path: root/scripts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-10-24patchwork-setup: Install djang-south and add hint of need for longerusername.Paul Sokolovsky
2013-10-23Add a Django app to increase login field length.Paul Sokolovsky
2013-10-23Add django-south to handle any future DB migrations.Paul Sokolovsky
2013-09-25Remove ungrounded references to production setup.Paul Sokolovsky
2013-09-24Add requirements file for localdev.Paul Sokolovsky
2013-05-16Change the local db username to be generic.Stevan Radakovic
2013-05-16Removed apache enable modules. Added -y argument for package installation.Stevan Radakovic
2013-05-15Move grant privileges line.Stevan Radakovic
2013-05-15Fix missing db-name for grant privileges.Stevan Radakovic
2013-05-15Add grant privileges routine. Change listen port to 80.Stevan Radakovic
2013-05-15Add local deployment support for patchmetrics.Stevan Radakovic