- job: name: jdk9-terasort-benchmark-persist-results project-type: matrix defaults: global description: | * Writes results to /work/openjdk-testing/hadoop-terasort-benchmark-results. properties: - authorization: linaro: - job-read - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 10 artifact-num-to-keep: 5 disabled: false node: aarch64-06 display-name: 'OpenJDK 9 - Write terasort results' axes: - axis: type: user-defined name: JVM_VARIANT values: - server # SRDM: disable client runs while waiting for LEG-347 to be fixed. # - client - axis: type: user-defined name: BUILD_TYPE values: - release - axis: type: slave name: label values: - aarch64-06 execution-strategy: sequential: true wrappers: - workspace-cleanup: dirmatch: false - timestamps - matrix-tie-parent: node: aarch64-06 builders: - copyartifact: project: jdk9-terasort-benchmark filter: 'out/terasort-results-${JVM_VARIANT}-${BUILD_TYPE}.csv' target: incoming flatten: true - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -exu PERSIST=$HOME/srv/openjdk9 export BENCHMARK_RESULTS_DIR=$PERSIST/hadoop-terasort-benchmark-results new_results=incoming/BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE},JVM_VARIANT=${JVM_VARIANT},label=${label}/*.csv prev_results=$BENCHMARK_RESULTS_DIR/results.csv # Ensure persistent directory exists. mkdir -p $BENCHMARK_RESULTS_DIR # Tolerate missing results.csv file. if [ ! -f $prev_results ]; then touch $prev_results fi SCRIPT_DIR=$PERSIST/hadoop-test-scripts if [ -d $SCRIPT_DIR ]; then (cd $SCRIPT_DIR; git pull) else git clone https://git.linaro.org/leg/openjdk/hadoop-test-scripts.git $SCRIPT_DIR fi echo "Previous Results" echo "----------------" cat ${prev_results} echo cat ${new_results} >> ${prev_results} $SCRIPT_DIR/update-results-db