- scm: name: jtreg scm: - hg: url: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jtreg/ clean: true browser: hgweb browser-url: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jtreg/ subdir: jtreg - scm: name: asmtools scm: - hg: url: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/asmtools/ clean: true browser: hgweb browser-url: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/asmtools/ subdir: asmtools - job: name: jtreg-build project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: | * Build JDK Regression Test Harness (jtreg). properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read openjdk-members: - job-build - job-cancel - job-workspace - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 10 artifact-num-to-keep: 5 disabled: false node: aarch64-06 display-name: 'OpenJDK - Build JDK Regression Test Harness (jtreg)' scm: - asmtools - jtreg triggers: - pollscm: cron: 'H/5 * * * *' wrappers: - timestamps builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -eu # Build asmtools for jtreg. cd asmtools ant -f build/build.xml cd ../jtreg unzip -o ../asmtools-6.0-build/dist/asmtools-6.0.zip if [ ! -d jh2.0 ]; then # no longer available from http://download.java.net/javadesktop/javahelp/javahelp2_0_05.zip # 7bd68b82a1d5d8714856f661bd4d71a3 https://github.com/glub/secureftp/raw/master/contrib/javahelp2_0_05.zip wget http://ftp.internat.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/distfiles/javahelp2_0_05.zip unzip -o javahelp2_0_05.zip fi if [ ! -d jtharness ]; then wget http://download.java.net/jtharness/4.4.1/Rel/jtharness-4_4_1-MR1-bin-b13-20_dec_2011.zip mkdir jtharness cd jtharness unzip -o ../jtharness-4_4_1-MR1-bin-b13-20_dec_2011.zip cd .. fi if [ ! -d junit ]; then mkdir junit wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/junit/junit/4.8.2/junit-4.8.2.jar -O junit/junit.jar fi if [ ! -d testng ]; then mkdir testng wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/testng/testng/6.8.5/testng-6.8.5.jar -O testng/testng.jar fi if [ ! -d jcommander ]; then mkdir jcommander wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/beust/jcommander/1.7/jcommander-1.7.jar -O jcommander/jcommander.jar fi ls -lash rm -fr build rm -fr dist which java java -version # Pick out version automatically from Mercurial tags. JTREG_TAG=$(hg log -r "." --template "{latesttag}\n") BUILD_VERSION=$(echo $JTREG_TAG | sed 's,jtreg\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)-b.*,\1,') BUILD_NUMBER=$(echo $JTREG_TAG | sed 's,jtreg[0-9]*\.[0-9]*-\(b[0-9]*\),\1,') MAJOR=$(echo $BUILD_VERSION | sed 's,\([0-9]*\)\.[0-9]*,\1,') MINOR=$(echo $BUILD_VERSION | sed 's,[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\),\1,') # BUILD_VERSION=4.2 # BUILD_NUMBER=b03 echo jtreg$BUILD_VERSION-$BUILD_NUMBER # syntax of the -target and -source command have changed with jdk9 sed -i 's|1.8|8|g' make/build.xml # Parameters for makefile build, which includes asmtools.jar in # classpath in manifest. # java and ant's home directories are found from the commands. export JDK17HOME=$(dirname $(java -XshowSettings:properties |& \ grep java.home | sed 's,^.*java.home = \(.*\),\1,')) export JAVAHELP_HOME=$PWD/jh2.0/javahelp export JAVATEST_HOME=$PWD/jtharness export JAVATEST_JAR=$PWD/jtharness/lib/javatest.jar export JAVAHARNESS_HOME=$PWD/jtharness export ASMTOOLS_HOME=$PWD/asmtools-6.0 export TESTNG_HOME=$PWD/testng export TESTNG_JAR=$PWD/testng/testng.jar export JUNIT_JAR=$PWD/junit/junit.jar export ANTHOME=$(ant -diagnostics | grep ant.home | \ sed 's,^.*: \(.*\),\1,' | uniq) # Makefile expects files that are not supplied from the packages we # are downloading. Create dummy versions to keep it happy. touch $JAVAHARNESS_HOME/COPYRIGHT-javatest.html mkdir -p $JAVAHARNESS_HOME/doc/javatest/ touch $JAVAHARNESS_HOME/doc/javatest/javatestGUI.pdf touch $TESTNG_HOME/LICENSE.txt make -C make rm -f *.zip rm -f *.tar.gz cp jcommander/jcommander.jar ./build/images/jtreg/lib chmod u+x ./build/images/jtreg/bin/* ls -lash : ${MAJOR:=4} : ${MINOR:=2} : ${MICRO:=0} : ${VERSION_SUFFIX:=SNAPSHOT} : ${JOB_NAME:=jtreg} : ${ZIP_TYPE:=xz} artifact=${JOB_NAME}-${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${MICRO}-${VERSION_SUFFIX} cd ./build/images tar afcv $artifact.tar.${ZIP_TYPE} jtreg mv $artifact.tar.${ZIP_TYPE} ../../.. cd .. publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'jtreg-build-*-SNAPSHOT.tar.xz' - email: recipients: 'stuart.monteith@linaro.org fathi.boudra@linaro.org'