Linaro downloads license protection =================================== Linaro builds sometimes contain "binary blobs"—pieces of binary-only code which enable extra features like accelerated graphics or multimedia. These pieces are distributed under a separate license, and downloading images or collections containing them requires some sort of license protection. This code provides such license protection on the hosting web server: other parts of infrastructure need to properly integrate with it (see eg. section). At the moment, it's implemented as a click-through license acceptance on the Apache side. To ensure and prove this keeps working, we are also using automated tests with this code. Setup ----- This tree is the base for and www roots as served by Apache. It makes heavy use of mod_rewrite from within the .htaccess file. Currently, all directories/files containing either 'origen' or 'snowball' in the URL path are protected with appropriate license (Samsung or ST-E) click-through. Dependencies ............ libapache2-mod-php5 Testing: phpunit, testrepository, python-html2text Technical details ----------------- ................... Root directory for includes .htaccess and licenses/*. It has mod_rewrite enabled. It allows a few hard-coded hosts to bypass the click-through protection, by their IPs: * ( * ( Currently hosted on .................... Same basic set-up as Further, to allow to push to www area directly, we set-up two different users on the system with SSH keys: * android-build-linaro: chrooted to /srv/ and allows sftp access to push files over; home directory * android-build-linaro-trigger: limited to executing only a single command through /etc/ssh/user-authorized-keys/android-build-linaro-trigger command="/home/android-build-linaro-trigger/scripts/ ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" (this passes the arguments received from the remote end as well) This script does a sudo to 'android-build-linaro' and then runs /home/android-build-linaro/scripts/ script which moves files from /android/.tmp/ into appropriate build directory. It expects "build_name/build_number" as command line parameters. ........................ Runs Jenkins and uses SFTP plugin to access the above two users. Private keys live in /home/ubuntu/snapshots-sync/snapshots-sync — android-build-linaro /home/ubuntu/snapshots-sync/snapshots-filemove — android-build-linaro-trigger To ensure serialization of steps, and allow LAVA submission, these happen as build steps, and not as publishing steps. Tests ----- Testing infrastructure is based on 'testrepository' and requires at least Python and Apache2: $ testr init $ testr run To run the production test plans (NOTE: They will take a bit more time to run) execute the following: $ testr init $ testr run testplans.test_suite Tests for PHP license-matching logic .................................... There's currently only one unit test file, LicenseHelperTest.php under testing directory. You first need to install the phpunit package from ubuntu repos: $ sudo apt-get install php-unit Recent (as of 2012-05-08) Ubuntu/Debian releases have a broken phpunit package and thus require installation in a different manner: $ sudo apt-get install php-pear $ sudo pear config-set auto_discover 1 $ sudo pear install PHPUnit tests execution is already included in the python integration tests, but if you wish to run unit tests separately, do the following: $ phpunit testing/LicenseHelperTest