path: root/drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c
diff options
authorGreg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>2012-06-19 16:15:42 -0700
committerGreg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>2012-06-19 16:37:01 -0700
commit635d2b00e5070378e7bf812acf47fb135c6ab928 (patch)
tree7048a0a511f3d221aa2dfe40aa3a401991f1b175 /drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c
parent15a4bc17b7f4e85cb019e683f14e834078ec2208 (diff)
Staging: add CSR wifi module
This consists of two modules, the driver, and a "helper" module that is just a wrapper around common kernel functions. The wrapper module will be removed soon, but for now it's needed. These files were based on the csr-linux-wifi-5.0.3-oss.tar.gz package provided by CSR and Blue Giga, and is covered under the license specified in the LICENSE.txt file (basically dual BSD and GPLv2). The files were flattened out of the deep directory mess they were originally in, and a few EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL() were added in order for everything to link properly with the helper module setup. Cc: Mikko Virkkilä <mikko.virkkila@bluegiga.com> Cc: Lauri Hintsala <Lauri.Hintsala@bluegiga.com> Cc: Riku Mettälä <riku.mettala@bluegiga.com> Cc: Veli-Pekka Peltola <veli-pekka.peltola@bluegiga.com> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c b/drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec7e01dda40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/staging/csr/csr_wifi_router_transport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/** @file router_transport.c
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd 2006-2010. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Refer to LICENSE.txt included with this source code for details on
+ * the license terms.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "unifi_priv.h"
+#include "csr_types.h"
+#include "csr_sched.h"
+#include "csr_msgconv.h"
+#include "sme_userspace.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_hostio_prim.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_lib.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_sef.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_converter_init.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_ctrl_lib.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_ctrl_sef.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_router_ctrl_converter_init.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_sme_prim.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_sme_sef.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_sme_converter_init.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_nme_ap_prim.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_nme_ap_sef.h"
+#include "csr_wifi_nme_ap_converter_init.h"
+static unifi_priv_t *drvpriv = NULL;
+void CsrWifiRouterTransportInit(unifi_priv_t *priv)
+ unifi_trace(priv, UDBG1, "CsrWifiRouterTransportInit: \n");
+ drvpriv = priv;
+ (void)CsrMsgConvInit();
+ CsrWifiRouterConverterInit();
+ CsrWifiRouterCtrlConverterInit();
+ CsrWifiSmeConverterInit();
+ CsrWifiNmeApConverterInit();
+void CsrWifiRouterTransportDeinit(unifi_priv_t *priv)
+ unifi_trace(priv, UDBG1, "CsrWifiRouterTransportDeinit: \n");
+ if (priv == drvpriv)
+ {
+ CsrMsgConvDeinit();
+ drvpriv = NULL;
+ }
+void CsrWifiRouterTransportRecv(unifi_priv_t *priv, CsrUint8* buffer, CsrSize bufferLength)
+ CsrMsgConvMsgEntry* msgEntry;
+ CsrUint16 primType;
+ CsrSchedQid src;
+ CsrSchedQid dest;
+ CsrUint16 msgType;
+ CsrSize offset = 0;
+ CsrWifiFsmEvent* msg;
+ /* Decode the prim and message type */
+ CsrUint16Des(&primType, buffer, &offset);
+ CsrUint16Des(&src, buffer, &offset);
+ CsrUint16Des(&dest, buffer, &offset);
+ CsrUint16Des(&msgType, buffer, &offset);
+ offset -= 2; /* Adjust as the Deserialise Function will read this as well */
+ unifi_trace(priv, UDBG4, "CsrWifiRouterTransportRecv: primType=0x%.4X, msgType=0x%.4X, bufferLength=%d\n",
+ primType, msgType, bufferLength);
+ /* Special handling for HOSTIO messages.... */
+ if (primType == CSR_WIFI_HOSTIO_PRIM)
+ {
+ CsrWifiRouterCtrlHipReq req = {{CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_CTRL_HIP_REQ, CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_CTRL_PRIM, dest, src, NULL}, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL};
+ req.mlmeCommandLength = bufferLength;
+ req.mlmeCommand = buffer;
+ offset += 8;/* Skip the id, src, dest and slot number */
+ CsrUint16Des(&req.dataRef1Length, buffer, &offset);
+ offset += 2; /* Skip the slot number */
+ CsrUint16Des(&req.dataRef2Length, buffer, &offset);
+ if (req.dataRef1Length)
+ {
+ CsrUint16 dr1Offset = (bufferLength - req.dataRef2Length) - req.dataRef1Length;
+ req.dataRef1 = &buffer[dr1Offset];
+ }
+ if (req.dataRef2Length)
+ {
+ CsrUint16 dr2Offset = bufferLength - req.dataRef2Length;
+ req.dataRef2 = &buffer[dr2Offset];
+ }
+ /* Copy the hip data but strip off the prim type */
+ req.mlmeCommandLength -= (req.dataRef1Length + req.dataRef2Length + 6);
+ req.mlmeCommand = &buffer[6];
+ CsrWifiRouterCtrlHipReqHandler(priv, &req.common);
+ return;
+ }
+ msgEntry = CsrMsgConvFindEntry(primType, msgType);
+ if (!msgEntry)
+ {
+ unifi_error(priv, "CsrWifiRouterTransportDeserialiseAndSend can not process the message. primType=0x%.4X, msgType=0x%.4X\n",
+ primType, msgType);
+ dump(buffer, bufferLength);
+ return;
+ }
+ msg = (CsrWifiFsmEvent*)(msgEntry->deserFunc)(&buffer[offset], bufferLength - offset);
+ msg->primtype = primType;
+ msg->type = msgType;
+ msg->source = src;
+ msg->destination = dest;
+ switch(primType)
+ {
+ CsrWifiRouterCtrlDownstreamStateHandlers[msg->type - CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_CTRL_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST](priv, msg);
+ CsrWifiRouterCtrlFreeDownstreamMessageContents(CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_CTRL_PRIM, msg);
+ break;
+ CsrWifiRouterDownstreamStateHandlers[msg->type - CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_PRIM_DOWNSTREAM_LOWEST](priv, msg);
+ CsrWifiRouterFreeDownstreamMessageContents(CSR_WIFI_ROUTER_PRIM, msg);
+ break;
+ CsrWifiSmeUpstreamStateHandlers[msg->type - CSR_WIFI_SME_PRIM_UPSTREAM_LOWEST](priv, msg);
+ CsrWifiSmeFreeUpstreamMessageContents(CSR_WIFI_SME_PRIM, msg);
+ break;
+ CsrWifiNmeApUpstreamStateHandlers(priv, msg);
+ CsrWifiNmeApFreeUpstreamMessageContents(CSR_WIFI_NME_AP_PRIM, msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ unifi_error(priv, "CsrWifiRouterTransportDeserialiseAndSend unhandled prim type 0x%.4X\n", primType);
+ break;
+ }
+ CsrPmemFree(msg);
+static void CsrWifiRouterTransportSerialiseAndSend(CsrUint16 primType, void* msg)
+ CsrWifiFsmEvent* evt = (CsrWifiFsmEvent*)msg;
+ CsrMsgConvMsgEntry* msgEntry;
+ CsrSize msgSize;
+ CsrSize encodeBufferLen = 0;
+ CsrSize offset = 0;
+ CsrUint8* encodeBuffer;
+ unifi_trace(drvpriv, UDBG4, "CsrWifiRouterTransportSerialiseAndSend: primType=0x%.4X, msgType=0x%.4X\n",
+ primType, evt->type);
+ msgEntry = CsrMsgConvFindEntry(primType, evt->type);
+ if (!msgEntry)
+ {
+ unifi_error(drvpriv, "CsrWifiRouterTransportSerialiseAndSend can not process the message. primType=0x%.4X, msgType=0x%.4X\n",
+ primType, evt->type);
+ return;
+ }
+ msgSize = 6 + (msgEntry->sizeofFunc)((void*)msg);
+ encodeBuffer = CsrPmemAlloc(msgSize);
+ /* Encode PrimType */
+ CsrUint16Ser(encodeBuffer, &encodeBufferLen, primType);
+ CsrUint16Ser(encodeBuffer, &encodeBufferLen, evt->source);
+ CsrUint16Ser(encodeBuffer, &encodeBufferLen, evt->destination);
+ (void)(msgEntry->serFunc)(&encodeBuffer[encodeBufferLen], &offset, msg);
+ encodeBufferLen += offset;
+ uf_sme_queue_message(drvpriv, encodeBuffer, encodeBufferLen);
+ /* Do not use msgEntry->freeFunc because the memory is owned by the driver */
+ CsrPmemFree(msg);
+void CsrSchedMessagePutStringLog(CsrSchedQid q, CsrUint16 mi, void *mv, CsrUint32 line, CsrCharString *file)
+void CsrSchedMessagePut(CsrSchedQid q, CsrUint16 mi, void *mv)
+ CsrWifiFsmEvent* evt = (CsrWifiFsmEvent*)mv;
+ evt->destination = q;
+ CsrWifiRouterTransportSerialiseAndSend(mi, mv);