--- # TEMPLATE FILE # # This is a template file, of all options available # If the same information is used on multiple variables, for example docker_templates # or volumes, then it is recommended to use the !include constructor. For example # !include docker_template_name.yml. # # Reference: # https://github.com/KostyaSha/yet-another-docker-plugin/blob/master/docs/script-console-scripts/configure-yadocker-cloud.groovy # - host1: cloud_name: host1 docker_url: tcp:// docker_api_version: '2' host_credentials_id: # valid values: netty, jersey connection_type: netty connect_timeout: 0 max_containers: 1 docker_templates: - docker-image: max_instances: 1 # DOCKER CONTAINER LIFECYCLE docker_image_name: '' # PULL IMAGE SETTINGS # valid values: pull_latest, pull_always, pull_once, pull_never pull_strategy: 'pull_latest' pull_registry_credentials_id: '' # CREATE CONTAINER SETTINGS docker_command: '' hostname: '' dns: '' #volumes requires /n on next line if more than one volume is used volumes: '/var/example:/var/example:ro \n/var/example2:/var/example2:rw' volumes_from: '' #environment requires /n on nextline if more than one env is used environment: '' port_bindings: '' bind_all_declared_ports: false #0 is unlimited memory_limit_in_mb: 0 #0 is unlimited cpu_shares: 0 run_container_privileged: false allocate_pseudo_tty: false mac_address: '' #extra_hosts requires /n on nextline if more than one host is used extra_hosts: '' network_mode: '' #devices requires /n on nextline if more than one device is used devices: '' cpuset_constraint_cpus: '' cpuset_constraint_mems: '' #links requires /n on nextline if more than one link is used links: '' #STOP CONTAINER SETTINGS stop_container_timeout: 10 remove_volumes: false force_remove_containers: false #JENKINS SLAVE CONFIG remote_fs_root: '/home/jenkins' labels: 'docker' #valid values: exclusive or normal usage: 'exclusive' availability_strategy: 'docker_once_retention_strategy' availability_idle_timeout: 10 executors: 1 #LAUNCH METHOD #valid values: launch_ssh *OR* launch_jnlp launch_method: 'launch_ssh' #settings specific to launch_ssh (you only need one or the other) ssh: launch_ssh_credentials_id: '' launch_ssh_port: 22 launch_ssh_java_path: '' launch_ssh_jvm_options: '' launch_ssh_prefix_start_slave_command: '' launch_ssh_suffix_start_slave_command: '' launch_ssh_connection_timeout: 120 launch_ssh_max_num_retries: 10 launch_ssh_time_wait_between_retries: 10 #settings specific to launch_jnlp launch_method: 'launch_jnlp' jnlp: launch_jnlp_linux_user: 'jenkins' launch_jnlp_lauch_timeout: 120 launch_jnlp_slave_jar_options: '' launch_jnlp_slave_jvm_options: '' launch_jnlp_different_jenkins_master_url: '' launch_jnlp_ignore_certificate_check: false #NODE PROPERTIES #environment_variables is a HashMap of key/value pairs environment_variables: '[:]' #tool location key/value pairs from https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/java/hudson/tools/ToolLocationNodeProperty.java #The key is type@name = home where type is typically the class name of the tool and name is the name given in the Global Tools configuration. #For example let's say you have a global tool configuration named OracleJDK8 for JDK installations #tool_locations would be something like ['hudson.model.JDK$DescriptorImpl@OracleJDK8': '/path/to/java_home'] #If you're unsure of the tool@name then check config.xml where YADocker configurations are saved. tool_locations: '[:]' remote_fs_root_mapping: ''