var jobName = $('#job-name').val(); var kernelName = $('#kernel-name').val(); var defconfigId = $('#defconfig-id').val(); var defconfigFull = $('#defconfig-full').val(); function populateDefconfigData(data) { 'use strict'; var job = data.job, kernel = data.kernel, gitUrl = data.git_url, createdOn = new Date(data.created_on.$date), gitCommit = data.git_commit, gitUrls = null, arch = data.arch, defconfig = data.defconfig, defconfigFull = data.defconfig_full, metadata = data.metadata, buildTime = data.build_time, statusDisplay = '', dtbDirectory = data.dtb_dir, buildModules = data.modules, modulesDirectory = data.modules_dir, textOffset = data.text_offset, configFragments = data.kconfig_fragments, kernelImage = data.kernel_image, kernelConfig = data.kernel_config, buildLog = data.build_log, buildPlatform = data.build_platform, fileServerUrl = data.file_server_url, fileServerResource = data.file_server_resource, pathUrl = '', fileServerUri = null, uriPath = '', fileServer = $('#file-server').val(), nonAvail = '' + ''; $('#details').append(' (' + defconfig + ')'); if (fileServerUrl !== null && fileServerUrl !== undefined) { fileServer = fileServerUrl; } if (fileServerResource !== null && fileServerResource !== undefined) { pathUrl = fileServerResource; } else { pathUrl = job + '/' + kernel + '/' + arch + '-' + defconfigFull + '/'; } fileServerUri = new URI(fileServer); uriPath = fileServerUri.path() + '/' + pathUrl; $('#tree').empty().append( '' + '' + job + '' + ' — ' + '' + '' + '' + '' ); $('#git-branch').empty().append(data.git_branch); $('#git-describe').empty().append( '' + '' + kernel + '' + ' — ' + '' + '' + '' ); gitUrls = JSBase.translateCommitURL(gitUrl, gitCommit); if (gitUrls[0] !== null) { $('#git-url').empty().append( '' + gitUrl + ' ' ); } else { if (gitUrl !== null) { $('#git-url').empty().append(gitUrl); } else { $('#git-url').empty().append(nonAvail); } } if (gitUrls[1] !== null) { $('#git-commit').empty().append( '' + gitCommit + ' ' ); } else { if (gitCommit !== null) { $('#git-commit').empty().append(gitCommit); } else { $('#git-commit').empty().append(nonAvail); } } if (metadata.hasOwnProperty('cross_compile')) { $('#build-cross-compile').empty().append(metadata.cross_compile); } else { $('#build-cross-compile').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (metadata.hasOwnProperty('compiler_version')) { $('#build-compiler').empty().append(metadata.compiler_version); } else { $('#build-compiler').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (arch !== null) { $('#build-arch').empty().append(arch); } else { $('#build-arch').empty().append(nonAvail); } $('#build-errors').empty().append(data.errors); $('#build-warnings').empty().append(data.warnings); if (buildTime !== null) { $('#build-time').empty().append(buildTime + ' sec.'); } else { $('#build-time').empty().append(nonAvail); } $('#build-defconfig').empty().append( defconfigFull + ' — ' + '' + '' + '' ); $('#build-data').empty().append(createdOn.getCustomISODate()); switch (data.status) { case 'PASS': statusDisplay = '' + ''; break; case 'FAIL': statusDisplay = '' + '' + ''; break; default: statusDisplay = '' + ''; break; } $('#build-status').empty().append(statusDisplay); if (dtbDirectory !== null) { $('#dtb-dir').empty().append('' + dtbDirectory + ' ' ); } else { $('#dtb-dir').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (buildModules !== null) { $('#build-modules').empty().append('' + buildModules + ' ' ); } else { $('#build-modules').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (modulesDirectory !== null) { $('#modules-directory').empty().append('' + modulesDirectory + ' ' ); } else { $('#modules-directory').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (textOffset !== null) { $('#text-offset').empty().append(textOffset); } else { $('#text-offset').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (configFragments !== null) { if (configFragments.length > 45) { configFragments = '' + configFragments.slice(0, 46) + '…'; } $('#config-fragments').empty().append(configFragments); } else { $('#config-fragments').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (kernelImage !== null) { $('#kernel-image').empty().append('' + kernelImage + ' ' ); } else { $('#kernel-image').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (kernelConfig !== null) { $('#kernel-config').empty().append('' + kernelConfig + ' ' ); } else { $('#kernel-config').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (buildLog !== null) { $('#build-log').empty().append('' + buildLog + ' ' ); } else { $('#build-log').empty().append(nonAvail); } if (buildPlatform !== null && buildPlatform.length === 6) { $('#platform-system').empty().append(buildPlatform[0]); $('#platform-node').empty().append(buildPlatform[1]); $('#platform-release').empty().append(buildPlatform[2]); $('#platform-full-release').empty().append(buildPlatform[3]); $('#platform-machine').empty().append(buildPlatform[4]); $('#platform-cpu').empty().append(buildPlatform[5]); } else { $('#build-platform').empty().append( '
' + '
' + '
No data available.
' + '
' ); } } function populateBootSection(data) { 'use strict'; var localData = data.result, len = localData.length, colData, i = 0, totalColumns = 3, columnIndex = 1, columns = { 'col1': '
'; $('#boot-report').empty().append( columns.col1 + columns.col2 + columns.col3); $('#boot-report').append( '
' + '' + 'More details' + '
' ); } else { $('#boot-report').empty().append( '
' + '
No boot reports available.
' + '
' ); } } function ajaxBootCallFailed() { 'use strict'; $('#boot-report').empty().append( '
' + '

Error loading data.

' + '
' ); } function ajaxDefconfigCallFailed() { 'use strict'; $('.loading-content').each(function() { $(this).empty().append( '' + '' ); }); ajaxBootCallFailed(); $('#bisect-div').remove(); } function getBootReports(data) { 'use strict'; var errorReason = 'Boot data call failed', ajaxDeferredCall, bootData = { 'field': [ '_id', 'board', 'job', 'kernel', 'lab_name', 'defconfig_full' ] }; if (data._id !== null) { bootData.defconfig_id = data._id.$oid; } else { bootData.defconfig = data.defconfig; bootData.defconfig_full = data.defconfig_full; bootData.job = data.job; bootData.kernel = data.kernel; } ajaxDeferredCall = JSBase.createDeferredCall( '/_ajax/boot', 'GET', bootData, null, ajaxBootCallFailed, errorReason, null, 'boot-reports-fail' ); $.when(ajaxDeferredCall).done(populateBootSection); } function bisectAjaxCallFailed() { 'use strict'; $('#bisect-loading-div').remove(); $('#bisect-content') .removeClass('hidden') .empty() .append('Error loading bisect data from server.') .addClass('pull-center'); } function bisectCompareToAjaxCallFailed() { 'use strict'; $('#bisect-compare-loading-div').remove(); $('#bisect-compare-content') .removeClass('hidden') .empty() .append('Error loading bisect data from server.') .addClass('pull-center'); } function buildBisectComparedToMainline(data) { 'use strict'; var bisectData = data.result[0], ajaxDeferredCall, bisectElements = null, defconfigVal = null, errorReason = 'Error loading bisect data compared to mainline'; if (bisectData.job !== 'mainline') { defconfigVal = bisectData.defconfig_id.$oid; bisectElements = { showHideID: '#buildb-compare-showhide', tableDivID: '#table-compare-div', tableID: '#bisect-compare-table', tableBodyID: '#bisect-compare-table-body', contentDivID: '#bisect-compare-content', loadingDivID: '#bisect-compare-loading-div', loadingContentID: '#bisect-compare-loading-content', loadingContentText: 'loading bisect data…', badCommitID: null, goodCommitID: null, bisectScriptContainerID: '#dl-bisect-compare-script', bisectScriptContentID: '#bisect-compare-script', bisectCompareDescriptionID: '#bisect-compare-description', prevBisect: bisectData, bisectShowHideID: '#bisect-compare-hide-div' }; JSBase.removeCssClassForID('#bisect-compare-div', 'hidden'); ajaxDeferredCall = JSBase.createDeferredCall( '/_ajax/bisect?collection=defconfig&compare_to=mainline&' + 'defconfig_id=' + defconfigVal, 'GET', null, null, bisectCompareToAjaxCallFailed, errorReason, null, 'bisect-call-compare-to' ); $.when(ajaxDeferredCall).done(function(data) { Bisect.initBisect( data, bisectElements, true ); }); } else { JSBase.removeElementByID('#bisect-compare-div'); } } function getBisectData(data) { 'use strict'; var status = data.status, deferredAjaxCall, bisectElements = null, errorReason = 'Bisect data call failed'; if (status === 'FAIL') { JSBase.removeCssClassForID('#bisect', 'hidden'); JSBase.removeCssClassForID('#bisect-div', 'hidden'); if (defconfigId === 'None') { defconfigId = data._id.$oid; } deferredAjaxCall = JSBase.createDeferredCall( '/_ajax/bisect?collection=defconfig&defconfig_id=' + defconfigId, 'GET', null, null, bisectAjaxCallFailed, errorReason, null, 'bisect-failed' ); bisectElements = { showHideID: '#buildb-showhide', tableDivID: '#table-div', tableID: '#bisect-table', tableBodyID: '#bisect-table-body', contentDivID: '#bisect-content', loadingDivID: '#bisect-loading-div', loadingContentID: '#bisect-loading-content', loadingContentText: 'loading bisect data…', badCommitID: '#bad-commit', goodCommitID: '#good-commit', bisectScriptContainerID: '#dl-bisect-script', bisectScriptContentID: '#bisect-script', bisectCompareDescriptionID: null, prevBisect: null, bisectShowHideID: '#bisect-hide-div' }; $.when(deferredAjaxCall) .done(buildBisectComparedToMainline) .done(function(data) { Bisect.initBisect( data, bisectElements, false ); }); } else { JSBase.removeElementByID('#bisect'); } } function populateDefconfigAndBoot(data) { // Just a wrapper function calling jQuery 'when' with multiple functions. 'use strict'; var result = data.result[0]; $.when( populateDefconfigData(result), getBootReports(result), getBisectData(result) ); } $(document).ready(function() { 'use strict'; $('#li-build').addClass('active'); var errorReason = 'Defconfig data call failed.', ajaxData = {}, deferredAjaxCall = null; if (defconfigId !== 'None') { = defconfigId; } else { ajaxData.job = jobName; ajaxData.kernel = kernelName; ajaxData.defconfig_full = defconfigFull; } deferredAjaxCall = JSBase.createDeferredCall( '/_ajax/defconf', 'GET', ajaxData, null, ajaxDefconfigCallFailed, errorReason, null, 'defconfig-failed' ); $.when(deferredAjaxCall).done(populateDefconfigAndBoot); });