AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-12-04Add aarch64 support for libjpeg-turbolibjpeg-turbo-armv8Ragesh Radhakrishnan
Add aarch64 architecture support in configure.ac.
2013-12-04Add aarch64 neon support checkRagesh Radhakrishnan
Add small neon code snipet to check the compiler neon support in acinclude.m4
2013-12-04Add makefile changes to include jsimd_arm_neon_64.S fileRagesh Radhakrishnan
2013-12-04Add armv8 specific supported functionsRagesh Radhakrishnan
Add armv8 simd supported function list using macro "ARMV8_NEON_SIMULATION". All decoder related simd functions are supported.
2013-12-04Add armv8 port for yuv-rgb armv7 implementationRagesh Radhakrishnan
Add armv8 yuv-rgb conversion, macros generate_jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_neon have been modified to support armv8 instruction and register literals. RTSM integer saturation instruction issue workaround added.
2013-12-04Add armv8 port idct_2x2 armv7 implementationRagesh Radhakrishnan
Modified existing idct_2x2 armv7 implementation to support armv8
2013-12-04Add Armv8 port for idct_4x4 armv7 implementationRagesh Radhakrishnan
Armv8 instruction changes ported to idct_4x4 armv7 implementation idct_helper macro changed to accomodate the new instruction and register literals.
2013-12-04Add idct fast armv8 neon portRagesh Radhakrishnan
Idct fast armv8 instruction changes, additional mov instructions are added due to the changes in armv8 lower to higher register overlapping. vswp instruction of armv7 is removed in armv8 and swap in armv8 port done manually.
2013-12-04Add armv8 port idct slowRagesh Radhakrishnan
Armv8 spcific instruction changes incorprated on armv7 neon idct_slow code, instructions like orrs doenot exist in armv8 and cpsr flags needs to be updated with alternate instruction like cmp. RTSM simulator specific changes are incorprated as some instructions particularly related to integer saturation doenot work as expected. vtrans( armv7 instruction) is split into trn1 and trn2 due to which transpose_4x4 macro is modified and a new transpose macro replaces the orginal vtrn1 instruction for armv8. Etra ins instruction are added to move data to higher half of 128bit registers due to non overlap of lower registers to higher registers as in armv7. Data movement to higher half of registers can be optimized further.
2013-12-02libjpeg-turbo : Initial revision 1.3HEADmasterRagesh Radhakrishnan
Baselined libjpeg-turbo 1.3 release version for android refresh