@echo off REM: Set up environment variables for Microsoft Platform SDK development REM: Note that we have hard coded this for Windows NT i386 development. SET MSTOOLS=%MSSDK% SET DXSDKROOT=%MSTOOLS% SET INETSDK=%MSTOOLS% SET BKOFFICE=%MSTOOLS% SET BASEMAKE=%BKOFFICE%\INCLUDE\BKOffice.Mak SET INCLUDE=.;INCLUDE;%SCITECH%\INCLUDE;%PRIVATE%\INCLUDE;%MSTOOLS%\INCLUDE;%C_INCLUDE% if .%1%==.borland goto borland SET LIB=%MSTOOLS%\LIB;%LIB% goto notborland :borland SET LIB=%MSTOOLS%\LIB\BORLAND;%LIB% :notborland SET PATH=%MSTOOLS%\Bin\;%MSTOOLS%\Bin\WinNT;%PATH% SET CPU=i386 echo Microsoft Platform SDK support enbabled.