- job: name: openembedded-armv8-ilp32-rootfs project-type: matrix defaults: global logrotate: daysToKeep: 30 numToKeep: 30 properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read linaro: - job-build - job-cancel disabled: false node: build display-name: 'OpenEmbedded ARMv8 ILP32 rootfs' scm: - git: url: https://git.linaro.org/openembedded/jenkins-setup.git refspec: +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master name: origin branches: - refs/heads/master skip-tag: true shallow-clone: true wipe-workspace: false axes: - axis: type: slave name: label values: - build - axis: type: user-defined name: gcc_version values: - 4.9 - axis: type: user-defined name: rootfs values: - minimal - minimal-initramfs - minimal-ltp execution-strategy: sequential: true touchstone: expr: 'rootfs=="minimal"' wrappers: - timestamps - matrix-tie-parent: node: build builders: - linaro-publish-token - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -x export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" # we clean build and populate it from cache bash -x pre-build-do-cleanup.sh if [ `date +%u` = "6" ] && [ "${rootfs}" = "minimal" ] then echo "manual hard cleanup on day 6" bash periodic-cleanup.sh hard fi # do a build if [ "${rootfs}" = "lamp" ] then MACHINE=genericarmv8-ilp32 bash -x init-and-build.sh -a armv8 -g ${gcc_version} linaro-image-${rootfs} else MACHINE=genericarmv8-ilp32 bash -x init-and-build.sh -a armv8 -g ${gcc_version} linaro-image-${rootfs} fi cd ${WORKSPACE} MACHINE=genericarmv8-ilp32 bash -x post-build-create-image-manifest.sh MACHINE=genericarmv8-ilp32 bash -x post-build-sort-out-downloads.sh # Capture what we're building in the build output. repo manifest -r # Publish test -d ${HOME}/bin || mkdir ${HOME}/bin wget -q https://git.linaro.org/ci/publishing-api.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/linaro-cp.py -O ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py time python ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py \ --link-latest \ --build-info out/BUILD-INFO.txt \ out/ openembedded/${rootfs}-armv8-ilp32-gcc-${gcc_version}/${BUILD_NUMBER} publishers: - email: recipients: 'fathi.boudra@linaro.org koen.kooi@linaro.org'