- job: name: lava-dispatcher project-type: freestyle defaults: global logrotate: daysToKeep: 30 numToKeep: 30 properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read linaro: - job-read - job-extended-read - job-build - job-cancel disabled: false node: lavabot display-name: 'PEP8 and Unit Test CI Job for lava-dispatcher' triggers: - gerrit: server-name: 'review.linaro.org' override-votes: true gerrit-build-successful-codereview-value: 1 gerrit-build-failed-codereview-value: -1 trigger-for-unreviewed-patches: true readable-message: false successful-message: 'PEP8 and Units Tests Successful' start-message: 'PEP8 and Units Tests Started' failure-message: 'PEP8 and Units Tests Failed' custom-url: '${BUILD_URL}/console' projects: - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN' project-pattern: 'lava/lava-dispatcher' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'PLAIN' branch-pattern: 'master' wrappers: - timestamps builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* echo "#${BUILD_NUMBER}-${GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION:0:8}" > ${WORKSPACE}/version.txt git clone -b ${GERRIT_BRANCH} --depth 1 https://git.linaro.org/${GERRIT_PROJECT} cd * git fetch https://review.linaro.org/${GERRIT_PROJECT} ${GERRIT_REFSPEC} git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD git log -n3 set -e ./ci-run echo echo Starting python3 unit tests for V2 only. echo python3 -m unittest discover -v lava_dispatcher.pipeline - build-name-setter: name: 'version.txt' file: true