- job: name: bigdata-kibana project-type: freestyle defaults: global properties: - authorization: anonymous: - job-read - job-extended-read linaro: - job-read - job-extended-read - job-build - job-cancel - build-discarder: days-to-keep: 30 num-to-keep: 30 artifact-num-to-keep: 1 disabled: true node: docker-jessie-arm64 display-name: 'Bigdata ELK - Kibana' wrappers: - timestamps builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash set -ex # setup environments export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # install prerequisites sudo apt-get -q=2 update sudo apt-get -q=2 -y install \ git build-essential automake autoconf libtool libffi-dev \ ruby-dev rubygems python curl zip rpm python-requests sudo gem install fpm -v 1.5.0 sudo gem install pleaserun -v 0.0.24 # clone the Kibana definitions git clone --depth 1 https://git.linaro.org/leg/bigdata/kibana.git -b v5.4.1 ${WORKSPACE}/kibana curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.2/install.sh | bash source ${HOME}/.profile # Install the version of node.js listed in the .node-version file (this can be easily automated with tools such as nvm and avn) nvm install $(cat ${WORKSPACE}/kibana/.node-version) cd ${WORKSPACE}/kibana # Install npm dependencies npm install npm rebuild node-sass npm run build -- --deb --release - linaro-publish-token - shell: | #!/bin/bash mkdir -p out cp -a ${WORKSPACE}/kibana/target/kibana-*-arm64.deb* out/ # Publish test -d ${HOME}/bin || mkdir ${HOME}/bin wget -q https://git.linaro.org/ci/publishing-api.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/linaro-cp.py -O ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py time python3 ${HOME}/bin/linaro-cp.py \ --link-latest \ out components/bigdata/elk/kibana/${BUILD_NUMBER} publishers: - email-ext: recipients: 'leg-bigdata@linaro.org, fathi.boudra@linaro.org'