# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro # # Author: Guilherme Salgado # # This file is part of Linaro Image Tools. # # Linaro Image Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Linaro Image Tools. If not, see . from contextlib import contextmanager from math import ceil import atexit import dbus import glob import logging import re import subprocess import time from parted import ( Device, Disk, PARTITION_NORMAL, PARTITION_EXTENDED, ) from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) HEADS = 128 SECTORS = 32 SECTOR_SIZE = 512 # bytes CYLINDER_SIZE = HEADS * SECTORS * SECTOR_SIZE DBUS_PROPERTIES = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' UDISKS = "org.freedesktop.UDisks" # Max number of attempts to sleep (total sleep time in seconds = # 1+2+...+MAX_TTS) MAX_TTS = 10 # Image size should be a multiple of 1MiB, expressed in bytes. This is also # the minimum image size possible. ROUND_IMAGE_TO = 2 ** 20 MIN_IMAGE_SIZE = ROUND_IMAGE_TO def setup_android_partitions(board_config, media, image_size, bootfs_label, should_create_partitions, should_align_boot_part=False): cylinders = None if not media.is_block_device: image_size_in_bytes = get_partition_size_in_bytes(image_size) cylinders = image_size_in_bytes / CYLINDER_SIZE proc = cmd_runner.run( ['dd', 'of=%s' % media.path, 'bs=1', 'seek=%s' % image_size_in_bytes, 'count=0'], stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w')) proc.wait() if should_create_partitions: create_partitions( board_config, media, HEADS, SECTORS, cylinders, should_align_boot_part=should_align_boot_part) if media.is_block_device: bootfs, system, cache, data, sdcard = \ get_android_partitions_for_media(media, board_config) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(bootfs) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(system) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(cache) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(data) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(sdcard) else: partitions = get_android_loopback_devices(media.path) bootfs = partitions[0] system = partitions[1] cache = partitions[2] data = partitions[3] sdcard = partitions[4] print "\nFormating boot partition\n" proc = cmd_runner.run( ['mkfs.vfat', '-F', str(board_config.fat_size), bootfs, '-n', bootfs_label], as_root=True) proc.wait() ext4_partitions = {"system": system, "cache": cache, "userdata": data} for label, dev in ext4_partitions.iteritems(): mkfs = 'mkfs.%s' % "ext4" proc = cmd_runner.run( [mkfs, dev, '-L', label], as_root=True) proc.wait() proc = cmd_runner.run( ['mkfs.vfat', '-F32', sdcard, '-n', "sdcard"], as_root=True) proc.wait() return bootfs, system, cache, data, sdcard # I wonder if it'd make sense to convert this into a small shim which calls # the appropriate function for the given type of device? I think it's still # small enough that there's not much benefit in doing that, but if it grows we # might want to do it. def setup_partitions(board_config, media, image_size, bootfs_label, rootfs_label, rootfs_type, should_create_partitions, should_format_bootfs, should_format_rootfs, should_align_boot_part=False): """Make sure the given device is partitioned to boot the given board. :param board_config: A BoardConfig class. :param media: The Media we should partition. :param image_size: The size of the image file, in case we're setting up a QEMU image. :param bootfs_label: Label for the boot partition. :param rootfs_label: Label for the root partition. :param rootfs_type: Filesystem for the root partition. :param should_create_partitions: Whether or not we should erase existing partitions and create new ones. :param should_format_bootfs: Whether to reuse the filesystem on the boot partition. :param should_format_rootfs: Whether to reuse the filesystem on the root partition. :param should_align_boot_part: Whether to align the boot partition too. """ cylinders = None if not media.is_block_device: image_size_in_bytes = get_partition_size_in_bytes(image_size) cylinders = image_size_in_bytes / CYLINDER_SIZE proc = cmd_runner.run( ['dd', 'of=%s' % media.path, 'bs=1', 'seek=%s' % image_size_in_bytes, 'count=0'], stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w')) proc.wait() if should_create_partitions: create_partitions( board_config, media, HEADS, SECTORS, cylinders, should_align_boot_part=should_align_boot_part) if media.is_block_device: bootfs, rootfs = get_boot_and_root_partitions_for_media( media, board_config) # It looks like KDE somehow automounts the partitions after you # repartition a disk so we need to unmount them here to create the # filesystem. ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(bootfs) ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(rootfs) else: bootfs, rootfs = get_boot_and_root_loopback_devices(media.path) if should_format_bootfs: print "\nFormating boot partition\n" mkfs = 'mkfs.%s' % board_config.bootfs_type if board_config.bootfs_type == 'vfat': proc = cmd_runner.run( [mkfs, '-F', str(board_config.fat_size), bootfs, '-n', bootfs_label], as_root=True) else: proc = cmd_runner.run( [mkfs, bootfs, '-L', bootfs_label], as_root=True) proc.wait() if should_format_rootfs: print "\nFormating root partition\n" mkfs = 'mkfs.%s' % rootfs_type proc = cmd_runner.run( [mkfs, rootfs, '-L', rootfs_label], as_root=True) proc.wait() return bootfs, rootfs def umount(path): # The old code used to ignore failures here, but I don't think that's # desirable so I'm using cmd_runner.run()'s standard behaviour, which will # fail on a non-zero return value. cmd_runner.run(['umount', path], as_root=True).wait() @contextmanager def partition_mounted(device, path, *args): """A context manager that mounts the given device and umounts when done. We use a try/finally to make sure the device is umounted even if there's an uncaught exception in the with block. Also, before umounting we call 'sync'. :param *args: Extra arguments to the mount command. """ subprocess_args = ['mount', device, path] subprocess_args.extend(args) cmd_runner.run(subprocess_args, as_root=True).wait() try: yield finally: cmd_runner.run(['sync']).wait() try: umount(path) except cmd_runner.SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue, e: logger.warn("Failed to umount %s, but ignoring it because of a " "previous error" % path) logger.warn(e) def get_uuid(partition): """Find UUID of the given partition.""" proc = cmd_runner.run( ['blkid', '-o', 'udev', '-p', '-c', '/dev/null', partition], as_root=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) blkid_output, _ = proc.communicate() return _parse_blkid_output(blkid_output) def _parse_blkid_output(output): for line in output.splitlines(): uuid_match = re.match("ID_FS_UUID=(.*)", line) if uuid_match: return uuid_match.group(1) return None def ensure_partition_is_not_mounted(partition): """Ensure the given partition is not mounted, umounting if necessary.""" if is_partition_mounted(partition): cmd_runner.run(['umount', partition], as_root=True).wait() def is_partition_mounted(partition): """Is the given partition mounted?""" device_path = _get_udisks_device_path(partition) device = dbus.SystemBus().get_object(UDISKS, device_path) return device.Get( device_path, 'DeviceIsMounted', dbus_interface=DBUS_PROPERTIES) def get_boot_and_root_loopback_devices(image_file): """Return the boot and root loopback devices for the given image file. Register the loopback devices as well. """ vfat_size, vfat_offset, linux_size, linux_offset = ( calculate_partition_size_and_offset(image_file)) boot_device = register_loopback(image_file, vfat_offset, vfat_size) root_device = register_loopback(image_file, linux_offset, linux_size) return boot_device, root_device def get_android_loopback_devices(image_file): """Return the loopback devices for the given image file. Assumes a particular order of devices in the file. Register the loopback devices as well. """ devices = [] device_info = calculate_android_partition_size_and_offset(image_file) for device_offset, device_size in device_info: devices.append(register_loopback(image_file, device_offset, device_size)) return devices def register_loopback(image_file, offset, size): """Register a loopback device with an atexit handler to de-register it.""" def undo(device): cmd_runner.run(['losetup', '-d', device], as_root=True).wait() proc = cmd_runner.run( ['losetup', '-f', '--show', image_file, '--offset', str(offset), '--sizelimit', str(size)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, as_root=True) device, _ = proc.communicate() device = device.strip() atexit.register(undo, device) return device def calculate_partition_size_and_offset(image_file): """Return the size and offset of the boot and root partitions. Both the size and offset are in sectors. :param image_file: A string containing the path to the image_file. :return: A 4-tuple containing the offset and size of the boot partition followed by the offset and size of the root partition. """ # Here we can use parted.Device to read the partitions because we're # reading from a regular file rather than a block device. If it was a # block device we'd need root rights. disk = Disk(Device(image_file)) vfat_partition = None linux_partition = None for partition in disk.partitions: assert partition.type == PARTITION_NORMAL, ( "Parted should only return normal partitions but got type %i" % partition.type) if 'boot' in partition.getFlagsAsString(): geometry = partition.geometry vfat_offset = geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE vfat_size = geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE vfat_partition = partition elif vfat_partition is not None: # next partition after boot partition is the root partition # NB: don't use vfat_partition.nextPartition() as that might return # a partition of type PARTITION_FREESPACE; it's much easier to # iterate disk.partitions which only returns # parted.PARTITION_NORMAL partitions geometry = partition.geometry linux_offset = geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE linux_size = geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE linux_partition = partition break assert vfat_partition is not None, ( "Couldn't find boot partition on %s" % image_file) assert linux_partition is not None, ( "Couldn't find root partition on %s" % image_file) return vfat_size, vfat_offset, linux_size, linux_offset def calculate_android_partition_size_and_offset(image_file): """Return the size and offset of the android partitions. Both the size and offset are in bytes. :param image_file: A string containing the path to the image_file. :return: A list of (offset, size) pairs. """ # Here we can use parted.Device to read the partitions because we're # reading from a regular file rather than a block device. If it was a # block device we'd need root rights. vfat_partition = None disk = Disk(Device(image_file)) partition_info = [] for partition in disk.partitions: # Will ignore any partitions before boot and of type EXTENDED if 'boot' in partition.getFlagsAsString(): vfat_partition = partition geometry = partition.geometry partition_info.append((geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE, geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE)) elif (vfat_partition is not None and partition.type != PARTITION_EXTENDED): geometry = partition.geometry partition_info.append((geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE, geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE)) # NB: don't use vfat_partition.nextPartition() as that might return # a partition of type PARTITION_FREESPACE; it's much easier to # iterate disk.partitions which only returns # parted.PARTITION_NORMAL partitions assert vfat_partition is not None, ( "Couldn't find boot partition on %s" % image_file) assert len(partition_info) == 5 return partition_info def get_android_partitions_for_media(media, board_config): """Return the device files for all the Android partitions of media. For boot we use partition number 1 plus the board's defined partition offset and for root we use partition number 2 plus the board's offset. This function must only be used for block devices. """ assert media.is_block_device, ( "This function must only be used for block devices") boot_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 1 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) system_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 2 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) if board_config.mmc_part_offset != 1: cache_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 3 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) else: # In the current setup, partition 4 is always the # extended partition container, so we need to skip 4 cache_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 5) data_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 5 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) sdcard_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 6 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) assert boot_partition is not None, ( "Could not find boot partition for %s" % media.path) assert system_partition is not None, ( "Could not find system partition for %s" % media.path) assert cache_partition is not None, ( "Could not find cache partition for %s" % media.path) assert data_partition is not None, ( "Could not find data partition for %s" % media.path) assert sdcard_partition is not None, ( "Could not find sdcard partition for %s" % media.path) return boot_partition, system_partition, cache_partition, \ data_partition, sdcard_partition def get_boot_and_root_partitions_for_media(media, board_config): """Return the device files for the boot and root partitions of media. For boot we use partition number 1 plus the board's defined partition offset and for root we use partition number 2 plus the board's offset. This function must only be used for block devices. """ assert media.is_block_device, ( "This function must only be used for block devices") boot_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 1 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) root_partition = _get_device_file_for_partition_number( media.path, 2 + board_config.mmc_part_offset) assert boot_partition is not None and root_partition is not None, ( "Could not find boot/root partition for %s" % media.path) return boot_partition, root_partition def _get_device_file_for_partition_number(device, partition): """Return the device file for the partition number on the given device. e.g. /dev/sda1 for the first partition on device /dev/sda or /dev/mmcblk0p3 for the third partition on /dev/mmcblk0. """ # This could be simpler but UDisks doesn't make it easy for us: # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33113. time_to_sleep = 1 dev_files = glob.glob("%s?*" % device) i = 0 while i < len(dev_files): dev_file = dev_files[i] try: device_path = _get_udisks_device_path(dev_file) partition_str = _get_udisks_device_file(device_path, partition) if partition_str: return partition_str i += 1 except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: if time_to_sleep > MAX_TTS: print "We've waited long enough..." raise print "*" * 60 print "UDisks doesn't know about %s: %s" % (dev_file, e) bus = dbus.SystemBus() manager = dbus.Interface( bus.get_object(UDISKS, "/org/freedesktop/UDisks"), UDISKS) print "This is what UDisks know about: %s" % ( manager.EnumerateDevices()) print "Sleeping for %d seconds" % time_to_sleep time.sleep(time_to_sleep) time_to_sleep += 1 print "*" * 60 return None def _get_udisks_device_path(device): """Return the UDisks path for the given device.""" bus = dbus.SystemBus() udisks = dbus.Interface( bus.get_object(UDISKS, "/org/freedesktop/UDisks"), UDISKS) return udisks.get_dbus_method('FindDeviceByDeviceFile')(device) def _get_udisks_device_file(path, part): """Return the UNIX special device file for the given partition.""" udisks_dev = dbus.SystemBus().get_object(UDISKS, path) part_number = udisks_dev.Get( path, 'PartitionNumber', dbus_interface=DBUS_PROPERTIES) if part_number == part: return str(udisks_dev.Get( path, 'DeviceFile', dbus_interface=DBUS_PROPERTIES)) def get_partition_size_in_bytes(size): """Convert a size string in Kbytes, Mbytes or Gbytes to bytes. The conversion rounds-up the size to the nearest MiB, considering a minimum size of MIN_IMAGE_SIZE bytes. The conversion always assures to have a big enough size for the partition. """ unit = size[-1].upper() real_size = float(size[:-1]) # no unit? (ends with a digit) if unit in '0123456789': real_size = float(size) elif unit == 'K': real_size = real_size * 1024 elif unit == 'M': real_size = real_size * 1024 * 1024 elif unit == 'G': real_size = real_size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 else: raise ValueError("Unknown size format: %s. Use K[bytes], M[bytes] " "or G[bytes]" % size) # Guarantee that is a multiple of ROUND_IMAGE_TO real_size = _check_min_size(int(ceil(real_size / ROUND_IMAGE_TO) * ROUND_IMAGE_TO)) return real_size def _check_min_size(size): """Check that the image size is at least MIN_IMAGE_SIZE bytes. :param size: The size of the image to check, as a number. """ if (size < MIN_IMAGE_SIZE): size = MIN_IMAGE_SIZE return size def run_sfdisk_commands(commands, heads, sectors, cylinders, device, as_root=True, stderr=None): """Run the given commands under sfdisk. Every time sfdisk is invoked it will repartition the device so to create multiple partitions you should craft a list of newline-separated commands to be executed in a single sfdisk run. :param commands: A string of sfdisk commands; each on a separate line. :return: A 2-tuple containing the subprocess' stdout and stderr. """ # --force is unfortunate, but a consequence of having partitions not # starting on cylinder boundaries: sfdisk will abort with "Warning: # partition 2 does not start at a cylinder boundary" args = ['sfdisk', '--force', '-D', '-uS', '-H', str(heads), '-S', str(sectors)] if cylinders is not None: args.extend(['-C', str(cylinders)]) args.append(device) proc = cmd_runner.run( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, as_root=as_root) return proc.communicate("%s\n" % commands) def create_partitions(board_config, media, heads, sectors, cylinders=None, should_align_boot_part=False): """Partition the given media according to the board requirements. :param board_config: A BoardConfig class. :param media: A setup_partitions.Media object to partition. :param heads: Number of heads to use in the disk geometry of partitions. :param sectors: Number of sectors to use in the disk geometry of partitions. :param cylinders: The number of cylinders to pass to sfdisk's -C argument. If None the -C argument is not passed. :param should_align_boot_part: Whether to align the boot partition too. """ if media.is_block_device: # Overwrite any existing partition tables with a fresh one. proc = cmd_runner.run( ['parted', '-s', media.path, 'mklabel', 'msdos'], as_root=True) proc.wait() wait_partition_to_settle(media) sfdisk_cmd = board_config.get_sfdisk_cmd( should_align_boot_part=should_align_boot_part) run_sfdisk_commands(sfdisk_cmd, heads, sectors, cylinders, media.path) # Sync and sleep to wait for the partition to settle. cmd_runner.run(['sync']).wait() wait_partition_to_settle(media) def wait_partition_to_settle(media): """Sleep in a loop to wait partition to settle :param media: A setup_partitions.Media object to partition. """ tts = 1 while (tts > 0) and (tts <= MAX_TTS): try: logger.info("Sleeping for %s second(s) to wait " "for the partition to settle" % tts) time.sleep(tts) proc = cmd_runner.run( ['sfdisk', '-l', media.path], as_root=True, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) proc.wait() return 0 except cmd_runner.SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue: logger.info("Partition table is not available " "for device %s" % media.path) tts += 1 logger.error("Couldn't read partition table " "for a reasonable time for device %s" % media.path) raise class Media(object): """A representation of the media where Linaro will be installed.""" def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.is_block_device = path.startswith('/dev/')