comprehensive suite of applications and utilities on the scale of desktop "
+"environment or base operating system."
+msgstr ""
+"Masaüstü ortamı veya temel işletim sistemi ölçeğinde uygulamalar ve yardımcı "
+"araçların kapsamlı bir takımı."
+#. Facet: role, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Role"
+msgstr "Rol"
+#. Facet: role, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Role performed by the package"
+msgstr "Paket tarafından gerçekleştirilen görev"
+#. Tag: role::app-data, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Application Data"
+msgstr "Uygulama Verisi"
+#. Tag: role::data, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Standalone Data"
+msgstr "Bağımsız Veri"
+#. Tag: role::debug-symbols, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Debugging symbols"
+msgstr "Hata ayıklama sembolleri"
+#. Tag: role::debug-symbols, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Debugging symbols."
+msgstr "Hata ayıklama sembolleri."
+#. Tag: role::devel-lib, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Development Library"
+msgstr "Geliştirme Kitaplığı"
+#. Tag: role::devel-lib, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Library and header files used in software development or building."
+msgstr ""
+"Yazılım geliştirme veya inşa etmede kullanılan kitaplık ve başlık dosyaları."
+#. Tag: role::dummy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Dummy Package"
+msgstr "Boş Paket"
+#. Tag: role::dummy, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packages used for upgrades and transitions."
+msgstr "Yükseltme ve geçişler için kullanılan paketler."
+#. Tag: role::kernel, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Kernel and Modules"
+msgstr "Çekirdek ve Modülleri"
+#. Tag: role::kernel, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packages that contain only operating system kernels and kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"Yalnızca işletim sistemi çekirdekleri ve çekirdek modüllerini içeren "
+#. Tag: role::metapackage, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Metapackage"
+msgstr "Metapaket"
+#. Tag: role::metapackage, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Packages that install suites of other packages."
+msgstr "Diğer paket takımlarını kuran paketler."
+#. Tag: role::plugin, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Plugin"
+msgstr "Eklenti"
+#. Tag: role::plugin, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Add-on, pluggable program fragments enhancing functionality of some program "
+"or system."
+msgstr ""
+"Eklenti, bazı program veya sistemin işlevselliğini arttırmak eklenebilir "
+"programı parçaları."
+#. Tag: role::program, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Program"
+msgstr "Program"
+#. Tag: role::program, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Executable computer program."
+msgstr "Çalıştırılabilir bilgisayar programı."
+#. Tag: role::shared-lib, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Shared Library"
+msgstr "Paylaşılan Kitaplık"
+#. Tag: role::shared-lib, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Shared libraries used by one or more programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Bir veya daha fazla program tarafından kullanılan paylaşılan kitaplıklar."
+#. Tag: role::source, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Human-readable code of a program, library or a part thereof."
+msgstr ""
+"İnsan tarafından okunabilir program, kitaplık veya bir parçasının kodu."
+#. Facet: security, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Security"
+msgstr "Güvenlik"
+#. Facet: security, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to system security"
+msgstr "Paketin sistem güvenliği ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: security::antivirus, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Anti-Virus"
+msgstr "Anti-Virüs"
+#. Tag: security::authentication, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Authentication"
+msgstr "Kimlik Doğrulama"
+#. Tag: security::cryptography, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Cryptography"
+msgstr "Şifreleme"
+#. Tag: security::cryptography, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Cryptographic and privacy-oriented tools."
+msgstr "Şifreleme ve gizlilik odaklı araçlar."
+#. Tag: security::firewall, short desc
+#. Tag: network::firewall, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Firewall"
+msgstr "Güvenlik Duvarı"
+#. Tag: security::forensics, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Forensics"
+msgstr "Adli"
+#. Tag: security::forensics, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Post-mortem analysis of intrusions."
+msgstr "İzinsiz girişlerin olay sonrası analizi."
+#. Tag: security::ids, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Intrusion Detection"
+msgstr "Saldırı Tespiti"
+#. Tag: security::integrity, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "File Integrity"
+msgstr "Dosya Bütünlüğü"
+#. Tag: security::integrity, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Tools to monitor system for changes in filesystem and report changes or "
+"tools providing other means to check system integrity."
+msgstr ""
+"Dosya sistemindeki değişiklikleri gözlemlemek ve raporlamak, ya da dosya "
+"sistemi bütünlüğünü başka yollarla denetlemek için araçlar."
+#. Tag: security::log-analyzer, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Log Analyzer"
+msgstr "Günlük Çözümleyici"
+#. Tag: security::privacy, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Privacy"
+msgstr "Gizlilik"
+#. Facet: sound, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Sound and Music"
+msgstr "Ses ve Müzik"
+#. Facet: sound, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to the field of sound and music"
+msgstr "Paketin ses ve müzik ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: sound::compression, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Compression"
+msgstr "Sıkıştırma"
+#. Tag: sound::midi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MIDI Software"
+msgstr "MIDI Yazılımı"
+#. Tag: sound::mixer, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mixing"
+msgstr "Karıştırma"
+#. Tag: sound::player, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Playback"
+msgstr "Oynatma"
+#. Tag: sound::recorder, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Recording"
+msgstr "Kayıt"
+#. Tag: sound::sequencer, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MIDI Sequencing"
+msgstr "MIDI Dizisi"
+#. Facet: special, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Service tags"
+msgstr "Hizmet etiketleri"
+#. Facet: special, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Group of special tags"
+msgstr "Özel etiketler grubu"
+#. Tag: special::auto-inst-parts, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Secondary packages users won't install directly"
+msgstr "Kullanıcıların doğrudan kurmayacağı ikincil paketler"
+#. Tag: special::ipv6-nosupport, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "NO IPv6 support"
+msgstr "IPv6 desteği yok"
+#. Tag: special::ipv6-nosupport, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Use this for packages that cannot yet or will never support IPv6."
+msgstr ""
+"IPv6 desteğini henüz desteklemeyen veya asla desteklemeyecek paketler için "
+"bunu kullanın."
+#. Tag: special::obsolete, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Obsolete Packages"
+msgstr "Eski Paketler"
+#. Tag: special::obsolete, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Packages that are not used any longer, also packages only left for upgrade "
+"purposes (merged / split packages)"
+msgstr ""
+"Artık kullanılmayan ya da yalnızca yükseltme amaçlı bırakılan "
+"(birleştirilmiş/bölünmüş) paketler"
+#. Tag: special::invalid-tag, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Invalid tag"
+msgstr "Geçersiz etiket"
+#. Tag: special::invalid-tag, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"This tag means that the tag database contains a tag which is not present in "
+"the tag vocabulary. The presence of this tag indicates a software bug: this "
+"should never show up."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu etiket, etiket veritabanının etiket sözlüğünde mevcut olmayan bir etiket "
+"içerdiği anlamına gelir. Bu etiketin varlığı bir yazılım hatası olduğunu "
+"gösterir: bu asla görülmemeli."
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "!Not yet tagged packages!"
+msgstr "!Henüz etiketlenmeyen paketler!"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::a, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with a"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler a ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::b, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with b"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler b ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::c, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with c"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler c ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::d, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with d"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler d ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::e, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with e"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler e ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::f, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with f"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler f ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::g, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with g"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler g ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::h, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with h"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler h ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::i, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with i"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler i ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::j, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with j"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler j ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::k, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with k"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler k ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::l, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with l"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler l ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::m, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with m"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler m ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::n, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with n"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler n ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::o, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with o"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler o ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::p, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with p"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler p ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::q, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with q"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler q ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::r, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with r"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler r ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::s, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with s"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler s ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::t, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with t"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler t ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::u, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with u"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler u ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::v, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with v"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler v ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::w, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with w"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler w ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::x, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with x"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler x ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::y, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with y"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler y ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Tag: special::not-yet-tagged::z, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Not yet tagged packages with z"
+msgstr "Henüz paketler z ile etiketlenmedi"
+#. Facet: suite, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Application Suite"
+msgstr "Uygulama Takımı"
+#. Facet: suite, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Groups together related packages"
+msgstr "İlgili paketleri gruplandırır"
+#. Tag: suite::apache, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Apache"
+msgstr "Apache"
+#. Tag: suite::bsd, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "BSD"
+msgstr "BSD"
+#. Tag: suite::bsd, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Berkeley Software Distribution, sometimes called Berkeley Unix or BSD Unix, "
+"and its family of descendants: FreeBSD, NetBSD or OpenBSD.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Software_Distribution"
+msgstr ""
+"Berkeley Yazılım Dağıtımı, bazen Berkeley Unix veya BSD Unix, ve aileden "
+"olan: FreeBSD, NetBSD veya OpenBSD olarak da adlandırılır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD"
+#. Tag: suite::debian, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Packages specific to Debian - look into \"Software Development::Debian\" "
+"for Debian Development."
+msgstr ""
+"Debian'a özgü paketler - Debian Geliştirme için \"Yazılım Geliştirme::Debian"
+"\"a bakın."
+#. Tag: suite::eclipse, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Eclipse"
+msgstr "Eclipse"
+#. Tag: suite::eclipse, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Eclipse tool platform and plugins."
+msgstr "Eclipse araç platformu ve eklentileri."
+#. Tag: suite::emacs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Emacs"
+msgstr "Emacs"
+#. Tag: suite::gforge, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GForge"
+msgstr "GForge"
+#. Tag: suite::gforge, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "A collaborative development platform."
+msgstr "Ortak bir geliştirme platformu."
+#. Tag: suite::gimp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The GIMP"
+msgstr "GIMP"
+#. Tag: suite::gkrellm, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GKrellM Monitors"
+msgstr "GKrellM İzleyicileri"
+#. Tag: suite::gnome, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNOME"
+msgstr "GNOME"
+#. Tag: suite::gnu, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNU"
+msgstr "GNU"
+#. Tag: suite::gnu, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Gnu's Not Unix. The package is part of the official GNU project"
+msgstr "GNU Unix değildir. Paket resmi GNU projesinin bir parçasıdır"
+#. Tag: suite::gnustep, short desc
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::gnustep, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNUstep"
+msgstr "GNUstep"
+#. Tag: suite::gnustep, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GNUstep Desktop and WindowMaker"
+msgstr "GNUstep Masaüstü ve WindowMaker"
+#. Tag: suite::gpe, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GPE"
+msgstr "GPE"
+#. Tag: suite::gpe, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GPE Palmtop Environment"
+msgstr "GPE Palmtop Ortamı"
+#. Tag: suite::kde, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "KDE"
+msgstr "KDE"
+#. Tag: suite::mozilla, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mozilla"
+msgstr "Mozilla"
+#. Tag: suite::mozilla, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Mozilla Browser and extensions"
+msgstr "Mozilla Tarayıcı ve uzantıları"
+#. Tag: suite::netscape, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Netscape Navigator"
+msgstr "Netscape Navigator"
+#. Tag: suite::netscape, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The pre-6.0 versions of netscape browser"
+msgstr "Netscape tarayıcı 6.0 sürümleri öncesi"
+#. Tag: suite::openoffice, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "OpenOffice.org"
+msgstr "OpenOffice.org"
+#. Tag: suite::opie, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Open Palmtop (OPIE)"
+msgstr "Open Palmtop (OPIE)"
+#. Tag: suite::roxen, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Roxen"
+msgstr "Roxen"
+#. Tag: suite::samba, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Samba"
+msgstr "Samba"
+#. Tag: suite::webmin, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Webmin"
+msgstr "Webmin"
+#. Tag: suite::xfce, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XFce"
+msgstr "XFce"
+#. Tag: suite::xfce, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lightweight desktop environment for X11."
+msgstr "X11 için hafif bir masaüstü ortamı."
+#. Tag: suite::xmms, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XMMS"
+msgstr "XMMS"
+#. Tag: suite::xmms2, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XMMS 2"
+msgstr "XMMS 2"
+#. Tag: suite::zope, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Zope"
+msgstr "Zope"
+#. Tag: suite::zope, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The Zope (web) publishing platform."
+msgstr "Zope (web) yayın platformu."
+#. Facet: protocol, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Network Protocol"
+msgstr "Ağ Protokolü"
+#. Facet: protocol, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Which network protocols the package can understand"
+msgstr "Paketin anlayabileceği ağ protokolleri"
+#. Tag: protocol::atm, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "ATM"
+msgstr "ATM"
+#. Tag: protocol::atm, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Asynchronous Transfer Mode, a high speed protocol for communication between "
+"computers in a network.\n"
+"While ATM is used to implement *DSL networks, it has never gained widespread "
+"use as a technology for building local area networks (LANs), for which it "
+"was originally intended.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asynchronous_Transfer_Mode"
+msgstr ""
+"Eşzamansız Aktarım Kipi, bir ağdaki bilgisayarlar arasında iletişim için "
+"yüksek hızlı bir protokoldür.\n"
+"ATM *DSL ağlarını gerçeklemek için kullanıldığından, asıl amacı olan yerel "
+"ağları (LAN'lar) inşa etmek üzere bir teknoloji olarak asla yaygın kullanıma "
+"sahip olamadı.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/E%C5%9Fzamans%C4%B1z_Aktar"
+#. Tag: protocol::bittorrent, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "BitTorrent"
+msgstr "BitTorrent"
+#. Tag: protocol::bittorrent, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"BitTorrent is a protocol for peer-to-peer based file distribution over "
+"Although the actual data transport happens between BitTorrent clients, one "
+"central node, the so-called trackers, is needed to keep a list of all "
+"clients that download or provide the same file.\n"
+"Link: http://www.bittorrent.com/ Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
+msgstr ""
+"BitTorrent, ağ üzerinden eşten eşe (P2P) dosya dağıtımı için bir "
+"Gerçek veri aktarımı BitTorrent istemcileri arasında olmasına rağmen, tek "
+"bir merkezi düğüm (takipçi olarak adlandırılır) aynı dosyayı indiren veya "
+"sağlayan tüm istemci listesini tutmak için gereklidir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.bittorrent.com/ Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
+#. Tag: protocol::corba, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "CORBA"
+msgstr "CORBA"
+#. Tag: protocol::corba, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Common Object Request Broker Architecture, a standard for interoperability "
+"between programs written in different languages and running on different "
+"hardware platforms. CORBA includes a client-server network protocol for "
+"distributed computing.\n"
+"With this network protocol, CORBA clients on different computers and written "
+"in different languages can exchange objects over a CORBA server such as "
+"orbit2 or omniORB.\n"
+"Link: http://www.corba.org/"
+msgstr ""
+"Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Ortak Nesne İstem Aracısı "
+"Mimarisi), farklı dillerde yazılmış ve farklı donanım platformları üzerinde "
+"çalışan programlar arasında birlikte çalışabilirlik için bir standarttır. "
+"CORBA, dağıtılmış bilgi işlem için bir istemci-sunucu ağ protokolü içerir.\n"
+"Bu ağ protokolü ile, farklı bilgisayarlarda ve farklı dillerde yazılmış "
+"CORBA istemcileri nesneleri orbit2 veya omniORB gibi bir CORBA sunucu "
+"üzerinden karşılıklı alıp verebilir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.corba.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::db:mysql, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MySQL"
+msgstr "MySQL"
+#. Tag: protocol::db:mysql, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Protocol for accessing MySQL database server."
+msgstr "MySQL veritabanı sunucusuna erişmek için protokol."
+#. Tag: protocol::db:psql, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "PostgreSQL"
+msgstr "PostgreSQL"
+#. Tag: protocol::db:psql, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Protocol for accessing PostgreSQL database server."
+msgstr "PostgreSQL veritabanı sunucusuna erişmek için protokol."
+#. Tag: protocol::dcc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DCC"
+msgstr "DCC"
+#. Tag: protocol::dcc, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Direct Client-to-Client (DCC) is an IRC-related sub-protocol enabling peers "
+"to interconnect using an IRC server for handshaking in order to exchange "
+"files or perform non-relayed chats.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client"
+msgstr ""
+"Direct Client-to-Client (DCC) (Doğrudan İstemciden İstemciye), dosya "
+"değişimi veya aktarımsız sohbetler gerçekleştirmek için el sıkışmak için bir "
+"IRC sunucusu kullanarak eşleri bağlamayı olanaklı kılan bir IRC ile ilgili "
+"bir alt protokoldür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client"
+#. Tag: protocol::dhcp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DHCP"
+msgstr "DHCP"
+#. Tag: protocol::dhcp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a client-server network protocol for "
+"automatic assignment of dynamic IP addresses to computers in a TCP/IP "
+"network, rather than giving each computer a static IP address.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Dinamik Ana Makine Yapılandırma "
+"Protokolü), her bilgisayara statik bir IP adresi vermek yerine, TCP/IP "
+"ağındaki bilgisayarlara otomatik olarak dinamik IP adresi ataması yapan bir "
+"istemci-sunucu ağ protokolüdür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::dns, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "DNS"
+msgstr "DNS"
+#. Tag: protocol::dns, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Domain Name System, a protocol to request information associated with domain "
+"names (like \"www.debian.org\"), most prominently the IP address. The "
+"protocol is used in communication with a DNS server (like BIND).\n"
+"For the Internet, there are 13 root DNS servers around the world that keep "
+"the addresses of all registered domain names and provide this information to "
+"the DNS servers of Internet service providers.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System"
+msgstr ""
+"Domain Name System (Alan Adı Sistemi), alan adları (\"www.debian.org\" gibi) "
+"ile ilişkilendirilmiş bilgiyi - en belirgini IP adresi - talep etmek için "
+"bir protokoldür. Protokol, bir DNS sunucusuyla (BIND gibi) iletişimde "
+"İnternet ile iletişimde kullanılan, tüm kayıtlı alan adlarının adreslerini "
+"tutan ve İnternet servis sağlayıcıların DNS sunucularına bu bilgileri "
+"sağlayan dünya çapında 13 kök DNS sunucusu bulunmaktadır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS"
+#. Tag: protocol::ethernet, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ethernet"
+msgstr "Ethernet"
+#. Tag: protocol::ethernet, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Ethernet is the most popular networking technology for creating local area "
+"networks (LANs).\n"
+"The computers in an Ethernet network communicate over twisted-pair or fibre "
+"cables and are identified by their MAC address. Several different types of "
+"Ethernet exist, distinguishable by the maximum connection speed. The most "
+"widespread types today are 100MBit/s (100BASE-*) or 1GBit/s (1000BASE-*).\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet"
+msgstr ""
+"Ethernet, yerel ağları (LAN'lar) oluşturmak için en yaygın ağ "
+"Bir Ethernet ağı içerisindeki bilgisayarlar, kıvrımlı çift veya fiber optik "
+"kablolar üzerinden haberleşir ve MAC adresleri ile tanımlanırlar. Azami "
+"bağlantı hızlarından ayırt edilebilen, birkaç farklı Ethernet türü "
+"mevcuttur. Günümüzde en yaygın türler: 100MBit/s (100BASE-*) veya 1GBit/s "
+"Link: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet"
+#. Tag: protocol::fidonet, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "FidoNet"
+msgstr "FidoNet"
+#. Tag: protocol::fidonet, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"FidoNet is a mailbox system that enjoyed large popularity in the 1980s and "
+"The communication between the clients and FidoNet servers was usually "
+"carried out over the telephone network using modems and could be used for "
+"transferring messages (comparable to email) and files.\n"
+"Link: http://www.fidonet.org/ Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidonet"
+msgstr ""
+"FidoNet, 1980'li ve 1990'lı yıllarda yaygın olarak kullanılmış bir posta "
+"kutusu sistemidir.\n"
+"İstemciler ve FidoNet sunucular arasında iletişim genellikle modem "
+"kullanarak telefon şebekesi üzerinden gerçekleştirildi ve ileti (e-posta ile "
+"karşılaştırılabilir) ve dosya aktarma için kullanılabilirdi.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.fidonet.org/ Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
+#. Tag: protocol::finger, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Finger"
+msgstr "Parmak"
+#. Tag: protocol::finger, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Name/Finger protocol is a simple network protocol to provide extensive, "
+"public information about users of a computer, such as email address, "
+"telephone numbers, full names etc.\n"
+"Due to privacy concerns, the Finger protocol is not widely used any more, "
+"while it widespread distribution in the early 1990s.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_protocol Link: http://www.ietf.org/"
+msgstr ""
+"Name/Finger (Ad/İşaretleme) protokolü, bir bilgisayarın kullanıcıları "
+"hakkında e-posta adresi, telefon numaraları, tam adları vb. gibi kapsamlı "
+"açık bilgileri sağlamak için basit bir ağ protokolüdür.\n"
+"Gizlilik endişeleri nedeniyle Finger protokolü, 1990'ın başlarında yaygın "
+"olarak kullanılmasına rağmen artık rağbet görmemektedir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::ftp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "FTP"
+msgstr "FTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::ftp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"File Transfer Protocol, a protocol for exchanging and manipulation files "
+"over networks and extensively used on the Internet.\n"
+"The communication between FTP servers and clients uses two channels, the "
+"control and the data channel. While FTP was originally used with "
+"authentication only, most FTP servers on the Internet provide anonymous, "
+"passwordless access. Since FTP does not support encryption, sensitive data "
+"transfer is carried out over SFTP today.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"File Transfer Protocol (Dosya Aktarım Protokolü), ağ üzerinde dosya "
+"alışverişi ve düzenleme protokolü olup İnternet'te yaygınca kullanılır.\n"
+"FTP sunucuları ve istemciler arasında kontrol ve veri kanalı olmak üzere "
+"iletişim iki kanalı kullanılır. FTP aslında yalnızca kimlik doğrulaması ile "
+"kullanılırken, İnternetteki çoğu FTP sunucusu anonim, şifresiz erişim "
+"sağlar. FTP şifrelemeyi desteklemediğinden, hassas veri transferi günümüzde "
+"SFTP üzerinden gerçekleştirilir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosya_aktar%C4%B1m_ileti"
+"%C5%9Fim_kural%C4%B1 Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0959.txt"
+#. Tag: protocol::gadu-gadu, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Gadu-Gadu"
+msgstr "Gadu-Gadu"
+#. Tag: protocol::gadu-gadu, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Gadu-Gadu protocol is a proprietary protocol that is used by a Polish "
+"instant messaging network of the same name.\n"
+"Link: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadu-Gadu"
+msgstr ""
+"Gadu-Gadu protokolü aynı adlı Polonya anlık mesajlaşma ağı tarafından "
+"kullanılan sahipli bir protokoldür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadu-Gadu"
+#. Tag: protocol::http, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "HTTP"
+msgstr "HTTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::http, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"HyperText Transfer Protocol, one of the most important protocols for the "
+"World Wide Web.\n"
+"It controls the data transfer between HTTP servers such as Apache and HTTP "
+"clients, which are web browsers in most cases. HTTP resources are requested "
+"via URLs (Universal Resource Locators). While HTTP normally only supports "
+"file transfer from server to client, the protocol supports sending "
+"information to HTTP servers, most prominently used in HTML forms.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Http Link: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/"
+msgstr ""
+"HyperText Transfer Protocol (HiperMetin Aktarım Protokolü), WWW için en "
+"önemli protokollerden biridir.\n"
+"Apache gibi HTTP sunucuları ile (çoğu durumda web tarayıcıları olan) HTTP "
+"istemcileri arasındaki veri aktarımını denetler. HTTP kaynakları URL'ler "
+"(Universal Resource Locators - Evrensel Kaynak Konumlandırıcı) ile talep "
+"edilmektedir. HTTP normalde yalnızca sunucudan istemciye dosya transferi "
+"desteklerken, protokol en belirgin olarak HTML formlarında kullanılan, HTTP "
+"sunucularına bilgi göndermeyi de destekler.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::ident, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ident"
+msgstr "Ident"
+#. Tag: protocol::ident, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Ident Internet protocol helps to identify or authenticate the user of a "
+"network connection.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ident"
+msgstr ""
+"Ident protokolü, bir ağ bağlantısında kullanıcıyı tanımlama ve kimlik "
+"doğrulamada yardımcı olur.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ident"
+#. Tag: protocol::imap, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IMAP"
+msgstr "IMAP"
+#. Tag: protocol::imap, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol used for accessing email on a "
+"server from a email client such as KMail or Evolution.\n"
+"When using IMAP, emails stay on the server and can be categorized, edited, "
+"deleted etc. there, instead of having the user download all messages onto "
+"the local computer, as POP3 does.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol"
+msgstr ""
+"İnternet İleti Erişim Protokolü (IMAP), KMail veya Evolution gibi bir e-"
+"posta istemcisinden bir sunucu üzerindeki e-postalara erişim için kullanılan "
+"bir protokoldür.\n"
+"IMAP kullanarak, e-postalar sunucu üzerinde kalır ve e-postalar kategorize "
+"edilebilir, düzenlenebilir, silinebilir, vb. ve böylece kullanıcının POP3'te "
+"olduğu gibi, yerel bilgisayar üzerine tüm iletileri indirme zorunluluğu "
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAP"
+#. Tag: protocol::ip, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IP"
+msgstr "IP"
+#. Tag: protocol::ip, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Internet Protocol (v4), a core protocol of the Internet protocol suite and "
+"the very basis of the Internet.\n"
+"Every computer that is connected to the Internet has an IP address (a 4-byte "
+"number, typically represented in dotted notation like "
+"Internet IP addresses are given out by the Internet Corporation for Assigned "
+"Names and Numbers (ICANN). Normally, computers on the Internet are not "
+"accessed by their IP address, but by their domain name.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4 Link: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc791."
+msgstr ""
+"İnternet Protokolü (v4), İnternet protokol takımının bir çekirdek protokolü "
+"olup, İnternetin en temellerindendir.\n"
+"İnternet'e bağlı her bilgisayar bir IP adresine sahiptir (genellikle "
+" şeklinde ifade edilen 4 baytlık bir sayı). İnternet IP "
+"adresleri Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) "
+"tarafından sağlanır. Normal olarak, İnternet'teki bilgisayarlar IP adresleri "
+"üzerinden erişilmezler ancak alan adlarıyla erişilebilirler.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4 Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::ipv6, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IPv6"
+msgstr "IPv6"
+#. Tag: protocol::ipv6, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Internet Protocol (v6), the next-generation Internet protocol, which "
+"overcomes the restrictions of IP (v4), like shortage of IP addresses, and is "
+"supposed to form the new basis of the Internet in the future, replacing IP "
+"Many programs already support IPv6 along with IP (v4), although it is still "
+"seldomly used.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6 Link: http://www.ipv6.org/"
+msgstr ""
+"İnternet Protokolü (v6), IP adresi kıtlığı gibi IP (v4) kısıtlamalarının "
+"üstesinden gelen ve gelecekte internetin yeni temelini oluşturarak IP "
+"(v4)'ün yerini alacak yeni nesil İnternet protokolüdür.\n"
+"Hala nadiren kullanılmasına rağmen çoğu program şimdiden IP (v4) ile "
+"birlikte IPv6 desteğini sağlamaktadırlar.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6 Bağlantı: http://www.ipv6.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::irc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "IRC"
+msgstr "IRC"
+#. Tag: protocol::irc, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Internet Relay Chat, a protocol for text chatting over network, extensively "
+"used on the Internet. It supports chat rooms, so-called channels, as well as "
+"private, one-to-one communication.\n"
+"IRC servers are organized in networks, so that a client can connect to a "
+"geographically near IRC server, that itself is connected to other IRC "
+"servers spread over the whole world.\n"
+"The official Debian channel is #debian on the freenode network.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat"
+msgstr ""
+"İnternet Aktarımlı Sohbet (IRC), İnternet üzerinde yoğun olarak kullanılan "
+"ağ üzerinden metin sohbet protokolüdür. Kanal adı verilen sohbet odaları "
+"yanı sıra özel, bire bir iletişimi de destekler.\n"
+"IRC sunucuları ağlarda düzenlenir, böylecek bir istemci coğrafi konumuna "
+"yakın bir IRC sunucusuna bağlansa da, bu IRC kanalları tüm dünyada bulunan "
+"diğer sunuculara bağlanır.\n"
+"Resmi Debian kanalı, freenode ağındaki #debian'dır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat"
+#. Tag: protocol::jabber, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Jabber"
+msgstr "Jabber"
+#. Tag: protocol::jabber, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Jabber protocol is an instant messaging protocol on the basis of the "
+"XMPP protocol. Additionally to private one-to-one communication, it also "
+"supports chat rooms, and it is used in the Jabber IM network as well as for "
+"the IM capabilities for the new GoogleTalk network.\n"
+"In contrast to other IM networks like MSN, ICQ or AIM, the Jabber servers "
+"are free software and can be used to create a private chat platform or have "
+"an own server to connect to the Jabber network.\n"
+"Link: http://www.jabber.org Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber"
+msgstr ""
+"Jabber protokolü XMPP protokolünü temel alan bir anlık ileti protokolüdür. "
+"Özel birebir iletişime ek olarak sohbet odalarını da destekler. GoogleTalk "
+"ağının anlık ileti özellikleri için kullanıldığı gibi Jabber IM ağında da "
+"MSN, ICQ, AIM ve benzeri diğer IM ağlarının aksine, Jabber sunucuları özgür "
+"yazılımlardır ve özel bir sohbet platformu oluşturmak ya da Jabber ağına "
+"bağlanma amaçlı kendi sunucunuza sahip olmak için kullanılabilir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.jabber.org Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
+#. Tag: protocol::kerberos, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Kerberos"
+msgstr "Kerberos"
+#. Tag: protocol::kerberos, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Kerberos is an authentication protocol for computer networks for secure "
+"authentication over an otherwise insecure network, using symmetric "
+"cryptography and a third party service provider, that is trusted both by "
+"client and server.\n"
+"The authentication mechanism provided by Kerberos is mutual, so that not "
+"only a server can be sure of a client's identity, but also a client can be "
+"sure a connection to a server is not intercepted.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_%28protocol%29 Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"Kerberos, güvensiz bilgisayar ağları üzerinde güvenli kimlik doğrulama "
+"yapmayı sağlayan bir protokolüdür. Simetrik şifreleme ve hem istemci hem de "
+"sunucu tarafından güvenilen bir üçüncü şahıs hizmet sağlayıcı kullanır.\n"
+"Kerberos'un sağladığı kimlik doğrulama mekanizması iki taraflıdır. Böylece; "
+"yalnızca sunucunun istemcinin kimliğinden emin olmasını değil, istemcinin de "
+"sunucuyla kurduğu bağlantının arasına kimsenin girmediğinden emin olmasını "
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(ileti%C5%9Fim_kural%C4%B1) "
+"Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4120.txt"
+#. Tag: protocol::ldap, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "LDAP"
+msgstr "LDAP"
+#. Tag: protocol::ldap, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol"
+msgstr "Hafif Dizin Erişim Protokolü"
+#. Tag: protocol::lpr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "LPR"
+msgstr "LPR"
+#. Tag: protocol::lpr, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Line Printer Daemon protocol, a protocol used for accessing or providing "
+"network print services in a Unix network, but also used for local setups.\n"
+"CUPS, the Common Unix Printing System, was developed to replace the old LPD/"
+"LPR system, while maintaining backwards compatibility.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_Printer_Daemon_protocol Link: http://"
+msgstr ""
+"Line Printer Daemon protokolü, bir Unix ağında ağ baskı hizmetlerine erişim "
+"veya hizmet sağlamak için kullanılan bir protokoldür. Yerel kurulumlar için "
+"de kullanılır.\n"
+"CUPS (Ortak Unix Yazdırma Sistemi), geriye dönük uyumluluğu koruyarak eski "
+"LPD/LPR sisteminin yerini alması için geliştirilmiştir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_Printer_Daemon_protocol "
+"Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1179.txt"
+#. Tag: protocol::msn-messenger, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "MSN Messenger"
+msgstr "MSN Messenger"
+#. Tag: protocol::msn-messenger, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The MSN messenger protocol is the protocol that is used by Microsoft's own "
+"instant messaging network.\n"
+"The protocol is a proprietary protocol. Although Microsoft once send a draft "
+"of the protocol specification to the IETF, it has since dated out and "
+"clients that connect to the MSN Messenger network have to rely on reverse-"
+"engineered information.\n"
+"Link: http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/"
+msgstr ""
+"MSN Messenger protokolü Microsoft'un kendi anlık ileti ağı tarafından "
+"kullanılan protokoldür.\n"
+"Sahipli bir protokoldür. Microsoft bir kez IETF için protokol şartname "
+"taslağı göndermesine rağmen, bu taslak bir daha güncellenmemiş ve geçersiz "
+"hale gelmiştir. MSN Messenger ağına bağlanan istemciler ters mühendislikle "
+"elde edilen protokol bilgisine bağımlı durumdadır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.hypothetic.org/docs/msn/"
+#. Tag: protocol::nfs, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "NFS"
+msgstr "NFS"
+#. Tag: protocol::nfs, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Network File System, a protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems in "
+"1984 and defined in RFCs 1094, 1813, and 3530 (obsoletes 3010) as a "
+"distributed file system, allows a user on a client computer to access files "
+"over a network as easily as if attached to its local disks.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System"
+msgstr ""
+"Ağ Dosya Sistemi (NFS), ilk olarak 1984 yılında Sun Microsystems tarafından "
+"geliştirilmiş ve RFC 1094, 1813, 3530 (3010'u hükümsüz bırakır) belgeleri "
+"ile tanımlanmış bir dağıtık dosya sistemi protokoldür. İstemci "
+"bilgisayarlardaki kullanıcıların ağdaki dosyalara kendi yerel "
+"disklerindeymiş gibi kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlar.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%C4%9F_Dosya_Sistemi"
+#. Tag: protocol::nntp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "NNTP"
+msgstr "NNTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::nntp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Network News Transfer Protocol, a protocol for reading and writing Usenet "
+"articles (a Usenet article is comparable with an email), but also used among "
+"NNTP servers to transfer articles.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_News_Transfer_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Ağ Haber Aktarım Protokolü (NNTP), Usenet makalelerini (bir Usenet makalesi, "
+"e-posta ile karşılaştırılabilir) okuma ve yazma için bir protokoldür ve aynı "
+"zamanda NNTP sunucuları arasında makaleleri aktarmak için de kullanılır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_News_Transfer_Protocol "
+"Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc977.txt"
+#. Tag: protocol::oscar, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "OSCAR (AIM/ICQ)"
+msgstr "OSCAR (AIM/ICQ)"
+#. Tag: protocol::oscar, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Open System for CommunicAtion in Realtime, an instant messaging used by "
+"AOL's instant messaging network (AIM). The protocol versions 7, 8 and 9 of "
+"the ICQ IM network are also instances of the OSCAR protocol.\n"
+"OSCAR is a binary proprietary protocol. Since there is no official "
+"documentation, clients that connect to AIM or ICQ have to rely on "
+"information that has been reverse-engineered.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR_protocol Link: http://www.oilcan."
+msgstr ""
+"Open System for CommunicAtion in Realtime (Gerçek Zamanlı iletişim için Açık "
+"Sistem), AOL anlık ileti ağı (AIM) tarafından kullanılan bir anlık ileti "
+"sistemidir. ICQ IM ağının 7, 8 ve 9. protokol sürümleri de OSCAR "
+"protokolünün örnekleridir.\n"
+"OSCAR ikili bir sahipli protokoldür. Hakkında resmi bir belge olmadığından, "
+"AIM veya ICQ ağına bağlanan istemciler ters mühendislik yöntemi ile elde "
+"edilen bilgilere bağımlı haldedir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR_protocol Bağlantı: http://www."
+#. Tag: protocol::pop3, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "POP3"
+msgstr "POP3"
+#. Tag: protocol::pop3, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Post Office Protocol, a protocol to download emails from a mail server, "
+"designed for users that have only intermittent connection to the Internet.\n"
+"In contrast to IMAP server, messages that are downloaded via POP3 are not "
+"supposed to stay on the server afterwards, since POP3 does not support "
+"multiple mailboxes for one account on the server.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Office_Protocol Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"Postane Protokolü (POP3), Internet'e ara ara bağlanan kullanıcılar için "
+"tasarlanmış bir e-posta protokolüdür. E-postaları bir mail sunucusundan "
+"indirmeyi sağlar.\n"
+"IMAP sunucularının aksine, POP3 üzerinden indirilen mesajlar daha sonra "
+"sunucuda kalmak durumunda değildir, çünkü POP3, sunucuda bir hesap için "
+"birden fazla posta kutusunu desteklemez.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/POP3 Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::radius, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "RADIUS"
+msgstr "RADIUS"
+#. Tag: protocol::radius, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Remote Authentication Dial In User Service, a protocol for authentication, "
+"authorization and accounting of network access, mostly used by Internet "
+"service providers to handle dial-up Internet connections.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RADIUS Link: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/"
+msgstr ""
+"Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) (Arayan Kullanıcı "
+"Uzaktan Kimlik Doğrulama Hizmeti), çoğunlukla çevirmeli İnternet "
+"bağlantılarını yönetmek için İnternet sağlayıcıları tarafından kullanılan "
+"kimlik doğrulama, yetkilendirme ve ağ erişiminin hesabını tutmak için "
+"kullanılan bir protokoldür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/RADIUS Bağlantı : http://www.ietf."
+#. Tag: protocol::sftp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SFTP"
+msgstr "SFTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::sftp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"SSH File Transfer Protocol, a protocol for secure, encrypting file exchange "
+"and manipulation over insecure networks, using the SSH protocol.\n"
+"SFTP provides a complete set of file system operations, different from its "
+"predecessor SCP, which only allows file transfer. It is not, other than the "
+"name might suggest, a version of the FTP protocol executed through an SSH "
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSH_file_transfer_protocol"
+msgstr ""
+"SSH Dosya Aktarım Protokolü (SFTP), SSH protokolü kullanılarak güvensiz "
+"ağlar üzerinde dosya aktarımı ve düzenlemeyi güvenli kılmak ve şifrelemek "
+"için bir protokoldür.\n"
+"Atası olan ve yalnızca dosya aktarımına izin veren SCP'den farklı olarak "
+"SFTP, tüm dosya sistemi işlemlerini sunar. Bu, isminden de anlaşılabileceği "
+"gibi SSH kanalından çalıştırılan FTP protokolünün bir sürümüdür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::smb, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SMB"
+msgstr "SMB"
+#. Tag: protocol::smb, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Server Message Block, a protocol for providing file access and printer "
+"sharing over network, mainly used by Microsoft Windows(tm). CIFS (Common "
+"Internet File System) is a synonym for SMB.\n"
+"Although SMB is a proprietary protocol, the Samba project reverse-engineered "
+"the protocol and developed both client and server programs for better "
+"interoperability in mixed Unix/Windows networks.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"Sunucu İleti Bloğu (SMB), özellikle Microsoft Windows(tm) tarafından "
+"kullanılan, ağ üzerinden dosya erişimi ve yazıcı paylaşımı sağlamak için bir "
+"protokoldür. CIFS (Ortak Internet Dosya Sistemi) SMB ile eş anlamlıdır.\n"
+"SMB sahipli bir protokol olmasına rağmen, Samba projesi, protokolü ters "
+"mühendislik yaparak karışık Unix/Windows ağlarında daha iyi birlikte "
+"işlevsellik için istemci ve sunucu programları geliştirmiştir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Message_Block Bağlantı: http://"
+#. Tag: protocol::smtp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SMTP"
+msgstr "SMTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::smtp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for transmitting emails over the "
+"Every SMTP server utilizes SMTP to hand on emails to the next mail server "
+"until an email arrives at its destination, from where it is usually "
+"retrieved via POP3 or IMAP.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Basit Posta Aktarım Protokolü (SMTP), e-postaları İnternet üzerinden "
+"aktarmak için bir protokoldür.\n"
+"Her SMTP sunucusu, e-postaları hedefine ulaşıncaya kadar bir sonraki posta "
+"sunucusuna teslim eder. E-postalar hedef sunucudan POP3 veya IMAP yoluyla "
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::snmp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SNMP"
+msgstr "SNMP"
+#. Tag: protocol::snmp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Simple Network Management Protocol, a member of the Internet protocol suite "
+"and used for monitoring or configuring network devices.\n"
+"SNMP servers normally run on network equipment like routers.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Network_Management_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Basit Ağ Yönetimi Protokolü (SNMP), İnternet protokolü paketinin bir "
+"üyesidir ve ağ cihazlarını izlemek veya yapılandırmak için kullanılır.\n"
+"SNMP sunucuları normalde yönlendirici benzeri ağ cihazlarında çalışırlar.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNMP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::soap, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SOAP"
+msgstr "SOAP"
+#. Tag: protocol::soap, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Simple Object Access Protocol, a protocol for exchanging messages between "
+"different computers in a network. The messages are encoded in XML and "
+"usually sent over HTTP.\n"
+"SOAP is used to provide APIs to web services, such as the Google API to "
+"utilize Google's searching engine from client applications.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP Link: http://www.w3.org/TR/soap/"
+msgstr ""
+"Basit Nesne Erişim Protokolü (SOAP), bir ağdaki farklı bilgisayarlar "
+"arasında mesaj alışverişi için bir protokoldür. Mesajları XML olarak "
+"kodlanır ve genellikle HTTP üzerinden gönderilir.\n"
+"SOAP, Google'ın arama motoruna istemci uygulamalarından erişmek gibi web "
+"hizmetlerine API'ler sağlamada kullanılır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP Bağlantı: http://www.w3.org/TR/"
+#. Tag: protocol::ssh, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SSH"
+msgstr "SSH"
+#. Tag: protocol::ssh, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Secure Shell, a protocol for secure, encrypted network connections. SSH can "
+"be used to execute programs on a remote host with an SSH server over "
+"otherwise insecure protocols through an SSH channel. The main use is, as the "
+"name suggest, to provide encrypted login and shell access on remote "
+"SSH authentication can be done with password or, which is the preferred "
+"mechanism, via asymmetric public/private key cryptography.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell"
+msgstr ""
+"Secure Shell (Güvenli Kabuk, SSH); güvenli, şifreli ağ bağlantıları için bir "
+"protokoldür. SSH, uzak bilgisayarlarda, güvensiz protokoller üzerinden SSH "
+"kanalıyla program çalıştırmak için kullanılabilir. Temel kullanımı, adından "
+"da anlaşılabileceği gibi uzak sunucularda şifreli oturum açma ve kabuk "
+"erişimi sağlamaktır.\n"
+"SSH kimlik doğrulaması, parolayla veya -tercil edilen mekanizma- asimetrik "
+"genel/özel anahtar şifrelemesi ile yapılabilir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSH"
+#. Tag: protocol::ssl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SSL/TLS"
+msgstr "SSL/TLS"
+#. Tag: protocol::ssl, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security, a protocol that provides "
+"secure encrypted communication on the Internet. It is used to authenticate "
+"the identity of a service provider (such as a Internet banking server) and "
+"to secure the communications channel.\n"
+"Otherwise insecure protocols such as FTP, HTTP, IMAP or SMTP can be "
+"transmitted over SSL/TLS to secure the transmitted data. In this case, an \"S"
+"\" is added to the protocol name, like HTTPS, FTPS etc.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Sockets_Layer"
+msgstr ""
+"Güvenli Yuva Katmanı/Aktarım Katmanı Güvenliği (SSL/TLS), internette güvenli "
+"şifreli iletişimi sağlayan bir protokoldür. Bir hizmet sağlayıcının (örneğin "
+"bir internet bankacılığı sunucusu gibi) kimliğini doğrulamak ve iletişim "
+"kanalı güvenliğini sağlamak için kullanılır.\n"
+"Normalde güvensiz olan FTP, HTTP, IMAP veya SMTP gibi protokoller de SSL/TLS "
+"üzerinden güvenli veri aktarımı yapabilir. Bu durumda protokol adına \"S\" "
+"eklenir. Örn: HTTPS, FTPS, vb.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Sockets_Layer"
+#. Tag: protocol::telnet, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Telnet"
+msgstr "Telnet"
+#. Tag: protocol::telnet, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"TELecommunication NETwork, a mostly superseded protocol for remote logins.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TELNET"
+msgstr ""
+"TELecommunication NETwork (Haberleşme Ağı), uzak oturum açmada artık pek "
+"kullanılmayan bir protokoldür.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telnet"
+#. Tag: protocol::tcp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TCP"
+msgstr "TCP"
+#. Tag: protocol::tcp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Transport Control Protocol, a core protocol of the Internet protocol suite "
+"and used for data transport.\n"
+"TCP is used as the transport protocol for many services on the Internet, "
+"such as FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP etc.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Taşıma Denetim Protokolü (TCP), İnternet protokol takımının bir çekirdek "
+"protokolüdür ve veri taşıma için kullanılır.\n"
+"İnternette TCP, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP vb. birçok hizmet için "
+"taşıma protokolü olarak kullanılır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::tftp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "TFTP"
+msgstr "TFTP"
+#. Tag: protocol::tftp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Trivial File Transfer Protocol, a simple file transfer protocol. TFTP "
+"allows a client to get or put a file onto a remote host. One of its primary "
+"uses is the network booting of diskless nodes on a Local Area Network. It "
+"is designed to be easy to implement so it fits on ROM.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trivial_File_Transfer_Protocol Link: "
+msgstr ""
+"Önemsiz Dosya Aktarım Protokolü (TFTP), basit bir dosya aktarım "
+"protokolüdür. TFTP, bir istemcinin uzak bir makine üzerinden bir dosya "
+"almasını veya uzak makineye bir dosya koymasını sağlar. Temel "
+"kullanımlarından biri, bir yerel ağda disksiz düğümlerin ağdan "
+"önyüklenmesidir. Kolayca gerçeklenebilecek şekilde tasarlandığı için ROM "
+"içerisine sığmaktadır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TFTP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::udp, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "UDP"
+msgstr "UDP"
+#. Tag: protocol::udp, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"User Datagram Protocol, a core protocol of the Internet protocol suite and "
+"used for data transport.\n"
+"UDP is not as reliable as TCP, but faster and thus better fit for time-"
+"sensitive purposes, like the DNS protocol and VoIP.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"Kullanıcı Veri Birimi Protokolü (UDP), İnternet protokol takımının bir "
+"çekirdek protokolüdür ve veri aktarımı için kullanılır.\n"
+"UDP, TCP protokolü gibi güvenilir değildir ancak DNS protokolü ve VoIP gibi "
+"zaman açısından hassas uygulamalar için daha uygundur.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/UDP Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::voip, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "VoIP"
+msgstr "VoIP"
+#. Tag: protocol::voip, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Voice over IP, a general term for protocols that route voice conversations "
+"over the Internet.\n"
+"Popular VoIP protocols are SIP, H.323 and IAX.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_over_IP"
+msgstr ""
+"IP üzerinden Ses (VoIP), İnternet üzerinden sesli görüşmeleri yönlendiren "
+"protokoller için kullanılan genel bir terimdir.\n"
+"Yaygın VoIP protokolleri SIP, H.323 ve IAX'dir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/VoIP"
+#. Tag: protocol::webdav, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "WebDAV"
+msgstr "WebDAV"
+#. Tag: protocol::webdav, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, a extension of the HTTP "
+"protocol to support creating and changing documents on an HTTP server. Thus, "
+"the client can access the documents on an HTTP server as it would those on "
+"the local file system.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV Link: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/"
+msgstr ""
+"Web Tabanlı Dağıtılmış Yayın ve Sürümleme (WebDAV), HTTP sunucuları üzerinde "
+"belge oluşturma ve değiştirme desteği sağlayan bir HTTP protokolü "
+"uzantısıdır. Böylece bir istemci HTTP sunucusu üzerindeki belgelerine, yerel "
+"dosya sistemindeymiş gibi erişebilir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV Bağlantı: http://www.ietf.org/"
+#. Tag: protocol::xmlrpc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "XML-RPC"
+msgstr "XML-RPC"
+#. Tag: protocol::xmlrpc, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"XML Remote Procedure Call, a simple protocol for remote procedure calls that "
+"uses XML for encoding and the HTTP protocol for transport.\n"
+"SOAP, which is a considerably more sophisticated protocol, was developed "
+"from XML-RPC.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML-RPC Link: http://www.xmlrpc.com/"
+msgstr ""
+"XML Uzaktan Yordam Çağrısı (XML-RPC), kodlama için XML ve taşıma için HTTP "
+"protokolünü kullanan basit bir uzaktan yordam çağrısı protokolüdür.\n"
+"Daha karmaşık bir protokol olan SOAP, XML-RPC üzerinden geliştirilmiştir.\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML-RPC Bağlantı: http://www.xmlrpc."
+#. Tag: protocol::yahoo-messenger, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Yahoo! Messenger"
+msgstr "Yahoo! Messenger"
+#. Tag: protocol::yahoo-messenger, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"The Yahoo! Messenger protocol is used to connect to Yahoo!'s instant "
+"messaging network.\n"
+"This a proprietary binary protocol without any official documentation. "
+"Clients that connect to the Yahoo! Messenger network have to rely on reverse-"
+"engineered information.\n"
+"Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo%21_Messenger Link: http://www."
+msgstr ""
+"Yahoo! Messenger protokolü, Yahoo!'nun anlık mesajlaşma ağına bağlanmak için "
+"Bu, resmi belgelendirmesi olmayan sahipli bir protokoldür. Yahoo! Messenger "
+"ağına bağlanan istemciler ters mühendislik bilgisine bağlı kalmalıdır.\n"
+"Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Messenger Bağlantı: http://"
+#. Tag: protocol::zeroconf, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Zeroconf"
+msgstr "Zeroconf"
+#. Tag: protocol::zeroconf, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"Zero Configuration Networking (Zeroconfig), is a set of techniques that "
+"automatically creates a usable IP network without configuration or special "
+"This tag is used for packages that implement one or more of:\n"
+"* IPv4LL for choosing addresses\n"
+"* mDNS for name resolution\n"
+"* DNS-SD for service discovery\n"
+"Link: http://www.zeroconf.org Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeroconf"
+msgstr ""
+"Zero Configuration Networking (Sıfır Yapılandırmalı Ağ - Zeroconfig), "
+"herhangi bir yapılandırma veya özel sunucular gerektirmeden otomatik olarak "
+"kullanılabilir bir IP ağı oluşturan tekniklerin bir kümesidir.\n"
+"Bu etiket şunlardan biri veya daha fazlasını gerçekleyen paketler için "
+"* Adres seçimi için IPv4LL\n"
+"* Ad çözümleme için mDNS\n"
+"* Hizmet keşfi için DNS-SD\n"
+"Bağlantı: http://www.zeroconf.org Bağlantı: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
+#. Facet: uitoolkit, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Interface Toolkit"
+msgstr "Arayüz Araç Takımı"
+#. Facet: uitoolkit, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Which interface toolkit the package provides"
+msgstr "Paketin sağladığı arayüz araç takımları"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::athena, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Athena Widgets"
+msgstr "Athena Gereçleri"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::fltk, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "FLTK"
+msgstr "FLTK"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::glut, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GLUT"
+msgstr "GLUT"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::gtk, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "GTK"
+msgstr "GTK"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::motif, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lesstif/Motif"
+msgstr "Lesstif/Motif"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::ncurses, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ncurses TUI"
+msgstr "Ncurses TUI"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::qt, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Qt"
+msgstr "Qt"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::sdl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "SDL"
+msgstr "SDL"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::tk, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tk"
+msgstr "Tk"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::wxwidgets, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "wxWidgets"
+msgstr "wxWidgets"
+#. Tag: uitoolkit::xlib, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "X library"
+msgstr "X kitaplığı"
+#. Facet: use, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Purpose"
+msgstr "Amaç"
+#. Facet: use, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "The general purpose of the software"
+msgstr "Yazılımın genel amacı"
+#. Tag: use::analysing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Analysing"
+msgstr "Analiz"
+#. Tag: use::analysing, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Software for turning data into knowledge."
+msgstr "Veriyi bilgiye dönüştürme yazılımı."
+#. Tag: use::browsing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Browsing"
+msgstr "Tarama"
+#. Tag: use::calculating, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Calculating"
+msgstr "Hesaplama"
+#. Tag: use::chatting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Chatting"
+msgstr "Sohbet"
+#. Tag: use::checking, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Checking"
+msgstr "Denetleme"
+#. Tag: use::checking, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid ""
+"All sorts of checking, checking a filesystem for validity, checking a "
+"document for incorrectly spelled words, checking a network for routing "
+"problems. Verifying."
+msgstr ""
+"Her türlü denetim: dosya sistem geçerliliği, belgedeki yazım yanlışı olan "
+"sözcükler, ağdaki yönlendirme sorunlarını denetleme. Doğrulama."
+#. Tag: use::comparing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Comparing"
+msgstr "Karşılaştırma"
+#. Tag: use::comparing, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "To find what relates or differs in two or more objects."
+msgstr ""
+"İki veya daha fazla nesnenin birbiriyle ilişkisi veya farkını bulmak için."
+#. Tag: use::compressing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Compressing"
+msgstr "Sıkıştırma"
+#. Tag: use::configuring, short desc
+#. Tag: network::configuration, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "Yapılandırma"
+#. Tag: use::converting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Veri Dönüştürme"
+#. Tag: use::dialing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Dialup Access"
+msgstr "Çevirmeli Erişim"
+#. Tag: use::downloading, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Downloading"
+msgstr "İndirme"
+#. Tag: use::driver, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hardware Driver"
+msgstr "Donanım Sürücüsü"
+#. Tag: use::editing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Editing"
+msgstr "Düzenleme"
+#. Tag: use::entertaining, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Entertaining"
+msgstr "Eğlence"
+#. Tag: use::filtering, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Filtering"
+msgstr "Filtreleme"
+#. Tag: use::gameplaying, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Game Playing"
+msgstr "Oyun Oynama"
+#. Tag: use::learning, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Learning"
+msgstr "Öğrenme"
+#. Tag: use::measuring, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Measuring"
+msgstr "Ölçme"
+#. Tag: use::organizing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Data Organisation"
+msgstr "Veri Düzenleme"
+#. Tag: use::playing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Playing Media"
+msgstr "Ortam Oynatma"
+#. Tag: use::printing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Printing"
+msgstr "Yazdırma"
+#. Tag: use::proxying, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Proxying"
+msgstr "Vekil Sunucu"
+#. Tag: use::routing, short desc
+#. Tag: network::routing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Routing"
+msgstr "Yönlendirme"
+#. Tag: use::searching, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Searching"
+msgstr "Arama"
+#. Tag: use::scanning, short desc
+#. Tag: network::scanner, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Scanning"
+msgstr "Tarama"
+#. Tag: use::simulating, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Simulating"
+msgstr "Simülasyon"
+#. Tag: use::storing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Storing"
+msgstr "Depolama"
+#. Tag: use::synchronizing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Synchronisation"
+msgstr "Eşitleme"
+#. Tag: use::timekeeping, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Time and Clock"
+msgstr "Tarih ve Saat"
+#. Tag: use::transmission, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Transmission"
+msgstr "Aktarım"
+#. Tag: use::typesetting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Typesetting"
+msgstr "Dizgi"
+#. Tag: use::viewing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Data Visualization"
+msgstr "Veri Görselleştirme"
+#. Tag: use::text-formatting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Text Formatting"
+msgstr "Metin Biçimlendirme"
+#. Facet: web, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "What kind of tools for the World Wide Web the package provides"
+msgstr "Paketin WWW için sağladığı araç türleri"
+#. Tag: web::appserver, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Application Server"
+msgstr "Uygulama Sunucusu"
+#. Tag: web::blog, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Blog Software"
+msgstr "Blog Yazılımı"
+#. Tag: web::browser, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Tarayıcı"
+#. Tag: web::cms, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Content Management (CMS)"
+msgstr "İçerik Yönetimi (CMS)"
+#. Tag: web::cgi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "CGI"
+msgstr "CGI"
+#. Tag: web::commerce, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "E-commerce"
+msgstr "E-ticaret"
+#. Tag: web::forum, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Forum"
+msgstr "Forum"
+#. Tag: web::portal, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Portal"
+msgstr "Portal"
+#. Tag: web::scripting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Scripting"
+msgstr "Betik"
+#. Tag: web::search-engine, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Search Engine"
+msgstr "Arama Motoru"
+#. Tag: web::server, short desc
+#. Tag: network::server, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Server"
+msgstr "Sunucu"
+#. Tag: web::wiki, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Wiki Software"
+msgstr "Wiki Yazılımı"
+#. Tag: web::wiki, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Wiki software, servers, utilities and plug-ins."
+msgstr "Wiki yazılımları, sunucuları, yardımcı araçları ve eklentileri."
+#. Facet: network, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Networking"
+msgstr "Ağ"
+#. Facet: network, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Role performed concerning computer networks"
+msgstr "Bilgisayar ağları ile alakalı görevler"
+#. Tag: network::client, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Client"
+msgstr "İstemci"
+#. Tag: network::hiavailability, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "High Availability"
+msgstr "Yüksek Kullanılabilirlik"
+#. Tag: network::load-balancing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Load Balancing"
+msgstr "Yük Dengeleme"
+#. Tag: network::service, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Service"
+msgstr "Hizmet"
+#. Tag: network::vpn, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "VPN or Tunneling"
+msgstr "VPN veya Tünel"
+#. Facet: x11, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to the X Window System"
+msgstr "Paketin X Pencere Sistemi ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: x11::applet, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Applet"
+msgstr "Gereç"
+#. Tag: x11::display-manager, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Login Manager"
+msgstr "Oturum Yöneticisi"
+#. Tag: x11::display-manager, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Display managers (graphical login screens)"
+msgstr "Görüntü yöneticileri (görsel giriş ekranları)"
+#. Tag: x11::library, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Library"
+msgstr "Kitaplık"
+#. Tag: x11::screensaver, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Screen Saver"
+msgstr "Ekran Koruyucu"
+#. Tag: x11::terminal, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Terminal Emulator"
+msgstr "Uçbirim Öykünücü"
+#. Tag: x11::theme, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Theme"
+msgstr "Tema"
+#. Tag: x11::window-manager, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Window Manager"
+msgstr "Pencere Yöneticisi"
+#. Tag: x11::xserver, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "X Server and Drivers"
+msgstr "X Sunucu ve Sürücüler"
+#. Tag: x11::xserver, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid " X servers and drivers for the X server (input and video)"
+msgstr " X sunucuları ve X sunucusu için sürücüler (giriş ve video)"
+#. Facet: science, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Science"
+msgstr "Bilim"
+#. Facet: science, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "How the package is related to the field of science"
+msgstr "Paketin bilim ile ilgisi"
+#. Tag: science::calculation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Calculation"
+msgstr "Hesaplama"
+#. Tag: science::data-acquisition, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Data acquisition"
+msgstr "Veri toplama"
+#. Tag: science::plotting, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Plotting"
+msgstr "Çizme"
+#. Tag: science::bibliography, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bibliography"
+msgstr "Kaynakça"
+#. Tag: science::publishing, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Publishing"
+msgstr "Yayıncılık"
+#. Tag: science::visualisation, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Visualization"
+msgstr "Görselleştirme"
+#. Facet: iso15924, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Writing script"
+msgstr "Betik yazma"
+#. Facet: iso15924, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Codes for representating writing systems "
+msgstr "Yazı sistemlerini temsil eden kodlar"
+#. Tag: iso15924::armn, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Armenian"
+msgstr "Ermenice"
+#. Tag: iso15924::bopo, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Bopomofo"
+msgstr "Bopomofo"
+#. Tag: iso15924::brai, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Braille"
+msgstr "Kabartma Yazı"
+#. Tag: iso15924::cans, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics"
+msgstr "Birleşik Kanada Aborijin Syllabic"
+#. Tag: iso15924::cyrl, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Cyrillic"
+msgstr "Kiril Alfabesi"
+#. Tag: iso15924::deva, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Devanagari (Nagari)"
+msgstr "Devanagari (Nagari)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::ethi, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Ethiopic (Geʻez)"
+msgstr "Etiyopya (Ge'ez)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::geor, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Georgian (Mkhedruli)"
+msgstr "Gürcistan (Mkhedruli)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::gujr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Gujarati"
+msgstr "Gujarati"
+#. Tag: iso15924::guru, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Gurmukhi"
+msgstr "Gurmukhi"
+#. Tag: iso15924::hang, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hangul (Hangŭl, Hangeul)"
+msgstr "Hangul (Hangul, Hangeul)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::hani, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)"
+msgstr "Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::hans, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Han (Simplified variant)"
+msgstr "Han (Basitleştirilmiş çeşit)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::hant, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Han (Traditional variant)"
+msgstr "Han (Geleneksel çeşit)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::hira, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Hiragana"
+msgstr "Hiragana"
+#. Tag: iso15924::jpan, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana."
+msgstr "Han + Hiragana + Katakana için diğer ad."
+#. Tag: iso15924::kana, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Katakana"
+msgstr "Katakana"
+#. Tag: iso15924::khmr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Khmer"
+msgstr "Kimerce"
+#. Tag: iso15924::knda, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Kannada"
+msgstr "Kannada Dili"
+#. Tag: iso15924::kore, long desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Alias for Hangul + Han"
+msgstr "Hangul + Han için diğer ad"
+#. Tag: iso15924::laoo, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Lao"
+msgstr "Lao"
+#. Tag: iso15924::latn, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Latin"
+msgstr "Latin"
+#. Tag: iso15924::mlym, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Malayalam"
+msgstr "Malaya dili"
+#. Tag: iso15924::mymr, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Myanmar (Burmese)"
+msgstr "Myanmar (Birmanya)"
+#. Tag: iso15924::orya, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Oriya"
+msgstr "Oriya Dili"
+#. Tag: iso15924::sinh, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Sinhala"
+msgstr "Sinhala"
+#. Tag: iso15924::syrc, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Syriac"
+msgstr "Syriac"
+#. Tag: iso15924::tavt, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tai Viet"
+msgstr "Tai Viet"
+#. Tag: iso15924::telu, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Telugu"
+msgstr "Telugu"
+#. Tag: iso15924::tibt, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Tibetan"
+msgstr "Tibetçe"
+#. Tag: iso15924::yiii, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Yi"
+msgstr "Yi"
+#. Tag: iso15924::zsym, short desc
+#: files/debtags/vocabulary
+msgid "Symbols"
+msgstr "Semboller"
diff --git a/po/langs.tr.po b/po/langs.tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff6fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/langs.tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# This file is put in the public domain.
+# Volkan Gezer <volkangezer@gmail.com>, 2013.
+# Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>, 2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-10-03 12:09+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-19 17:00+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish@lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:15
+msgid "Arabic"
+msgstr "Arapça"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:16
+msgid "Finnish"
+msgstr "Fince"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:17
+msgid "Croatian"
+msgstr "Hırvatça"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:18
+msgid "Danish"
+msgstr "Danimarka Dili"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:19
+msgid "Dutch"
+msgstr "Flemenkçe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:20
+msgid "English"
+msgstr "İngilizce"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:21
+msgid "Persian"
+msgstr "Farsça"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:22
+msgid "French"
+msgstr "Fransızca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:23
+msgid "German"
+msgstr "Almanca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:24
+msgid "Armenian"
+msgstr "Ermenice"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:25
+msgid "Italian"
+msgstr "İtalyanca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:26
+msgid "Japanese"
+msgstr "Japonca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:27
+msgid "Khmer"
+msgstr "Kimerce"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:28
+msgid "Korean"
+msgstr "Korece"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:29
+msgid "Spanish"
+msgstr "İspanyolca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:30
+msgid "Portuguese"
+msgstr "Portekizce"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:31
+msgid "Portuguese (Brasilia)"
+msgstr "Portekizce (Brezilya)"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:32
+msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
+msgstr "Portekizce (Portekiz)"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:33
+msgid "Chinese"
+msgstr "Çince"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:34
+msgid "Chinese (China)"
+msgstr "Çince (Çin)"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:35
+msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)"
+msgstr "Çince (Hong Kong)"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:36
+msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)"
+msgstr "Çince (Tayvan)"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:37
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:38
+msgid "Swedish"
+msgstr "İsveççe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:39
+msgid "Polish"
+msgstr "Lehçe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:40
+msgid "Norwegian"
+msgstr "Norveççe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:41
+msgid "Turkish"
+msgstr "Türkçe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:42
+msgid "Russian"
+msgstr "Rusça"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:43
+msgid "Czech"
+msgstr "Çekçe"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:44
+msgid "Esperanto"
+msgstr "Esperanto"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:45
+msgid "Hungarian"
+msgstr "Macarca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:46
+msgid "Romanian"
+msgstr "Romence"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:47
+msgid "Slovak"
+msgstr "Slovakça"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:48
+msgid "Greek"
+msgstr "Yunanca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:49
+msgid "Catalan"
+msgstr "Katalanca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:50
+msgid "Lithuanian"
+msgstr "Litvanca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:51
+msgid "Slovene"
+msgstr "Slovence"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:52
+msgid "Bulgarian"
+msgstr "Bulgarca"
+#: ./lib/Packages/I18N/LanguageNames.pm:53
+msgid "Ukrainian"
+msgstr "Ukrayna Dili"
diff --git a/po/pdo.tr.po b/po/pdo.tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf2dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pdo.tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# This file is put in the public domain.
+# Volkan Gezer <volkangezer@gmail.com>, 2013.
+# Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>, 2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-03 15:11+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-03 01:18+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish@lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+#: lib/Packages/DoDownload.pm:27 lib/Packages/DoFilelist.pm:27
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:31
+msgid "package not valid or not specified"
+msgstr "paket geçerli değil veya belirtilmemiş"
+#: lib/Packages/DoDownload.pm:30 lib/Packages/DoFilelist.pm:30
+#: lib/Packages/DoIndex.pm:31 lib/Packages/DoNewPkg.pm:22
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:30 lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:34
+msgid "suite not valid or not specified"
+msgstr "Takım geçersiz veya belirtilmemiş"
+#: lib/Packages/DoDownload.pm:33 lib/Packages/DoFilelist.pm:33
+msgid "architecture not valid or not specified"
+msgstr "mimari geçersiz veya belirtilmemiş"
+#: lib/Packages/DoDownload.pm:36
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one suite specified for download (%s)"
+msgstr "indirmek için birden fazla takım belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoDownload.pm:40
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one architecture specified for download (%s)"
+msgstr "indirmek için birden fazla mimari belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoFilelist.pm:48
+msgid "No such package in this suite on this architecture."
+msgstr "Bu mimaride bu takım için böyle bir paket yok."
+#: lib/Packages/DoFilelist.pm:60
+msgid "Invalid suite/architecture combination"
+msgstr "Geçersiz takım/mimari bileşimi"
+#: lib/Packages/DoIndex.pm:34
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one suite specified for show_static (%s)"
+msgstr "show_static için birden fazla takım belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoIndex.pm:38
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one subsection specified for show_static (%s)"
+msgstr "show_static için birden fazla alt bölüm belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoIndex.pm:73
+#, perl-format
+msgid "couldn't read index file %s: %s"
+msgstr "%s dizin dosyası okunamadı: %s"
+#: lib/Packages/DoNewPkg.pm:25
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one suite specified for newpkg (%s)"
+msgstr "newpkg için birden fazla takım belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoNewPkg.pm:43
+#, perl-format
+msgid "no newpkg information found for suite %s"
+msgstr "%s takımı için newpkg bilgisi bulunamadı"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearch.pm:25 lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:24
+msgid "keyword not valid or missing"
+msgstr "anahtar sözcük geçerli değil veya eksik"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearch.pm:28 lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:27
+msgid "keyword too short (keywords need to have at least two characters)"
+msgstr "anahtar sözcük çok kısa (anahtar sözcük en az iki karakter olmalıdır)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearch.pm:170
+msgid "Exact hits"
+msgstr "Tam eşleşmeler"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearch.pm:180
+msgid "Other hits"
+msgstr "Diğer eşleşmeler"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearch.pm:239
+msgid "Virtual package"
+msgstr "Sanal paket"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:40
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one suite specified for contents search (%s)"
+msgstr "içerik araması için birden fazla takım belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:62
+msgid "No contents information available for this suite"
+msgstr "Bu takım için içerik bilgisi mevcut değil"
+#: lib/Packages/DoSearchContents.pm:86
+msgid "The search mode you selected doesn't support more than one keyword."
+msgstr ""
+"Seçtiğiniz arama kipi birden fazla anahtar sözcük kullanmayı desteklemiyor."
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:37
+#, perl-format
+msgid "more than one suite specified for show (%s)"
+msgstr "göstermek için birden fazla takım belirtildi (%s)"
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:73
+msgid "No such package."
+msgstr "Böyle bir paket yok."
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:85
+msgid "Package not available in this suite."
+msgstr "Paket bu takımda mevcut değil."
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:198
+msgid " and others"
+msgstr " ve diğerleri"
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:429
+#, perl-format
+msgid "not %s"
+msgstr "%s değil"
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:479
+msgid "Package not available"
+msgstr "Paket mevcut değil"
+#: lib/Packages/DoShow.pm:518
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Mevcut değil"
+#: lib/Packages/Page.pm:47
+msgid "package has bad maintainer field"
+msgstr "paket geçersiz geliştirici alanına sahip"
+#: lib/Packages/Dispatcher.pm:320
+msgid "requested format not available for this document"
+msgstr "istenen biçim bu belge için kullanılamıyor"
+#: bin/create_index_pages:68
+msgid "virtual package provided by"
+msgstr "sanal paketi sağlayan"
+#: bin/create_index_pages:162 bin/create_index_pages:197
+msgid "Section"
+msgstr "Bölüm"
+#: bin/create_index_pages:169 bin/create_index_pages:204
+msgid "Subsection"
+msgstr "Altbölüm"
+#: bin/create_index_pages:176 bin/create_index_pages:211
+msgid "Priority"
+msgstr "Öncelik"
diff --git a/po/sections.tr.po b/po/sections.tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f3c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sections.tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# This file is put in the public domain.
+# Volkan Gezer <volkangezer@gmail.com>, 2013.
+# Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>, 2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-27 22:41+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-01 00:43+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish@lists.debian.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:12
+msgid "Administration Utilities"
+msgstr "Yönetimsel Araçlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:13
+msgid "Utilities to administer system resources, manage user accounts, etc."
+msgstr "Sistem kaynaklarını, kullanıcı hesaplarını vb. yönetmek için araçlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:14
+msgid "Base Utilities"
+msgstr "Temel Araçlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:15
+msgid "Basic needed utilities of every Debian system."
+msgstr "Her Debian sistemi için gerekli temel yardımcı araçlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:16
+msgid "Mono/CLI"
+msgstr "Mono/CLI"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:17
+msgid "Everything about Mono and the Common Language Infrastructure."
+msgstr "Mono ve Ortak Dil Altyapısı ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:18
+msgid "Communication Programs"
+msgstr "İletişim Programları"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:19
+msgid "Software to use your modem in the old fashioned style."
+msgstr "Modeminizi modası geçmiş biçimde kullanmak için yazılımlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:20
+msgid "Databases"
+msgstr "Veritabanları"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:21
+msgid "Database Servers and Clients."
+msgstr "Veritabanı Sunucuları ve İstemcileri."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:22
+msgid "Debug packages"
+msgstr "Hata ayıklama paketleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:23
+msgid ""
+"Packages providing debugging information for executables and shared "
+msgstr ""
+"Uygulamalar ve paylaşılan kitaplıklar için hata ayıklama bilgisi sağlayan "
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:24
+msgid "Development"
+msgstr "Geliştirme"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:25
+msgid ""
+"Development utilities, compilers, development environments, libraries, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Geliştirme araçları, derleyiciler, geliştirme ortamları, kitaplıklar, vb."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:26
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Belgelendirme"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:27
+msgid ""
+"FAQs, HOWTOs and other documents trying to explain everything related to "
+"Debian, and software needed to browse documentation (man, info, etc)."
+msgstr ""
+"Debian ile ilgili her şeyi açıklamaya çalışan SSS'ler, NASIL'lar ve diğer "
+"belgeler; ve bu belgeleri görüntülemeye ve belgeler arasında gezinmeye "
+"yarayan yazılımlar (man, info vb.)."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:28
+msgid "Editors"
+msgstr "Düzenleyiciler"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:29
+msgid "Software to edit files. Programming environments."
+msgstr "Dosyaları düzenlemek için yazılımlar. Programlama ortamları."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:30
+msgid "Electronics"
+msgstr "Elektronik"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:31
+msgid "Electronics utilities."
+msgstr "Elektronik araçları."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:32
+msgid "Embedded software"
+msgstr "Gömülü yazılım"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:33
+msgid "Software suitable for use in embedded applications."
+msgstr "Gömülü uygulamalarda kullanıma uygun yazılımlıar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:34
+msgid "Games"
+msgstr "Oyunlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:35
+msgid "Programs to spend a nice time with after all this setting up."
+msgstr "Tüm ayarlamalar bittikten sonnra hoş zaman geçirmek için programlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:36
+msgid "GNOME"
+msgstr "GNOME"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:37
+msgid ""
+"The GNOME desktop environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated "
+msgstr ""
+"Güçlü, kolay kullanımlı tümleşik uygulamaları içeren GNOME masaüstü ortamı."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:38
+msgid "GNU R"
+msgstr "GNU R"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:39
+msgid "Everything about GNU R, a statistical computation and graphics system."
+msgstr ""
+"Bir istatistiksel hesaplama ve grafik sistemi GNU R ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:40
+msgid "GNUstep"
+msgstr "GNUstep"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:41
+msgid "The GNUstep environment."
+msgstr "GNUstep ortamı."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:42
+msgid "Graphics"
+msgstr "Grafikler"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:43
+msgid "Editors, viewers, converters... Everything to become an artist."
+msgstr ""
+"Editörler, göstericiler, dönüştürücüler... Bir sanatçı olmak için gereken "
+"her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:44
+msgid "Ham Radio"
+msgstr "Amatör Radyo"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:45
+msgid "Software for ham radio."
+msgstr "Amatör radyo için yazılımlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:46
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Yazı Tipleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:47
+msgid "Font packages."
+msgstr "Yazı tipi paketleri."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:48
+msgid "Haskell"
+msgstr "Haskell"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:49
+msgid "Everything about Haskell."
+msgstr "Haskell ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:50
+msgid "Web Servers"
+msgstr "Web Sunucuları"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:51
+msgid "Web servers and their modules."
+msgstr "Web sunucuları ve modülleri."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:52
+msgid "Interpreters"
+msgstr "Yorumlayıcılar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:53
+msgid "All kind of interpreters for interpreted languages. Macro processors."
+msgstr "Yorumlamalı diller için her türlü yorumlayıcı. Makro işlemciler."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:54
+msgid "Java"
+msgstr "Java"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:55
+msgid "Everything about Java."
+msgstr "Java ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:56
+msgid "Kernels"
+msgstr "Çekirdekler"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:57
+msgid "Operating System Kernels and related modules."
+msgstr "İşletim Sistemi Çekirdekleri ve ilgili modülleri."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:58
+msgid "KDE"
+msgstr "KDE"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:59
+msgid ""
+"The K Desktop Environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated "
+msgstr ""
+"Güçlü, kolay kullanımlı tümleşik uygulamaları içeren K Masaüstü Ortamı."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:60
+msgid "Libraries"
+msgstr "Kitaplıklar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:61
+msgid ""
+"Libraries to make other programs work. They provide special features to "
+msgstr ""
+"Diğer programlar için gerekli kitaplıklar. Bu kitaplıklar geliştiricilere "
+"bir takım özellikler sunarlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:62
+msgid "Library development"
+msgstr "Kitaplık geliştirme"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:63
+msgid "Libraries necessary for developers to write programs that use them."
+msgstr "Kitaplık kullanan programlar yazmak için gerekli olan kitaplıklar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:64
+msgid "Lisp"
+msgstr "Lisp"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:65
+msgid "Everything about Lisp."
+msgstr "Lisp ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:66
+msgid "Language packs"
+msgstr "Dil paketleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:67
+msgid "Localization support for big software packages."
+msgstr "Büyük yazılım paketleri için yerelleştirme desteği."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:68
+msgid "Mail"
+msgstr "Posta"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:69
+msgid "Programs to route, read, and compose E-mail messages."
+msgstr "E-posta iletileri yönlendirmek, okumak ve yazmak için programlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:70
+msgid "Mathematics"
+msgstr "Matematik"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:71
+msgid "Math software."
+msgstr "Matematik yazılımları."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:72
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Çeşitli"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:73
+msgid "Miscellaneous utilities that didn't fit well anywhere else."
+msgstr "Diğer yerlere tam uymayan çeşitli yardımcı araçlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:74
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Ağ"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:75
+msgid "Daemons and clients to connect your system to the world."
+msgstr "Sisteminizi dünyaya bağlayan artalan süreçleri ve istemciler."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:76
+msgid "Newsgroups"
+msgstr "Haber Grupları"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:77
+msgid "Software to access Usenet, to set up news servers, etc."
+msgstr "Usenet'e erişmek, haber sunucuları kurmak, vb. için yazılımlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:78
+msgid "Old Libraries"
+msgstr "Eski Kitaplıklar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:79
+msgid ""
+"Old versions of libraries, kept for backward compatibility with old "
+msgstr ""
+"Eski uygulamalar ile geriye dönük uyumluluk için tutulan kitaplıkların eski "
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:80
+msgid "OCaml"
+msgstr "OCaml"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:81
+msgid "Everything about OCaml, an ML language implementation."
+msgstr "Bir ML dili gerçeklemesi olan OCaml ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:82
+msgid "Other OS's and file systems"
+msgstr "Diğer işletim sistemleri ve dosya sistemleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:83
+msgid ""
+"Software to run programs compiled for other operating systems, and to use "
+"their filesystems."
+msgstr ""
+"Diğer işletim sistemleri için derlenmiş programları çalıştırmak ve dosya "
+"sistemlerini kullanmak için yazılımlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:84
+msgid "Perl"
+msgstr "Perl"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:85
+msgid "Everything about Perl, an interpreted scripting language."
+msgstr "Yorumlamalı bir betik dili olan Perl ile ilgili her şey "
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:86
+msgid "PHP"
+msgstr "PHP"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:87
+msgid "Everything about PHP."
+msgstr "PHP ile ilgili her şey."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:88
+msgid "Python"
+msgstr "Python"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:89
+msgid ""
+"Everything about Python, an interpreted, interactive object oriented "
+msgstr ""
+"Nesne yönelimli, etkileşimli, yorumlamalı bir dil olan Python ile ilgili her "
+"şey "
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:90
+msgid "Ruby"
+msgstr "Ruby"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:91
+msgid "Everything about Ruby, an interpreted object oriented language."
+msgstr "Nesne yönelimli, yorumlamalı bir dil olan Ruby ile ilgili her şey "
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:92
+msgid "Science"
+msgstr "Bilim"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:93
+msgid "Basic tools for scientific work"
+msgstr "Bilimsel çalışmalar için temel araçlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:94
+msgid "Shells"
+msgstr "Kabuklar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:95
+msgid "Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners."
+msgstr "Komut kabukları. Yeni başlayanlar için kullanıcı dostu arayüzler."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:96
+msgid "Sound"
+msgstr "Ses"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:97
+msgid ""
+"Utilities to deal with sound: mixers, players, recorders, CD players, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Ses ile işlemler için yardımcı araçlar: karıştırıcılar, oynatıcılar, "
+"kaydediciler, CD çalarlar, vb."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:98
+msgid "TeX"
+msgstr "TeX"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:99
+msgid "The famous typesetting software and related programs."
+msgstr "Ünlü dizgi yazılımı ve ilgili programlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:100
+msgid "Text Processing"
+msgstr "Metin İşleme"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:101
+msgid "Utilities to format and print text documents."
+msgstr "Metin belgelerini biçimlendirmek ve yazdırmak için yardımcı araçlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:102
+msgid "Translations"
+msgstr "Çeviriler"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:103
+msgid "Translation packages and language support meta packages."
+msgstr "Dil paketleri ve dil desteği meta paketleri."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:104
+msgid "Utilities"
+msgstr "Yardımcı Araçlar"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:105
+msgid ""
+"Utilities for file/disk manipulation, backup and archive tools, system "
+"monitoring, input systems, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Dosya/disk işleme, yedekleme ve arşiv araçları, sistem izleme, giriş "
+"sistemleri vb. için yardımcı araçlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:106
+msgid "Version Control Systems"
+msgstr "Sürüm Denetim Sistemleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:107
+msgid "Version control systems and related utilities."
+msgstr "Sürüm denetim sistemleri ve ilgili yardımcı araçlar."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:108
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:109
+msgid "Video viewers, editors, recording, streaming."
+msgstr "Video görüntüleyiciler, düzenleyiciler, kayıt ve yayın."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:110
+msgid "Virtual packages"
+msgstr "Sanal paketler"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:111
+msgid "Virtual packages."
+msgstr "Sanal paketler."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:112
+msgid "Web Software"
+msgstr "Web Yazılımı"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:113
+msgid "Web servers, browsers, proxies, download tools etc."
+msgstr "Web sunucuları, tarayıcılar, vekil sunucular, indirme araçları vb."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:114
+msgid "X Window System software"
+msgstr "X Pencere Sistemi yazılımları"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:115
+msgid ""
+"X servers, libraries, fonts, window managers, terminal emulators and many "
+"related applications."
+msgstr ""
+"X sunucuları, kitaplıklar, yazı tipleri, pencere yöneticileri, uçbirim "
+"öykünücüleri ve birçok ilgili uygulama."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:116
+msgid "Xfce"
+msgstr "Xfce"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:117
+msgid "Xfce, a fast and lightweight Desktop Environment."
+msgstr "Xfce, hızlı ve hafif bir Masaüstü Ortamı."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:118
+msgid "Zope/Plone Framework"
+msgstr "Zope/Plone Çatısı"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:119
+msgid "Zope Application Server and Plone Content Managment System."
+msgstr "Zope Uygulama Sunucusu ve Plone İçerik Yönetimi Sistemi."
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:120
+msgid "debian-installer udeb packages"
+msgstr "debian-installer udeb paketleri"
+#: lib/Packages/Sections.pm:121
+msgid ""
+"Special packages for building customized debian-installer variants. Do not "
+"install them on a normal system!"
+msgstr ""
+"Özelleştirilmiş debian-installer türevleri oluşturmak için özel paketler. "
+"Normal bir sisteme bu paketleri kurmayın!"
diff --git a/po/templates.tr.po b/po/templates.tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace0d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/templates.tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+# Volkan Gezer <volkangezer@gmail.com>, 2013.
+# Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>, 2013.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <mertdirik@gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-03 01:28+0200\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <debian-l10n-turkish@lists.debian.org>\n"
+"Language: tr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
+#: templates/config.tmpl:46
+msgid "Debian Web Mailinglist"
+msgstr "Debian Web Posta Listesi"
+#: templates/config.tmpl:51
+msgid "%s Webmaster"
+msgstr "%s Webmaster"
+#: templates/config.tmpl:54
+msgid "%s is a <a href=\"%s\">trademark</a> of %s"
+msgstr "%s bir %s <a href=\"%s\">tescilli markasıdır</a>"
+#. possible values for importance: high, normal, low
+#. sitewidemsg = { importance => "high",
+#. txt =>
+#: templates/config.tmpl:77
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this is an experimental version of <a href=\"http://%s/\">"
+"%s</a>. Errors and obsolete information should be expected"
+msgstr ""
+"Bunun <a href=\"http://%s/\">%s</a> deneysel sürümü olduğunu unutmayın. "
+"Hatalar ve eski bilgiler beklenebilir."
+#. @translators: . = decimal_point , = thousands_sep, see Number::Format
+#: templates/config.tmpl:81
+msgid "."
+msgstr ","
+#: templates/config.tmpl:82
+msgid ","
+msgstr "."
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:4
+msgid "Intel x86"
+msgstr "Intel x86"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:5
+msgid "Motorola 680x0"
+msgstr "Motorola 680x0"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:6
+msgid "SPARC"
+msgstr "SPARC"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:7
+msgid "Alpha"
+msgstr "Alpha"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:8
+msgid "PowerPC"
+msgstr "PowerPC"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:9
+msgid "ARM"
+msgstr "ARM"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:10
+msgid "HP PA-RISC"
+msgstr "HP PA-RISC"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:11
+msgid "Intel IA-64"
+msgstr "Intel IA-64"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:12
+msgid "MIPS (big-endian)"
+msgstr "MIPS (big-endian)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:13
+msgid "MIPS (little-endian)"
+msgstr "MIPS (little-endian)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:14
+msgid "IBM S/390"
+msgstr "IBM S/390"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:15
+msgid "Hurd (i386)"
+msgstr "Hurd (i386)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:16
+msgid "AMD64"
+msgstr "AMD64"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:17
+msgid "EABI ARM"
+msgstr "EABI ARM"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:18
+msgid "GNU/kFreeBSD (i386)"
+msgstr "GNU/kFreeBSD (i386)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:19
+msgid "GNU/kFreeBSD (amd64)"
+msgstr "GNU/kFreeBSD (amd64)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:20
+msgid "AVR32"
+msgstr "AVR32"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:21
+msgid "PowerPC SPE (e500 core)"
+msgstr "PowerPC SPE (e500 core)"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:22
+msgid "SH4"
+msgstr "SH4"
+#: templates/config/architectures.tmpl:23
+msgid "Sparc64"
+msgstr "Sparc64"
+#: templates/config/archive_layout.tmpl:14
+msgid "packages that meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines"
+msgstr "Debian Özgür Yazılım Yönergelerine uyan paketler"
+#: templates/config/archive_layout.tmpl:15
+msgid ""
+"packages that meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines but need software not "
+"in Debian main"
+msgstr ""
+"Debian Özgür Yazılım Yönergelerine uyan fakat Debian main'de bulunmayan "
+"yazılımlara gereksinim duyan paketler"
+#: templates/config/archive_layout.tmpl:16
+msgid "packages that do not meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines"
+msgstr "Debian Özgür Yazılım Yönergelerine uymayan paketler"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:95
+msgid ""
+"volatile packages that need major changes during the life of a stable release"
+msgstr ""
+"kararlı sürümün yaşamı boyunca önemli değişiklikler gerektiren uçucu "
+"(volatile) paketler"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:136
+msgid "newer packages that have been adapted to stable releases of Debian"
+msgstr "Debian'ın kararlı sürümüne uyarlanmış daha yeni paketler"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:163
+msgid ""
+"ports of packages to architectures not yet or not anymore available in Debian"
+msgstr ""
+"Debian'da henüz (ya da artık) kullanılamayan mimarilere uyarlanan paketler"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:204
+msgid "North America"
+msgstr "Kuzey Amerika"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:205
+msgid "South America"
+msgstr "Güney Amerika"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:206
+msgid "Asia"
+msgstr "Asya"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:207
+msgid "Oceania"
+msgstr "Okyanusya"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:208
+msgid "Europe"
+msgstr "Avrupa"
+#: templates/config/mirrors.tmpl:209
+msgid "Africa"
+msgstr "Afrika"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:2
+msgid "Package Download Selection -- %s"
+msgstr "Paket İndirme Seçimi -- %s"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:5 templates/html/filelist.tmpl:5
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:108 templates/html/index_head.tmpl:9
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:14
+msgid "Distribution:"
+msgstr "Dağıtım:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:5 templates/html/filelist.tmpl:5
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:9 templates/html/show.tmpl:14
+msgid "Overview over this suite"
+msgstr "Bu takıma genel bakış"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:6 templates/html/filelist.tmpl:6
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:17
+msgid "Package:"
+msgstr "Paket:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:8
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "İndir"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:17
+msgid "Download Page for <kbd>%s</kbd> on %s machines"
+msgstr "<kbd>%s</kbd> (%s) İndirme Sayfası"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:19
+msgid "Download Page for <kbd>%s</kbd>"
+msgstr "<kbd>%s</kbd> İndirme Sayfası"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:23
+msgid ""
+"If you are running %s, it is strongly suggested to use a package manager "
+"like <a href=\"%s\">aptitude</a> or <a href=\"%s\">synaptic</a> to download "
+"and install packages, instead of doing so manually via this website."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer %s kullanıyorsanız, paketleri indirmek ve kurmak için bu siteyi "
+"kullanmak yerine <a href=\"%s\">aptitude</a> veya <a href=\"%s\">synaptic</"
+"a> benzeri bir paket yönetici kullanmanız şiddetle tavsiye edilir."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:25
+msgid ""
+"You should be able to use any of the listed mirrors by adding a line to your "
+"<kbd>/etc/apt/sources.list</kbd> like this:"
+msgstr ""
+"Listelenmiş yansılardan herhangi birini kullanmak için <kbd>/etc/apt/sources."
+"list</kbd> dosyanıza şu şekilde bir satır ekleyebilirsiniz:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:30 templates/html/download.tmpl:39
+msgid "Replacing <em>%s</em> with the mirror in question."
+msgstr "<em>%s</em> yerine kullanmak istediğiniz yansının adresini yazın."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:42 templates/html/show.tmpl:174
+msgid "Experimental package"
+msgstr "Deneysel paket"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:43
+msgid ""
+"Warning: This package is from the <strong>experimental</strong> "
+"distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even "
+"cause data loss. Please be sure to consult the changelog and other possible "
+"documentation before using it."
+msgstr ""
+"Uyarı: Bu paket <strong>deneysel</strong> dağıtımdan geliyor. Bu, kararsız "
+"veya hatalı olabileceği hatta veri kaybına sebep olabileceği anlamına "
+"gelmektedir. Lütfen kullanmadan önce değişim günlüğüne ve muhtemel diğer "
+"belgelendirmeye danıştığınızdan emin olun."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:46 templates/html/show.tmpl:179
+msgid "debian-installer udeb package"
+msgstr "debian-installer udeb paketi"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:47 templates/html/show.tmpl:180
+msgid ""
+"Warning: This package is intended for the use in building <a href=\"http://"
+"www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer\">debian-installer</a> images only. Do "
+"not install it on a normal %s system."
+msgstr ""
+"Uyarı: Bu paket yalnızca <a href=\"http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-"
+"installer\">debian-installer</a> kalıplarının inşasında kullanılmak içindir. "
+"Normal %s sistemine bu paketi kurmayın."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:54
+msgid ""
+"You can download the requested file from the <tt>%s</tt> subdirectory at any "
+"of these sites:"
+msgstr ""
+"İstenilen dosyayı aşağıdaki sitelerin herhangi birindeki <tt>%s</tt> alt "
+"dizininden indirebilirsiniz:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:80
+msgid ""
+"You can download the requested file from the <tt>%s</tt> subdirectory at:"
+msgstr ""
+"İstenilen dosyayı şu sitedeki <tt>%s</tt> alt dizininden indirebilirsiniz:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:82
+msgid "%s security updates are officially distributed only via <tt>%s</tt>."
+msgstr ""
+"%s güvenlik güncellemeleri resmi olarak yalnızca <tt>%s</tt> aracılığıyla "
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:89
+msgid ""
+"If none of the above sites are fast enough for you, please see our <a href="
+"\"%s\">complete mirror list</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer yukarıdaki sitelerden hiçbiri sizin için yeterince hızlı değilse, "
+"lütfen <a href=\"%s\">tam yansı listemize</a> bakın."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:97
+msgid ""
+"Note that %s is not officially included in the %s archive, but the %s porter "
+"group keeps their archive in sync with the official archive as close as "
+"possible. See the <a href=\"%s\">%s ports page</a> for current information."
+msgstr ""
+"%s resmi olarak %s arşivine dahil edilmemiş ancak %s uyarlama grubu, "
+"arşivlerini resmi arşiv ile mümkün olduğunca uyumlu tutmaya gayret ediyor. "
+"Güncel bilgi için <a href=\"%s\">%s uyarlama sayfasına</a> bakın."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:101
+msgid ""
+"Note that in some browsers you will need to tell your browser you want the "
+"file saved to a file. For example, in Firefox or Mozilla, you should hold "
+"the Shift key when you click on the URL."
+msgstr ""
+"Bazı tarayıcılarda, tarayıcınıza dosyayı kaydetmek istediğinizi söylemeniz "
+"gerekir. Örneğin Firefox veya Mozilla içerisinde adrese tıkladığınızda "
+"ÜstKarakter (Shift) tuşunu basılı tutmalısınız."
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:105
+msgid "More information on <kbd>%s</kbd>:"
+msgstr "<kbd>%s</kbd> hakkında daha fazla bilgi:"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:107
+msgid "Exact Size"
+msgstr "Tam Boyut"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:107
+msgid "%s Byte (%s %s)"
+msgstr "%s Bayt (%s %s)"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:108 templates/html/show.tmpl:350
+msgid "MD5 checksum"
+msgstr "MD5 sağlama toplamı"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:109
+msgid "SHA1 checksum"
+msgstr "SHA1 sağlama toplamı"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:109 templates/html/download.tmpl:110
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Kullanılamıyor"
+#: templates/html/download.tmpl:110
+msgid "SHA256 checksum"
+msgstr "SHA256 sağlama toplamı"
+#: templates/html/filelist.tmpl:2
+msgid "File list of package %s/%s/%s"
+msgstr "%s/%s/%s paketinin dosya listesi"
+#: templates/html/filelist.tmpl:3
+msgid ""
+"File list of package <em>%s</em> in <em>%s</em> of architecture <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "<em>%1</em> paketinin <em>%3</em> <em>%2</em> dosya listesi"
+#: templates/html/filelist.tmpl:8
+msgid "File list"
+msgstr "Dosya listesi"
+#: templates/html/foot.tmpl:11
+msgid ""
+"This page is also available in the following languages (How to set <a href="
+"\"%s\">the default document language</a>):"
+msgstr ""
+"Bu sayfa aynı zamanda aşağıdaki dillerde de kullanılabilir (<a href=\"%s"
+"\">Öntanımlı belge dili</a> nasıl ayarlanır):"
+#: templates/html/foot.tmpl:28
+msgid ""
+"To report a problem with the web site, e-mail <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a>. "
+"For other contact information, see the %s <a href=\"%s\">contact page</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"Web sitesi ile ilgili bir sorunu bildirmek için, <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</"
+"a> adresine e-posta gönderin. Diğer iletişim bilgileri için %s <a href=\"%s"
+"\">iletişim sayfasına</a> bakın."
+#: templates/html/foot.tmpl:32
+msgid ""
+"Content Copyright &copy; %s <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>; See <a href=\"%s"
+"\">license terms</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"İçerik Telif Hakkı &copy; %s <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>; <a href=\"%s\">Lisans "
+"koşulları</a>na bakın."
+#: templates/html/foot.tmpl:35
+msgid "Learn more about this site"
+msgstr "Bu site hakkında daha fazlasını öğrenin"
+#: templates/html/foot.tmpl:41
+msgid "This service is sponsored by <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>."
+msgstr "Bu hizmet, <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> sponsorluğundadır."
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:26
+msgid "skip the navigation"
+msgstr "gezinmeyi atla"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:40
+msgid "%s Packages Homepage"
+msgstr "%s Paket Ana Sayfası"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:40 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:4
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:102
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:126
+msgid "Packages"
+msgstr "Paketler"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:60 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:39
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:47 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:94
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Ara"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:63
+msgid "package names"
+msgstr "paket adları"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:64
+msgid "descriptions"
+msgstr "açıklamalar"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:65
+msgid "source package names"
+msgstr "kaynak paket adları"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:66
+msgid "package contents"
+msgstr "paket içerikleri"
+#: templates/html/head.tmpl:69
+msgid "all options"
+msgstr "tüm seçenekler"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:2 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:3
+msgid "%s Packages Search"
+msgstr "%s Paket Araması"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:20
+msgid ""
+"This site provides you with information about all the packages available in "
+"the <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> Package archive."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu site, <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> paket arşivindeki tüm mevcut paketler "
+"hakkında bilgi sağlar."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:22
+msgid ""
+"Please contact <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a> if you encounter any problems!"
+msgstr ""
+"Herhangi bir sorunla karşılaştığınızda lütfen <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a> "
+"ile iletişime geçin!"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:24
+msgid "Browse through the lists of packages:"
+msgstr "Paket listesinde gezin:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:33
+msgid ""
+"There is also a list of <a href=\"%s/main/newpkg\">packages recently added "
+"to %s</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"Ayrıca <a href=\"%s/main/newpkg\">%s içine yakın zamanda eklenmiş "
+"paketlerin</a> listesi de bulunmaktadır."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:36
+msgid "Old releases can be found at <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>."
+msgstr "Eski sürümler <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> sitesinde bulunabilir."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:41
+msgid "Search package directories"
+msgstr "Paket dizinlerini ara"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:45 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:91
+msgid "Keyword:"
+msgstr "Anahtar Sözcük:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:47 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:95
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Sıfırla"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:49
+msgid "Search on:"
+msgstr "Şurada ara:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:51
+msgid "Package names only"
+msgstr "Yalnız paket adları"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:53
+msgid "Descriptions"
+msgstr "Açıklamalar"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:55
+msgid "Source package names"
+msgstr "Kaynak paket adları"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:57
+msgid "Only show exact matches:"
+msgstr "Yalnızca tam eşleşmeleri göster:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:65 templates/html/homepage.tmpl:72
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:120
+msgid "any"
+msgstr "herhangi biri"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:67 templates/html/show.tmpl:16
+msgid "Section:"
+msgstr "Bölüm:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:76
+msgid "There are shortcuts for some searches available:"
+msgstr "Bazı aramalar için kısayollar mevcuttur:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:78
+msgid "<code>%s<var>name</var></code> for the search on package names."
+msgstr "<code>%s<var>ad</var></code> - paket adlarında aramalar için."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:80
+msgid ""
+"<code>%ssrc:<var>name</var></code> for the search on source package names."
+msgstr ""
+"<code>%ssrc:<var>isim</var></code> - kaynak paket adlarında aramak için."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:84
+msgid "Search the contents of packages"
+msgstr "Paket içeriklerinde ara"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:86
+msgid ""
+"This search engine allows you to search the contents of %s distributions for "
+"any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can "
+"also get a full list of files in a given package."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu arama motoru %s dağıtımlarındaki tüm dosyaları (veya dosya adlarının bir "
+"kısmı) aramanızı sağlar. İsterseniz belirtilen paketin içindeki dosyaların "
+"tam listesini de görebilirsiniz."
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:97
+msgid "Display:"
+msgstr "Görüntüle:"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:100
+msgid "packages that contain files named like this"
+msgstr "benzer adlı dosyaları içeren paketleri"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:103
+msgid "packages that contain files whose names end with the keyword"
+msgstr "adları anahtar sözcükle biten dosyaları içeren paketleri"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:106
+msgid "packages that contain files whose names contain the keyword"
+msgstr "adları anahtar sözcükleri içeren dosyaları içeren paketleri"
+#: templates/html/homepage.tmpl:115
+msgid "Architecture:"
+msgstr "Mimari:"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:2
+msgid "Source Packages in \"%s\", %s %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" İçindeki Kaynak Paketler, %s %s"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:3
+msgid "Source Packages in \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" İçindeki Kaynak Paketler"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:5
+msgid "Software Packages in \"%s\", %s %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" İçindeki Yazılım Paketleri, %s %s"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:6
+msgid "Software Packages in \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" İçindeki Yazılım Paketleri"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:13
+msgid "All Packages"
+msgstr "Tüm Paketler"
+#: templates/html/index_head.tmpl:15 templates/html/show.tmpl:15
+#: templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:2
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Kaynak"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:2 templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:7
+msgid "New Packages in \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" İçindeki Yeni Paketler"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:11
+msgid ""
+"The following packages were added to suite <em>%s</em> (section %s) in the "
+"%s archive during the last 7 days."
+msgstr ""
+"Aşağıdaki paketler son 7 gün içerisinde %3 arşivindeki %1 takımının %2 "
+"bölümüne eklendi."
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:14
+msgid ""
+"The following packages were added to suite <em>%s</em> in the %s archive "
+"during the last 7 days."
+msgstr ""
+"Aşağıdaki paketler son 7 gün içerisinde %2 arşivindeki %1 takımına "
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:18
+msgid " You can also display this list <a href=\"%s\">sorted by name</a>."
+msgstr ""
+" Ayrıca bu listeyi <a href=\"%s\">isme göre sıralı</a> gösterebilirsiniz."
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:20
+msgid " You can also display this list <a href=\"%s\">sorted by age</a>."
+msgstr ""
+" Ayrıca bu listeyi <a href=\"%s\">yaşa göre sıralı</a> gösterebilirsiniz"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:22
+msgid ""
+"This information is also available as an <a href=\"newpkg?format=rss\">RSS "
+msgstr ""
+"Bu bilgi aynı zamanda <a href=\"newpkg?format=rss\">RSS beslemesi</a> olarak "
+"da mevcuttur."
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:23
+msgid "[RSS 1.0 Feed]"
+msgstr "[RSS 1.0 Beslemesi]"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:28
+msgid " <em>(%u days old)</em>"
+msgstr " <em>(%u günlük)</em>"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:32 templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:39
+msgid "List of all packages"
+msgstr "Tüm paketlerin listesi"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:32 templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:41
+msgid "All packages"
+msgstr "Tüm paketler"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:33 templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:45
+msgid "compact compressed textlist"
+msgstr "kompakt sıkıştırılmış metin listesi"
+#: templates/html/newpkg.tmpl:34
+msgid "New packages in "
+msgstr "Şuradaki yeni paketler: "
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:20
+msgid "Package Search Results -- %s"
+msgstr "Paket Arama Sonuçları -- %s"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:29
+msgid "Package Search Results"
+msgstr "Paket Arama Sonuçları"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:36
+msgid ""
+"You have searched only for words exactly matching your keywords. You can try "
+"to search <a href=\"%s\">allowing subword matching</a>."
+msgstr ""
+"Yalnızca anahtar sözcüklerinizle tam eşleşen sözcükleri aradınız. Ayrıca <a "
+"href=\"%s\">alt sözcük eşleyerek</a> aramayı deneyebilirsiniz."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:41
+msgid "Limit to suite:"
+msgstr "Şu takıma sınırla:"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:50
+msgid "Search in <a href=\"%s\">all suites</a>"
+msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Tüm takımlarda</a> ara"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:54 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:58
+msgid "Limit to a architecture:"
+msgstr "Mimariye sınırla:"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:63 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:63
+msgid "Search in <a href=\"%s\">all architectures</a>"
+msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Tüm mimarilerde</a> ara"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:70
+msgid ""
+"<a href=\"%s\">Some</a> results have not been displayed due to the search "
+msgstr ""
+"<a href=\"%s\">Bazı</a> sonuçlar arama parametrelerinden dolayı "
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:79
+msgid "all suites"
+msgstr "tüm takımlar"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:79
+msgid "suite(s) <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "<em>%s</em> takımı"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:80 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:72
+msgid "all sections"
+msgstr "tüm bölümler"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:80 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:72
+msgid "section(s) <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "bölüm(ler) <em>%s</em>"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:81 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:73
+msgid "all architectures"
+msgstr "tüm mimariler"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:81 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:73
+msgid "architecture(s) <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "mimari(ler) <em>%s</em>"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:83
+msgid "source packages"
+msgstr "kaynak paketler"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:83
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr "paketler"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:84
+msgid ""
+"You have searched for %s that names contain <em>%s</em> in %s, %s, and %s."
+msgstr ""
+"%3 takımının %4 bölümlerinde ve %5 mimarilerinde, %2 sözünü "
+"barındıran %1 aradınız"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:87
+msgid " (including subword matching)"
+msgstr " (alt sözcük eşleme dahil)"
+#. @translators: I'm really sorry :/
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:89
+msgid ""
+"You have searched for <em>%s</em> in packages names and descriptions in %s, "
+"%s, and %s%s."
+msgstr ""
+"%2, %3, %4%5 içinde <em>%1</em> sözünü barındıran paket adı ve "
+"açıklamalarını aradınız."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:95
+msgid "Found <strong>%u</strong> matching packages."
+msgstr "<strong>%u</strong> eşleşen paket bulundu."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:101
+msgid ""
+"Note that this only shows the best matches, sorted by relevance. If the "
+"first few packages don't match what you searched for, try using more "
+"keywords or alternative keywords."
+msgstr ""
+"Bu sayfa yalnızca ilgi düzeyine göre sıralanmış en iyi eşleşmeleri gösterir. "
+"Eğer ilk paketler aradığınız paketler değilse daha fazla anahtar sözcük "
+"belirtin veya alternatif anahtar sözcükler kullanmayı deneyin."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:107
+msgid ""
+"Your keyword was too generic, for optimizing reasons some results might have "
+"been suppressed.<br>Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords."
+msgstr ""
+"Kullandığınız anahtar sözcük çok genel. Eniyileştirme nedenlerinden dolayı "
+"bazı sonuçlar gizlenmiş olabilir.<br>Lütfen daha uzun bir anahtar sözcük "
+"belirtin veya daha fazla anahtar sözcük kullanın."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:109
+msgid ""
+"Your keyword was too generic.<br>Please consider using a longer keyword or "
+"more keywords."
+msgstr ""
+"Kullandığınız anahtar sözcük çok genel.<br>Lütfen daha uzun bir anahtar "
+"sözcük belirtin veya daha fazla anahtar sözcük kullanın."
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:116 templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:133
+msgid "Sorry, your search gave no results"
+msgstr "Üzgünüz, aramanız sonuç vermedi"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:123
+msgid "Package %s"
+msgstr "%s Paketi"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:135
+msgid "also provided by:"
+msgstr "ayrıca sağlayan:"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:135
+msgid "provided by:"
+msgstr "sağlayan:"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:144
+msgid "Source Package %s"
+msgstr "%s Kaynak Paketi"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:151
+msgid "Binary packages:"
+msgstr "İkilik paketler:"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:153
+msgid "show %u binary packages"
+msgstr "%u ikili paketi göster"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:153
+msgid "hide %u binary packages"
+msgstr "%u ikili paketi gizle"
+#: templates/html/search.tmpl:163
+msgid ""
+"<a href=\"%s\">%u</a> results have not been displayed because you requested "
+"only exact matches."
+msgstr ""
+"Yalnızca tam eşleşmeleri talep ettiğiniz için <a href=\"%s\">%u</a> sonuç "
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:14
+msgid "Package Contents Search Results -- %s"
+msgstr "Paket İçeriği Arama Sonuçları -- %s"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:17
+msgid "Package Contents Search Results"
+msgstr "Paket İçeriği Arama Sonuçları"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:34
+msgid "Search for <em>%s</em> within filenames"
+msgstr "Dosya adlarında <em>%s</em> aramasını yap"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:39
+msgid "Search exact filename <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "Tam dosya adını ara: <em>%s</em>"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:44
+msgid "Search for paths ending with <em>%s</em>"
+msgstr "<em>%s</em> ile biten yolları ara"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:48
+msgid "Search in other suite:"
+msgstr "Diğer takımda ara:"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:74
+msgid "paths that end with"
+msgstr "şununla biten yollar"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:76
+msgid "filenames that contain"
+msgstr "şunu içeren dosya adları"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:78
+msgid "files named"
+msgstr "ismindeki dosyalar"
+#. @translators: I'm really sorry :/
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:81
+msgid "You have searched for %s <em>%s</em> in suite <em>%s</em>, %s, and %s."
+msgstr ""
+"<em>%3</em> takımı, %4 ve %5 içerisinde, içinde <em>%2</em> sözünü "
+"barındıran %1 aradınız."
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:85
+msgid "Found <strong>%u results</strong>."
+msgstr "<strong>%u sonuç</strong> bulundu."
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:89
+msgid ""
+"Note: Your search was too wide so we will only display only the first about "
+"100 matches. Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords."
+msgstr ""
+"Not: Sonucunuz çok fazla sonuç döndürdüğünden yalnızca ilk 100 eşleşmeyi "
+"görüntüleyeceğiz. Lütfen daha uzun veya daha fazla anahtar sözcük kullanmayı "
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:99
+msgid "Sort results by filename"
+msgstr "Sonuçları dosya adına göre sırala"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:100
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:126 templates/html/show.tmpl:350
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Dosya"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:101
+msgid "Sort results by package name"
+msgstr "Sonuçları paket adına göre sırala"
+#: templates/html/search_contents.tmpl:116
+msgid "not %s"
+msgstr "%s değil"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:15
+msgid "Source packages"
+msgstr "Kaynak paketler"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:16
+msgid "All packages in this section"
+msgstr "Bu bölümdeki tüm paketler"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:22
+msgid "Details of source package %s in %s"
+msgstr "%2 içindeki %1 kaynak paketinin ayrıntıları"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:23
+msgid "Details of package %s in %s"
+msgstr "%s paketinin %s içerisinde ayrıntıları"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:46
+msgid "Source:"
+msgstr "Kaynak:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:46
+msgid "Source package building this package"
+msgstr "Bu paketi inşa eden kaynak paket"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:53
+msgid "Virtual Package: %s"
+msgstr "Sanal Paket: %s"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:55
+msgid "Source Package: %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Kaynak Paket: %s (%s)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:57
+msgid "Package: %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Paket: %s (%s)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:61
+msgid "essential"
+msgstr "zorunlu"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:61
+msgid "package manager will refuse to remove this package by default"
+msgstr "paket yöneticisi bu paketi kaldırmayı öntanımlı olarak reddedecek"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:65
+msgid "Links for %s"
+msgstr "%s için bağlantılar"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:71
+msgid "%s Resources:"
+msgstr "%s Kaynakları:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:73
+msgid "Bug Reports"
+msgstr "Hata Raporları"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:76 templates/html/show.tmpl:78
+msgid "Developer Information (PTS)"
+msgstr "Geliştirici Bilgisi (PTS)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:82
+msgid "%s Changelog"
+msgstr "%s Değişim Günlüğü"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:83
+msgid "Copyright File"
+msgstr "Telif Hakkı Dosyası"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:87
+msgid "Debian Source Repository"
+msgstr "Debian Kaynak Deposu"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:101 templates/html/show.tmpl:107
+msgid "%s Patch Tracker"
+msgstr "%s Yama Takipçisi"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:115
+msgid "Download Source Package <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>:"
+msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> Kaynak Paketini İndir:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:122
+msgid "Not found"
+msgstr "Bulunamadı"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:127
+msgid "Maintainer:"
+msgstr "Geliştirici:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:129
+msgid "Maintainers:"
+msgstr "Geliştiriciler:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:142
+msgid "An overview over the maintainer's packages and uploads"
+msgstr "Geliştiricilerin paketlerine ve yüklemelerine genel bir bakış"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:142
+msgid "QA&nbsp;Page"
+msgstr "QA&nbsp;Sayfası"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:143
+msgid "Archive of the Maintainer Mailinglist"
+msgstr "Geliştirici Posta Listesi Arşivi"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:143
+msgid "Mail&nbsp;Archive"
+msgstr "Posta&nbsp;Arşivi"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:151
+msgid "External Resources:"
+msgstr "Dış Kaynaklar:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:153
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Ana Sayfa"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:159
+msgid "Similar packages:"
+msgstr "Benzer paketler:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:175
+msgid ""
+"Warning: This package is from the <strong>experimental</strong> "
+"distribution. That means it is likely unstable or buggy, and it may even "
+"cause data loss. Please be sure to consult the <a href=\"%s\">changelog</a> "
+"and other possible documentation before using it."
+msgstr ""
+"Uyarı: Bu paket <strong>deneysel</strong> dağıtımdan geliyor. Bu, paketin "
+"kararsız veya hatalı olabileceği hatta veri kaybına sebep olabileceği "
+"anlamına gelmektedir. Lütfen kullanmadan önce <a href=\"%s\">değişim "
+"günlüğüne</a> ve muhtemel diğer belgelendirmeye danıştığınızdan emin olun."
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:199
+msgid ""
+"This is a <em>virtual package</em>. See the <a href=\"%s\">Debian policy</a> "
+"for a <a href=\"%sch-binary.html#s-virtual_pkg\">definition of virtual "
+msgstr ""
+"Bu bir <em>sanal pakettir</em>. <a href=\"%sch-binary.html#s-virtual_pkg"
+"\">Sanal paketlerin tanımı</a> için <a href=\"%s\">Debian ilkesine</a> bakın."
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:207
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Etiketler"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:230
+msgid "Packages providing %s"
+msgstr "%s sağlayan paketler"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:239
+msgid "The following binary packages are built from this source package:"
+msgstr "Aşağıdaki ikili paketler bu kaynak paketten inşa edilmiştir:"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:248
+msgid "Other Packages Related to %s"
+msgstr "%s ile İlgili Diğer Paketler"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:250
+msgid "legend"
+msgstr "gösterge"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:252
+msgid "build-depends"
+msgstr "inşa bağımlılıkları"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:253
+msgid "build-depends-indep"
+msgstr "bağımsız inşa bağımlılıkları"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:255
+msgid "depends"
+msgstr "bağımlılıklar"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:256
+msgid "recommends"
+msgstr "tavsiye edilen"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:257
+msgid "suggests"
+msgstr "önerilen"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:267
+msgid "or "
+msgstr "ya da "
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:275
+msgid "also a virtual package provided by"
+msgstr "ayrıca şunun tarafından sağlanan bir sanal paket"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:277
+msgid "virtual package provided by"
+msgstr "sanal paketi sağlayan"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:282
+msgid "show %u providing packages"
+msgstr "%u sağlayan paketleri göster"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:282
+msgid "hide %u providing packages"
+msgstr "%u sağlayan paketleri gizle"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:300
+msgid "Download %s"
+msgstr "%s indir"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:302
+msgid ""
+"The download table links to the download of the package and a file overview. "
+"In addition it gives information about the package size and the installed "
+msgstr ""
+"İndirme tablosu, paketin indirme bağlantısını ve dosyanın genel görünüşünü "
+"verir. Ek olarak paketin boyutunu ve paketin kurulduktan sonra kapladığı "
+"alan bilgisini de verir."
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:303
+msgid "Download for all available architectures"
+msgstr "Tüm mevcut mimariler için indir"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:304
+msgid "Architecture"
+msgstr "Mimari"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:305
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Sürüm"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:306
+msgid "Package Size"
+msgstr "Paket Boyutu"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:307
+msgid "Installed Size"
+msgstr "Kurulu Boyut"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:308
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Dosyalar"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:316
+msgid "(unofficial port)"
+msgstr "(resmi olmayan port)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:327 templates/html/show.tmpl:355
+msgid "%s&nbsp;kB"
+msgstr "%s&nbsp;kB"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:330
+msgid "list of files"
+msgstr "dosya listesi"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:332
+msgid "no current information"
+msgstr "bilgi mevcut değil"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:349
+msgid "Download information for the files of this source package"
+msgstr "Bu kaynak paketin dosyaları için indirme bilgisi"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:350
+msgid "Size (in kB)"
+msgstr "Boyut (kB cinsinden)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:371
+msgid ""
+"Debian Package Source Repository (<acronym title=\"Version Control System"
+"\">VCS</acronym>: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>)"
+msgstr ""
+"Debian Paket Kaynak Deposu (<acronym title=\" Sürüm Denetim Sistemi (Version "
+"Control System)\">VCS</acronym>: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>)"
+#: templates/html/show.tmpl:376
+msgid "Debian Package Source Repository (Browsable)"
+msgstr "Debian Paket Kaynak Deposu (Gezinilebilir)"
+#: templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:3
+msgid "Index"
+msgstr "Dizin"
+#: templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:5 templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:20
+msgid "List of sections in \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%s\" içindeki bölümlerin listesi"
+#: templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:38
+msgid "List of all source packages"
+msgstr "Tüm kaynak paketlerin listesi"
+#: templates/html/suite_index.tmpl:40
+msgid "All source packages"
+msgstr "Tüm kaynak paketler"
+#: templates/html/tag_index.tmpl:2 templates/html/tag_index.tmpl:7
+msgid "Overview of available Debian Package Tags"
+msgstr "Mevcut Debian Paket Etiketlerine Genel Bakış"
+#: templates/html/tag_index.tmpl:4
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Hakkında"
+#: templates/html/tag_index.tmpl:5
+msgid "Debtags"
+msgstr "Deb etiketleri"
+#: templates/html/tag_index.tmpl:10
+msgid "Facet: %s"
+msgstr "Model: %s"
+#: templates/rss/newpkg.tmpl:16
+msgid "New %s Packages"
+msgstr "Yeni %s Paketleri"
+#: templates/rss/newpkg.tmpl:20
+msgid ""
+"The following packages were added to suite %s (section %s) in the %s archive "
+"during the last 7 days."
+msgstr ""
+"Aşağıdaki paketler son 7 gün içerisinde %3 arşivindeki %1 takımının %2 "
+"bölümüne eklendi."
+#: templates/rss/newpkg.tmpl:23
+msgid ""
+"The following packages were added to suite %s in the %s archive during the "
+"last 7 days."
+msgstr ""
+"Aşağıdaki paketler son 7 gün içerisinde %2 arşivindeki %1 takımına "
+#: templates/rss/newpkg.tmpl:28 templates/txt/index_head.tmpl:4
+msgid "Copyright ©"
+msgstr "Telif Hakkı ©"
+#: templates/txt/index_head.tmpl:1
+msgid "All %s Packages in \"%s\""
+msgstr "\"%2\" içerisindeki tüm %1 paketleri"
+#: templates/txt/index_head.tmpl:3
+msgid "Generated:"
+msgstr "Oluşturulma:"
+#: templates/txt/index_head.tmpl:5
+msgid "See <URL:%s> for the license terms."
+msgstr "Lisans koşulları için <URL:%s> adresine bakın."
diff --git a/templates/config.tmpl b/templates/config.tmpl
index 85ade2b..4509c56 100644
--- a/templates/config.tmpl
+++ b/templates/config.tmpl
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
security_suite_suffix = '-security'
changelogs_url = 'http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/'
policy_url = 'http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/'
-# cn_help_url = project_homepage _ 'intro/cn'
-# patch_tracking_url = 'http://patch-tracker.debian.org/package'
- screenshots_url = 'http://screenshots.debian.net/package/'
- screenshots_thumb_url = 'http://screenshots.debian.net/thumbnail-with-version/'
+ cn_help_url = project_homepage _ 'intro/cn'
+ patch_tracking_url = 'http://patch-tracker.debian.org/package'
+ screenshots_url = '//screenshots.debian.net/package/'
+ screenshots_thumb_url = '//screenshots.debian.net/thumbnail-with-version/'
logo = {
url => project_homepage,
src => '/Pics/openlogo-nd-25.png',
diff --git a/templates/html/show.tmpl b/templates/html/show.tmpl
index d81d1e8..d01d999 100644
--- a/templates/html/show.tmpl
+++ b/templates/html/show.tmpl
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
<td><ul class="uldep"><li>[% g('depends') %]</li></ul></td>
<td><ul class="ulrec"><li>[% g('recommends') %]</li></ul></td>
<td><ul class="ulsug"><li>[% g('suggests') %]</li></ul></td>
+ <td><ul class="ulenh"><li>[% g('enhances') %]</li></ul></td>
[% END %]
[%- END %]