Django authentification backend using Crowd REST API ==================================================== This is a very rough implementation of a django backend using Crowd's REST API. It is inspired by the various forks of django-crowd-backend. Those implementations were always using SOUP. This one is just using REST API supported by Crowd. See [Atlassian]( Current implementation ====================== - Connect to Crowd server - Authenticate given user by password - Sync Django user instance with attributes from Crowd user - Setup Djnago user staff/superuser flags based on associated Crowd groups of user Features ======== - HTTPS certificate validation when connecting to secure Crowd url Missing ======= - No handling of SSO cookie Dependencies ============ - just 'urllib2' with a little tweak from [VerifiedHTTPS]( to allow validation of https certificate. How to use it ============= - Edit to add 'crowdrest' app to your list of apps - Adapt configuration settings for crowdrest in by adding _whether you want to sync django users from Crowd attributes_ AUTH_CROWD_ALWAYS_UPDATE_USER = True _whether you want to sync django groups from Crowd groups_ AUTH_CROWD_ALWAYS_UPDATE_GROUPS = True If you use any form of group-based autorization/permission checking, you'd rather have this as True (default). In particular, AUTH_CROWD_STAFF_GROUP & AUTH_CROWD_SUPERUSER_GROUP settings depend on this. _whether you want to sync all user's Crowd groups into Django_ AUTH_CROWD_CREATE_GROUPS = False This setting is considered only if AUTH_CROWD_ALWAYS_UPDATE_GROUPS = True. If this is True, then all user's groups in Crowd will be synced to Django (so, effectively, you'll be able to check Crowd group memberships using Django API). If set to False (default), no groups will be created by backend, and only groups already existing in Django will be considered (i.e. user group membership in Django will be updated to intersection of user's Crowd groups and all available Django groups). you'd rather have this as True (default). In particular, AUTH_CROWD_STAFF_GROUP & AUTH_CROWD_SUPERUSER_GROUP settings depend on this. _Django user will get staff flag when Crowd user is in given Crowd group_ AUTH_CROWD_STAFF_GROUP = 'staff' _Django user will get superuser flag when Crowd user is in given Crowd group_ AUTH_CROWD_SUPERUSER_GROUP = 'superuser' Note that superuser group member does not imply staff membership and vice versa (make sure you read Django docs to understand the difference). _crowdrest will use this username and password to connect to Crowd server_ AUTH_CROWD_APPLICATION_USER = 'django' AUTH_CROWD_APPLICATION_PASSWORD = 'django' _URL to Crowd REST API_ AUTH_CROWD_SERVER_REST_URI = '' _Use given certificate file to validate https connection to Crowd server_ AUTH_CROWD_SERVER_TRUSTED_ROOT_CERTS_FILE = None Problems ? ========== Just send me a message. Let's see if I can help. License ======= Use this code as you want. Consider it free. Say thank you. Don't blame me if it doesn't work for you.