path: root/milo-kbuilder.yaml
diff options
authorMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2016-05-18 11:16:07 +0200
committerMilo Casagrande <milo.casagrande@linaro.org>2016-05-18 11:16:07 +0200
commit9d1ef6b9b4cbebedcabdfeff62891f62d66a6512 (patch)
tree901550c702e1bd1c3dcffc22b48139355a04cd91 /milo-kbuilder.yaml
parentf8c0f4a371417c2f1936d2abbe343e196dc232de (diff)
milo-kbuilder: Add new job
* Copy khilman-kbuilder job for testing purposes. Change-Id: Ib7064fa1fa5ab4d0838cf9900af02576aa17742c
Diffstat (limited to 'milo-kbuilder.yaml')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/milo-kbuilder.yaml b/milo-kbuilder.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..797e577bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/milo-kbuilder.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+- job:
+ name: milo-kbuilder
+ project-type: matrix
+ defaults: global
+ parameters:
+ - string:
+ name: ARCH_LIST
+ default: 'arm'
+ - string:
+ default: 'defconfig'
+ - string:
+ name: TREE
+ default: 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git'
+ - string:
+ name: BRANCH
+ default: 'master'
+ - string:
+ name: COMMIT_ID
+ default: ''
+ - string:
+ name: TREE_NAME
+ default: 'mainline'
+ - bool:
+ name: PUBLISH
+ properties:
+ - authorization:
+ anonymous:
+ - job-read
+ - job-extended-read
+ khilman@kernel.org:
+ - job-read
+ - job-extended-read
+ - job-build
+ - job-cancel
+ milo.casagrande@linaro.org:
+ - job-read
+ - job-extended-read
+ - job-build
+ - job-cancel
+ - build-discarder:
+ days-to-keep: 7
+ num-to-keep: 30
+ - throttle:
+ max-total: 6
+ option: project
+ - inject
+ disabled: false
+ node: x86_64
+ retry-count: 3
+ child-workspace: .
+ display-name: 'khilman - kbuilder'
+ auth-token: ${AUTH_TOKEN}
+ axes:
+ - axis:
+ type: slave
+ name: label
+ values:
+ - kernel_build_vps
+ - axis:
+ type: dynamic
+ name: arch
+ values:
+ - axis:
+ type: dynamic
+ name: defconfig
+ values:
+ wrappers:
+ - timestamps
+ - matrix-tie-parent:
+ node: x86_64
+ - timeout:
+ timeout: 45
+ builders:
+ - shell: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -x
+ # local copy of build scripts
+ if [ ! -d local ]; then
+ mkdir -p local
+ (cd local; git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/MiloCasagrande/kernelci-build.git)
+ fi
+ (cd local/kernelci-build; git pull)
+ export PATH=${WORKSPACE}/local/kernelci-build:${PATH}
+ # Ensure TREE URL is decoded
+ TREE=`python -c "import urllib, sys; print urllib.unquote(sys.argv[1])" ${TREE}`
+ BRANCH=`python -c "import urllib, sys; print urllib.unquote(sys.argv[1])" ${BRANCH}`
+ #
+ # Kernel tree -- clone Linus' tree and add ${TREE} as remote. This takes advantage
+ # of all the tags in Linus' tree for more useful git-describe output.
+ #
+ MIRROR=/srv/mirrors/linux.git
+ REFSPEC=+refs/heads/${BRANCH}:refs/remotes/origin/${BRANCH}
+ if [ -e ${TREE_NAME} ]; then
+ cd ${TREE_NAME} && \
+ timeout --preserve-status -k 10s 5m git fetch --tags linus && \
+ timeout --preserve-status -k 10s 5m git fetch --tags ${TREE} ${REFSPEC}
+ else
+ git clone -o linus --reference ${MIRROR} https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git ${TREE_NAME}
+ cd ${TREE_NAME} && \
+ git remote add origin ${TREE} && \
+ timeout --preserve-status -k 10s 5m git fetch origin
+ # (cd ${TREE_NAME}; git remote add origin ${TREE}; git fetch origin ${REFSPEC})
+ fi
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd ${TREE_NAME}
+ #rm -rf _install_
+ git clean -df
+ timeout --preserve-status -k 10s 5m git fetch origin ${REFSPEC}
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z ${COMMIT_ID} ]; then
+ git checkout -f origin/${BRANCH}
+ else
+ git checkout -f origin/${BRANCH}
+ git branch -D local/${BRANCH}
+ git checkout -b local/${BRANCH} -f ${COMMIT_ID}
+ fi
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Ensure abbrev SHA1s are 12 chars
+ git config --global core.abbrev 12
+ # Only use v3.x tags in arm-soc tree
+ unset describe_args
+ [ ${TREE_NAME} = "arm-soc" ] && describe_args="--match=v\*"
+ GIT_DESCRIBE=$(eval git describe $describe_args)
+ GIT_DESCRIBE=${GIT_DESCRIBE//\//_} # replace any '/' with '_'
+ echo GIT_DESCRIBE=${GIT_DESCRIBE} > env.properties
+ export GIT_DESCRIBE # so it overrides default done by build.py
+ #export CCACHE_DISABLE=true
+ # Convert defconfig of form "foo+bar" into "foo -c bar"
+ defconfig_translated=`echo ${defconfig} | sed 's/\+/ \-c /g'`
+ # Build kernel/modules and install (default: ./_install_ dir)
+ export LANG=C
+ export ARCH=${arch}
+ if [ $PUBLISH != true ]; then
+ buildv2.py -i -c ${defconfig_translated}
+ else
+ buildv2.py -i -p production -c ${defconfig_translated}
+ fi
+ RC=$?
+ # Remove the build output (important stuff in _install_ dir)
+ rm -rf build
+ echo "Kernel build result: ${RC}"
+ echo ${RC} > build.result
+ # Always return success here so pass/fail results can still be published
+ exit 0
+ - inject:
+ properties-file: ${TREE_NAME}/env.properties
+ - shell: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ #
+ # This script determines overall result of jenkins job
+ #
+ exit `cat ${TREE_NAME}/build.result`
+ BUILD_DIR=${TREE_NAME}/_install_/${GIT_DESCRIBE}/${arch}-${defconfig}
+ BUILD_META=${BUILD_DIR}/build.meta
+ grep build_result: ${BUILD_META} |grep -cq PASS
+ RC=$?
+ exit $RC
+ publishers:
+ - groovy-postbuild:
+ script: |
+ def build_number = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)['BUILD_NUMBER']
+ def tree_name = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)['TREE_NAME']
+ def branch = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)["BRANCH"]
+ def description = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)['GIT_DESCRIBE']
+ def arch = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)['ARCH_LIST']
+ def publish = manager.build.getEnvironment(manager.listener)['PUBLISH']
+ def resultsUrl="http://status.armcloud.us/build/${tree_name}/kernel/${description}/"
+ def jobDescription = "&nbsp;ARCH: ${arch}"
+ // FIXME: resultsURL is only valid when PUBLISH = "true"
+ jobDescription = jobDescription + ",&nbsp;<a href='${resultsUrl}'>Results db</a>"
+ manager.build.setDisplayName("#" + build_number + "-" + tree_name + '/' + branch + "-" + description)
+ manager.build.setDescription(jobDescription)
+ def cause = manager.build.getAction(hudson.model.CauseAction.class).getCauses()
+ def upstreamBuild = cause[0].upstreamBuild
+ def upstreamProject = cause[0].upstreamProject
+ def jobName = upstreamProject
+ def jobConfiguration = upstreamProject
+ // Multi-configuration project
+ if (upstreamProject.contains("/")) {
+ jobName = upstreamProject.split("/")[0]
+ jobConfiguration = upstreamProject.split("/")[1]
+ }
+ def jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem(jobName).getAllJobs()
+ for (job in jobs) {
+ if(job.name == jobConfiguration) {
+ job.getLastBuild().setDisplayName("#" + build_number + "-" + tree_name + '/' + branch + "-" + description)
+ job.getLastBuild().setDescription(jobDescription)
+ }
+ }