path: root/Bugzilla/Install/Util.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/Install/Util.pm')
1 files changed, 918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/Install/Util.pm b/Bugzilla/Install/Util.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc41db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/Install/Util.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package Bugzilla::Install::Util;
+# The difference between this module and Bugzilla::Util is that this
+# module may require *only* Bugzilla::Constants and built-in
+# perl modules.
+use strict;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Encode;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use POSIX qw(setlocale LC_CTYPE);
+use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
+use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
+use PerlIO;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ bin_loc
+ get_version_and_os
+ extension_code_files
+ extension_package_directory
+ extension_requirement_packages
+ extension_template_directory
+ extension_web_directory
+ indicate_progress
+ install_string
+ include_languages
+ success
+ template_include_path
+ vers_cmp
+ init_console
+sub bin_loc {
+ my ($bin, $path) = @_;
+ # This module is not needed most of the time and is a bit slow,
+ # so we only load it when calling bin_loc().
+ require ExtUtils::MM;
+ # If the binary is a full path...
+ if ($bin =~ m{[/\\]}) {
+ return MM->maybe_command($bin) || '';
+ }
+ # Otherwise we look for it in the path in a cross-platform way.
+ my @path = $path ? @$path : File::Spec->path;
+ foreach my $dir (@path) {
+ next if !-d $dir;
+ my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $bin);
+ # MM is an alias for ExtUtils::MM. maybe_command is nice
+ # because it checks .com, .bat, .exe (etc.) on Windows.
+ my $command = MM->maybe_command($full_path);
+ return $command if $command;
+ }
+ return '';
+sub get_version_and_os {
+ # Display version information
+ my @os_details = POSIX::uname;
+ # 0 is the name of the OS, 2 is the major version,
+ my $os_name = $os_details[0] . ' ' . $os_details[2];
+ if (ON_WINDOWS) {
+ require Win32;
+ $os_name = Win32::GetOSName();
+ }
+ # $os_details[3] is the minor version.
+ return { bz_ver => BUGZILLA_VERSION,
+ perl_ver => sprintf('%vd', $^V),
+ os_name => $os_name,
+ os_ver => $os_details[3] };
+sub _extension_paths {
+ my $dir = bz_locations()->{'extensionsdir'};
+ my @extension_items = glob("$dir/*");
+ my @paths;
+ foreach my $item (@extension_items) {
+ my $basename = basename($item);
+ # Skip CVS directories and any hidden files/dirs.
+ next if ($basename eq 'CVS' or $basename =~ /^\./);
+ if (-d $item) {
+ if (!-e "$item/disabled") {
+ push(@paths, $item);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($item =~ /\.pm$/i) {
+ push(@paths, $item);
+ }
+ }
+ return @paths;
+sub extension_code_files {
+ my ($requirements_only) = @_;
+ my @files;
+ foreach my $path (_extension_paths()) {
+ my @load_files;
+ if (-d $path) {
+ my $extension_file = "$path/Extension.pm";
+ my $config_file = "$path/Config.pm";
+ if (-e $extension_file) {
+ push(@load_files, $extension_file);
+ }
+ if (-e $config_file) {
+ push(@load_files, $config_file);
+ }
+ # Don't load Extension.pm if we just want Config.pm and
+ # we found both.
+ if ($requirements_only and scalar(@load_files) == 2) {
+ shift(@load_files);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@load_files, $path);
+ }
+ next if !scalar(@load_files);
+ # We know that these paths are safe, because they came from
+ # extensionsdir and we checked them specifically for their format.
+ # Also, the only thing we ever do with them is pass them to "require".
+ trick_taint($_) foreach @load_files;
+ push(@files, \@load_files);
+ }
+ my @additional;
+ my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
+ my $addl_file = "$datadir/extensions/additional";
+ if (-e $addl_file) {
+ open(my $fh, '<', $addl_file) || die "$addl_file: $!";
+ @additional = map { trim($_) } <$fh>;
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ return (\@files, \@additional);
+# Used by _get_extension_requirements in Bugzilla::Install::Requirements.
+sub extension_requirement_packages {
+ # If we're in a .cgi script or some time that's not the requirements phase,
+ # just use Bugzilla->extensions. This avoids running the below code during
+ # a normal Bugzilla page, which is important because the below code
+ # doesn't actually function right if it runs after
+ # Bugzilla::Extension->load_all (because stuff has already been loaded).
+ # (This matters because almost every page calls Bugzilla->feature, which
+ # calls OPTIONAL_MODULES, which calls this method.)
+ #
+ # We check if Bugzilla.pm is already loaded, instead of doing a "require",
+ # because we *do* want the code lower down to run during the Requirements
+ # phase of checksetup.pl, instead of Bugzilla->extensions, and Bugzilla.pm
+ # actually *can* be loaded during the Requirements phase if all the
+ # requirements have already been installed.
+ if ($INC{'Bugzilla.pm'}) {
+ return Bugzilla->extensions;
+ }
+ my $packages = _cache()->{extension_requirement_packages};
+ return $packages if $packages;
+ $packages = [];
+ my %package_map;
+ my ($file_sets, $extra_packages) = extension_code_files('requirements only');
+ foreach my $file_set (@$file_sets) {
+ my $file = shift @$file_set;
+ my $name = require $file;
+ if ($name =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ die install_string('extension_must_return_name',
+ { file => $file, returned => $name });
+ }
+ my $package = "Bugzilla::Extension::$name";
+ if ($package->can('package_dir')) {
+ $package->package_dir($file);
+ }
+ else {
+ extension_package_directory($package, $file);
+ }
+ $package_map{$file} = $package;
+ push(@$packages, $package);
+ }
+ foreach my $package (@$extra_packages) {
+ eval("require $package") || die $@;
+ push(@$packages, $package);
+ }
+ _cache()->{extension_requirement_packages} = $packages;
+ # Used by Bugzilla::Extension->load if it's called after this method
+ # (which only happens during checksetup.pl, currently).
+ _cache()->{extension_requirement_package_map} = \%package_map;
+ return $packages;
+# Used in this file and in Bugzilla::Extension.
+sub extension_template_directory {
+ my $extension = shift;
+ my $class = ref($extension) || $extension;
+ my $base_dir = extension_package_directory($class);
+ if ($base_dir eq bz_locations->{'extensionsdir'}) {
+ return bz_locations->{'templatedir'};
+ }
+ return "$base_dir/template";
+# Used in this file and in Bugzilla::Extension.
+sub extension_web_directory {
+ my $extension = shift;
+ my $class = ref($extension) || $extension;
+ my $base_dir = extension_package_directory($class);
+ return "$base_dir/web";
+# For extensions that are in the extensions/ dir, this both sets and fetches
+# the name of the directory that stores an extension's "stuff". We need this
+# when determining the template directory for extensions (or other things
+# that are relative to the extension's base directory).
+sub extension_package_directory {
+ my ($invocant, $file) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
+ # $file is set on the first invocation, store the value in the extension's
+ # package for retrieval on subsequent calls
+ my $var;
+ {
+ no warnings 'once';
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $var = \${"${class}::EXTENSION_PACKAGE_DIR"};
+ }
+ if ($file) {
+ $$var = dirname($file);
+ }
+ my $value = $$var;
+ # This is for extensions loaded from data/extensions/additional.
+ if (!$value) {
+ my $short_path = $class;
+ $short_path =~ s/::/\//g;
+ $short_path .= ".pm";
+ my $long_path = $INC{$short_path};
+ die "$short_path is not in \%INC" if !$long_path;
+ $value = $long_path;
+ $value =~ s/\.pm//;
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub indicate_progress {
+ my ($params) = @_;
+ my $current = $params->{current};
+ my $total = $params->{total};
+ my $every = $params->{every} || 1;
+ print "." if !($current % $every);
+ if ($current == $total || $current % ($every * 60) == 0) {
+ print "$current/$total (" . int($current * 100 / $total) . "%)\n";
+ }
+sub install_string {
+ my ($string_id, $vars) = @_;
+ _cache()->{install_string_path} ||= template_include_path();
+ my $path = _cache()->{install_string_path};
+ my $string_template;
+ # Find the first template that defines this string.
+ foreach my $dir (@$path) {
+ my $base = "$dir/setup/strings";
+ $string_template = _get_string_from_file($string_id, "$base.txt.pl")
+ if !defined $string_template;
+ last if defined $string_template;
+ }
+ die "No language defines the string '$string_id'"
+ if !defined $string_template;
+ utf8::decode($string_template) if !utf8::is_utf8($string_template);
+ $vars ||= {};
+ my @replace_keys = keys %$vars;
+ foreach my $key (@replace_keys) {
+ my $replacement = $vars->{$key};
+ die "'$key' in '$string_id' is tainted: '$replacement'"
+ if tainted($replacement);
+ # We don't want people to start getting clever and inserting
+ # ##variable## into their values. So we check if any other
+ # key is listed in the *replacement* string, before doing
+ # the replacement. This is mostly to protect programmers from
+ # making mistakes.
+ if (grep($replacement =~ /##$key##/, @replace_keys)) {
+ die "Unsafe replacement for '$key' in '$string_id': '$replacement'";
+ }
+ $string_template =~ s/\Q##$key##\E/$replacement/g;
+ }
+ return $string_template;
+sub _wanted_languages {
+ my ($requested, @wanted);
+ # Checking SERVER_SOFTWARE is the same as i_am_cgi() in Bugzilla::Util.
+ if (exists $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}) {
+ my $cgi = eval { Bugzilla->cgi } || eval { require CGI; return CGI->new() };
+ $requested = $cgi->http('Accept-Language') || '';
+ my $lang = $cgi->cookie('LANG');
+ push(@wanted, $lang) if $lang;
+ }
+ else {
+ $requested = get_console_locale();
+ }
+ push(@wanted, _sort_accept_language($requested));
+ return \@wanted;
+sub _wanted_to_actual_languages {
+ my ($wanted, $supported) = @_;
+ my @actual;
+ foreach my $lang (@$wanted) {
+ # If we support the language we want, or *any version* of
+ # the language we want, it gets pushed into @actual.
+ #
+ # Per RFC 1766 and RFC 2616, things like 'en' match 'en-us' and
+ # 'en-uk', but not the other way around. (This is unfortunately
+ # not very clearly stated in those RFC; see comment just over 14.5
+ # in http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4)
+ my @found = grep(/^\Q$lang\E(-.+)?$/i, @$supported);
+ push(@actual, @found) if @found;
+ }
+ # We always include English at the bottom if it's not there, even if
+ # it wasn't selected by the user.
+ if (!grep($_ eq 'en', @actual)) {
+ push(@actual, 'en');
+ }
+ return \@actual;
+sub supported_languages {
+ my $cache = _cache();
+ return $cache->{supported_languages} if $cache->{supported_languages};
+ my @dirs = glob(bz_locations()->{'templatedir'} . "/*");
+ my @languages;
+ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ # It's a language directory only if it contains "default" or
+ # "custom". This auto-excludes CVS directories as well.
+ next if (!-d "$dir/default" and !-d "$dir/custom");
+ my $lang = basename($dir);
+ # Check for language tag format conforming to RFC 1766.
+ next unless $lang =~ /^[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})?$/;
+ push(@languages, $lang);
+ }
+ $cache->{supported_languages} = \@languages;
+ return \@languages;
+sub include_languages {
+ my ($params) = @_;
+ # Basically, the way this works is that we have a list of languages
+ # that we *want*, and a list of languages that Bugzilla actually
+ # supports. If there is only one language installed, we take it.
+ my $supported = supported_languages();
+ return @$supported if @$supported == 1;
+ my $wanted;
+ if ($params->{language}) {
+ # We can pass several languages at once as an arrayref
+ # or a single language.
+ $wanted = $params->{language};
+ $wanted = [$wanted] unless ref $wanted;
+ }
+ else {
+ $wanted = _wanted_languages();
+ }
+ my $actual = _wanted_to_actual_languages($wanted, $supported);
+ return @$actual;
+# Used by template_include_path
+sub _template_lang_directories {
+ my ($languages, $templatedir) = @_;
+ my @add = qw(custom default);
+ my $project = bz_locations->{'project'};
+ unshift(@add, $project) if $project;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $lang (@$languages) {
+ foreach my $dir (@add) {
+ my $full_dir = "$templatedir/$lang/$dir";
+ if (-d $full_dir) {
+ trick_taint($full_dir);
+ push(@result, $full_dir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @result;
+# Used by template_include_path.
+sub _template_base_directories {
+ # First, we add extension template directories, because extension templates
+ # override standard templates. Extensions may be localized in the same way
+ # that Bugzilla templates are localized.
+ #
+ # We use extension_requirement_packages instead of Bugzilla->extensions
+ # because this fucntion is called during the requirements phase of
+ # installation (so Bugzilla->extensions isn't available).
+ my $extensions = extension_requirement_packages();
+ my @template_dirs;
+ foreach my $extension (@$extensions) {
+ my $dir;
+ # If there's a template_dir method available in the extension
+ # package, then call it. Note that this has to be defined in
+ # Config.pm for extensions that have a Config.pm, to be effective
+ # during the Requirements phase of checksetup.pl.
+ if ($extension->can('template_dir')) {
+ $dir = $extension->template_dir;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = extension_template_directory($extension);
+ }
+ if (-d $dir) {
+ push(@template_dirs, $dir);
+ }
+ }
+ # Extensions may also contain *only* templates, in which case they
+ # won't show up in extension_requirement_packages.
+ foreach my $path (_extension_paths()) {
+ next if !-d $path;
+ if (!-e "$path/Extension.pm" and !-e "$path/Config.pm"
+ and -d "$path/template")
+ {
+ push(@template_dirs, "$path/template");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@template_dirs, bz_locations()->{'templatedir'});
+ return \@template_dirs;
+sub template_include_path {
+ my ($params) = @_;
+ my @used_languages = include_languages($params);
+ # Now, we add template directories in the order they will be searched:
+ my $template_dirs = _template_base_directories();
+ my @include_path;
+ foreach my $template_dir (@$template_dirs) {
+ my @lang_dirs = _template_lang_directories(\@used_languages,
+ $template_dir);
+ # Hooks get each set of extension directories separately.
+ if ($params->{hook}) {
+ push(@include_path, \@lang_dirs);
+ }
+ # Whereas everything else just gets a whole INCLUDE_PATH.
+ else {
+ push(@include_path, @lang_dirs);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@include_path;
+# This is taken straight from Sort::Versions 1.5, which is not included
+# with perl by default.
+sub vers_cmp {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ # Remove leading zeroes - Bug 344661
+ $a =~ s/^0*(\d.+)/$1/;
+ $b =~ s/^0*(\d.+)/$1/;
+ my @A = ($a =~ /([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)/g);
+ my @B = ($b =~ /([-.]|\d+|[^-.\d]+)/g);
+ my ($A, $B);
+ while (@A and @B) {
+ $A = shift @A;
+ $B = shift @B;
+ if ($A eq '-' and $B eq '-') {
+ next;
+ } elsif ( $A eq '-' ) {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif ( $B eq '-') {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($A eq '.' and $B eq '.') {
+ next;
+ } elsif ( $A eq '.' ) {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif ( $B eq '.' ) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($A =~ /^\d+$/ and $B =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ if ($A =~ /^0/ || $B =~ /^0/) {
+ return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B;
+ } else {
+ return $A <=> $B if $A <=> $B;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $A = uc $A;
+ $B = uc $B;
+ return $A cmp $B if $A cmp $B;
+ }
+ }
+ @A <=> @B;
+sub no_checksetup_from_cgi {
+ print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n";
+ print install_string('no_checksetup_from_cgi');
+ exit;
+# Helper Subroutines #
+# Used by install_string
+sub _get_string_from_file {
+ my ($string_id, $file) = @_;
+ # If we already loaded the file, then use its copy from the cache.
+ if (my $strings = _cache()->{strings_from_file}->{$file}) {
+ return $strings->{$string_id};
+ }
+ # This module is only needed by checksetup.pl,
+ # so only load it when needed.
+ require Safe;
+ return undef if !-e $file;
+ my $safe = new Safe;
+ $safe->rdo($file);
+ my %strings = %{$safe->varglob('strings')};
+ _cache()->{strings_from_file}->{$file} = \%strings;
+ return $strings{$string_id};
+# Make an ordered list out of a HTTP Accept-Language header (see RFC 2616, 14.4)
+# We ignore '*' and <language-range>;q=0
+# For languages with the same priority q the order remains unchanged.
+sub _sort_accept_language {
+ sub sortQvalue { $b->{'qvalue'} <=> $a->{'qvalue'} }
+ my $accept_language = $_[0];
+ # clean up string.
+ $accept_language =~ s/[^A-Za-z;q=0-9\.\-,]//g;
+ my @qlanguages;
+ my @languages;
+ foreach(split /,/, $accept_language) {
+ if (m/([A-Za-z\-]+)(?:;q=(\d(?:\.\d+)))?/) {
+ my $lang = $1;
+ my $qvalue = $2;
+ $qvalue = 1 if not defined $qvalue;
+ next if $qvalue == 0;
+ $qvalue = 1 if $qvalue > 1;
+ push(@qlanguages, {'qvalue' => $qvalue, 'language' => $lang});
+ }
+ }
+ return map($_->{'language'}, (sort sortQvalue @qlanguages));
+sub get_console_locale {
+ require Locale::Language;
+ my $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE);
+ my $language;
+ # Some distros set e.g. LC_CTYPE = fr_CH.UTF-8. We clean it up.
+ if ($locale =~ /^([^\.]+)/) {
+ $locale = $1;
+ }
+ $locale =~ s/_/-/;
+ # It's pretty sure that there is no language pack of the form fr-CH
+ # installed, so we also include fr as a wanted language.
+ if ($locale =~ /^(\S+)\-/) {
+ $language = $1;
+ $locale .= ",$language";
+ }
+ else {
+ $language = $locale;
+ }
+ # Some OSs or distributions may have setlocale return a string of the form
+ # German_Germany.1252 (this example taken from a Windows XP system), which
+ # is unsuitable for our needs because Bugzilla works on language codes.
+ # We try and convert them here.
+ if ($language = Locale::Language::language2code($language)) {
+ $locale .= ",$language";
+ }
+ return $locale;
+sub set_output_encoding {
+ # If we've already set an encoding layer on STDOUT, don't
+ # add another one.
+ my @stdout_layers = PerlIO::get_layers(STDOUT);
+ return if grep(/^encoding/, @stdout_layers);
+ my $encoding;
+ if (ON_WINDOWS and eval { require Win32::Console }) {
+ # Although setlocale() works on Windows, it doesn't always return
+ # the current *console's* encoding. So we use OutputCP here instead,
+ # when we can.
+ $encoding = Win32::Console::OutputCP();
+ }
+ else {
+ my $locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE);
+ if ($locale =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/) {
+ $encoding = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ $encoding = "cp$encoding" if ON_WINDOWS;
+ $encoding = Encode::resolve_alias($encoding) if $encoding;
+ if ($encoding and $encoding !~ /utf-8/i) {
+ binmode STDOUT, ":encoding($encoding)";
+ binmode STDERR, ":encoding($encoding)";
+ }
+ else {
+ binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+ binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+ }
+sub init_console {
+ eval { ON_WINDOWS && require Win32::Console::ANSI; };
+ $ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'} = 1 if ($@ || !-t *STDOUT);
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = \&_console_die;
+ prevent_windows_dialog_boxes();
+ set_output_encoding();
+sub _console_die {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ # $^S means "we are in an eval"
+ if ($^S) {
+ die $message;
+ }
+ # Remove newlines from the message before we color it, and then
+ # add them back in on display. Otherwise the ANSI escape code
+ # for resetting the color comes after the newline, and Perl thinks
+ # that it should put "at Bugzilla/Install.pm line 1234" after the
+ # message.
+ $message =~ s/\n+$//;
+ # We put quotes around the message to stringify any object exceptions,
+ # like Template::Exception.
+ die colored("$message", COLOR_ERROR) . "\n";
+sub success {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ print colored($message, COLOR_SUCCESS), "\n";
+sub prevent_windows_dialog_boxes {
+ # This code comes from http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=82183
+ # and prevents Perl modules from popping up dialog boxes, particularly
+ # during checksetup (since loading DBD::Oracle during checksetup when
+ # Oracle isn't installed causes a scary popup and pauses checksetup).
+ #
+ # Win32::API ships with ActiveState by default, though there could
+ # theoretically be a Windows installation without it, I suppose.
+ if (ON_WINDOWS and eval { require Win32::API }) {
+ # Call kernel32.SetErrorMode with arguments that mean:
+ # "The system does not display the critical-error-handler message box.
+ # Instead, the system sends the error to the calling process." and
+ # "A child process inherits the error mode of its parent process."
+ my $SetErrorMode = Win32::API->new('kernel32', 'SetErrorMode',
+ 'I', 'I');
+ }
+# This is like request_cache, but it's used only by installation code
+# for checksetup.pl and things like that.
+our $_cache = {};
+sub _cache {
+ # If the normal request_cache is available (which happens any time
+ # after the requirements phase) then we should use that.
+ if (eval { Bugzilla->request_cache; }) {
+ return Bugzilla->request_cache;
+ }
+ return $_cache;
+# Copied from Bugzilla::Util #
+sub trick_taint {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::confess("Undef to trick_taint") unless defined $_[0];
+ my $match = $_[0] =~ /^(.*)$/s;
+ $_[0] = $match ? $1 : undef;
+ return (defined($_[0]));
+sub trim {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ if ($str) {
+ $str =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $str =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ }
+ return $str;
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::Install::Util - Utility functions that are useful both during
+installation and afterwards.
+This module contains various subroutines that are used primarily
+during installation. However, these subroutines can also be useful to
+non-installation code, so they have been split out into this module.
+The difference between this module and L<Bugzilla::Util> is that this
+module is safe to C<use> anywhere in Bugzilla, even during installation,
+because it depends only on L<Bugzilla::Constants> and built-in perl modules.
+None of the subroutines are exported by default--you must explicitly
+export them.
+=item C<bin_loc>
+On *nix systems, given the name of a binary, returns the path to that
+binary, if the binary is in the C<PATH>.
+=item C<get_version_and_os>
+Returns a hash containing information about what version of Bugzilla we're
+running, what perl version we're using, and what OS we're running on.
+=item C<get_console_locale>
+Returns the language to use based on the LC_CTYPE value returned by the OS.
+If LC_CTYPE is of the form fr-CH, then fr is appended to the list.
+=item C<init_console>
+Sets the C<ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED> and C<HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE> environment variables.
+=item C<indicate_progress>
+=item B<Description>
+This prints out lines of dots as a long update is going on, to let the user
+know where we are and that we're not frozen. A new line of dots will start
+every 60 dots.
+Sample usage: C<indicate_progress({ total =E<gt> $total, current =E<gt>
+$count, every =E<gt> 1 })>
+=item B<Sample Output>
+Here's some sample output with C<total = 1000> and C<every = 10>:
+ ............................................................600/1000 (60%)
+ ........................................
+=item B<Params>
+=item C<total> - The total number of items we're processing.
+=item C<current> - The number of the current item we're processing.
+=item C<every> - How often the function should print out a dot.
+For example, if this is 10, the function will print out a dot every
+ten items. Defaults to 1 if not specified.
+=item B<Returns>: nothing
+=item C<install_string>
+=item B<Description>
+This is a very simple method of templating strings for installation.
+It should only be used by code that has to run before the Template Toolkit
+can be used. (See the comments at the top of the various L<Bugzilla::Install>
+modules to find out when it's safe to use Template Toolkit.)
+It pulls strings out of the F<strings.txt.pl> "template" and replaces
+any variable surrounded by double-hashes (##) with a value you specify.
+This allows for localization of strings used during installation.
+=item B<Example>
+Let's say your template string looks like this:
+ The ##animal## jumped over the ##plant##.
+Let's say that string is called 'animal_jump_plant'. So you call the function
+like this:
+ install_string('animal_jump_plant', { animal => 'fox', plant => 'tree' });
+That will output this:
+ The fox jumped over the tree.
+=item B<Params>
+=item C<$string_id> - The name of the string from F<strings.txt.pl>.
+=item C<$vars> - A hashref containing the replacement values for variables
+inside of the string.
+=item B<Returns>: The appropriate string, with variables replaced.
+=item C<template_include_path>
+Used by L<Bugzilla::Template> and L</install_string> to determine the
+directories where templates are installed. Templates can be installed
+in many places. They're listed here in the basic order that they're
+=item extensions/C<$extension>/template/C<$language>/C<$project>
+=item extensions/C<$extension>/template/C<$language>/custom
+=item extensions/C<$extension>/template/C<$language>/default
+=item template/C<$language>/C<$project>
+=item template/C<$language>/custom
+=item template/C<$language>/default
+C<$project> has to do with installations that are using the C<$ENV{PROJECT}>
+variable to have different "views" on a single Bugzilla.
+The F<default> directory includes templates shipped with Bugzilla.
+The F<custom> directory is a directory for local installations to override
+the F<default> templates. Any individual template in F<custom> will
+override a template of the same name and path in F<default>.
+C<$language> is a language code, C<en> being the default language shipped
+with Bugzilla. Localizers ship other languages.
+C<$extension> is the name of any directory in the F<extensions/> directory.
+Each extension has its own directory.
+Note that languages are sorted by the user's preference (as specified
+in their browser, usually), and extensions are sorted alphabetically.
+=item C<include_languages>
+Used by L<Bugzilla::Template> to determine the languages' list which
+are compiled with the browser's I<Accept-Language> and the languages
+of installed templates.
+=item C<vers_cmp>
+=item B<Description>
+This is a comparison function, like you would use in C<sort>, except that
+it compares two version numbers. So, for example, 2.10 would be greater
+than 2.2.
+It's based on versioncmp from L<Sort::Versions>, with some Bugzilla-specific
+=item B<Params>: C<$a> and C<$b> - The versions you want to compare.
+=item B<Returns>
+C<-1> if C<$a> is less than C<$b>, C<0> if they are equal, or C<1> if C<$a>
+is greater than C<$b>.