/** * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 2010-2015. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include "UserSpaceSource.h" #include #include #include #include "Child.h" #include "DriverSource.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "SessionData.h" extern Child *child; UserSpaceSource::UserSpaceSource(sem_t *senderSem) : mBuffer(0, FRAME_BLOCK_COUNTER, gSessionData->mTotalBufferSize*1024*1024, senderSem) { } UserSpaceSource::~UserSpaceSource() { } bool UserSpaceSource::prepare() { return true; } void UserSpaceSource::run() { prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)&"gatord-counters", 0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(gSessionData->mUsDrivers); ++i) { gSessionData->mUsDrivers[i]->start(); } int64_t monotonicStarted = 0; while (monotonicStarted <= 0 && gSessionData->mSessionIsActive) { usleep(10); if (gSessionData->mPerf.isSetup()) { monotonicStarted = gSessionData->mMonotonicStarted; } else { if (DriverSource::readInt64Driver("/dev/gator/started", &monotonicStarted) == -1) { logg->logError("Error reading gator driver start time"); handleException(); } gSessionData->mMonotonicStarted = monotonicStarted; } } uint64_t nextTime = 0; while (gSessionData->mSessionIsActive) { const uint64_t currTime = getTime() - monotonicStarted; // Sample ten times a second ignoring gSessionData->mSampleRate nextTime += NS_PER_S/10;//gSessionData->mSampleRate; if (nextTime < currTime) { logg->logMessage("Too slow, currTime: %" PRIi64 " nextTime: %" PRIi64, currTime, nextTime); nextTime = currTime; } if (mBuffer.eventHeader(currTime)) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(gSessionData->mUsDrivers); ++i) { gSessionData->mUsDrivers[i]->read(&mBuffer); } // Only check after writing all counters so that time and corresponding counters appear in the same frame mBuffer.check(currTime); } if (gSessionData->mOneShot && gSessionData->mSessionIsActive && (mBuffer.bytesAvailable() <= 0)) { logg->logMessage("One shot (counters)"); child->endSession(); } usleep((nextTime - currTime)/NS_PER_US); } mBuffer.setDone(); } void UserSpaceSource::interrupt() { // Do nothing } bool UserSpaceSource::isDone() { return mBuffer.isDone(); } void UserSpaceSource::write(Sender *sender) { if (!mBuffer.isDone()) { mBuffer.write(sender); } }