Linaro Bugzilla Tools ===================== Takes as bugzilla 4.4 perl has params file and converts it into a bugzilla 5.0 json params file. This is really only useful when upgrading between these versions. #### Below is obsolete as we deploy bugzilla from ansible-playbooks repo #### it is left here for reference Thie repository contains tools necessary to deploy and configure Linaro bugzilla instance. It containes the ansible playbook necessary to automate the deployment. Deploy or Update Linaro Bugzilla ================================ To apply the ansible playbook: cd ansible/ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -K -u REMOTE_USER -e "@secrets.yml" If the REMOTE_USER is a password-less sudo user, remove the `-K` option. If you do not specify the `-u` option, the actual user name will be used to connect to the remote server. The `-e "@secrets.yml"` option is needed to pass secrets to the configuration. `secrets.yml` must be the absolute path to a YAML file that defines the following variables: db_pass site_wide_secret There is only one task that requires those variables, and it is possible to skip it using: --skip-tags=secrets At the end of the playbook execution it is necessary to manually run a command on the remote server. Unfortunately, the command requires user input and it is not possible to automate that via ansible. The command that needs to be run is located in the installation directory and is: ./ Caveats ------- * The command that creates the documentation, is run only once. If you update the code, it is necessary to manually run the command again on the server.