{ "actions": [ { "command": "deploy_linaro_image", "parameters": { "bootloadertype": "uefi", "customize": { "boot:/fvp": [ "delete" ], "${BL1_URL}": [ "boot:/fvp_bl1.bin" ], "${FIP_URL}": [ "boot:/fvp_fip.bin" ] }, "image": "${IMAGE_URL}" }, "metadata": { "build id": "${BUILD_NUMBER}", "git URL": "${GIT_URL}", "git branch": "${GIT_BRANCH}", "git commit": "${GIT_COMMIT}", "template": "menu-boot" } }, { "command": "boot_linaro_image", "parameters": { "boot_cmds": [ "sendline 3", "expect Choice:", "sendline 1", "expect Select the Boot Device:", "sendline 4", "expect File path of the EFI Application or the kernel:", "sendline Image", "expect Is your application an OS loader? [y/n]", "sendline n", "expect Arguments to pass to the EFI Application:", "sendline console=ttyAMA0 earlycon=pl011,0x1c090000 debug uefi_debug ignore_loglevel rootwait root=/dev/vda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw acpi=force", "expect Description for this new Entry:", "sendline LAVA", "expect Choice:", "sendline 6", "expect Start:", "sendline 2" ], "options": [ "bp.pl011_uart0.untimed_fifos=0", "bp.pl011_uart0.revision=r1p5" ] } }, { "command": "submit_results", "parameters": { "server": "http://${LAVA_SERVER}", "stream": "${BUNDLE_STREAM_NAME}" } } ], "device_type": "${DEVICE_TYPE}", "job_name": "${BUILD_URL}", "timeout": 20000 }