diff options
authorMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2014-12-01 18:22:10 +0100
committerMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2014-12-01 18:22:10 +0100
commite867d4860cc3ba002325c65bebede204fcba349c (patch)
parent001dfea2d1bea05b0d433e4d4381099adbb350ba (diff)
Add defconfig bisect function.
* Create function to calculate defconfig bisection. Change-Id: I10889ed928caecc53fdee92d64bf73468387aaf2
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/app/utils/bisect/__init__.py b/app/utils/bisect/__init__.py
index 6e3825f..2709edb 100644
--- a/app/utils/bisect/__init__.py
+++ b/app/utils/bisect/__init__.py
@@ -54,6 +54,23 @@ BOOT_DEFCONFIG_SEARCH_FIELDS = [
+ models.CREATED_KEY,
+ models.GIT_COMMIT_KEY,
+ models.GIT_URL_KEY,
+ models.ID_KEY,
+ models.JOB_ID_KEY,
+ models.JOB_KEY,
+ models.KERNEL_KEY,
+ models.STATUS_KEY,
def _combine_defconfig_values(boot_doc, db_options):
"""Combine the boot document values with their own defconfing.
@@ -166,7 +183,8 @@ def execute_boot_bisection(doc_id, db_options, fields=None):
result = None
bisect_doc = mbisect.BootBisectDocument(obj_id)
- bisect_doc.job = start_doc_get(models.JOB_ID_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.version = "1.0"
+ bisect_doc.job = start_doc_get(models.JOB_KEY, None)
bisect_doc.job_id = start_doc_get(models.JOB_ID_KEY, None)
bisect_doc.defconfig_id = start_doc_get(
models.DEFCONFIG_ID_KEY, None)
@@ -235,7 +253,123 @@ def execute_boot_bisection(doc_id, db_options, fields=None):
if return_code == 201:
bisect_doc.id = saved_id
- utils.LOG.error("Error savind bisect data %s", doc_id)
+ utils.LOG.error("Error saving bisect data %s", doc_id)
+ bisect_doc = _update_doc_fields(bisect_doc, fields)
+ result = [
+ json.loads(
+ json.dumps(
+ bisect_doc,
+ default=bson.json_util.default,
+ ensure_ascii=False
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ else:
+ code = 404
+ result = None
+ return code, result
+def execute_defconfig_bisection(doc_id, db_options, fields=None):
+ """Calculate bisect data for the provided defconfig report.
+ It searches all the previous defconfig built starting from the provided one
+ until it finds one that passed. After that, it combines the value into a
+ single data structure.
+ :param doc_id: The boot document ID.
+ :type doc_id: str
+ :param db_options: The mongodb database connection parameters.
+ :type db_options: dict
+ :param fields: A `fields` data structure with the fields to return or
+ exclude. Default to None.
+ :type fields: list or dict
+ :return A numeric value for the result status and a list of dictionaries.
+ """
+ database = utils.db.get_db_connection(db_options)
+ result = []
+ code = 200
+ obj_id = bson.objectid.ObjectId(doc_id)
+ start_doc = utils.db.find_one(
+ database[models.DEFCONFIG_COLLECTION],
+ [obj_id], fields=DEFCONFIG_SEARCH_FIELDS
+ )
+ if all([start_doc, isinstance(start_doc, types.DictionaryType)]):
+ start_doc_get = start_doc.get
+ if start_doc_get(models.STATUS_KEY) == models.PASS_STATUS:
+ code = 400
+ result = None
+ else:
+ bisect_doc = mbisect.DefconfigBisectDocument(obj_id)
+ bisect_doc.version = "1.0"
+ bisect_doc.arch = start_doc_get(models.ARCHITECTURE_KEY, None)
+ bisect_doc.job = start_doc_get(models.JOB_KEY, None)
+ bisect_doc.job_id = start_doc_get(models.JOB_ID_KEY, None)
+ bisect_doc.defconfig_id = start_doc_get(models.ID_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.defconfig = start_doc_get(models.DEFCONFIG_KEY, None)
+ bisect_doc.created_on = datetime.datetime.now(tz=bson.tz_util.utc)
+ bisect_doc.bad_commit_date = start_doc_get(models.CREATED_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.bad_commit = start_doc_get(models.GIT_COMMIT_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.bad_commit_url = start_doc_get(models.GIT_URL_KEY)
+ spec = {
+ models.ARCHITECTURE_KEY: start_doc_get(
+ models.CREATED_KEY: {
+ "$lt": start_doc_get(models.CREATED_KEY)
+ },
+ models.DEFCONFIG_FULL_KEY: start_doc_get(
+ models.DEFCONFIG_KEY: start_doc_get(models.DEFCONFIG_KEY),
+ models.JOB_KEY: start_doc_get(models.JOB_KEY),
+ }
+ all_valid_docs = [start_doc]
+ # Search through all the previous defconfigs, until one that
+ # passed is found.
+ all_prev_docs = utils.db.find(
+ database[models.BOOT_COLLECTION],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ spec=spec,
+ )
+ if all_prev_docs:
+ all_valid_docs.extend(
+ [
+ doc for doc in _get_docs_until_pass(all_prev_docs)
+ ]
+ )
+ # The last doc should be the good one, in case it is, add the
+ # values to the bisect_doc.
+ good_doc = all_valid_docs[-1]
+ if (good_doc[models.STATUS_KEY] == models.PASS_STATUS):
+ good_doc_get = good_doc.get
+ bisect_doc.good_commit = good_doc_get(
+ models.GIT_COMMIT_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.good_commit_url = good_doc_get(
+ models.GIT_URL_KEY)
+ bisect_doc.good_commit_date = good_doc_get(
+ models.CREATED_KEY)
+ # Store everything in the bisect data.
+ bisect_doc.bisect_data = all_valid_docs
+ return_code, saved_id = utils.db.save(
+ database, bisect_doc, manipulate=True)
+ if return_code == 201:
+ bisect_doc.id = saved_id
+ else:
+ utils.LOG.error("Error saving bisect data %s", doc_id)
bisect_doc = _update_doc_fields(bisect_doc, fields)
result = [