Linaro Android Build Service Frontend ===================================== This Django project provides a frontend to Jenkins that allows a friendly interface for building Android. Before starting you will want to run make to set up a python virtual environment, then set up the django databases: $ make $ ./bin/manage syncdb The frontend is designed to be run at / behind an Apache that also proxies to a jenkins install at /jenkins. If you want to run locally without the bother of setting up a local Apache site, you can use the 'site-demo.tac' twistd file. Run $ twistd -noy site-demo.tac in one terminal and $ ./bin/manage runserver in another and go to localhost:10101 in a browser. You may need to adjust the ports to match your local installs. This code is distributed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. Deploying new fixture data on production ---------------------------------------- sudo service apache2 stop sudo -H -u build-system-frontend bash cd cd frontend . .virtualenv/bin/activate ./ loaddata --settings=settings_prod initial_data.json exit sudo service apache2 start