path: root/tests
diff options
authorJames Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>2012-06-28 14:10:07 +0100
committerJames Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>2012-06-28 14:10:07 +0100
commitdb8c964a499b711a8642d47d759fd9211e810be6 (patch)
tree15049e0d734d07ac64ccdde4fb409ad782936a45 /tests
parent9d5a18425b487b6c6ede38dfc70fbeffdaa56e2d (diff)
Updated testr config.
Moved license_protected_file_downloader.py back to where it should be for production doctests.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 311 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index 56f6d60..10c6f6b 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ import unittest
def test_suite():
module_names = [
- 'tests.test_click_through_license.TestLicense',
- 'tests.test_php_unit.PhpUnitTest',
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = loader.loadTestsFromNames(module_names)
diff --git a/tests/license_protected_file_downloader.py b/tests/license_protected_file_downloader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7e890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/license_protected_file_downloader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import os
+import pycurl
+import re
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+import html2text
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+class LicenseProtectedFileFetcher:
+ """Fetch a file from the web that may be protected by a license redirect
+ This is designed to run on snapshots.linaro.org. License HTML file are in
+ the form:
+ <vendor>.html has a link to <vendor>-accept.html
+ If self.get is pointed at a file that has to go through one of these
+ licenses, it should be able to automatically accept the license and
+ download the file.
+ Once a license has been accepted, it will be used for all following
+ downloads.
+ If self.close() is called before the object is deleted, cURL will store
+ the license accept cookie to cookies.txt, so it can be used for later
+ downloads.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cookie_file="cookies.txt"):
+ """Set up cURL"""
+ self.curl = pycurl.Curl()
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self._write_body)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self._write_header)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, cookie_file)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.COOKIEJAR, cookie_file)
+ self.file_out = None
+ self.file_number = 0
+ def _pre_curl(self, url):
+ url = url.encode("ascii")
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
+ self.body = ""
+ self.header = ""
+ file_name = self.file_name
+ if self.file_number > 0:
+ file_name += str(self.file_number)
+ # When debugging it is useful to have all intermediate files saved.
+ # If you want them, uncomment this line:
+ # self.file_number += 1
+ if self.file_name:
+ self.file_out = open(file_name, 'w')
+ else:
+ self.file_out = None
+ return url
+ def _post_curl(self, url):
+ self._parse_headers(url)
+ if self.file_out:
+ self.file_out.close()
+ def _get(self, url):
+ """Clear out header and body storage, fetch URL, filling them in."""
+ self._pre_curl(url)
+ self.curl.perform()
+ self._post_curl(url)
+ def _post(self, url, args, form):
+ """Clear out header and body storage, post to URL, filling them in."""
+ # Prep the URL.
+ # For some reason I can't get the python built in functions to do this
+ # for me in a way that actually works.
+ # args = urllib.urlencode(args) encodes the values as arrays
+ # Quoting of the string is unnecessary.
+ url = url + "?"
+ for k, v in args.items():
+ url += k + "=" + v[0] + "&"
+ url = url[0:-1] # Trim the final &
+ self._pre_curl(url)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPPOST, form)
+ self.curl.perform()
+ self._post_curl(url)
+ def _parse_headers(self, url):
+ header = {}
+ for line in self.header.splitlines():
+ # Header lines typically are of the form thing: value...
+ test_line = re.search("^(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*)$", line)
+ if test_line:
+ header[test_line.group(1)] = test_line.group(2)
+ # The location attribute is sometimes relative, but we would
+ # like to have it as always absolute...
+ if 'Location' in header:
+ parsed_location = urlparse.urlparse(header["Location"])
+ # If not an absolute location...
+ if not parsed_location.netloc:
+ parsed_source_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ new_location = ["", "", "", "", ""]
+ new_location[0] = parsed_source_url.scheme
+ new_location[1] = parsed_source_url.netloc
+ new_location[2] = header["Location"]
+ # Update location with absolute URL
+ header["Location"] = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_location)
+ self.header_text = self.header
+ self.header = header
+ def get_headers(self, url):
+ url = url.encode("ascii")
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
+ self.body = ""
+ self.header = ""
+ # Setting NOBODY causes CURL to just fetch the header.
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.NOBODY, True)
+ self.curl.perform()
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.NOBODY, False)
+ self._parse_headers(url)
+ return self.header
+ def get_or_return_license(self, url, file_name=None):
+ """Get file at the requested URL or, if behind a license, return that.
+ If the URL provided does not redirect us to a license, then return the
+ body of that file. If we are redirected to a license click through
+ then return (the license as plain text, url to accept the license).
+ If the user of this function accepts the license, then they should
+ call get_protected_file."""
+ self.file_name = file_name
+ # Get the license details. If this returns None, the file isn't license
+ # protected and we can just return the file we started to get in the
+ # function (self.body).
+ license_details = self._get_license(url)
+ if license_details:
+ return license_details
+ return self.body
+ def get(self, url, file_name=None, ignore_license=False,
+ accept_license=True):
+ """Fetch the requested URL, accepting licenses
+ Fetches the file at url. If a redirect is encountered, it is
+ expected to be to a license that has an accept link. Follow that link,
+ then download the original file. Returns the fist 1MB of the file
+ (see _write_body).
+ """
+ self.file_name = file_name
+ if ignore_license:
+ self._get(url)
+ return self.body
+ license_details = self._get_license(url)
+ if license_details:
+ # Found a license.
+ if accept_license:
+ # Accept the license without looking at it and
+ # start fetching the file we originally wanted.
+ accept_url = license_details[1]
+ accept_query = license_details[2]
+ form = license_details[3]
+ self.get_protected_file(accept_url, accept_query, url, form)
+ else:
+ # If we got here, there wasn't a license protecting the file
+ # so we just fetch it.
+ self._get(url)
+ return self.body
+ def _get_license(self, url):
+ """Return (license, accept URL, decline URL) if found,
+ else return None.
+ """
+ self.get_headers(url)
+ text_license = None
+ submit_url = None
+ if "Location" in self.header and self.header["Location"] != url:
+ # We have been redirected to a new location - the license file
+ location = self.header["Location"]
+ # Fetch the license HTML
+ self._get(location)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(self.body)
+ for form in soup.findAll("form"):
+ action = form.get("action")
+ if action and re.search("""/accept-license\?lic=""", action):
+ # This form is what we need to accept the license
+ submit_url = action
+ # The license is in a div with the ID license-text, so we
+ # use this to ?lic={{ license.digest }}&url={{ url }}" method="post">pull just the license out of the HTML.
+ html_license = u""
+ for chunk in soup.findAll(id="license-text"):
+ # Output of chunk.prettify is UTF8, but comes back
+ # as a str, so convert it here.
+ html_license += chunk.prettify().decode("utf-8")
+ text_license = html2text.html2text(html_license)
+ if text_license and submit_url:
+ # Currently accept_url contains the arguments we want to send. Split.
+ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(submit_url)
+ accept_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, parsed[2])
+ args = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed[4])
+ csrftoken = soup.findAll("input",
+ attrs={"name": "csrfmiddlewaretoken"})[0]["value"]
+ csrftoken = csrftoken.encode("ascii")
+ form = [('accept', 'accept'), ("csrfmiddlewaretoken", csrftoken)]
+ return text_license, accept_url, args, form
+ return None
+ def get_protected_file(self, accept_url, accept_query, url, form):
+ """Gets the file redirected to by the accept_url"""
+ self._post(accept_url, accept_query, form)
+ # The server returns us to an HTML file that redirects to the real
+ # download (in order to return the user to the directory listing
+ # after accepting a license). We don't parse the HTML. Just re-
+ # request the file.
+ self._get(url) # Download the target file
+ return self.body
+ def _write_body(self, buf):
+ """Used by curl as a sink for body content"""
+ # If we have a target file to write to, write to it
+ if self.file_out and not self.file_out.closed:
+ self.file_out.write(buf)
+ # Only buffer first 1MB of body. This should be plenty for anything
+ # we wish to parse internally.
+ if len(self.body) < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
+ # XXX Would be nice to stop keeping the file in RAM at all and
+ # passing large buffers around. Perhaps only keep in RAM if
+ # file_name == None? (used for getting directory listings
+ # normally).
+ self.body += buf
+ def _write_header(self, buf):
+ """Used by curl as a sink for header content"""
+ self.header += buf
+ def register_progress_callback(self, callback):
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, 0)
+ self.curl.setopt(pycurl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, callback)
+ def close(self):
+ """Wrapper to close curl - this will allow curl to write out cookies"""
+ self.curl.close()
+def main():
+ """Download file specified on command line"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Download a file, accepting "
+ "any licenses required to do so.")
+ parser.add_argument('url', metavar="URL", type=str, nargs=1,
+ help="URL of file to download.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ fetcher = LicenseProtectedFileFetcher()
+ # Get file name from URL
+ file_name = os.path.basename(urlparse.urlparse(args.url[0]).path)
+ if not file_name:
+ file_name = "downloaded"
+ fetcher.get(args.url[0], file_name)
+ fetcher.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/test_click_through_license.py b/tests/test_click_through_license.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a0520d..0000000
--- a/tests/test_click_through_license.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import re
-import os
-import shutil
-import shlex
-import subprocess
-import socket
-from testtools import TestCase
-from testtools.matchers import Mismatch
-from license_protected_file_downloader import LicenseProtectedFileFetcher
-fetcher = LicenseProtectedFileFetcher()
-cwd = os.getcwd()
-docroot = cwd
-srvroot = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*([cwd] + ['tests'])))
-local_rewrite = 'RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} [OR]'
-host = ''
-port = '0' # 0 == Pick a free port.
-samsung_license_path = '/licenses/license.php'
-ste_license_path = '/licenses/license.php'
-linaro_license_path = '/licenses/license.php'
-samsung_test_file = '/android/~linaro-android/staging-origen/test.txt'
-ste_test_file = ('/android/~linaro-android/staging-snowball'
- '/173/target/product/snowball/test.txt')
-ste_open_test_file = '/android/~linaro-android/staging-snowball/173/test.txt'
-never_available = '/android/~linaro-android/staging-imx53/test.txt'
-linaro_test_file = '/android/~linaro-android/staging-panda/test.txt'
-not_protected_test_file = ('/android/~linaro-android/staging-vexpress-a9'
- '/test.txt')
-not_found_test_file = ('/android/~linaro-android/staging-vexpress-a9'
- '/notfound.txt')
-per_file_samsung_test_file = '/android/images/origen-blob.txt'
-per_file_ste_test_file = '/android/images/snowball-blob.txt'
-per_file_not_protected_test_file = '/android/images/MANIFEST'
-dirs_only_dir = '/android/~linaro-android/'
-build_info_samsung_test_file = '/android/build-info/origen-blob.txt'
-build_info_ste_test_file = '/android/build-info/snowball-blob.txt'
-build_info_not_protected_test_file = '/android/build-info/panda-open.txt'
-build_info_openid_test_file = '/android/build-info/openid.txt'
-class Contains(object):
- '''Match if a string contains substring'''
- def __init__(self, substr):
- self.substr = substr
- def __str__(self):
- return 'Contains(%s)' % (self.substr,)
- def match(self, actual):
- for line in actual.splitlines():
- res = re.search(self.substr, line)
- if res:
- return None
- return Mismatch("Initial string doesn't contain substring (%s)" %
- self.substr)
-class CommandNotFoundException(Exception):
- ''' Unable to find command '''
-class NonZeroReturnValueException(Exception):
- ''' Command exited with nonzero return value '''
-class TestLicense(TestCase):
- '''Tests for accessing files and directories with license protection'''
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- global host
- global port
- if port == '0':
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- s.bind(('', 0))
- port = str(s.getsockname()[1])
- s.close()
- host = host + ':' + port
- shutil.copy("%s/apache2.conf.tmpl" % srvroot, "%s/apache2.conf" %
- srvroot)
- shutil.copy("%s/.htaccess" % docroot, "%s/dothtaccess" % docroot)
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', 's/ServerRoot \"\"/ServerRoot \"%s\"/'
- % srvroot.replace('/', '\/'), '%s/apache2.conf' % srvroot],
- stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', 's/DocumentRoot \"\"/DocumentRoot '
- '\"%s\"/' % docroot.replace('/', '\/'), '%s/apache2.conf'
- % srvroot], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'),
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', 's/Directory \"\"/Directory \"%s\"/'
- % docroot.replace('/', '\/'), '%s/apache2.conf' % srvroot],
- stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', 's/Listen/Listen %s/' % port,
- '%s/apache2.conf' % srvroot], stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'),
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- if subprocess.Popen(['which', 'apache2'],
- stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'),
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait():
- raise CommandNotFoundException("apache2 command not found. Please "
- "install apache2 web server and rerun tests.")
- args = shlex.split('apache2 -d %s -f apache2.conf -k start' % srvroot)
- rc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'),
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- if rc:
- raise NonZeroReturnValueException("apache2 server exited with "
- "error %s" % rc)
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls):
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.unlink("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- args = shlex.split('apache2 -d %s -f apache2.conf -k stop' % srvroot)
- subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'),
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- if os.path.exists("%s/apache2.conf" % srvroot):
- os.unlink("%s/apache2.conf" % srvroot)
- if os.path.exists("%s/click_through_license_access.log" % srvroot):
- os.unlink("%s/click_through_license_access.log" % srvroot)
- if os.path.exists("%s/click_through_license_error.log" % srvroot):
- os.unlink("%s/click_through_license_error.log" % srvroot)
- if os.path.exists("%s/rewrite.log" % srvroot):
- os.unlink("%s/rewrite.log" % srvroot)
- os.rename("%s/dothtaccess" % docroot, "%s/.htaccess" % docroot)
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestLicense, self).setUp()
- global fetcher
- fetcher = LicenseProtectedFileFetcher()
- def tearDown(self):
- super(TestLicense, self).tearDown()
- if isinstance(fetcher, LicenseProtectedFileFetcher):
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.unlink("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- def test_licensefile_directly_samsung(self):
- search = "Index of /"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + samsung_license_path)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_licensefile_directly_ste(self):
- search = "Index of /"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_license_path)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_licensefile_directly_linaro(self):
- search = "Index of /"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + linaro_license_path)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_redirect_to_license_samsung(self):
- testfile = fetcher.get_or_return_license(host + samsung_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile[0], Contains(search))
- def test_redirect_to_license_ste(self):
- testfile = fetcher.get_or_return_license(host + ste_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile[0], Contains(search))
- def test_redirect_to_license_linaro(self):
- search = "Linaro license."
- testfile = fetcher.get_or_return_license(host + linaro_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile[0], Contains(search))
- def test_decline_license_samsung(self):
- search = "License has not been accepted"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + samsung_test_file, accept_license=False)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_decline_license_ste(self):
- search = "License has not been accepted"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_test_file, accept_license=False)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_decline_license_linaro(self):
- search = "License has not been accepted"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + linaro_test_file, accept_license=False)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_non_protected_dirs(self):
- search = "This is always available."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + not_protected_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_never_available_dirs(self):
- search = "Forbidden"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + never_available)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_accept_license_samsung_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + samsung_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot,
- "%s/cookies.samsung" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_accept_license_samsung_dir(self):
- search = "Index of /android/~linaro-android/staging-origen"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + os.path.dirname(samsung_test_file))
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_accept_license_ste_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot, "%s/cookies.ste" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_accept_license_ste_dir(self):
- search = "Index of /android/~linaro-android/staging-snowball"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + os.path.dirname(ste_test_file))
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_license_accepted_samsung(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- os.rename("%s/cookies.samsung" % docroot, "%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + samsung_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_license_accepted_ste(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- os.rename("%s/cookies.ste" % docroot, "%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_internal_host_samsung(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', '/## Let internal hosts through '
- 'always./ a %s' % local_rewrite, '%s/.htaccess' % docroot],
- stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + samsung_test_file, ignore_license=True)
- shutil.copy("%s/dothtaccess" % docroot, "%s/.htaccess" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_internal_host_ste(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i', '/## Let internal hosts through '
- 'always./ a %s' % local_rewrite, '%s/.htaccess' % docroot],
- stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait()
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_test_file, ignore_license=True)
- shutil.copy("%s/dothtaccess" % docroot, "%s/.htaccess" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_ste_open_file(self):
- search = "This is always available."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + ste_open_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_per_file_accept_license_samsung_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + per_file_samsung_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot,
- "%s/cookies.samsung" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_per_file_accept_license_ste_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + per_file_ste_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot, "%s/cookies.ste" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_per_file_license_accepted_samsung(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- os.rename("%s/cookies.samsung" % docroot, "%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + per_file_samsung_test_file,
- ignore_license=True)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_per_file_license_accepted_ste(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- os.rename("%s/cookies.ste" % docroot, "%s/cookies.txt" % docroot)
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + per_file_ste_test_file,
- ignore_license=True)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_per_file_non_protected_dirs(self):
- search = "MANIFEST"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + per_file_not_protected_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_dir_containing_only_dirs(self):
- search = "Index of /android/~linaro-android"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + dirs_only_dir)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_not_found_file(self):
- search = "Not Found"
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + not_found_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_build_info_non_protected_file(self):
- search = "This is always available."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + build_info_not_protected_test_file)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_build_info_accept_license_samsung_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through Samsung license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + build_info_samsung_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot,
- "%s/cookies.samsung" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_build_info_accept_license_ste_file(self):
- search = "This is protected with click-through ST-E license."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + build_info_ste_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- if os.path.exists("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot):
- os.rename("%s/cookies.txt" % docroot, "%s/cookies.ste" % docroot)
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))
- def test_build_info_openid_protection(self):
- search = "This is protected with OpenID."
- testfile = fetcher.get(host + build_info_openid_test_file)
- fetcher.close()
- self.assertThat(testfile, Contains(search))