- job: name: jdk8-update-src-tree-persist project-type: freestyle defaults: global description: | This jobs writes the current jdk8 src tree to /work/openjdk-testing/openjdk8-jtreg-nightly-tests/...
It is used to report failure/errors against the jtreg results. logrotate: numToKeep: 10 properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read disabled: false node: aarch64-06 display-name: 'OpenJDK 8 - Write jdk8 source tree' wrappers: - workspace-cleanup: dirmatch: false - timestamps builders: - copyartifact: project: jdk8-update-src-tree filter: 'out/*' target: incoming flatten: true - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -exu : ${YEAR:=$(date +%Y)} : ${DAY_OF_YEAR:=$(date +%j)} TOP_DIR=$HOME/openjdk8-jtreg-nightly-tests src_dir=$TOP_DIR/src/$YEAR/$DAY_OF_YEAR mkdir -p $src_dir echo "Extracting tarball to $src_dir" tar -C $src_dir --strip-components=1 -xf $WORKSPACE/incoming/jdk8.tar.gz